Trying To Love Again (A Diggy...

By diggys__bae_

164K 4.8K 411

Yn (Your Name) & Diggy both have major trust issues. Dealing with school & their personal lives have really t... More

Where All The Problems Began
Just My Luck
The New Boy
You Have No Idea What I've Been Through
Are You Sure He's Cheating?
What Am I Going To Do?
Pissed Heartbroken & Devastated
Just Leave Me Alone!
You Guys....
I Haven't Told You The Whole Truth...
Not Again
Fight Night
Officially More Trouble...
Okay Let's Make A Deal
The Plan (Short Chapter)
Okay Now It's War
The Meeting
Will Things Ever Get Better?
It's Not Over Just Yet
Sequel, Anyone?
Sequel Time!!!

The Truth Comes Out

5.2K 189 24
By diggys__bae_

Yn's POV

*The Next Morning*

I woke up before Minnie & Taylor. I yawned and stretched out my body. I looked down at my stomach and smiled. I began rubbing it, which brought an even bigger smile to my face.

"Daddy's going to find out about you today", I said. talking to my belly. I'm so excited about having a baby. I just can't believe it! It seems so unreal. I'm thankful for my second opportunity to be a mother.

I tiptoed out of the room, being careful not to wake Tay & Min up. I began walking downstairs and noticed the T.V. was on. As I came down further, I saw Mr James, Taylor's dad, sitting on at the kitchen table. He turned in my direction.

"Yn? Why are you up so early? Something on your mind?" he asked.

I shook my head. "Um, no. I just couldn't sleep, that's all."

He gestured for me to come sit at the table for me. I came and sat directly across from him. He turned down the T.V. and focused all of his attention on me

"Excited about the new baby?" he asked.

I nodded. "Yes, I really am. I just.... I just don't want to be judged because of my age. I know you and Mrs. James were taken back by the news, even though you guys didn't show it. I don't want other people to think the same way. I want to be treated the same way I was before I found out I was pregnant. I don't want to be labeled at the sixteen year old that's pregnant, or that slut that got pregnant when she was sixteen." I lowered my head.

"Yn, it's a coincidence that you said all of this. I remember having the exact same talk with Taylor's mom when she was pregnant with Taylor. Yes, of course, we were shocked to find out that you were pregnant, but we know about your story, Yn. Now that you're here, you're officially apart of this family. And, in this house, we don't give up on family. I know it's hard for you since you don't have a father figure in your life. So, I'll step up to the plate and be the father that you never had. And, as your 'father', I'm going to try to help you out the best way I can. Same with my wife. She's going to be the mother figure that you deserved to have in the first place."

I nodded, tears streaming down my face. I never thought I would have a family. Now that I have one, it feels really great. It makes me even happier.

"Thank you, Mr. James."

"You're a good kid, Yn. I know for myself that having a baby to take care of at a young age isn't easy. This is why we are here to help you."

"I really appreciate it. I'm really thankful that you didn't kick me out after hearing the news. God knows what my mom would've done" I said, shaking my head.

"It's no issue, Yn. Really, don't even think about it."

I hesitated for a moment before asking my next question. "Mr. James, do you think Daniel will be happy to know that we are bringing a baby into the world? I mean, what if he isn't ready, or doesn't want a baby? Then what should I do?" I asked him.

"Well, I think if he really likes and cares about you, he will be happy. If he really does see a future with you, he will be happy. If he wants to really be with you, he will be happy. If he doesn't want the baby, it just wasn't meant to be." He shrugged his shoulders.

"But, what if he blames me for all of this?" I asked. I'm not sure what to expect since Daniel had been acting like a huge jerk lately. I understand it's because he's been drinking lately, but still.

"Yn, it takes two to make a child. Not one, two. If he thinks it's your fault, than he's completely wrong. It wasn't only you in the situation, it was him as well."

I nodded my head. "Thanks. Thanks a lot. You were really helpful. Thanks again, Mr. James." I said as I got up from the kitchen table.

As I walked toward the stairs again, I heard him call my name. "Yn" he said.

I turned back into his direction. "Yes?" I answered.

"It's not Mr. James. Call me dad." He started smiling.

I returned the smile. "Thanks, dad." And with that, I went back upstairs. By the time I got back upstairs, Taylor & Minnie were up talking.

"Good morning, guys" I said as I sat down on the bed. We had all slept in Taylor's room. Taylor let me use the bed since I was pregnant while she and Minnie slept on the floor.

"Good morning, mommy-to-be" they greeted me with huge smiles. I smiled back. Something about them saying that brightened my day even more.

"How'd you guys sleep?" I asked them.

"Pretty good, I guess. Except Minnie did nothing but snored last night!" Taylor said, playfully hitting Minnie's shoulder.

Minnie gasped. "I do not snore!" She started laughing.

I giggled. "Oh my goodness! Yes you do!" I said, throwing a pillow at her. We all started laughing. I don't know what I would do without them. I love them so much. 😊

Diggy's POV

I woke up. It's Monday... Kill me now 😒. I got out of bed and did my hygiene routine. I've been thinking about what happened between me and Zonnique and I've been feeling guiltier than ever. I can't believe this! Why would I do something like this? I love Yn too much!

After I was done getting dressed, I grabbed my book bag and headed toward the door. The first thing I'm going to do before I see Yn is apologize and tell her how much I love her. I never want to hurt her ever again. Hopefully, she doesn't find out about what happened between Zonnique and I.

Yn's POV

I was the last to get dressed. Minnie had on a black shirt, striped black and blue leggings, black flats and a blue headband with her hair in a ponytail. Taylor had on a yellow shirt, white jeggings, white and yellow flats, and her hair in a high bun. I put on a purple top, black leggings, and purple and black flats. We all grabbed our bags and purses and headed out the door. I made sure to grab the pregnancy test to show Daniel when I told him the news.

I decided to drive. We all hopped in the car and headed to school. We all laughed and talked the whole ride to school. Our conversations continued when until we got to the school.

Everyone was pointing and whispering and some were even laughing at me.

That's strange. What's going on, here?, I thought to myself.

I didn't get my answer until I actually walked through the doors of the school. Millions of pictures were on the walls. All of them were of Daniel and Zonnique. One of her in his arms, kissing. Another of him inviting her in. Another of him closing the door and another of him closing the curtains with her all hugged up behind him.

I looked around. The pictures were literally printed EVERYWHERE. I felt my cheeks getting red of embarrassment and my eyes burning with tears. I tried my hardest to keep from crying.

"What is wrong with you?!" I turned to see Minnie yelling at Daniel.

"Are you out of your mind! How could you do this to Yn?!" Taylor yelled at him.

Diggy's POV

I can't believe this! Now I know what Zonnique was talking about when she said a picture is worth a thousand words. Now Minnie and Taylor are over here yelling at me.

Corahn stood next to me. "Minnie, baby, just calm down."

"Yeah, Taylor, just chill" Nate said.

I didn't speak up until they had calmed down. "Taylor, Minnie, this was all a mistake! I promise! Where's Yn? I have to talk to her now!" I said.

Suddenly, I saw Yn storm over to me. There was already a crowd gathering around all of us. She had one of the pictures in her hand. It just so happened to be the one of Zonnique in my arms and me kissing her. Great. Just my luck.

"Are you serious, Daniel?! Really?! After I've been faithful to you, this is what you do to me?!" she asked. Tears were pouring out of her eyes. I feel terrible. I never thought I would ever be the reason of her crying.

"Yn, I'm so sorry. I can explain this, just give me a-"

"You can explain this?!" she cut me off. "How can you possibly explain this shit?! How can you possibly change this horrible situation into a good one?" she said, balling up the picture and throwing it in my face.

I just shook my head. "Yn, please. Just, don't give up on me. Don't give up on us. I can't make this situation seem better because that's impossible. Please, just forgive me." I said getting on my hands and knees and holding her hand.

She shook her head and slowly took her hand out of my mine. "Tell me, Daniel. Would you really forgive me if you were in my situation? If you feel the way I feel right now? The hurt? The pain? The stupidity? The embarrassment? Would you really forgive me?" she cried even harder.

I lowered my head and slowly got back up to me feet. She was right. I was really stupid and I wasn't thinking. I'm never getting drunk again. I remained silent.

"Exactly" she said after I didn't say anything.

"Yn, I love you" I told her.

Her tears continued to fall. "I will always love you, Daniel." She then went into her purse and pulled out a pregnancy test. She handed it to me. My eyes grew big as I read the positive sign on it.

"Congratulations" she said to me.

I looked at her in shock. "Yn-"

She didn't even listen to what I had to say. She just ran off. Minnie and Taylor gave me death glares before following up behind her.

So, this is what it feels like when your life is ruined. When the person you love most walks out on you and may never come back. And the worst part about it is, it's all your fault. You have no one to blame but yourself. That's what hurts the most.

"Bro, you okay?" I heard Corahn ask me.

I turned to him. "I loved her. And now it's my fault that she's gone. I made one stupid mistake all because I was drunk! I'm so fucking stupid!" I said, punching the locker as hard as I could.

The crowd was quiet. They all took one good look at me before walking off.

"I have a baby on the way, bro! And I can't even have my whole family together! That shit fucking hurts!" I said.

"Dude, I'm not trying to make matters worse, but you have no one to blame but yourself. Yn was a faithful ass girl. And you cheated on her. It doesn't matter if you were drunk or not, it's still your fault" Nate said.

I was angry by how true his words were. I put the test in my locker and stormed off. I was suddenly stopped by Zonnique and her crew. There was a huge crowd around here, too.

"Hey bae" Zonnique said to me.

"Zonnique, I'm not your 'bae'! I never have been and I never will be! You ruined my relationship with Yn. I loved her more than life itself! And you fucked it up for me! I don't even want to look at you right now." I said walking off.

She grabbed my arm. I could tell my words had hurt her. "But, Daniel, I thought-"

"No! You weren't thinking, and if you were, it was only about yourself! I don't give a fuck about what you have to say Zonnique! I really don't. Yn is pregnant with my child, and now she wants nothing to do with me because of your little scheme." I said to her. I tried to walk away but she pulled my arm again.

She started crying. "Daniel, you don't mean that! I know you don't!"

I snatched my arm away from her, causing her to flinch. "Let me repeat myself. I don't like you, I never have liked and I never will like you. I don't want anything to do with you. I just want for you to leave me alone! I don't want you to talk to me, touch me, look at me, or even think about me! So just leave me the fuck alone. You're a pathetic, conniving bitch! Fuck off!" I yelled before walking away from her.

Zonnique's POV

Are you serious?! He doesn't want me. At all. I feel stupid. The crowd was laughing at me. I couldn't do anything but stand there with a pitiful look on my face and cry.

"Nique, I am so sorry" Bahja said hugging me.

Bre just stood there rolling her eyes. What's that all about? "And what's wrong with you?" I said to her.

"Zonnique! You're so selfish. You just broke up a perfectly fine relationship who could have started a family together and now you're over here crying because Daniel told you the truth! I can't believe I was even thinking about doing the same thing you did" Bre said shaking her head.

I was about to say something when Principal J walked up to us. I'm guessing she had just got here and had seen the pictures. "You three, in my office, NOW"she said to us.

We all followed her to her office. She made sure we took every single picture down in the hallway, but she made us save one of each picture that was taken. She then notified our first few classes and told them to mark us present for attendance and then called our parents and we all waited for them to get here. Once they got there, they sat down in the same order that we had been sat in the last two times we had a meeting.

"What's this about now?" Ms Womack, Bre's mom, asked.

"Yes, what has the girls gotten themselves into now?" my mom said glaring at me.

"Well, there's no easy way to say this, so I will just show it to you" Principal Jenson said, handing them the pictures.

They all looked at them and their eyes grew wide with shock and disappointment. I avoided their gaze, but I felt their stares burning into my skin. I started crying again. I couldn't help it.

"So, where does Bahja and Breaunna come in in all of this?" Ms Rodriguez, Bahja's mom, asked.

"I took the pictures and printed them" Bre admitted.

"And I was the one who did all of the driving" Bahja admitted as well.

"Zonnique, you never fail to amaze me" my stepdad, T.I., said. "Getting your ass beat by that Yn girl wasn't enough, was it? Huh? Now you goin' around having sex to get guys who are already in a relationship? Is he with you now?"

I continued to cry while shaking my head. "No, he isn't."

"So, you did all of this and the little nigga ain't don't even want to be with you! So you can't even save your virginity for that 'special someone' because it's gone and you can't get it back!"

I cried even harder. I knew what he said was true. I feel stupid. "I wasn't a virgin when it happened, either."

"What the fuck did you just say?! Zonnique Jailee Pullins! Answer me when I'm talking to you!"

"I wasn't a virgin when I slept with Daniel!" I said louder in between sobs.

Everyone gasped and cried even harder. T.I. smacked me and I cried harder than before. Then, my mom spoke up.

"Tip, you need to chill, like, for real" my mom said.

"No! I won't! Because she's the one running around here like a little hoe and fucking up boys that are already in a relationship! And I'm the one that needs to chill?" he chuckled a little bit. "And the crazy thing is, she's the one in a wrong, and you're defending her. Even after she admitted that she wasn't a virgin anyways." He sat back in his seat, shaking his head with a slight smirk. He always did that when he thought mom was saying or doing something stupid.

I kept rocking back and forth and crying harder and harder. I put my hands over my ears so I wouldn't have to hear everything that they were saying. I feel stupid. I've never felt this bad before in my life.

Bahja's POV

I know earlier I was trying to comfort Zonnique, but now I'm actually kind of enjoying this. It feels kind of good seeing her like this. She's always putting other people down, so now she can get a taste of her own medicine.

"Bahja, do you know the trouble that you're in? This is like driving the getaway car of a bank robber! You're just as guilty in the situation as everyone else!" my mom said.

I looked down. I never thought of it that way. She was right in every single way. Then, I heard Ms Womack speak up.

Breaunna's POV

"Breaunna Merkell Womack, you better pray that God himself gets you out of this one" my mom said, directing her attention to me. I lowered my head. She then focused on all of us again. "We know you guys have gotten into trouble before, but this is to the extreme! And all of you girls are way better than this! I'm disappointed in all of you!" My mom looked like she had received the worst news of her life.

Zonnique was still crying her heart out and rocking back and forth. Bahja wiped a tear from her face and I still had my head lowered, trying my hardest not to cry. I feel horrible.

"So, girls and parents, I've come to my decision." I had forgotten Principal J was even here. "I'm going to have to expel all three girls. I know this isn't going to look very great on their college applications because this won't be their first time getting expelled. However, I've already given them more than one chance. This was a form of bullying and they could even go to jail for what was done today, however I didn't want for them to have to deal with the government. So, I will need for some documents to be signed and then they can leave. I'm sorry, honestly." she said, looking really genuine but I didn't believe it.

Zonnique started crying even harder. I've never seen anyone in my life cry as hard as she was crying. Bahja was sobbing into her hands. I was just crying freely. I'm sure we all felt really stupid.

Our parents hadn't said anything. They just nodded and signed the papers. Before leaving, they all gave us death glares. Well, this day was officially horrible.

Diggy's POV

I'm just taking everything in. My mom being in the hospital. Yn leaving me. Me about to be a father. It's too much to handle, but I have no other choice but to deal with everything.

My mom is getting out of the hospital today,so I already know what I'm going to do. I'm going to wait until she goes to sleep tonight, and then disappear. I know I have a baby on the way, but this is what's best for the both of us right now.

Yn's POV

*The Next Day*

Well, I'm not really sure what to say. Daniel just disappeared, knowing that I'm carrying his baby. I feel more hurt than ever before. I thought that Daniel was the only one that really, genuinely cared about me. I guess I was wrong. So I still have Taylor & her family & Minnie & Corahn & Nate.

But more importantly, I have my baby. My baby is the only reason why I haven't killed myself already, and I will always be grateful for it. I can't wait to be a mommy. Life for me isn't great right now, but I'll just have to continue to ride the roller coaster and see where life takes me.
I bet you guys weren't expecting that! 😁😊 Okay, I tried to surprise you guys as much as possible. I worked really hard on this chapter so give me your feedback. I tried to make it as good as possible since it's the last chapter of this book. Remember to vote 👍, comment 💬, and share 📱📲 for the sequel. Okay, bye my beautiful readers. ✌️

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