Solangelo One-Shots

By TCbooker

2.3K 51 23

Just a bunch of Solangelo fluff that I came up with. Some sadness too. (Sorry about the feels, jk no I'm not)... More

Wake Up Call
Quick Bit #1

Midnight Shopping

735 14 6
By TCbooker

"Will!" Nico shouted as he was being dragged out of his comfy bed by a certain blond haired boy. Clinging for dear life, the son of Hades wrapped his fingers tightly around the best post, refusing to let go. 

"You need sunlight!" Will argued. "It's healthy for your skin and body!"

"It's 11:30! The sun is sleeping which means I should be sleeping."

"People don't sleep with their eyes open." 

Sighing in defeat, Nico let go of the bed post. "What could you possibly want at this time?"

"We're going shopping!"

"No," he deadpanned.

"But Death Booooooy," Will put on his best sad puppy face. Nico didn't budge. "Please! You need something other than black in your wardrobe."

"I still have the Hawaiian shirt from the giant war," Nico pointed out. 

"That thing is torn beyond recognition! Besides, its not like you wear it in the first place." 

There was a few seconds of stern silence, Will trying his best to glare at Nico without smiling. Once more, Nico sighed in defeat, agreeing to Will's ridiculous plan.  

Two hours later.......

"We're lost," Nico said.

"No, no we're not." Will stared at the map in his hands. Grabbing it out of his grasp,  Nico turned it right side up and handed it back to Will. A look of recognition made its way onto the blond's face. "Okay, maybe we are, but it's nothing I can't fix!" Putting the car in reverse, Will sped backward, causing the dark teen to hit his head on the head rest.


"Oops," Will giggled, earning him a glare from a still tired Nico.

For the next half an hour, the two rode in silence. Every so often Will would look over to check if Nico was still awake, poking his face whenever his eyes closed.

"FOUND IT!" Will shouted.

"Too loud," Nico mumbled. He rubbed his eyes and yawned slowly while Will eagerly got out of the car. He rushed over to the passenger side and flung open the door. Before he knew it Nico was once more being dragged along by the son of Apollo. This time he didn't even bother trying to fight it.

"Cue Star Wars music," Will announced. He extended his arms out the side in a motion as if he were magically opening the doors with the force. Letting loose a childish squeal, Will skipped into the Super Target, Nico still trudging behind him. (Idk if Target is open 24/7 but for this just assume it is)

As was common sense for anyone who ever entered a Target, Will immediately made his way over to the one dollar section. Nico, who's brain was finally starting to function correctly, went to grab a cart. The son of Hades let out a small sigh as he approached his smiley boyfriend who had practically a thousand little trinkets stacked up in his arms.

"What are you even going to use those for?" Nico asked.

"Something," Will dumped his stash into the cart. "Now, off to the clothes!" Unexpectedly, Will picked Nico up bridal style and plopped him down in the cart, making sure not to crush any of his toys.

"Solace! What th-"

"No one's here! Except that clerk." Will waved to the nearby middle aged lady, earning a goofy smile in return.

With that done, Will hopped onto the back of the cart and started speeding down the aisles. In the cart, Nico clung to the sides so tightly his knuckles turned white. His eyes were glued shut as well until he felt himself come to an abrupt stop. One eye opened slowly, only to be met with the view of an upsidedown Will. Soft, warm lips met his own in a short kiss, not giving Nico enough time to react.

"Relax," Will smiled. Nico only nodded, letting his hands fall to his sides.

Once more, the zoomed down the aisles past the frozen foods, pastas and creepy looking barbie dolls. Nico stuck out his tongue at the plastic painted faces like a five year old. Those things had always managed to somehow freak him out.

Eventually, the couple make it to the men's clothes section. Half the stuff hanging off of the racks looked too big for Nico in his scrawny state, but Will didn't seem to care. He thought baggy clothes looked adorable on the tiny son of death.

Will helped his boyfriend get out of the cart, lifting him up like he was holding a small puppy. Unfortunately, Nico's feet didn't quite make it over the edge, causing the cart to crash onto the floor. Will let out a small yelp at the noise and jumped on to Nico's shoulders who had stood their with a neutral expression throughout it all.

"You two ok?" they heard from across the store.

Will took in a deep breathe, signalling for Nico to cover his ears. "Fine! Just a little traumatized by a kart!"

"Ok!" A pause. "Only kisses!"

"Can't promise anything!"

"Can we just try some stuff on already?!" Nico interrupted.

Will climbed down from his perch and gave him a small smack on the head. "It's not polite to interrupt people's conversation!"

Nico opens his mouth to argue, but is cut off by Will's high pitched squeal. He pushes past Nico, rushing towards a single bright pink shirt sticking out against all the nice dress pants. He plucked it off the rack, turning so Nico could see the smiling Pinkie-Pie on the front.

"Like Hell!"

"But Pinkie-Pie's the best!" Will repeatedly stomped his feet.

"Not true! Rarity's better than all of them combine."

Will dropped the shirt, not believing what he had just heard. Slowly, he got a smug look on his face,  putting one hand on his hip.

"Honestly? I thought you'd be more of a Twilight person."

"No way! She's so overrated! Rarity's cutie mark is so much better!"

Will doubled over laughing, falling next to the crumpled shirt.

"This is no joking matter! How is Rarity not the best?!"

Will continued to laugh and roll around on the floor. Nico got irritated and stalked over to his hysteric boyfriend,  glaring down at him. The blond failed to notice until Nico finally kicked his arm, making sure it would leave a bruise come morning.

"Fine fine!" Will chuckled, wiping away tears as he stood up. "Pinkie-Pie is pink and happy. I like pink and happy."

"That's it?"

"Yup," Will popped the 'p'. "I never really put much thought into it.

"But Rarity has such a-" Nico cut him. "You know, this really isn't worth it. What other shirts are there?"

For the rest of the night the couple shopped, Nico eventually getting over the whole My Little Pony incident. They ended up purchasing multiple articles of clothing for Nico. Yet, by far, the favorite one he took back to camp was a grey shirt with huge yellow sun on the back.

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