The Wildside of Mister Perfect

By tiredlilqueergirl

8.2K 229 25

Riley and Lucas are finally together, the sherpa made sure of that! Maya figures out she doesn't like Lucas i... More

We've Always Been Able To Talk
I Know What To Do
That's Kind Of Our Thing Now, Huh?
I Saw What Happened Under The Bleachers
Hitting Heads Against Lockers and Sliding Down To The Floors
You're Still Here. And You're Making Pancakes...
Which Three?
I Know How I Feel Huckleberry
As In Present Tense
I Know You're Not Sick
That is The Stupidest Thing I Have Ever Heard
What's Your Moment in History?
Don't Play Dumb
I'm Going To Kill Callie
You're the One
Did I Say That Out Loud?
New York is Different, It's...
It Was Practically Perfect Until... *DING*
Pretend It Never Happened
Friar? What Did You Do?
What Happens Now? Everything...
He's In Love with Her
How Much Blue Can One Guy Possibly Own?
It Wasn't A Mistake To Me.
Spit It Out
Even If He Does Like me, He's In Love With You
It's Different Now Maya
Just Turn Around
Maybe Zay Had A Point
We Were Drunk
You and Me Peaches
Take On The World
Author's Note

What Are You Doing Here?

552 17 3
By tiredlilqueergirl

Lucas and Zay were staring at each other trying to come up with something to say.

"Lucas, who's Callie?" Riley repeated. 

"Umm, She's... Ummm." Lucas fumbled over his words like a football player does the ball while Riley kept looking at him waiting for him to answer what seemed like a simple question. 

"It's complicated..." Zay responded and dragged Lucas into the nearest empty classroom. Zay closed the door behind them.

"Allie-Cay? Seriously?" Lucas asked angrily. 

"Well you were blaming Maya, and we both know that spray painting walls is something Callie would do..." Zay replied.

"Last time I checked, Callie's back in Texas! Are you sure it was Callie you saw?" Lucas asked with a smidgen of worry in his voice.

"He's sure..." A girl responded.

"Callie right?" Lucas asked, "If I turn around Callie's going to be standing right there..." Lucas turned around.

"I'm actually sitting but close enough... Hi boys!" 

Lucas and Zay were staring at each other trying to come up with something to say.

"You two haven't changed a bit, well except for you Friar; not so little anymore are you." Callie said flirtatiously. 

"Callie... How've you been? You look good..." Zay said with a nervous smile.

"Just ask already!" Callie said while rolling her eyes.

"Did you do vandalize the hallway?!" Lucas shouted. 

"You want the truth?" Callie asked as she walked towards Lucas. 

"I wouldn't ask if I didn't want the truth." Lucas said. 

Callie walked closer and closer until they were within kissing distance. "No... I didn't do it." She whispered.

"Lucas, remember, you have a girlfriend." Zay said trying to remind him.

"Oh you do?" Callie said while backing up. 

"Yes he does." Maya said. Callie turned around and there they all were; Maya, Riley, and Farkle. 

"Oh wait, I've got this!" Callie walked towards them. "Blonde Beauty." Callie pointed at Maya. "Pretty Brunette." She pointed at Riley. "And -- I'm sorry I don't know who you are." 

"Farkle." Farkle said.

"What did you call me?!" Callie sounded offended.

"That's his name Callie!" Lucas said.

"Oh you poor thing..." Callie looked at Farkle while placing her hand on his shoulder.

"So you're Callie!" Maya said.

Callie smiled and took her hand off of Farkle, "Yup that's me, you must Lucas' girlfriend."

Riley and Maya looked at each other. "Actually, I am..." Riley said correcting Callie.

"Oh, sorry." Callie said.

"Doesn't matter... Back to you two!" Maya said looking and pointing and Lucas and Zay. "Care to explain what's going on Huckleberry..."

Callie started to laugh "Huckleberry?! That's awesome! I'm going to have to start calling you Huckleberry, Friar!"

"Please don't..." Lucas said while trying to avoid eye contact.

"Oh Friar, maybe you didn't change after all, still avoiding to make eye contact with me. It's like 4th grade all over again." Callie chuckled.

"What are you doing here Cal?" Zay asked.

"Dad took off again... Mom and I came up here to live with Aunt Avery." Callie responded.

"Wow! I'm sorry Cal!" Lucas said with a look of sadness for her.

"I'm fine, I'm always fine! It's not a big deal Huckleberry – yeah, no it's not natural. I'm gonna stick with Friar." Callie reassured Lucas.

"How can you say that? You're not angry at your dad? You're not angry at all?" Maya interjected.

Callie turned around. Maya took in a quick breath, "I'm sorry, it's not my place." 

"No, it's fine. It's not the first time he's taken off. First time he left I was 3, then he came back when I was 5. Then he left again when I was 9 and came back a week after my 10th birthday and he left for the third time a month ago. He set a new record though; 5 years this time." Callie said reassuring Maya. 

"That's awful! What happens if he comes back!?" Riley asked.

"He'll see a ranch in Texas with strangers in it. My mom couldn't take it anymore so we left. He can't come back and leave again." Callie said

"Callie, I'm sorry!" Lucas said while placing his hand on her shoulder.

"Friar, I'm fine! You know me. If someone hurts me once, I don't go back to them." Callie moved Lucas' hand of her shoulder.

"Not to awkwardly change the subject but how exactly does he know you?" Riley asked.

"Umm, We- Umm." Lucas fumbled his word continuously.

Callie chuckled, "Trust me, you don't want to know."

Zay interjected, "Yeah, she's right!"

"No! I want to know." Riley shouted

"Okay, uhh, Lucas and I were best friends back in Texas, and eventually best friends turned into something else in, what? 4th Grade?" Callie replied while asking Lucas as he looked down at his shoes. "Anyway long story short: we dated until a week after he told me he was moving to New York."

Maya crinkled her nose with a fake smile, "And how long was that?"

"Okay, our first date was March of 4th grade, I think -" 

Lucas interrupted Callie, "Actually it was April." Riley looked at him with disbelief as she scolded. 

"Umm, then we were together through 5th and 6th grade. He got kicked out of school in the beginning of June in 6th grade and we broke up the summer before 7th grade because he told me he was moving." Callie said with an awkward smile as she noticed Riley with an angry look on her face. "It's not a big deal. It was a grade school relationship, I'm completely over it! And he has you now!"

"I've never heard of a grade school relationship that lasts 3 years!" Maya said.

"Woah, just realized we're all skipping class right now! That's not a good thing! So I will see you all at lunch!" Lucas ran out of the room. 

"I'm just going to follow him." Zay said awkwardly. 

"No, you stay here." Maya said with a slight hint of anger in her tone.

"Maya, what's happening?" Riley asked with a sad and confused look on her face.

"I'm not sure... But I'm going to figure it out! It'll be fine..." Maya ran out after Lucas.

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