Living Souls // Luh Family

By fruitloopluh

34.4K 978 233

Spinoff of Boss's Daughter series following the story of Lily, Andrew and Manny Manny has a struggle keeping... More

1. Family
2. New and Fresh
3. Repeat
4. No Sir
Fave Writers
6.Plan B
Zodiac Signs
Wallpaper Tag
7. Sleep
8. Swim
9. Dirty Business
10. Tell Me
11. Food
13. Forever
14. Gun Down
15. Old but New
16. Next to You
17. Ultra Sound
18. Cry Baby
19. Notice
20. Lovers
Stassie and Sammy & Madison and Jack
21. Gifts
22. Kicks
One word
24. Premature
25. Epilogue
Happy Birthday Shawn

23. Baby Shower

700 30 2
By fruitloopluh


A Month Later*

"Lil are you ready were late for our own baby shower" Emily comes barging into my room as I finish my makeup

"Yea, but were not late we are just fashionably early" I wink at her and she chuckles

I slip on my white pointed heels and walk down the stairs. As I walk down my babies start to kick.

"Calm down little ones" I say to them while rubbing my tummy

"God finally sis, let's go we are late" Andrew says tossing his keys up and down

"Yea yea" I roll my eyes and walk to my car while Emily and Andrew walk to his car


We get to the place the baby shower is taking place and it's so cute. 

People I know and don't know start coming up to both Emily and I congratulating us and some mothers telling us how motherhood will be like. In all honesty I am really excited to have children with a guy I potentially will marry in the future.


As the shower going my mom announced that she forgot the baby games at the house, so I offered to go get them.

"I'm coming with you"Jackson says and I shake my head no

"I'm fine babe I can manage to drive 15 minutes alone in the car" I give him a kiss and head to my car.

I reach my house and grab the slightly heavy box, but I still managed to carry it to my car. I get in my car and I start to crave candy, so I stop at 7/11 for a quick second.

I grab the peach rings and watermelon rings and walk up to the register where a familiar cashier is.

"Well isn't it future Mrs.Alfero" he teases

"Shut up Scott" I say 

"Hey i'm just stating the facts" He scans the candy

"So how are you and Italy girl" I try hard not to gag mentioning her name

"You mean Courtney, and she's uh fine I guess" He says in a boring tone

"Oh" I say

"Well anyways how is your pregnancy going" he changes the subject

"They are constantly kicking I can't wait for them to finally come out" We both chuckle

"Here are your things" he hands me the candy and I realize I haven't paid yet

"I haven't pa" I get cut off by him

"It's on me" he says and I thank him then walk back to my car.

I drive onto the street to the first stop light and wait, The red light turns green and as I go I see a red substance and everything starts going black


What is taking Lily so long, she's been gone for an hour now. As I get my phone out to call her the t.v gets turned on and I see a car that looks like Lily's on it's side and very beat up.

"Everyone please quiet down" I yell and everyone quiets down

"As we are on the scene I have been informed that pregnant 17 year old Lillian Luh has been in a very tragic car crash and has been taken to Reginald Hospital"  The news lady says

After she says that I quickly rush to my car and drive straight to the hospital running through every red light possible.

As I get out my car I am surprised that none of the cops pulled me over but I need to focus on Lily, I run into the building.

"Where is Lillian luh?" I ask the nurse

"Let me see... it looks like she is in surgery still but you are more than welcome to wait over there" she says and I sit down in the chair

"Why her, why couldn't I have been the one to get in the accident" I start to cry and pull on my hair

"Yo Jackson" I look up and see Scott

"What are you doing here?" I ask him confused

"I seen the crash, so I rushed over here" He said as I pull him into a hug

"I don't know what I will do without her, or my unborn sons" I sob into his 7/11 shirt

"It's gonna be alright man just think positive" he says

I sit back down thinking what the possibilities will be like.

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