Going Nowhere

By addslove

1.5K 53 11

Regina, known as Gina is a senior in high school. Her life changes as she meets the bad boy Zayn Malik who wa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
Chapter 13

chapter 12

71 4 1
By addslove


It feels werid waking up on a Monday and not go to school. Today was volleyball try-outs. I was so upset that I wasn't going to be there to show up. I heard Angie leave. I was alone in my home. I didn't hear from Zayn yesterday. He must have been mad I left without saying anything.

I got dressed and decided to do some reading. It was almost 11 and I received a message from Zayn.

Where are you?

I thought he knew I was suspended?


Within seconds he responds

Are you sick?

I don't mean to be so plain with him. Thats just the only words I need. He doesn't respond to me. It is now noon and I am fed-up with reading. I am so bored. I would actually rather be in school. I head down stairs to eat and I am alarmed by loud knocking.

I quickly walk to the door and it's Zayn. Of course he would be here.

"Why aren't you at school?" He snaps. He lets himself in and I watch him closing the door behind him.

"I got suspended for slapping James across the face on Friday." I explain to him.

He chuckles. What is so funny? He sits down and shakes his head. He is angry.

"What?" I snap at him.

"You didn't slap him away from that party." He said pulling out his phone. He had a cracked screen on it. He must have thrown it. He seems like that type.

"What are you talking about? And what did you do to your phone?"

"Here, look." He said tossing his phone at me. I nearly drop it but catch it last second. I click the screen to lighten up and I see text messages from an unknown number. Seriously? Who the hell is he talking to?

I read his messages saying that I was all over James at the party on Saturday night. I would never.

"What is this?"

"You should know." Zayn says snatching his phone from my hands.

"That's not what it looks like, He was trying to get me to dance with him, obviously whoever told you this was wrong. He tried to get me to dance with him and I pushed him away."

"Okay." Zayn mumbles. I can tell he doesn't believe me.

"Who sent that to you?"

"Does it matter?" He says getting up. He walks to the front door. I quickly stand infront of it not letting him leave.

"No, you need to sit back down and tell me."

"Why?" He tries to grab the doorknob.

"I am your girlfriend, You need to believe me." I exclaim. Oh gosh did I really say this.

"No you're not. Not anymore." He snaps. Ouch.

"What? Because of a stupid text message?" I move away from the door. I knew Zayn didn't mean it.

"No, because I felt instant jealousy getting this texts sent to me. I don't know what you did to me Gina. I have never felt like this for anyone." He says. He is looking down. I can see he really means it.

I walk to him and try to hug him. He stands there letting me. He finally wraps his arms around me.

He drops his phone and I gently pick it up. I look trough the messages again to try and discover who was texting him this. I scrolled up to see a picture. Disgusted I gasped and Zayn noticed me taking his phone away too harsh.

"What the Fuck Gina." He yelled.

I gave him a disapproving look. It was Alex half naked on the photo.

"Go away Zayn, I'm not your girlfriend , clearly!" I said running upstairs hoping he wouldn't follow behind me.

I shut my door and lock it. As soon as I do this I hear hard fist hit my door.

"Gina open the door!" Zayn yells.

"Go away." I yell back. I'm still against the door hoping he won't break the dang door down.

"Gina seriously open the fucking door." He snaps

Ha. I will not open it even more now that he's cursing.

I sit against the door with my back on it feeling his fists hit the door over and over again.

"Zayn, please, why don't you go fuck Alex again." I scream getting frustrated that he is still hitting hard.

"Regina, seriously open the door please." His voice is calm. Too calm. Why did he call me by my full name? I'm surprised he don't curse some more after I told him about Alex.

"If I open the door will you go away?" I say.

"No." He says quietly.

I hesitate as I hear him sit down against the door just as I was doing. I stand up and decide to open it. I only want him to leave. Why can't he respect one thing I ask from him.

I open the door and he moves his back away from it. He quickly jumps up and lets himself in my room.


He interrupts me and is quickly kissing me. His hands are around my face and his kiss feels hard. He's taking his anger out on this kiss. His hands hold on tighter begging me to kiss him back.

I gently push him away placing my hands on his chest.

"Stop!" I yell as I push him away.

"I'm sorry." He says shaking his head.

The kiss left he and I breathless. It was unexpected to receive such a kiss like this.

"Zayn just give me time to myself, please"

"No, not until we fix this" he says sitting on my bed.

"What do we need to fix?"

"Us. I want you to be mine, only mine"

"Zayn you're the one who needs fix this, Alex and you have something going on" I say sitting next to him.

"It's nothing." He says taking my hand.

I till my eyes and say nothing.

"Well is it ok for me to tell her off?" I say with confidence. His eyes are wide to me.

"You tell off Alex?"

"Yes, I will tomorrow."

"Be careful." He says shaking his head.

"I'll tell her tomorrow that you're my boyfriend and to back off." I say standing up crossing my arms together.

He stands up and copies my position.

"Please do" he says.

I won't actually do it. I don't think I should. But she did send those texts about me. And what's with her sending Zayn these nude photos?

"Okay, leave now please." I say kicking zayn out.

"Not without a kiss." He says stepping closer to me.

What am I doing? One minute he was mad, then the next I was, and now we are both fine.

I lean up and give zayn a quick kiss. He pulls my waist into his and kisses me longer. He tastes like mint, and I'm surprised it's not the familiar cigarette smell.

"Bye, girlfriend." Zayn says winking as he leaves my bedroom.

What have I got myself into?

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