The Hidden Shadows of The Bla...

By VermisaVVV

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Crystal Vega is an unusual girl in the Snow Kingdom. Crystal always thought it was because her supposed fathe... More

The Hidden Shadows of The Black Rose
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 o3o
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 18

168 3 2
By VermisaVVV

Chapter 18

Daddy talks…

A silence grew in the room. I waited for Xemas to speak but he said nothing. I started tapping my fingers on the chair. Xemas looked at me and he raised an eyebrow.

“If you got something to say, then spit it out. I want to see Jasper before he leaves again.” I said to his face, he wasn’t pleased about my attitude. Xemas took a step forward & offered his hand.

“We need to talk. Come along Crystal.” Xemas ordered. I slapped his hand away.

“I’m sorry, but my name is Crystalis. Who were you referring to as Crystal?” I demanded. Xemas’s body froze, but he tilted his head down.

“Who told you?” He said not loud enough to be called a whisper.

“The air head known as Siric.” I breathed.  “So it is true? I…I don’t…I don’t understand everyone’s objectives. What is even going on? None of you are sane.”

“What is he planning?” Xemas mumbled to himself. Xemas looked up. His hair was in his face. He once again offered his hand. I stared at Xemas hand that he extended for at moment. I was looking at his left hand, his second finger starting from the left. There was a ring there. His wedding ring. I recognized it from a picture of his moms wedding day that I found in Xemas study a couple weeks ago. If he hated mom so much, why was he still wearing that ring?

“Father…why are you still wearing that ring even though you hate mother?” I spoke. My eyes were glued to the ring. Xemas took his hand back. He twirled the ring on his finger.

“I don’t hate my wife. I love her and I will no matter what. My feeling for her won’t change. That’s why I still wearing this ring. It’s a piece of me.” Xemas extended his hand for the last time. This time with a gentle yet commanding voice he said. “Come, let us go see Amelia.”


At moms open coffin is when Xemas spoke again.

“My parents were vampires too. Only they weren’t royal vampires. There are only two types of vampires. Theirs you and I, we are royal vampires. Then there are just plain old vampires, like my parents. Both of your mother and I’s parents knew what we were. They knew of the legends. You see, all ten of his were born with our symbol.” Xemas revealed that he was wearing a necklace with two white swords shaped like an X for a charm. “I was born with this one and your mother was born with a white rose one. You were born with your black rose necklace too. Your mother took yours off and erased what little memoires you had before she handed you off to those two.” Xemas stopped. He waited on me to put some pieces together.

“Go on.” I said. I was curling my mother’s long silver hair around my finger. Xemas put a hand on my shoulder.

“I met your mother when I was very young. I think I was around eight. When I first layed eyes on her. I thought she was the most precious thing in the world. She, on the other hand, was disgusted of me. I never understood why and I still don’t. Maybe when she awakens she will explain that to me. Either way, she still has some explaining to do. Throughout my childhood, I spent very much of my time with your mother. Later on I discovered that when she was born, our parents had an arrange marriage set in action the moment she became a full vampire. I have always been three years older than Amelia. On her twenty fourth birthday, she turned into a full vampire. Four days later we were married.” Xemas went and leaned against the coffin.

“When did you meet the other Roses and Knights besides mom?” I asked. I wanted to find out as much as I could to help me understand because I knew. I knew that whatever game their playing, I had to figure it out. They weren’t going to come right out and tell me.

“A few weeks after we were married, we were on our honeymoon. We were taking a walk through a forest when Siric’s parents, the red rose and red knight approached us. They showed us their symbols and told us we weren’t alone when it comes to being royal vampires. Our own symbols told us to trust them. They said if we wanted to meet the two other, we should go to Red Rose Knight Castle. They soon left and disappeared into the shadows, leaving your mother and I alone. We didn’t even know that this place existed, let alone did we know we know where to go and how to get there. So this idea popped into your mothers head. Out loud she went and asked her symbol how to get there. Sure enough her symbol lit up and pointed in the direction to go. We followed it for a couple hours by foot. Then we reached it. Once we arrived, we ran into the Red Rose and Red Knight again but they weren’t alone. Later on we learned that the other two were the Blue Rose and Blue Knight. Instead of referring to those four as such, your mother and I learned their names. The Red Rose, Demani. The Red Knight, Jack. The Blue Rose, Amorra. She was nicknamed Asana by Amelia. The Blue Knight, Tarrin.” Xemas took a breath. I’m glad he did. This was a lot to take in. Xemas didn’t like all the time this was taking, it was written all over his face.

“A couple of hours went by of just chatting about the topic of royal vampires. We found out that we have a castle of our own. Which is the one we are currently in. You and Siric have one too. So does Jasper and his wife. After our chat with them, we came and lived in this house for a couple decades. During which, your mother and I did not age one bit. Amorra and Tarrin came to visit a around that time. They asked us if we consider having kids. We told them no. they should us one of their legendary scrolls. It should that in the future, they would have two daughters. The oldest Ocarina, being an average vampire and the other being a Royal Vampire, the Pink Rose, Susie. They took out four more scrolls that had mine and your mother’s symbols on them. The other two, we would later find out that they are your brother and yours scrolls. Your mother and I opened our own scrolls and saw that we would have two kids. You, Crystal, and your brother Jasper. We also saw then that you two would be royal vampires. Amorra informed us that Demani and Jack would have a royal vampire son in the future. The two of us then the agreed with one another about arranged marriages between all six of us at the time, future royal vampire children.” Xemas sighed. “I want you to know of all this because you won’t be my little girl for very much longer. If I could, I would postpone the wedding for a couple of years but we arranged these weddings decades ago. I’ve only had you back for a couple of months. Also, I’m not a fan of your fiancée at all.” Xemas smiled, but not an evil nor objective full one, it was a regular smile. A smile I haven’t seen in a while from anyone.

“Finally someone agrees that Siric is a person you just can’t like.” I laughed.

“Hey now, I didn’t say that.” Xemas sighed and rubbed his forehead.

“Yeah, but I know you mean that.” I teased. Xemas rolled his eyes.

“Okay, let us get back to my boring story. This one is from the night your mother did her act. Around seventeen and a third years ago. Your mother was acting strange, she tended to avoid me. She also spent as little time as possible with your brother, Jasper. At supper time, your mother didn’t come to the dining room carrying you like she had been doing since you were born. Your brother and I waited a half an hour for you two but you never showed. I remember telling your brother that he could start eating and that I was going to go find you two. First place I checked was your nursery, Crystal. This is a different room than your current one.” Obviously, I thought it my head. “Your crib was empty, so I knew then that you were with your mother. I went to our room to find it empty. By then I was having a full blown anxiety attack. I ordered all the maids and butlers to search for Amelia and you inside this castle. I looked outside. When I went out the back, I found a pile of body’s. They were guards I had command search the outside. I spotted a trail of bloody footprints. Your mother has been careless all of her life and she most likely isn’t going to change from that habit.” Xemas started up at the ceiling. He was lost in memories of the past.

“Are you alright?” I asked, concerned about his grieving looking expression. Xemas didn’t answer.

“I followed the footprints for quite some time. Then I found a woman, only it wasn’t your mother. It was Elisa Vega, one of only two human close friends Amelia had. She was in a tree acting as a look out. When she spotted me, she whipped out a walky-talky. I knew then that your mother had not been kidnapped or hurt. She had run away, with you. I got infuriated. I killed Elisa after getting some information from her. I went as quickly as possible to the Snow Kingdom. By the time I got there, I found your mother using a sacrificial spell, it a time span spell to keep vampires out of cities. Only this wasn’t a regular spell, a normal spell performed by humans can keep out normal vampires but not royal vampires.  This spell was performed by a royal vampire to keep all vampires out. Your mothers spell didn’t last that long because she barely had the strength to cast it. Royal vampires cannot dies so the spell didn’t last for a hundred years like one preformed by human. I was furious. I could see you in the arms of that man on the outside of the barrier. He was watching my pain and Amelia’s sacrifice. I few moments after I arrived there, Amelia’s spell was completed. Her body fell to the ground, which I didn’t catch. I just stood there, in anger, watching my wife become a friend of death. At the time, I thought a vampire could die if they took their own life but I was wrong. There is no natural death for royal vampires. No one can lay a hand on us except for each other but you could behead us and we still are our same selves. For every one of your birthdays since that day, I went to that same spot, staring off into the barrier, longing to see my daughter again.” Xemas trailed off. He turned and hugged me.

“Um, that was a long story.” I said, trying to lighten the mood. It didn’t help much.

“I can’t figure out why she actually did that. I’ve only made assumptions to this point. Why’d she take you and run? Why’d she leave Jasper behind? Why’d she leave the home she belongs in with her loving husband and dear first born son? Why is why all I can think about!?” Xemas kneeled beside Amelia’s coffin. “Crystal, leave. If I lose it I might hurt you.”

Xemas didn’t have to tell me twice. I ran out of there. Xemas’s story had my head spinning. I needed to speak to Jasper and fast. I ran all up the stairs, dodging butlers and maids in the process. I ran to fast and slipped on the carpet and landed on my butt in front of the door that leads to my brother’s room. Jasper opened the door and stared down at me. Apparently he heard the large thump I made when I fell.

“Why did you fall and why are you still on the ground?” Jasper asked. He held out a hand. I took it and he helped me up.

“I was running to your room and the carpet tripped me.” I said. I thought I was totally stupid for saying that and I did a mental face palm.

“So what so important that you would hurt yourself?” Jasper asked. He was gesturing me to enter his room. I went inside and sat on his bed.

“I need to ask you something.” I said. Jasper sniffed the air and opened his eyes at me.

“Great, you cut yourself too.” He mumbled and he went around me and into his bathroom.

“I did not.” I looked down at my leg, I turned it I could see the back of my leg. My eyes opened wide. I did cut the back of my ankle when I fell. Jasper came back with cleaning medical stuff and a tape bandage to rap around. “Okay, I give. How could I not smell my own blood?” Jasper smirked and kneeled down.

“Vampires in general can’t smell their own blood. It’s a fighting instinct in us.” He said while cleaning my cut which didn’t hurt.

“That makes no sense, Jasper.” I said, while shaking my head.

“It actually does, you just don’t get it but I don’t blame you. Let’s say if you’re in a fight for your life and you get distracted by the smell of your own blood and you know you’re injured. You could get killed by your opponent by looking away for just a moment to check out your injuries.” Jasper explained. He then went and started rapping the bandage tap around the lower part of my ankle where my cut is.

“That gives me another perceptive about vampires, you know.” I frowned.

“You can have your little perspective of things but it won’t make much of a difference. Your definite personality is the reason why you will never win the game.” Jasper smirked.

“Are you calling me predictable?” I demanded of Jasper.

“And if I am? What are you going to do? Slap me as you did Siric.” Jasper hissed through his teeth.

“You are such a grudge holder. Even worse than me. Now that’s an insulted to be angry about.” I said. Jasper started laughing.

“You do realize that you’re insulting yourself at the same time too. So it’s actually a win-win insult for both sides.” Jasper tried to change the subject from what I have to ask.

“Quit dodging the real subject here.” I shook my head. “Mother told you why she left you behind didn’t she? She told you what would scar you for the rest of your life.”

Jasper started up again. He was trying to get off the topic that brings him pain.

“Jasper, it’s not working. I’m not going to leave until you tell me the truth. Trust me; I’ll know if you’re lying.

“I’m sure how you know about that topic but I’m not going to tell-”

“Jasper!” I shouted. “Spit it out already.” He thought for a moment. He’s deciding his next move but I’m prepared for whatever he has to throw.

“Fine. I’ll tell but you have to keep your mouth shut, baby sister, or its war. Got it?” Jasper’s face turned serious. I nodded my head and made the “cross my heart” symbol.

“Mother came to my room before I went down stairs for supper. She told me that she’s leaving and that she was taking you with her. I said to her to bring me too but she said no. She said she that you would be in too much danger if I tagged along. She wanted you to live a happy, human life. I didn’t understand at first but now I understand. She wanted the life of a human for you because it’s what she always wanted. She wanted you to run around in the daylight. She wanted you to have dependable friends. She wanted you to be relieved of the pressure that comes with being one of our kin. I remember her saying it was too late for me. I had already been exposed and was use to this life. I wouldn’t have been able to make it like you because this is my home. It’s yours too but mother didn’t want it to be.” Jasper was sobbing by the end. His voice trailed off. 

“Jasper.” I said, trying to comfort him but he pushed me away.

“She told me after she finished explain that I must not tell father where she was going with you. I did as she said and father never suspected me of helping. I watched mother that night kill all of those guards. I was fascinated by the pleasure mom had while doing so. It something that I always wanted to feel. I lost the people I loved throughout my life. I lost mother. I lost you once, baby sister, and I lost the love of my eternal life, Ocarina. I will never allow the thought of losing someone ever again to enter my thoughts.” Jasper clenched his hands into fists.

“Jasper, why’d you really come back? I thought you were supposed to be with Susie at all times?” I asked. Jasper was still stressing out.

“I don’t have to be with her at all times, just most. It’s just traditional stuff but since you and I are from this generation. We don’t really want to follow all those old dude rules now do we?” Jasper grinned.

I answered. “No we don’t, but Jasper! You’re still avoiding my question!” He looked me in the eyes.

“I can’t leave my baby sister alone here with a devil or an old man that longs for his beloved can I?” He smiled gently. I threw my arms around him and whispered.

“No, you cannot. I’ll be in the coffin next if you let that happen.” I winked and pulled away.

“Looks like it’s your turn next, baby sister.” Jasper started laughing. I just stared at him with confusion.

“I’m not the Susie, so explain what you’re thinking.” I teased; he growled under his breath but went on to explain.

“Easy, baby sister, you’re next to be the nervous one at the stage with the ‘I think I’m going to puke’ face.” He roared in laughter. I slapped him on the back of his head. I got up and went to the door,

“Hey! I didn’t mean it meanly just teasingly you don’t have to leave, baby sister.” Jasper said with a sad face.

“It’s not that. I’m just tired. I’m going to bed. See you tomorrow Jasper!” I said and walked at the door. I heard a silent “Good night” from Jasper and closed his door.


I know its been forever since i've updated this story, please dont hate me, i have enough people who hate me already (sad but true, they dont understand my rebelness)

Here's two chapters to make up for it, I hope ur happy...

Vermisa out ~war sign~

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