Something in the Dark

By XmonicaXandFriends

787 50 34

This is a collaboration between me, XmonicaX, and PlusSizeBarbie. It involves and young man with seriou... More

~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 3~

~Chapter 1~

165 9 4
By XmonicaXandFriends


   "Wake up, Alex. Wakie wakie." I heard my own voice say. Half awake, I groaned and rolled over to go back to sleep but the voice kept going. "Wakie wakie." There was a sudden pause before I felt someone climb on top of me. "Wake up baby. It's time for breakfast." I heard Crystal's voice purr into my ear. I quick sat up only to find Ax standing over me laughing.

   "Dammit Ax!" I roared angrily. " That's not a fucking joke."

   "Hey, that's not my problem." Ax laughed. I glared at Ax and got out of bed. Its been four days since he killed Crystal and every chance he gets, he imitates her voice. I hate the fact that Ax could change our voice like that. It was bad enough that he looked and sound like me, it only made it worse that he could imitate other people's voices.

     I turned on the shower and waited for the water to warm up some before I got in. As I bathed I could still feels some of the scratches Crystal left on me that night. Every time I think of her, I get pissed. I stood under the shower head, letting the warm water rain over me. I was trying to clear my head because I didn't feel like dealing with Ax and his games. I turned off the water and stepped out the shower. I wrapped a towel around my waist and stood in the mirror.

I stared at myself and for a moment, I was at peace with myself, until my eyes turned a crimson red. Without even thinking, I snarled and punched the mirror, instantly breaking it. Ax stepped to the side and began cracking up.

   "Dammit." I hissed under my breathe.

   "Face it Alex. You have anger problems." Ax laughed so hard he was crying.

   "I don't have anger problems! You're my problem." I retorted.

   "Hey, still not my problem." Ax said, happily eyeing the broken mirror. I growled and left the bathroom. Even though, I was still half wet, I quickly got dressed and rushed out my hotel room. It wasn't the same room Ax killed Crystal in, it was more modern and comfortable. It looked way better than the one Crystal took me to.

     I rushed to elevator and jabbed the button about six times before the doors opened and I got on. I was the only one on the elevator, giving me some time to calm down. I hate Ax. He ruins everything good in my life. Every relationship I've ever had, has always led to a dead end. Literally. And he never gets caught. I don't understand how he does it. It baffles me that no one ever suspects me, therefore also suspecting Ax. I sighed. I lifted my head and closed my eyes. The elevator stopped and the doors opened. Now that I was a bit more level headed, I calmly walked into the busy lobby. With my coat over my shoulder, I walked out the hotel and made a left.

     The air was cold against my skin. I thought my Hollister hoodie was enough to keep me warm but apparently not. I threw on my coat and began to wonder around town, looking for my dad. My dad left my mom before I was born or at least that's what Mom told me. I don't doubt what my mom told me but I always wondered if there was another reason why my dad left.

     Just thinking of my mother brings back pleasant memories. I remember her soft voice, her smile face that never seemed to change, her dirty blond hair and pale green eyes. I loved my mother very much and I respected her even after she was killed. I had jus so happened to get angry at her for something she had said about my father and the day went down hill.

     I remember that horrible night like it was yesterday. Hell, I remember majority of everything that Ax does like it was yesterday! But Ax killing my mother sticks out like a sore thumb. I walked around and went in and out of different stores asking people had they seen Christopher Mason, but no one said anything. I ran into some luck here and there but most of my leads led to dead ends. While walking, I walked passed a woman and a little boy playing in the park. Normally I ignore such thinks, but I couldn't help but stare at them. The woman was a brunette and she was kind of pretty. Not really my type of girl though. Her son looked to be about two or three years old, somehow the boy reminded me of myself. He toddled through the snow as he played with the woman.

   "Be careful honey." The woman said smiling as the little boy tried to run. The woman and her son were playing with a ball, which they had been throwing and rolling around in the snow. The little boy threw the ball and it bounced off of a pole and rolled towards me. I slowly bent down and picked it up. "I'm so sorry, sir." The woman said as she and the boy walked towards me.

   "It's fine, miss. Your son has quit an arm on him. He's gonna be a quarterback when he grows up." I said. She smiled and laughed.

   "My husband says the same thing all the time." She chuckled. I knelt down beside the woman and handed the boy his ball. He was hesitant at first but I smiled and he instantly took it. The little boy toddled back to the playground and played by himself. "Thank you." The woman said.

   "No problem." I said. The woman smiled again and began to walk off. "Excuse me, miss, but do you know a man by the name of Christopher Mason?"

   "Of course I know Chris. He owns an auto shop not too far from here. You have no idea how many times he's taken me home when I was stranded on the side of the road." The woman laughed.

   "Can you tell me how to get there. I'm new in town and don't really know my way around." I said.

   "Sure. Are you a friend of Chris's?" She asked.

   "Something like that." I lied. The woman looked at bit disappointed. "Did I say something wrong?" I asked.

   "No, you just favor Christopher a lot so I thought you were his relative or something." She replied.

   "How so?" I asked curiously.

   "Well to start off, you look like him when he was younger. I've seen some pictures of him from his twenties and you look almost exactly like him. The same brown hair, only your is longer and a bit lighter, and the same beautiful blue eyes." The woman said while blushing as if I were giving her the complement. The woman went on and on about my dad and as much as I loved listening to all the nice things about my dad, I didn't have time for this. If this bitch doesn't shut up, I know something. I thought to myself annoyed.

   "I can fix that." I heard Ax whisper in my ear.

   "Excuse me, miss. But could you please tell me how to get to his shop, I'm in a bit of a rush." I lied.

   "Oh, I'm sorry. The shop is about four blocks away. The shop is on 37th Street on your left." she smiled.

   "Okay. Thank you." I said rushing off before the woman could continue talking and before Ax could do anything. The walk to my dad's shop was longer than I expected. It felt like forever just to get there and while I was trying to keep a cool head, I couldn't because Ax was nagging me the entire time.

   "Alex, why didn't you let me talk to the bitch? We could have had some fun." Ax asked. I ignored him and closed up my coat as the winter wind became harsher. "Why didn't you take her back to the hotel? The hoe was practically begging for you to fuck her brains out!"

 "Knowing you, you'd probably figure out a way to cut her damn brains out." I muttered under my breath.

   "Come on, Alexander. You know she wanted to fuck. Hell you probably could have fuck her right in front of her kid and he wouldn't mind." Ax laughed. "I surely would have. She would have screamin' like I wa-"

   "Dammit Ax! If you wanna fuck her go fuck her already. If not shut the fuck up!!!" I roared. Ax looked at me a bit surprised before that damn smug look spread across his face. I glared at him for a moment before turning back around and continued walking. Ax laughed under his breath and continued to follow me. When we turned onto 37th Street, the shop was where the woman said but what she neglected to tell me was that the damn place was closed for the weekend! I tried to stay calm but that went out the window when Ax started laughing.

 "She fucked you up, go!" He laughed."I told you that hoe wanted you to go back so you can fuck her."

   "Shut up. Shut up. Shut up!" I roared again as I turned to sock Ax in the face but ended up punching the wall instead. "I'm done with this shit!" I said turning and walking away. I left Ax standing there cracking up, but I know that he was going to show up again and at the rate my anger was flowing, very soon.

     I wondered around before coming to some random bar. Without as second thought I walked into the bar and sat down. About five minutes later, a woman walked over and spoke.

   "Chris, I thought you were out of town this weekend?" The woman said sweetly. I turned around and the woman blushed. "Oh my goodness. I'm so sorry. You looked like one of our regulars." She said embarrassed. I looked at the woman and she was incredibly beautiful. She was probably 5"7'. She had long wavy black hair with beautiful green eyes. She wore a sexy black cocktail dress that was hidden by her apron. She held a tray under her arm and a pad and pen in her hand. I've been attracted to many women before, but this woman appealed to me more than just wanting to sleep with her. I felt like I knew her but I wasn't one hundred percent sure. I continued staring at the woman and spotted her name tag. Natalia? I said to myself with some familiarity. "Sir?" The woman asked.

   "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to stare. What did you say?" I said distractedly.

   "I said I'm sorry, I mistaked you for one of our regulars." She repeated.

   "Let me guess, Christopher Mason?" I said.

   "Yes. Are you a friend of his?" She asked.

   "Something like that." I said.

   "Oh, well my name is Natalia. If you're looking for Chriss he's out of town this week. I think he said he'll be back next Sunday." She said.

   "Oh." I said slowly feeling my anger boiling again.

   "And you're name?" Natalia said flirtatiously.

   "Alexander Mason." I said distractedly.

   "Well it's nice to meet you. Alexander, are you aware that you're hand is bleeding?" Natalia asked pointing to my hand. I looked at my hand. It was the same hand i had punched the wall with earlier, messing around with Ax.

   "I'll be alright." I said dismissively.

   "So what are you going to do if that gets infected?" Natalia asked lifting one eyebrow. I stared at her and she stared at me. " Come on. We have a first aid kit in the back." Natalia said grabbing my wrist. We walked to the back and I stood by the sink while Natalia disappeared farther into the back. She came back and opened the first aid kit. She began cleaning my knuckles and as she was cleaning it, she was picking brick pieces out of the wound. "What the hell have you been doing?" She asked.

   "I punched a wall trying to punch someone else." I said bluntly. Natalia looked up at me and shook her head before giving all her attention back to my hand. "You're really good at this." I said.

   "I'm in college to become a nurse." She said.

   "Interesting." I said staring at her ass. Once Natalia was done cleaning my hand, she wrapped my hand in some guises and started cleaning up. I flexed my hand and kept my attention on her.

   "Better?" She asked.

   "I guess." I said walking up to her. She stared at me a bit confused and stepped back as I got closer. I cornered her into a wall and bared down on her. "Alexander?" She said.

   "Just call me Alex." I heard myself and Ax say at the same time. Damnit! Ax it trying to take over! I thought to myself. Ax bore down on Natalia as if he were going to fuck her right then and there, but Natalia did something that surprised us both! She kissed us! I expected her to scream or fight or something other then kissing us. Ax was so dumbfounded that it gave me enough time to get control of myself and pull back.

   "Alex?" Natalia said confused.

   "I'm sorry. I have to go." I said rushing out of the the back and the bar all together. I walked for about two blocks before I finally stopped to catch my breath. I stood there for a while, and felt my lips and I felt so strange, but in the most pleasant way.

"What the hell was that about?" Ax asked.

"To be honest, I have no idea." I said. But whatever it was I like it. I thought to myself.

     This Chapter was written by PlusSizeBarbie. I really hope you enjoy. If you really like this, Vote, comment, fan, Thank you. If you like the way I wrote my chapter, pleases check out my other work by clicking on my face above. 

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