Dog Lover# (Black Butler Plut...

By Kpop_Nerd9798

14.9K 391 112

Rose hunt is a snow leopard demon he brother is Sebastian Michel's the crow demon with his brat of a master c... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24

chapter 9

711 19 7
By Kpop_Nerd9798

Rose pov

Pluto growls and hugs me tightly bringing his face into my neck saying "my mate"

I sigh and pet his hair saying "I'm yours Pluto"

He smirks against my neck and says out loud "when are they going to be here and are the other dragon slayers coming"

Mephisto smiles and says "yes they all are along with rin and yukio

I nod and l look at Sebastian seeing him staring at me making me look away ashamed

Pluto notices that and kisses my neck,cheek and forehead lightly

Sebastian clears his throat and says " if you excuse me I would like to talk to my sister alone"

My ears flatten and my tail goes under my legs

Everyone nods and leaves but Pluto was the last one

I keep my head down not looking at him thinking I'm going to get punished

I feel a hand on my shoulder making me jump and flitch sitting on the ground and covering my face with my hands while tears go down my face

"Please don't hurt me..." I say quietly shaking a little

I feel his hand on my head making more tears go down my face as I look at him

And see his face has a sad expression before he says quietly "I'm not like those people I won't hurt you ever"

I hold out my arms in front of Me with tears still going down my face

He grabs me and I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around Hus waist while he rubs my back

I continue to silently cry into His neck till all my tears stop

He sets me down on the ground as I rub my eyes

He grabs my face with both if his hand saying "I'm not mad I just wished you told me and I'm never going to hurt you got it"

I nod and he snaps and everyone comes inside oh Elizabeth is stop here

I see a blur of white and silver before I'm pulled into a strong grip one hand holding the back of my head and the other my lower back

"Are you OK mate I smell tears" he says and looks at me making me nod as he kisses away my tears then kisses my forehead

Ismile lightly and hug back and hear whining "ciel why don't u hug me like he does with the Gothic thing!!"

My hand clenches in Pluto hair before I let go and keep them At my side about to go slap her but I'm pulled back and I see its Pluto he shakes his head and whispers in my ear

"Kitten don't we can just make her jealous of what we do that she and ciel doesn't do"

I smirk and kiss his cheek saying "smart"

I look at Mephisto and say "when are they going to be here"

He cheeks His watch and says " the dragons slayers are going to be here right"

The doors kick open and I hear "now where is rose!!!"

I sigh and let go of Pluto petting Hus head before walking to natsu and saying "right here don't destroy anything"

He smiles and runs and hugs me along with Wendy

I smile and hug back saying "how are you guys?"

They smile and natsu says "me and gray are engaged while Wendy is dating Romeo"

She blushes and I smile saying "my otp is finally a canon now where is iron nipples"

"Right here shrimp" I hear my Friend say and I see gajeel making me smile

"Do I get to hug you?" He nods and opens his arms and I hug him along with lilly

We break apart and say "now where is my little friend frosh"

I feel a tug at my pants and I see frosh there saying "right here rose" he raises his hand making me fangirl he is so cute

I grab him and hug him tightly with Jim hugging back before I put him down and see laxus saying "hello old friend" I smile and he smirks saying

"Bring it kid" I smile again and hug him before we break apart and I see Eric hugging him till I see rogue

I go to rogue and hug him saying "hello food its great seeing you" he nods and says the same thing but I let go and go to the next person but stop saying "sting.."

"Hello rose long time no see" he says and I turn around and see lector,Carla and Hally before I say

"Am I not Worthy for your hugs" they laugh and hug me making me hug back but once we let go I'm in someone's arms instantly knowing who it is making me laugh

"To many guys hugged mate I don't like it" Pluto says digging His face in my neck making me smile and pet his head

"Did you finally get a mate squirt I'm proud of you" gajeel says and comes to me and pats my head making me growl at him and zap him electricity making him yelp out making everyone laugh

"Hey rose what is he he doesn't smell human" Eric says and I nod saying "his name is Pluto and he is a hell hound"

But in the back I hear someone stutter saying "you got a mate?.."

I look at sting and say "yes I did sting"

Pluto growls lightly and hugs me tightly making me chuckle but I feel a presence behind me and I see Sebastian saying "welcome to the phantomhive manor I'm Sebastian Michaels roses elder brother and butler of the manor" he bows and I sigh shaking my head always so fancy

I feel a tug on my shirt and I look and see Pluto there saying "kitten am I allowed to hurt sting"

My eyes widen along with everyone else's but I just burst out laughing clutching my stomach trying to calm my laughter but when I do I'm soon kissed before I know what happened the person pulled away

I blush and see Pluto smirking before running on all four away making me sigh and lay on my back

"You did a good job at keeping him confined today Sebastian he just snuck into my room unnoticed" I say and look at Sebastian seeing him look away but I think for a minute

"Who else came here while I was in heat" I say but gajeel says "you were in heat today"

I nod and say "this one was supposed to keep Pluto confined but Pluto broke out and got into my room"

He smirks and sys "so you guys did the deed"

I blush and shake my head saying "we didn't do that!!!"

But I hear across the room" I pleasured and satisfied my mate for your information " everyone looks at me seeing my face as red as a tomato before I yell "PLUTO GET BACK HERE!!!"

I run after him with everyone either sweat dropping for laughing

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