What He Doesn't Know • book o...

By wwetheshield

98.5K 5.2K 1.5K

Warning: Strong Mature Content. "Two more please." I said to the bartender as I as I finished off my fourth... More

Crushes&Growing up
Accidents&Girl Talks
Ball Pits&SleepOvers
Sore Legs&Comfort
Sexy thoughts&Staying In
True Friends&Facing Facts
Kisses&Guilt trips
Kiss up&Rub up&Feel up
phones&hair grabbing
Caught&the act
Confession time&jealousy
surprises&ease dropping
good talks&diffrent feelings
Dreams&Phone Calls
New Friends&House Tours
Early Mornings&Sleepy Samoans
Love me&Leave me
Authors Note
Thou Shall Not (Sequellll)


1.5K 101 16
By wwetheshield

Roman's POV

She was wrong.

We didn't get done at 4:30, we were finished with every single paper by 4:15. I was.... Impressed was a understatement.

"And you see what I did here was copy the same information that I put on page 17." She explained as I reviewed her work, "Because it's the exact same thing, only worded differently. That's how they try to trick you into doing twice the work."

"Wow." I mumbled, "It's... This is really good.... Like really good."

"You're welcome." She said with a beaming smile.

"I never said thank you." I say back to her.

"You just did." She said back, "So ha ha."

"Shut up." I snap at her, then sigh, "Um... Thank you."

"Not a problem." She responded, "It's sorta my job to, y'know, assist. Don't put to much on yourself Ro."

"What did I tell you about calling me Ro?" I asked her.

She shrugged, "I forgot."

I rolled my eyes but stayed silent, deciding to let it go because the women practically just saved my ass.

Seconds later there was a knock at the door, after I answered, Jimmy entered the room with a smile.

"Hey Uce," Jimmy said to me before turning his attention to his wife and giving her a quick kiss, "Hey baby."

I turn my attention away from them because I honestly couldn't watch right now.

I didn't like Naomi. Not like that.... but I just... maybe I just didn't like her being with Jimmy? I really didn't know.

"Hey." She replied back to him with a smile, "What are you doing here?"

"I was looking for you." He said with a loving smile and I shifted slightly.

"What's up?" She asked him.

"Jey and I are getting ready to head over to Jersey to meet up with the Harts about some business." Jimmy explained.

"Do I need to come?" I asked him and he shook his head.

"I mean if you want you can," Jimmy explained, "But you don't have to."

"So you won't be home tonight?" Naomi asked him with a small frown.

"It depends on how long this meeting last." He explained, "I may be able to drive back if it's early enough, or I may not be back until tomorrow morning. I'm sorry babe."

"It's alright." She said to him with a smile, "Nikki should be there, maybe she can invite John over and we can watch some movies or something."

"That sounds like a good idea." Jimmy said to him then turned to me, "Did you get through with your paperwork?"

"Yeah." I say while stacking it up the papers, "Naomi helped me out a lot."

"Did she now?" Jimmy asked with a smile then kissed the top of her head, "That's my girl."

'Will you stop freaking kissing her?' I groaned inside myself. It was getting a little bit annoying.

"Shouldn't you be going?" I say to him, then clear my throat, "I mean I wouldn't want you and Jey to get into much of the traffic."

"Good idea." He said and gave Naomi another kiss which I mentally cursed at, "I'll see you later babe. Love you."

"Love you too." She called after him with a smile.

I tried to avoid looking at her, but I honestly couldn't. Hell, I had tried to not look at her since the very moment she walked into my office, but it's clear that didn't happen.

"So what else do you have to work on?" She asked me, "Anything you need help with?"

"Um.." I mutter and avoid looking at her, "No. There's nothing. You can go home if you like."

"Really?" She asks me in a tone that I didn't know if it was more of, 'I really don't want to' or 'Are you lying to me'.

"Yeah." I say to her, "You earned it. Enjoy your night."

"Um," she said, "Thank you."

I simply nodded as she stood up and walked towards the door.

I wanted to call for her to come back, but I didn't. I just let her go.

I sighed and ran buried my face in my hands, but seconds later, the sound of a phone vibrating caught my attention.

I glance up to see a phone was left on my desk.

'She left her phone...' I though to myself as I picked up the item. For a moment I thought she'd come back and get it, but after sitting there for a few minutes and her not returning... I just decided that I'd return it to her myself.

"Where does Jimmy live?" I muttered to myself as I stood up, "Should I change?"

I quickly take out my phone and dial my house phone number, it picked up seconds later.

"I was so not taking a nap." AJ said with a yawn.

I rolled my eyes, "Nice cover. Can you pick me out some clothes. Casual wear I suppose. And start me a bath, I'm coming home for a minute."

"Spending the night out or something?" She asked me, "Who's the girl... Wait... Roman-"

"Why must you always question me?" I interrupted her before she guessed my plans, "Can't you just do it?"

She gave a long dramatic sigh, "Yeah yeah yeah. But if I spit in your bathwater, just know you deserve it."

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