The Ghoul and The Investigato...

By BlackHairedKaneki

81.6K 2.1K 1K

What if Kaneki had defeated Jason, but was too hungry and weak to escape? When CCG Investigator Amon found hi... More

Chapter 1: The Boy in The Birdcage
Chapter 2: Bacon and Eggs
Chapter 3: Hunger Quenched and Conflicting Feelings
Chapter 4: Rainy Day Shopping
Chapter 5: All in a Day's Work... Kind of.
Chapter 6: The Visit
Chapter 8: Unexpected Ecounters
Christmas Headcannon
Chapter 10: French Trash and a Rabbit
Chapter 11: The Rabbit's leave, Sorry Im Back 😅

Chapter 7: Day Trips,Wing Man Hide and The Dinner Date

6.3K 187 70
By BlackHairedKaneki

The next morning, Amon stepped out of his room, noticing the young albino wasn't up yet. Kaneki was usually up and had eaten by the time he got up. He yawned and started making coffee. He groaned when there was not enough in the jar. He would just have to stop and get some cheap, dissatisfying brew.   He put his bread in the toaster  and turned on the TV. There were reports of massive ghoul attacks in the 2nd ward, near one of the CCG's buildings. The Ghouls were definitely getting bolder. He hadn't noticed, but his toast was burnt. He sighed and smothered it with peanut butter. His watch beeped, he was late for work. Today was just not his day! Amon shoved the rest of the toast into his mouth, left a quick note for Kaneki and was out the door. He sprinted to the train station and as soon as he neared the steps, the train sped away. He almost screamed in frustration. Until he saw Shinohara, his boss, had also missed the train. "Shinohara-San!" He called out, and the man turned around to see his co-worker. "Oh, Amon-Kun, you missed the train as well?" "Yes." "Well, I was just about to call a cab, would you like to join me?" "Yes sir! Thank you!" Finally! Things are working out! Amon thought as he walked up the stairs, chatting with his boss.

Kaneki had been up late, having chatted with Hide the night before, and barely making the last train home. By the time he was back he was exhausted. But content. Hide was going to be alright. He yawned and got out of his comfy bed. Amon was gone, and by the looks of the peanut butter jar open, on the counter and the TV still on he had left in a hurry. There was a note on the kitchen table, all it said was "late for work. No coffee" in scribbled handwriting. He figured as much. He pinched his nose and put away the peanut butter jar, and retrieved his breakfast from the freezer, and put it in the microwave. It was better warm. He sat in front of the TV, he had put on an anime, Naruto. Kaneki remembered when he used to watch it as a kid. He sat on the couch,  his kakugan blazed to life at the first bite, and he slowly devoured his meal. He had been trying to slow down after one time he ate so fast he threw up. Amon Vomited when he tried to help clean it up. Kaneki was still extremely embarrassed about it.
He decided after cleaning up his breakfast that he would go to the grocery store today, he had noticed that  Amon was out of milk, eggs and instant ramen. (Kaneki didn't understand, but that's what the man insisted on bringing to work for lunch) so he took a quick rinse in the shower, got dressed and was on his way. He was also going to make a stop at the bookstore. To relax, get some coffee and some new books. He had been living with Amon for almost a month, his wounds had healed, he was happy and he had found a safe place to live. Things were good.
It took him a while to get to the grocery store, he wanted to walk because it was a nice day. He bought everything he needed, and more. He wanted Amon to start eating right, so he bought a bento lunch box. He asked one of the female employees what the best, nutritional lunches would be, and she pointed out everything he would need, and pointed to a cook book. He realized if he was going to stay with Amon, he might as well pay rent in food. Normally he would never enter anyplace with human food, but he had been introduced to special 'nose plugs' that let him breath normally, and not smell at all. They were also almost invisible. They were the best. He thanked the brown-haired worker with a small smile, causeing her to blush. "N-no problem sir." She stuttered, "have a nice day!" "You too." Kaneki paid, and left. He decide to drop off the food, and then head over to the coffee shop. He didn't want Amon's vegetables spoiling in the sun. He took the train on his way over, it had gotten slightly chilly. He was almost there when there when the train slowed to a stop. There had been some traffic with the trains, he was going to be there for a while. He decided to text Amon.

K: how's work? I'm on the train to get some new books, but there were problems with the other trains. I'm stuck here for a while.

A: Work is good. My co-workers are driving me crazy. I would love to chat, but we have an important meeting. Talk to you later.

K: alright. I might be home after you, I need to get some more meat. I'm running low.

A: Okay. If you can't get a ride, I can take you after work.

K: that works! I didn't think about that. Thanks. Bye

A: Bye.

Amon chuckled to himself. Kaneki was adorable. Suddenly, and voice spoke, and a head peaks over his shoulder. "You should just date him already." Hideyoshi Nagachika was smiling down on the black haired man, who blushed. "W-w-who?" "Kaneki." He stated. Hide was going to be subtle, but he couldn't. He really tried, but as he built up the courage to speak to his senpai, he just said "screw it". "Judging from your reaction to his text, and my statement, you like him too, don't you?" He asked and the man just looked lost. "Oi. Amon- senpai!" He waved a hand in front of him, snapping him out of his trance. "What do you mean like him too?" "How do you know Kaneki?" Hide just have a short laugh. "First of all, I'm his best friend. I have known him since we were 4. And I know that he likes you. Like-likes you. Has a crush on you." it took Amon a second to process this, and he said nothing. "You do like him don't you?" He nodded, and hide just replied with "then take him out on a date already. Smooch him. Whatever. Make him happy. He's had too much sadness in his life recently. And I believe you, and only you can fix him." Hide stated as he pointed at Amon. "Don't hurt him, or I will hurt you." The orange haired boy growled and walked away. Amon was stunned. Did that just happen? It did. Wait. Kaneki liked him?! Him! Amon of all people! He felt like jumping for joy! He was so happy, and energized he didn't need any coffee. He couldn't wait till he got home. He didn't stop smiling all day. This didn't go unnoticed by partner Akira and Shinohara. They thought it was strange. He was never this joyful at work. Amon worked 10 times faster and more efficient that day, he wanted to get home early and surprise Kaneki. He asked Shinohara if he could go home early, he had finished all his work, and even some of his paperwork that wasn't due until next week. Amon wasn't needed and he was allowed to go home. He took the train home, changed and drove to the store. He picked up a few things, and noticed Kaneki had gone to the grocery store. The thought made him feel even better. He then knew where he had to go next even if it darkened his mood. Only slightly. He drove to the suicide cliff, and was relieved when there was a body there. He said a small prayer before he harvested the meat for Kaneki. He drove back quickly, excited to set up his dinner date.

Mean while, Kaneki was on the train back from his favorite book shop, he made a stop to buya bunch of coffee, enough to have for a few months, the Half -Ghoul was relieved. Having gotten everything he needed today done. Except get more meat, but he and Amon would do that. By the time he got back, it was passed the time Amon was back from work. He opened the door and was shocked.. The room was slightly dark, he walked into the kitchen to see the table covered in a white table cloth, with the nice China on the table, a vase full of fake, but beautiful flowers (just in case they smelled bad to Kaneki, amon didn't know) also on the table were two wine glasses, one a lighter color than the other. Kaneki heard the toilet flush in the master bathroom. The sink was turned on and then off, and one dressed-up Amon Koutarou stepped through the door way. "Welcome home Keneki!" He exclaimed and Kaneki blushed, Amon was wearing black dress up shoes, a white buttoned up top, and black pants. His tie was a dark navy blue that went well with his eyes. "What is all of this?" Kaneki asked, and Amon walked up to him. "Kaneki. Will you go out with me?" Amon asked, staring into Kaneki's eyes. The white haired man blushed and nodded vigorously, and was promptly kissed. The kiss was soft, like their first, but was much more important. After Kaneki had to stop to come up for air, Amon pulled him into his room, and shoved a outfit into the boys arms. And shut the door. Dazed, Kaneki put on the tux-like outfit. He fixed his hair in the mirror. Then it hit him. HE WAS GOING OUT WITH AMON! HE HAD A BOYFRIEND! A HOT, TALL AND SWEET BOYFRIEND! He could scream, and instead he squealed and texted hide, and left the bathroom. He walked out to a set table. A large 'steak' was on one plate, and a plate if plain spaghetti on the other. Amon swirled around from where he was near the table, pulled the small boy over to the table and softly shoved him into the seat. The investigator sprinted over to the TV, and pressed play on the remote. Soft music started playing, and Amon raced back to his seat, lit the scent-less candles and smiled at Kaneki, who was gaping at the entire thing. He had sipped his 'wine' which was really just blood. But it was delicious. He felt like he was going to cry. Amon had done all of this for him. "I hope you like it" the investigator said, slightly panting. "Amon, it's, it's amazing! I'm so happy! You did this all for me?" He smiled and got up, placing a kiss on the investigator's lips. "Now let's eat! I'm starving!" He exclaimed.they started eating, and talked about their days, Kaneki remarked about the wine, and hugged Amon. He couldn't imagine how difficult it was for him to collect so much blood. The night went smoothly, until the two man were tired, dressed in their pjs and they fell asleep in each other's arms on the couch. Everything was good. While hide was proud of himself, having set the two up. Kaneki had sent him a picture of the dinner, and he was ecstatic for his best friend.

Hope you enjoyed the new chapter! Comment and vote! It only gives me more determination to update!

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