Back For You ~ One Direction

By TheOfficeAddict05

1.9K 73 1

Catherine has a difficult time with relationships; none have worked out because the guys were either dared to... More

Back For You ~ One Direction
~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 3~
~Chapter 4~
~Chapter 5~
~Chapter 6~
~Chapter 7~
~Chapter 8~
~Chapter 9~
~Chapter 11~
~Chapter 12~
~Chapter 13~
~Chapter 14~
~Chapter 15~
~Chapter 16~
~Chapter 17~
~Chapter 18~
~Chapter 19~
~Chapter 20~
~Chapter 21~
~Chapter 22~
~Chapter 23~
~Chapter 24~
~Chapter 25~
~Chapter 26~
~Chapter 27~
~Chapter 28~
~Chapter 29~
.~Chapter 30~
~Chapter 31~
~Chapter 32~
~Chapter 33~
~Chapter 34~
~Chapter 35~
~Chapter 36~
~Chapter 37~
~Chapter 38~
~Chapter 39~
~ Chapter 40 ~
~ Chapter 41 ~
The Final Chapter

~Chapter 10~

61 1 0
By TheOfficeAddict05

*Alison's Dream.*

I got out of bed, realizing I wasn't at home. I started freaking out, but noticed Zayn laying in the bed next to where I had been laying; in his hotel room. He rolled over, moaning, and opened his eyes. "Is everything alright my my love?" He asks. 

"Perfect." I say, and crawl back in bed next to him. He squeezes my hand, pulling me close to him. Brushing my hair from my face, I feel his breath, on me. Leaning in closer, our lips almost touch....



Our lips crash together, fire works explode, butterflies go crazy inside of me. Its the best feeling Ive ever felt in my life. 

I love him.

"What are you doin??"

*Alison POV*

"What are you doing, Alison?!" 

I open my eyes slowly, and look around. I am no longer in Zayn's room, but Im in Eleanor's, with her and Becca, and realize I was kissing on a pillow. 

"What?" I say, looking at the burgundy square.pillow in my hands. 

"Does the pillow kiss well??" They teased. I looked at the clock, it has been three hours since ee came to bed, it was teo a.m. 

"I... I was dreaming." 

"No shoot." El laughs. 

Three hours since Perrie broke Zayn's heart. He kicked us out of his room telling us he was tired, and wanted to go to bed. So us girls came in here, Becca and I sleeping here tonight, I dont know if the boys have gone to sleep yet. 

"So, Zayn never said what happened?" I ask. "Why'd  Perrie leave?"

"Alison.. Perrie cheated on him." Eleanor told me. I froze. Heart broken for him. I cant believe this. What kind of sick twisted person would do that to him?

"Now he can join our group." Becca said.

"Your whaa," El and I asked together.

"Our group. Alayna, Cat, and I have all been cheated on numerous times. Me most recently, however; it didnt hurt so bad because I had Liam to soften the blow, and tell me I deserved better." Becca said. I flopped back down onto my make-shift bed on the floor. 

"I feel so terrible. Im here thinking I know what love is, when I havent even had a boyfriend before." I admit. "I mean, Eleanor, you and Louis are obviously madly in love with eachother. Same with Cat and Harry, Al and Niall, and Becca and Liam. While Zayn has his heart smashed to smitherines, and Im just laying here feeling bad for him."

"You've never had boyfriend??" They both questioned. "You're what, eightteen?"

"Seventeen. Im an orphan, my parents died when I was young, I've been in several different cities, towns, countries.around here. I never had time to settle in and make friends before I was shipped off to another foster home. You guys are the first real friends Ive had since Kimberly Smith in third grade, when I moved to Doncaster, and had to leave my whole life behind."

"What about your family? Any relatives?" El asked.

"No. Well yes. My mom's dad was in a nursing home, her mother died three years prior, and I never met my dad's parents."

"Aunts or uncles?" Becca asked.

"Yes. My dad was an only child, but my mom had two sisters. Something happened between them, I dont know what, but they both ganged up in her... she lost touch with them. I only met them when I was a baby." 

"Thats terrible." 

"No. I used to think so too, but if things were different then I wouldnt have met Zayn.." 

"I like to believe that if your meant to be with someone, you'd end up finding your way to them no matter what." El said.

"You believe in fate?" I ask. 

"Heck yes!" El said.

"You like him, dont you?" Becca asks. "Zayn?"

"Oh my gosh. I may as well stop denying it, because its apparently obvious." 


*Becca POV*

"Alison, if you have feelings for him, you gotta tell him." I informed Alsion. 

"Its not as simple as that Bec. Did you tell Liam how felt?"

"Well.. No. He kind of told me."

"Have you ever had to tell a boy you liked him?"

"They uh.. kind of always came to me..." I say quietly. 

"So its easy for you too say. Me, I've never had a boyfriend before, so I dont even know if this feeling I have is accurate." 

"Okay, so your right, I dont exactly know. But I _do_ know that if you wait too long, you'll lose your chance." 

She sighed, put a pillow over her head. 

"You know what he told me? After Perrie walked away, he told me that he didn't know what love is anymore. Alison, you have to be the one to remind him. Make him happy." Eleanor told her. 

"Can it wait 'til morning?" She whined. 

"Well, Im going to go complain about the abnoxious noise across the hall!" I yelled, and then banged on Louis's door. 

Liam opened it. "We're trying to sleep." I tell him. He didnt seem to hear over the loud, loud, music playing in their room. Usually Louis and Harry share a room, and Liam, Niall and Zayn share. But I guess theyre all camping out together in Lou's room.

"Repeat that?!"


"Oh! Sorry!" He said, he walked into the room, and turned down the music, leaving the door open if I wanted to come in. I dont really feel like joining their shirtless, sweatshorts, party. Though they have great bodies, and I am very attracted to them, Im going to be a total brat-hole tomorrow if I dont get some sleep. Leaning on the doorframe, I see that Zayn has laid on the floor, sprawled out, looking very depressed. I have to say _something!_ 

"Zayn, get up." I say, he moans, not opening his eyes. "You know how many times I was cheated on? Five." I say, he moans again. "Listen, I know its hard, trust me, Ive been in this position. It feels like the world is ending, and hope for you find another again, but take Liam and I for example. Or even Niall and Alayna or Cat and Harry. All of us girls were cheated on, it brought us closer, but if we had completely given up, then I wouldnt be with Liam, Al wouldnt be eth Nialler, and Cat wouldnt be with Harry. Just let it go. It is what it is, theres a reason for everything whether its clear to us, clear to other people, or invisible to everyone." He sat up, leaning on his elbows, staring at me. I dropped from my knees to sit indian-style. "I was super close with my grandfather. He'd be at our house almost everyday, all day long, whether we watched tv or played a game, it was the only thing I ever wanted to do. He was my best friend. He helped me get through all my breakups, failing a test at school, or even loosing a softball game. But then he was diagnosed with lung cancer. He was getting better, he had had a couple surgeries, he was doing great, he off his kemo.. but then the cancer spread to his heart and there wasnt anything the doctors could to prevent it. I was there with him every step of the way with my mom and grandma. Then 18 months ago he passed away." I tell him, Liam and Louis just standing by listening as well. "I think I took it even harder than my grandma. Even now I miss him like crazy. I wish Liam could have met him. But now I also know that he isnt suffering on anymore. I know he's in a better place. Though I needed him on Earth, God needed another angel in Heaven." 

I didnt even realize I was crying until Zayn wiped my tears away. "Really what I mean is, God has a plan for all of us, when we've figured it out yet or not. Obviously you and Perrie werent meant to be. But that doesnt mean there isnt someone else out there for you." 

"Thank you so much, Becca." He said, and pulled me into a big hug. 

"Ow." I squeek. 


*Cat POV* 

"Haaaareehhh!!" I said in a loud british accent, yelling to Harry out in my room. Im in the bathroom. I got out of the shower and realized I forgot my bra. "HARRRRRRRRRRRRY!!!!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. I know he's in the room. "HHAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRYYYYY!!!!" 

"Whaaat??" He said through the door. "Im watchin' a movieee!" 

"Baby. I need my bra." I say.

"You'll have to come out here and get it!" He tells me.

"Excuse me??"

"One minute dear." He replied. 

"Thats what I thought!" I said.

I get dressed, in my jean shorts, and my zebra print cami, thats a little too short. I walk out of the bathroom unfilding my black shirt. 

"Ya see babe, alot of guys would say "hey, thats shirts low, thank gosh." But I say, thats shirt low, and I'd say "Put on an undershirt!'" 



"Shut up."

"You got it." He says.

"So, I know I told you we could do dinner just two of us tonight because my dad, Darla and Damsel wont be here, and Niall and Al are going out too, but I have to run a quick, errand and then we cook up something okay? I have some really good memories stored in the other 3/4 of my brain." 

"How about I come with you?" He offers, as I pull on my black shirt; it has a low v-neck, with a white ribbon, and bow, below the chest of it, its really cute. 

"Nah, you dont have too, Im just getting boring stuff." 

"Awe." He says in a sarcastic voice. "Is it yo wittle time of da month?" 

I glare athim, and them smack him in the gut with my purse. "Shut up. And no."

"Then what "boring" stuff do you need to buy?" He asks using airquotes with his fingers. 

"Nah, you dnt have to come."

"But I wanna." He begged.

"I dont know why you do after I said, Im buying boring stuff." 


"Oh my gosh shut the heck up man!!" I yell at him. "Fine, you can come!"


At Wal-Mart, I got a cart, and then rode on it to the back of the store with Harry follwing behind me; laughing. I had on black-ankle boots, with little black bows on them. 

"Babe slow down. Which department are we going to?" He asked me.


"But I thought you-"

"Yeah. I said; B-O-R-I-N-G! _Boring!_" 


"I didnt lie." I tell him, just walking now so he can catch up. I got a twelve pack of toilet paper rolls, pads, tampons, and tissues." 

"But I thought you said-"

"Harry! I dont! Being prepared never hurts. Plus we're almost out of toilet paper and tissues. I still have a stuffy/runny nose nose from our cold-slash-jungleworms-chickenpox." 

"I still have some itchy spots, and a little tummy ache." Harry whined to me. I kiss his nose. "I hope my baby feels better soon." 

"Okay. Where to?"

"Uh," I say, "CD's. I want Taylor Swift's new album, 'Red.'" He gives me this look like I'm crazy or something. "She has good music." 

"About me." He complains.

"Its not all about you. Besides the fact its still really good." 


"I know ya dated, and then she texted her old bf she mised him, but accidently sent it too you. If she didnt, would we have gotten together? I dont know. We'll never know. I like her musci, so be a man and get over it!" I tell him. He frowns at me. "Oh you know I love you." 

He gives another funny look. I roll my eyes and continue walking. "LOOK! I'm on a magezine!" He shoutes, and runs downs the magezine/book iysle. 

"Yes, yes, j-14 and others have your faces plastered all over them. Lets go."  I say and tug on his arm. 

"Harreh! Harry! Harold! Hazza! Har-Bear! Harry!" I say in all different voices and accents. He laughs at me, I get the cd, and then we get in line. I buy a chocolate bar for the two of us. I pay for everything, including the last.minute icecream Harry added. 

We take the bags, and go out to the car. I open the trunk, and throw( everything in. Harry gets in the drivers seat, and starts the car. 

"So what do you want for dinner?" I ask him. 

"How about a big bowl of Give-Me-A-Kiss?" He suggests. I give him a big kiss, and then he pulls out of the parkinglot.

"We could make spaghetti." I suggest. 

"Have you ever been to Italy?"

"Does it look like I've been to Italy, Harold?"

"Uh.. no?" He replies.

"So not spaghetti then?"

"How about rice." 

"Rice? Gross. Too plain." 

"BRAINBLAST!" he shouts.

"Who are you, Jimmy Nuetron?" I tease.

"Yes! And I just thought maybe we can make tacos!"

"Tac-O's! Eve the milk tastes like tacos." I say, quoting the Adventurous Adventures of One Direction.

"Haha, what??"

"Never mind. Tacos it is." 

Sitting on the counter, now in my froggy slippers, Harry puts his hands on my thighs, and leans in close and kisses me. "Your so worth everything." He whispers.

"What?" I giggle.

"Neever think your not good enough for me. Because, I'm the one who doesnt deserve such a beautiful, smart, sexy, cunning,.and funny girl like you."

"Where'd that come from?"

"I would have told you before, but my mouth was taped shut."

"What on Earth are talking about, Harold?"

"Remember, when we were in our room, and you were telling me all those secrets, but you taped my mouth shut?"



"The Doctor said you wouldnt remember anything!!"

"I remember very clearly, you and I laying, me going a bit crazy but you not caring at all, just snuggling up to me, falling asleep as I ran my fingers through your hair like this-" he demonsteated my running his fingers though my mow dry hair. I closed my eyes leaning my head back against the cabinets. He kissed my lips, his so soft and tender, tasting so good. Then I could, rather than his cologne the meat in the pan burning, setting off the fire alarm. I quickly jumped down off the xounter and turned down the flame, as Harry waved a piece of paper at the alarm to ahut it up. Then we both started laughing hysterically. "Harry."


"I love you." 

"I love you too." 


I slammed my laptop closed seeing all the things girls are saying about me on Twitter. To terrible to repeat. I try to ignore it, but when its everywhere online, it gets really hard.

But that isnt what I have to worry about today. Dad is off work, and its time to put plan "Go Home" in action. Dad and I have been getting along well, but I just dont have a life in New York anymore. In fact, my whole world is in Cheshire. Harry left two days ago, the morning after we made tacos, and ate oreo cookie ice cream out of the carton together watching Harry Potter marathon all night. So, I mean it when I say my _world_ is in Cheshire, because thats where Harry is. 

I feel utterly lonely. Esepcially when Damsel is next door blasting her music every night until 3a.m. 

I lay in bed for three house, listening my iPod shuffling through my 560 songs, and just staring at the pictures of the three of us at the wedding, I framed them all and put them on my night stand. 

"You gonna mope forever?" Alayna asks me plopping on the bed next to me, barely not landing on my curled up legs. 

"You could have left too Al. You didnt have to stay with me. I know you miss Niall too.

"I saw him. He's only been gone two days.."

"So you dont miss him?"

"I do. I just hide my problema better than you." 

"I've got to get out of this place, Alayna. Im gonna die." I say.

"Why dont you call him?" Ahe suggests. 

"If he dest Harry, I'll be holding my own pitty party in the basement while eating popcorn and watching the new episode of teen wolf."

"Ohh! Its premeiring today! I forgot! Rexord it for me.". I shout at Al as she alone downing in my sorrows.

I picked up my phone and called Harry.

"Hey, you've Harry! Leave a message, and I may or may not get back to you. If your my beautiful girlfriend calling, I'll call you as soon as I can, love you babe. LEAVE A MESSAGE! BYE-"  he was talking really, really fast to get the whole voicemail in. 

"Hey, it's me. I just um, miss you.. No rush to call me back. I'll talk to you-"

"Hello." He answered. Thank God. 

"Harry." I breathed. 

"Catherine." He said. "Are you home? Can we skype?"

"Please." I say, and then regret sounding so desperate. He chuckles, and I open my laptop again. Almost imediately, Harry skype-calls. I answer. 

"AHH! LACEY!" I shout. "My baby!" Harry pretends to be offended. "My other baby." I correct myself.

"I miss you so much." Harry says in a high voice moving Lacey's paws along with it to pretend she's talking. 

"She's grown so big." I say. "Its only been a few weeks!" 

"I miss you as well." Harry said sincerely in his perfect, deep, raspy, britsh accented voice. "So much."

"You too."

"I can tell, you sounded desperate to talk to me. Niall is on the phone with Alayna right now. I think he's eating your mom's left over lasagna." 

"WHAT! Di you get any?? Did she save any for me?!?!" 

"Calm down crazy smexaayy girlieee!" He told me. "She had us all over for dinner last night. By everyone, I mean _everyone._ I think she misses you and is going through withdrawals. But she had me, Lou, El, Liam, Zayn, Allison, Niall, Becca and Hailey over. I think ahe's getting bored of having so much time to spend with Andrew."

"I can see that. He's a dork." 

"And also in the room." Andrew said appearing on my screan waving at me holding Lucky. 


"Well! Thanks for saying hello to your _brother!_ I feel loved.." Andrew pouted.

"Oh go cry to your girlfriend!" I teased. "You know I miss you all." 


"Hey dad," I say, and lean against the kitchen. "So I was thinking, since its almost mom's birthday-" 

"You want to go home early because you miss your friends." He said. "Dont lie. I see right through you." 

"I'm sorry, its just, this the first real relationship I've had when Im not worried he'll cheat on me. When I can hear him say he loves me and know he 100% means it." 

"I understand. That's why I baught your ticket already." 

"OH MY GOSH!" I yell, and throw my arms around him. I kiss his cheek. "Thank you soo mucchhh!!! I love you!" 


*Allison POV*

I walked up to the hotel, and spun in the doors about three times before actually going inside. The bellhop and doorman looked at me like I was insane. I didnt care. I got in the elevator, and went up to the fifth floor. I walked down the hall, and stopped in front of Zayn's door. I sighed. I raised my fist to knock when a door opened behind me, Harry's and Louis's room (not right behind me, a little to my left). 

"Heyy!" Harry sang, putting his phone into his pocket. I got a glimpse of the screen and it read "2.38" looks like he was on the phone for two and a half hours, hmm, I _wonder_ who he was talking too, Cat possibley? Ha. 

"Hey." I reply. "What's up?"

"Nothin." He says. "Cat gets to come back." 

"Awesome!" I say. "Ia uh, is Zayn here?" 

He chuckles giving me an "I know you liiikkee him" face, like the one your best friend would give you when she sees you looking at your crush. 

"Stop it, is he here or not?" I pout. He laughs again, and opens his door back up. 


"Thnks." I say, and walk into Harry's room. 

"Allison!" Zayn exclaims and stands up from the couch to greet me, he was watching commecials with Niall, and Louis. Louis was on his bed playing on his phone though. "I was just thinking about you." 

"You were?" I ask, unbelieving.

"Yeah, a Hunger Games comercial came on, and he started go on and on and on and-" Niall said but Zayn slapped him across the face, playfully, unintending to hurt him of course. 

"Let's go to my room, eh? I need to talk to you."

"Um, okay." I say. 

"OOOH! Are ya sure gonna just talk Zayn??" Louis teased, making my face flush as red as a ripe tomato. 

Zayn ignored his comment, and I followed him down the hall to him room. He used his roomkey to unlock the door. 

He clowed the door after I walked in, and patted a spot next to him on the couch. 

"What do we need to talk about?" I wonder, hopeful, and worried at the same time. 

"I feel.." he mumbles, "I feel like I'm leading you on." Yeah, worried was the right thing to be.

"What?" I question. 

"I know you like me Allie." He said. He's never called me that before, I really like the sound of it. My dad used to call me Allie. 

I felt a lump in my throat all of the sudden. I dont want to cry! I shouldnt have too. Zayn has said nothing I wasnt already half expectinf him too say. I saw this coming, I just hoped he would like me too.

"Allie." He repeated, noticing how my face went blank. 

"Sorry. I was just.... my dad used to call me Allie.."

"Oh. Im sorry I didnt-"

"Its okay. I like it when you do." Crap. Not a good thing to say when a guy is breaking up with you when you never even together. 

"Olay, _Allie,_ I know you like me-"

"Why?" I ask. "Why do you think you know that?" Im getting defensive. That always comes before I burst in tears. 

"Allison, I know you like. Im not trying to see concieted but I can tell when a girl likes me."

"Maybe your not as good at thought." I say turning away, crossing my arms over my chest. 

"Please Allison. Dont be mad at me." He begs. "Im just not ready for a relationship again yet."

"Your the one who brought it up!" I yell at him, then run from the room. 

*Harry POV*

We heard a door slam three minutes after Zayn and Allison left. "That doesnt sound good." We all agreed. We all three raced to the door, and looked out in time to Allison running toward the elevator. "ALLISON!" we yell after her. Then we see Zaynstanding at the other end of the hall outside his room watching her go. 

"What the hell you do man?" Louis asks him. Then Niall goes to talk to him as Lou and I chase after Allie.

I stick my hand in the elvator as the doors about to close concealing a crying Allison. The doors reopen, and Lou and I jump inside. She turns away from us wiping her eyes. 

"Allison.." I say, and hug her. She cries into my chest, Lou rubs her back, trying to help comfort her. "What happened?" 

"Well, Zayn he said he needed to talk to me. Then he said he didnt want to lead me on anymore, and then I asked him what makes him think I like him that, and he basically said it was obvious. And it was too soon after Perrie to get involved in another relationship.." She cried. "Its just... he's all I have. I can be myself around him without being judged. I.. I think I love him. But it just hurts so bad!" 

The doors opened to the lobby. Eleanor and Becca were wating for an elevator then they saw us. "Oh my gosh!" El exclaimed. "What happened??"

"Zayn uh.." Louis stammered.

"I'll destroy him!" Becca yelled. "Nobody hurts my girl!"


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