Unexpected Attraction

By Your-Guardian-Angel

417 22 28

Unexpected attraction. The title says it all! This is an andley fan fiction. Once again, FICTION. I do not ow... More

#1 - "KISS! KISS! KISS!"
#2 - "It was kinda nice"
#3 - "You'll have to work harder for it"
#4 - "It's really hard to explain"
#5 - "I love you more than I can ever scream"
#6 - "Don't do that"
#8 - "Big spoon or little spoon?"
#9 - "Meet me there, Outlaw."
#10 - "Don't move, just give me a moment...."
#11 - The Grand Finale

#7 - "I love you, Dragonfly."

31 2 6
By Your-Guardian-Angel

~3 days later, stops were made, and now they are back in California~

*Andy POV*

I finished packing my things from the bus into my bags. Things always got a bit boring when a tour got done, but we all needed some down-time.

We had stopped at a hotel in Los Angeles so we could get our things together before we all split up and went to our apartments. It was already dark outside, almost 11:00. Sometimes, if we got back late, we would stay at the hotel for a night or two and chill out together, but this time we were all silent as we got ready to part ways.

I was still afraid to go back to my apartment, not sure if I'd find a depressed Juliet, a pissed off Juliet, or no Juliet at all. I signaled a taxi and put my things into the trunk. I could get my car tomorrow. I waved good-bye to the guys, looking at Ashley made me feel better. He had told me that he'd always be there for me, and now I needed him more than ever. I walked over to him.

"Hey, Ash. Do you think you could come with me to my apartment tonight? I'm not sure how Juliet's going to react, and I might need you there for me." I looked down at my leather boots, hoping he'd say yes.

"How about you call me if you need me. I don't want to just show up while you guys are having a serious conversation." He pulled me in for a warm hug, "I'm sorry, Andy, I really am. It's all my fault that this shit's happening to you." He let me go, nodding his head towards my taxi, "You should go to her, it'll be okay."

I looked into his brown eyes, wanting to stay right here a while longer, but just then the taxi driver honked at me. I was taking too long, so I turned and got into the taxi, telling him how to get to my apartment.


I paid the driver and I got my things from the trunk and he drove away. I was at my apartment. Things seemed to be just the way I left them. My things weren't thrown about the lawn, Juliet's car was in the guest parking space. She was waiting for me.

I brought all of my bags to my door on the 6th floor, turning the handle to find it unlocked. I brought them all to my bedroom, leaving them next to the closet to be put away later. I walked back out to the living room.

"Juliet? Jules? Where are you babe?" I didn't hear anything, but I saw her come out of the bathroom. She wore a pajama set that I had bought her for her birthday. She was so beautiful. I loved her so much. I wanted to break down and cry, I missed her so much. She looked at me, rubbing her eyes. They were red and smeared from crying.

"Andy? You're home?" She sounded so tired, like she hadn't slept. I ran over to her and pulled her into my arms. Holding her made my heart break. I had hurt this sweet girl worse than I could ever imagine, and I had no idea how to fix it.

I tried my hardest not to cry into her short, blonde hair, "I'm so sorry, baby. God, I'm so sorry." I breathed in the smell of her shampoo, she had just showered. She always smelled like some kind of flower, I never knew what to call it. The smell made me feel like I was finally home.

Juliet's body trembled against me. I could feel her crying, it was awful. "I missed you, Andy. I really really missed you." Neither of us mentioned what happened between me and Ashley. We both needed to be together tonight. We needed each other more than we needed the truth to be spoken.

I pulled back and looked down at her, "Let's just go to bed, baby." I wanted to hold her more than anything right now. She nodded at me and we both walked to the bedroom and layed down. With Juliet curled up against me, the world felt like it had begun to spin slower for us, allowing us to be together longer.

I kissed her forehead, "I love you, Dragonfly."

Juliet nuzzled her head closer to my chest, sniffling away tears, "I love you too."

*Ashley POV*

I sat in my apartment, alone. I had told Andy to call me if he needed me. I sat up all night, staring at my phone. I didn't get a call the whole night. I decided to go to bed at almost 2:00 AM. Andy didn't need me, so I wouldn't sit and wait for him. I was sure that he had just gone home and sat with her the whole night. If she had left him or stormed out, he would have called me right away.

I curled up in my bed, feeling too cold to sleep. The past few day on the bus, Andy and I had slept in his bunk, cuddled together. Juliet was probably cuddling him right now. I couldn't be with him anymore. Now that we weren't in a confined bus anymore, he was free to be away from me. My mind ran on and on about why he wasn't calling me.

I got up and went to the kitchen. I hadn't drank since that night when I brought the girls over, and it had been almost a week. I grabbed my Jack Daniels from the shelf and poured some over ice in a small glass. I choked it down, coughing as I tried to keep it down. I filled my glass to the top and sat down on the couch. I turned on the TV to find something to watch. I had new recordings of my favorite show, but I couldn't focus.

I grumbled and layed back on the couch, tilting my glass to my mouth, drinking every drop. I could feel my head start to spin. Andy's face in my memory began to blur, but it was still there. I could still see his smile, the glitter in his eyes. I could still see the way he looked at me when we had been in the shower together. I grabbed the bottle and drank right from the top. The taste burned my tongue, it made my gag reflex do a dance, but with every swallow, my mind grew more and more hazy, helping me forget how I had (almost?) fallen in love with Andrew Dennis Biersack. It helped me forget that he wasn't mine, it helped me forget that Juliet was obviously with him now, and that he didn't need me.

I set the bottle down onto the coffee table. It had been a brand new bottle when I first grabbed it, but now I could see it was almost half-empty. Ha! It still wasn't working enough.

The taste of the whisky in my mouth reminded me of when we first kissed at the end of the tour. It made me remember how I held him, how I pulled him closer. I could remember his scent; sweat, Old Spice, and cigarettes.

Every memory my mind threw at me made the realization that we couldn't be together even more painful. I brought the bottle to my lips again and drank until those thoughts faded, too. I had no idea how much of the bottle was gone when I put it back up on the table and fell asleep on the couch.

*Juliet POV*

I reached my hands out, feeling for him. I could vaguely remember Andy coming home in the middle of the night. I was hoping it wasn't a dream. My hands felt nothing but soft, rumpled bedsheets. I opened my eyes to see that I was alone. My radio was on, which meant that my alarm was going off and I slept through it. I stood up to see that it was almost noon. I always had my alarm set for 9AM so I wouldn't sleep in too late. It wasn't the alarm playing music, it was turned on to play a cd. I turned down the volume only to hear the water in the shower running. I left the bedroom to see the bathroom door open a crack.

"You're not alone, we'll brave this storm." Andy was singing in the shower. The sound made me want to dance. His voice was my favorite sound in the morning. I walked into the bathroom to hear him better. His voice made my heart flutter. I could see his form through the rippled glass of the shower door.

I stepped closer to the glass, wanting to see him. His eyes were closed, the water flowing down his body. Seeing him here in front of me after him being gone for so long made the wait worth it. I took a step back and took off my ratty sweats. Looking down at my naked form, I was nervous for him to see me, but I stepped into the shower with him anyways.

Andy's head whipped around to look at me. The smile that spread across his face made me feel better about standing in front of him like this. He walked over to me in the spacious shower. "You're so beautiful." He pulled me to him and held me. He didn't try to kiss me, he didn't try to get anything from me, he just held me. He pulled back to look into my eyes. He leaned his head down and kissed me the way I always remembered. He kissed me in a way that I knew meant, "I love you, and I always will." He smiled at me and turned to finish washing his body.


We had both agreed on staying in our pajamas for the day. I wore my black silk pajama set, and Andy wore his Batman footie pajamas. He was so adorable.

Andy flopped onto the bed, "Come lay with me, babe!" I could hear the smile in his voice. I giggled and ran towards the bed.

"LOOK OUT BELOW!" I jumped up and landed on top of him.

"Oof! Ouch babe!" Andy laughed as he reached up to tickle me. He knew right where to tickle me to make me break down. I squealed and rolled off of him. "You're not getting away that easily!" Andy rolled over so he was on top of me, straddling my thighs. He was tickling me so bad I thought I might pee my pants, and I couldn't move!

"Ah! Babe! You're gonna make me pee!" Andy laughed at my attempts to get him to stop. This was what I missed. I missed him messing with me, being totally immature and childish in a way that nobody but me got to see. It made me love him so much more.

*Ashley POV*

So much vomit. I sat crouched in front of the toilet, flushing for the third time. I had drank so much that I had thrown up everything I had eaten in the past week, and now I wouldn't stop dry-heaving. This pain I felt in my stomach and in my throat was still nothing compared to what I felt in my heart. It felt like I was being torn in two. I thought he had really needed me, but he had just gone home to her and ignored that I existed.

My phone alarm went off. It was time for me to be waking up. I always made sure that I didn't sleep past 1 in the afternoon, otherwise I'd be cranky. I decided to call Andy and find out why the hell he wasn't calling me.

It rang for a minute or two, then I heard his voice, "Hey, it's Andy Biersack's personal phone. If you're calling for a business matter, please get a hold of Jon. If you're trying to get a hold of me, try again later or leave a message!" BEEP.

"DAMMIT!" I threw my phone away from me. I heard it skid across the bathroom floor, hitting the side of the bathtub. My back curled up as I continued to dry-heave.

A.N: Chapter 7 was hard for me to write. Ashley is hurting really bad and I don't want to do this to him.... URGG the struggle!! I want to show how much Andy and Juliet do love each other. It's really the cutest thing to see. In interviews and stuff and when she was on The Voice, he looked at her this certain way, he has so much love in his eyes for her and I really don't want to break them up in here. It's so frustrating!!!! MERHHHHH!

Feedback is always helpful, it's good to know what you guys think of everything and how you feel about it!

P.S: Did I make any grammar / spelling mistakes? I read through it but I'm 40% sure I missed a certain detail or something...

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