The Baratheon Girl • Oberyn M...

By BlazingRivers

226K 6.7K 303

"Sometimes I sit back and think 'how did I manage to catch a woman like you?' and then I remember your father... More

00: "Late bloomer"
01: "Sweet doe"
02: "Before dawn"
03: "Dorea"
04: "Quick wit and charm."
05: "Sunbeam"
06: "Secretly acquainted"
08: "Misjudgement"
09: "Perfect for you"
10: "Ivory beads and crystals"
11: "Good-ones"
12: "Sweet talking"
13: "Only the best"

07: "Everything will work out"

13.2K 405 13
By BlazingRivers

"You brought her into my home." I stated, paying more attention to my nails than I did to the Dornishman leaning against my chamber door.

After Ellaria's appearance the children had raced to her side, all fighting for her attention with their stories and questions.

I quietly left to collect my thoughts. Though my jealousy for her pooled in the pits of my stomach, the realisation that Oberyn had only just noticed my disappearance, hours later, hurt much more.

I was never one for confrontation. Unlike my mother I rarely confess my opinions on other people's choices but this was different. Somehow my betrothed thought it was a good idea to bring his whore into the Red Keep.

It certainly was not a good idea.

Oberyn's decision to let Ellaria Sand join him in King's Landing caused shivers to run down my spine, the prospect of him having a lover had never been so blatantly real. This was a possibility now, would she haunt my marriage like a ghostly apparition waiting for her chance to be rid of me.

I was at war with the expectations of society and my own mind yet again. Mostly all Lords had lovers which their wives knew about and I was fully aware of this 'practice'. But Oberyn had been incredibly sweet to me, his gentle touches and kind words made me forget this was a likelihood. I hoped I wouldn't overlook his power over me again. For all his hot kisses, Oberyn still hated my family and his enemies blood ran through my veins.

Am I naive enough to think Oberyn would renounce himself to a lifetime with one woman. A girl whose family played a large role in his brother-in-law's death, it was stupid of me to think such a way.

Regardless of that, he is so worldly and I had rarely left the Keep. What could I offer the Prince which he couldn't find elsewhere.

What was I to expect, as Tyrion once said he was known for fucking half of Westeros, why would he stop now because of me.

Ellaria's disruption had brought me back to reality. The past few days had made me forget the way society worked, the way husbands took lovers and wives looked the other way.

"I did not-"

"Clearly you did, she is with the children as we speak." I yelled turning around to face him with a glare. "In your room, the one you no doubt kept for her."

"Kendra my sunbeam-"

"Do not call me that."

"Kendra," He sighed, the frown lines on his forehead showing his irritation for my interruptions. Not that I was in the position to rationalise my words, my anger was practically sizzling on the surface of my skin.

"If you could let me speak you would know that I, in fact, did not invite her here." I let out a scoff at his patronising comment, "Believe me or not, it is the truth."

The brief slip of hope crossing my face must've shown him my uncertainty, I'm sure in the midst of jealousy and betrayal I didn't voice it. His lips lifted into a smile, not quite reaching the corners of his eyes but twitching nonetheless.

Twisting on his feet he quickly moved to leave our chamber but I stepped forward in a poor attempt to stop him. "Oberyn I-"

"I know my sweet, I know." He spoke, his back to me and walking out of the door.

I stared at the door for a while. It could've been hours and I wouldn't have noticed. Beside my father, Oberyn was the one man to take real interest in me. Of course I had my uncle Tyrion, but he was rarely in the Keep long enough, favouring the love of whores over the innocent love of his niece. But Oberyn had the time for me, or was it all a ploy. By now it often slipped my mind that our marriage was arranged and we had only scratched the surface of our lives together.

Before me he had an adventurous life, he wasn't caged to a castle or woman. I couldn't ignore his past or his relationship with Ellaria but by the seven gods did I want to. 

Jealousy for the woman raged through my bloodstream, it poisoned my thoughts and I couldn't stop it from swallowing me whole. She had everything I didn't; Dornish routes, sexual experience, the ability to birth babes. Of course she had performed the latter enough times for any man to be satisfied.

She was now the cause of a rift between Oberyn and I. Our first fight, or could it even be considered a fight when Oberyn stood back and accepted my feelings on the matter. When he didn't yell and interrupt me even though I was returning the favour.

No, we had our first disagreement. Over a Dornish women who didn't understand what wasn't hers.

The image of her perfect looks sent me into a spiral of envy, I had to get my mind off the woman.

With that I began moving my feet in the direction of the one person I knew would help me relax. Running through the Red Keep was very much a taboo but I didn't seem to care as I beelined for my father's chambers. I let go of my layered skirts as his chambers came into view.

Without knocking I tumbled my way inside, almost losing my balance and falling over. But there he sat, on his desk snoring the day away. I let out a teary giggle at his position sleeping with his head buried in what was most likely a hunting journal.

My laughter seemed to awaken him as he jolted out of his seat, "You shouldn't laugh at your King."

"I know but to me you are just my old Papa." I timidly smiled, the overwhelming thought of Oberyn clouding my mind.

Surely I wasn't a pretty sight if Papa's expression was reference to go by. His eyes widen and his mouth slightly dropped as he took in my appearance. It took his two large strides until he stood before me and wrapped his arms around my body. I could feel his fingers stroking my hair and I sighed in the comfort of his embrace. But a mix between Ellaria's presence and the horrid way I accused Oberyn sent me into another fit of sobs.

I clutched onto my father as if he were the oxygen allowing me to live. My actions copying that of a child's, and in that moment it was who I resembled; a child seeking their father's comfort.

"Whatever is the matter my strong doe?"

"I am sorry Papa." I whispered, barely able to get my words out between my cries. "I'm fine, really."

"Kendra, your tear stained eyes beg to differ. Now tell me what is plaguing your mind." He reasoned. I could feel my father sigh, his chest moving against my cheek as he inhaled.

I craned my neck to send my father a sad smile, "It's Oberyn's lover, she's here and it hurts me Papa." I let loose another sob before continuing, "We fought Oberyn and I."

A snarl escaped him, "Did he touch you?"

"No of course not, he would never abuse me." I stepped out of Papa's arms, wiped away my tears and sat on his bed. "I shouted, accused him of bringing the whore into our home. He left his chambers empty Papa, what else was I to think he was keeping them for?"

Father stared at me, calculating his response. No doubt he was thinking of a way to sound less hypocritical and more chaste. Though I knew of his scandalous reputation, it was hard not to when you had countless of half siblings dotted around the city.

I stared at him expectantly, waiting for him to tell me everything would be okay. He moved to sit beside me and took my hand in his, his thumb stroking my hand soothingly.

"You're being rash Kendra, the Prince isn't foolish enough to keep her here. And before you even think so, he isn't going to return to her." He reassured.

"How do you know Papa? I treated him horribly." I recalled the way I accused him of housing her for his own pleasure, looking down at my lap in shame.

It was unlike me to be impulsive and let my emotions overrule rationality but Oberyn was changing the way I held myself. Around him I felt free, I felt equal. I certainly didn't want to loose him over my jealousy.

"You're afraid of losing him, explain that to your Prince and I'm sure he'll understand." He raised our hands to kiss the back of my palm and I felt somewhat consoled. "He wouldn't dare refuse the daughter of The Stag King now would he?"

I giggled at his silly threat and wrapped him in my embrace. Though a knock on the door caused my father to reluctantly let me go and stare down at me in guilt.

"My King, your presence is required in the Great Hall." The guard called from behind the wooden door.

I nodded in understanding as Papa apologised profusely. He leant down to kiss my forehead and whispered, "Everything will work out I promise you," before leaving me in the room alone to my thoughts.

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