Mogeko:The Gray Garden (FANF...

By Determination-san

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In a world where demons and angels hate each other to death, nothing good can come out of it. Ethiw, who has... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter eight

Chapter seven

217 9 1
By Determination-san

Grora's pov
"Wow, you look really cute in that maid outfit!!!" A girl with the same maid outfit compliments.

I can't barely move in this, how on earth is this possible? I should try check Ethiw's class to see their class room when I'm on a break.

I waited to see a customer need to take an order as I come around to see an angel with grey scarf and messy blond hair stands, waiting for service. I rush towards him as I let him get seated.

"Sir, what would you like to start off of with a drink?"

"A cup of coffee please....and you look really cute in that maid outfit."

I blush as I rush towards the "so call kitchen" where there are a table fill with coffee machine, cakes and cookies, and also a sink.

"Yo Secretary, we need a cup of coffee here-"

I look to see if he is around but he isn't. Dang it, he must've been getting the ingredients. I took a cup as I make coffee by myself.

Stupid Wodahs isn't around here, might as well make my own coffee whether it is disgusting or not.

"Grora, what are you doing in the kitchen?" An angel with the same maid outfit asked.

"That secretary isn't around so I'm making my own coffee!"

"Wait, but the coffee Wodahs makes is really good. He adds little ingredients to make it taste better!"

Not this again, people saying how good he is. He is only an angel, nothing more nothing less. He is always the supreme and I really hate that about him. There's always perfection every time people talk about him, it annoys me a lot. So what if he can do this, that doesn't mean I can't do it.

"I can make my own will be better than his coffee!!!"

"This is Wodahs we are talking about-"


The cup drops as coffee splashes all over me and the cup is smashed into pieces. The maid backs away with horrified eyes as she pretends nothing happens. I try picking up the pieces but suddenly a cut was created on my right thumb. I cover my my face with my hands.

"Dang it, I let my anger take over me again...why did I have to mess things up..." I continue picking up the pieces even if the thumb is bleeding and my arm is scalded from the coffee. One of the piece got my left hand as I finished picking up all the cup pieces and throwing them away.

"I just wanted people to know....that I can also do things...."

I try cleaning up the coffee stain but I couldn't without soap or anything else besides water. I then realized I have to remake the coffee quick before the customer would lose patience.

"Ok, I'm back and......"

I see the secretary enters the kitchen with supplies as he sees me with my arm scalded and my hand bleeding with shock.

"What happened this time..?" He rushes towards me as he kneels down with concern.

"......I was being too clumsy and trip!!!" I try laughing but I know from his eyes that the laugh was fake.

"Grora, go to the nurse's office, I'll take care of this mess."

"Wait, I have to take order from-"

"Hurry up to the nurse's office so you can come back to work..." He stares at the coffee stain as he went to the sink to grab a towel.

I really hate that he is right, it was his fault that he made me into a complete mess, but he is right, I should go to the nurse's office. I obey his words as I walk out of the room.

Rigatona's pov

I repeatedly tap on the backstage floor as I wait for them to finish tying my ginger, long hair. Being Cinderella was a huge drag especially since I am the star of the whole play. I hear the sound of footsteps as I see my best friend, Ciel.

"Rigatona, you look so good in that dress!"

"Thanks, I hope you will enjoy the play, we work really hard on it!"

"I bet I will enjoy it!" Her smile was the main thing that supports me, but I look closer at her smile, it looks different. The smile I would usual see was more real, happiness and colors fill in the image. This time however, I can clearly see an illusion....a fake smile.

"Ciel, are you okay...?"

"What are you talking about, of course I am okay. I'm going to watch you play the main role and I'm the evil mother!"

I know it isn't about the roles that she is making that face. She wouldn't care what role she gets in Cinderella, but it must be something else that bothers her. Unless, is it about the demon that Ciel meets up with?

"You shouldn't disturb them, it's rude to...."

The words that the angel said to me when I was watching Ciel and the demon flashback. I shook my head as I take a deep breath. That stupid angel is totally wrong, I got to do what is right. A demon and angel can't be near each other, the demons are the evil in this world. Even so, her fake disturbs me.

"Well if you're not feeling alright, you always have me to talk to."

"Rigatona, your hair is done, good luck on playing as Cinderella." The girl who tied my hair said as she smiles.

"Wow Rigatona! You look great even though you are in the peasant clothes for Cinderella for now!" Ciel's eyes stare through my eyes as her fake smile still appears.

I blame on the demon, it's all his fault that Ciel is like this. If they have never met, she would've been smiling right now.

"Um Ciel, I'm going to get some water to drink be right back."

"The play is about to start though!"

"Don't worry, I'm going to be back quick."

I rush outside the theatre room as I walk in the hallway until I find a vending machine. My hand snatch two quarters from my pocket as I pluck them in the machine. I wait till I get water.

"Her smile wasn't even real right?"

I turn to my right to see the same angel that warned me.

"What are you talking about, she looks as refresh as ever." I hear a plop out of the machine as I grab the bottle.

"You don't need to lie, it's alright. I already seen her fact I was one of her classmate."

I think this guy is a creep but at the same time, he looks like a type of person I can mess around with. In fact, I really want to tease with this angel right now, but Ciel is more important  so I shouldn't be messing with this dude.

"So what if her smile changed, at least her safety is good. She won't be harm by anyone.....and what is your name?"

"Maybe actually meet the demons in person to see if they're bad or the wall, my name is sherbet."

"Haven't you been paying attention in class...the demons are vicious and evil! They hurt our fellow angels! What exactly do you have a point in this?!"

"Actually, we also hurt other demons."

"Won't you say it's because of revenge?"

"Do you really know how this disagreement started?"

I froze as I look at Sherbet, stunned with his words. Since when did demons and angels fight and why is the reason? Maybe, he is just trying to confuse my mind.

"I recommend fixing your problem.....I also having the same problem."

Wait, this guy is in a similar situation as me?

"You don't know what's going on with my life, don't assume you know what I am facing with!"

"If that's the case, then you might be right. Just warning you again....and you should also drink that water and hurry before the play starts."

Oh crap, I almost forgot about the play. I dash pass the Angel with my water bottle as I try to locate the theatre room. After I found my destination, I push the door hard as I enter the room. I'm just hoping that angel was on drugs instead of using his knowledge.
Etihw's pov

Wow. I am pretty amazed at how the dress I am wearing fits me perfectly, the costume of a vampire covers my whole entire body. I lean against the wall outside my classroom, as I watch the other students pass by. Yes, I am on my break time and I'm just watching students instead of checking out other classrooms. I plan on waiting till Kcalb's work shift is over but my patience is starting to wear off. So, here I am, watching other students and trying to be as patient as ever.
Usually the students that would pass by the classroom would compliment my outfit. But this one particular student with an eye patch looks at me.
     "Hey, isn't it Wodahs? So, what are you doing out here?"

      He gives his usual stare in response. He doesn't look as calm and casual as he usually does. In fact, he kind of look......sad.

   " there something wrong?"

   His expression change as his grey eyes stare through mine.
"Nothing is wrong except the fact that your idiotic, immature friend got her arm scalded and her hand bleeding." His head slowly tilts down. "Such an idiotic girl...."

"Wait, don't you mean Grora? Where is she, is she alright??!!!"

"She's in the nurse's office a while ago...she should be heading back to her classroom...."

"Okay I'm going to the nurse's office, thanks for telling Wodahs! Bye!"

"Etihw wait!

My feet glides on the floor as I try to find the nurse's office. I pass through numerical amount of students, trying to find that one room to check on my best friend.

Nothing can stop me from worrying over my best friend. She was the one who protected the little me....and I want to thank her for that. Thank her for everything she has done for me. But ever since I met Kcalb...I felt like I was attaching myself to him a lot. For some odd reason, I stayed by Kcalb's side. But this moment, her injury is mostly important.

I finally find the nurse's office as I manage to open the door, seeing Grora's arm wrap in bandages.

"Grora, are you alright?!"

A lady with a nurse's hat with a red plus sign and a white coat is sitting on a chair, next to Grora, who is sitting on the bed.

"She was very tired when I saw her come in here so I let her take a nap, she should be good right now!"

"Okay, thank you ma'am."

I turn to see Grora, her head tilting down and her eyes dazing on the floor. The maid...doesn't seem to be smiling. She didn't say a single word...but only look at the ground like it's a television.

"Grora...did something happened?"

She didn't reply.

"Grora, please tell what is going on...I'm here for you."

Not a word, only the same face.

"It's best if I'm not in this I don't disturb you too." The nurse excused herself as she exit the room.

"....Grora....the nurse isn't here, please tell me what's going on?"

I don't even think I catch a second blink from this girl.


"....Etihw, listen to me. I know this is shocking coming out of me but I need to tell you something..."

"What is it?!"

"Don't ever talk to Kcalb again."

Author's note:

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