By lovingthejuancock

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"Ill fuck you senseless!" "I bet you say that alot." thanks hoe @Daddy-Tae for helping me with this book and... More

chapter one
chapter two
Chapter Three
chapter four
chapter five
Chapter six
chapter seven
Chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
chapter sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter twenty three
Chapter twenty four
Chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six
chater twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty
Chapter thirty one
chapter thirty two
chapter thirty three
Chapter thirty four
chapter thirty five
chapter thirty six
chapter thirty seven
chapter thirty eight
chapter thirty nine
chapter forty

chapter eight

5.5K 218 90
By lovingthejuancock

Taehyung thought Jungkook looked so adorable in his arms. And how Jungkooks snores were practically unnoticeable, but he heard them, and he adored ever single one.

Tonight, Taehyung had Jungkook and Jungkook alone. And he definitely felt different about the younger in his arms then any girls he's hooked up with.

"Hey do you know we're my- uh ok then. Don't you dare do anything dirty to my Kookie he is still freaking shakin abit." Said Taehyungs younger sister Sana who was leaning against the door frame.

" Like I don't already know. And little sis, your hoodie is down stairs on the living rooms chair. Now get out of my room. I could've been naked!" Said Taehyung smirking.

"Eww, no I don't need the image!" Said Sana as she walked out of the room, shutting the door behind her. (But we all know she does!)

Taehyung just smirked and slightly looked down at the younger one in his arms again. Who would want to hurt you?! And I was supposed to take your virginity away not him. Thought Taehyung as he drifted off into a deep sleep.

Four hours later------

Jungkook woke up in a pair of arms. It can't be. I don't want him. 'Please don't be Jaehyun. Please please please don't be Jaehyun.' So Jungkook slowly looked at boy who had his arms wrapped around him like protection. He sighed and laid back down.

'It's only Taehyung. Wait! Only Taehyung. I gotta get out of here before something bad happens. He used me too.' Thought Jungkook as he tried to get out of Taehyungs grasp on him.

"Hey, hey it's fine it's just me." Said Taehyung as he thought saying something would make Jungkook calm. But the total opposite actually.

When Jungkook finally gave up he glared at Taehyung and said." You know he's not the only one that was trying to get in my fucking pants." And Taehyung gasped and let go of him.

Jungkook took advantage of it, and ran out of the door, but running into Sana in the hallway. "Hey Kookie? Are you ok?! Did my brother do something stupid?!" She asked taking him to her bedroom.

"N-no. I j-just don't trust h-him anymore."said Jungkook as he sat in Sana's swivel chair.

"You sure? And hey are you ok from what happened yesterday?" Said Sana going into her closet and coming out with a totally different shirt on.

"I-I can last. I'm ok d-don't worry." Said Jungkook stuttering.

"Ok well lets go to your house just let me change my shorts into a pair of jeans." Said Sana going into her closet again taking a second and, coming out with a pair of blue skinny jeans on. Sana and Jungkook walked downstairs but was stopped by Taehyung.

"Were you two going?" Said Taehyung eyeing the two of them. Sana then rolled her eyes and said, "non ya. Go hook up with someone or something. Jeaze always on our backs." She said pushing her brother aside, and grabbing on to Jungkooks hand and going to the front door.

Putting there shoes on, they walked out.

"Sorry about him. He's protective sometimes."said Sana as she let go of his hand and pulling her phone out to check the time.

"Hey you want to sleep over like old times?" Said Jungkook as he looked at Sana.

"Is that even a question? Hell ya! Can we go back to get my stuff?" She said stopping.

"Sure. Wait don't you have to ask, since your parents are super strict?" Said Jungkook also stopping.

"Ya but I just texted them. They don't care." Sana said as they turned around.

"Hey I heard your parents aren't home again. I'm sorry about that. You must be alone a lot." Said Sana.

"Ya but I'm used to it." Said Jungkook, while Sana was getting pissed off by the minute. "Kookie! You shouldn't be used to it!" Said Sana hugging Jungkook.

"To be honest I do get lonely in that place." Said Jungkook as he opened the two big front doors for his friend.

"Hmmmm hey! Let's get an apartment. It'll be like sleepovers just everyday. come on what do you think? we could half and half the bills or I could ask my parents and they could just give us an apartment from one of there owned apartment buildings. What do you think? Yes, no?" Sana said looking excited, going into her bedroom to get her things ready.

"Well, I would get a apartment that wasn't owned by you parents, because the could just walk in like nothing. And they could go through your stuff, and my stuff. So if we do lets get one not owned by them. But hell yes!" said Jungkook as he stared at Sana's door seeing Teahyung glaring at him through the crack.

"Can I talk to Jungkook for a second?" said Teahyung as he opened the door all the way.

" Why, do you need to talk to him? He's with me right now." Said Sana as she pulled out a black tang top and a white tang top from her dresser.

"Were are you going?" Asked Taehyung to his little sister. "Um I'm staying two nights at Kookies house." Said Sana like it was no big deal. But it was a big deal to Taehyung." Did our parents agree?" He asked through gritted teeth.

"Yup." she said to her brother. " I'm ready lets go. You want to ask my parents now?" Sana said to Jungkook and completely ignored Taehyung who was confused, all of a sudden. " Tell them what?" He asked.

"OH were getting a non of your business." Said Jungkook confidently. ' My Kookie has grown all up. I'm so proud of him.' Thought Sana as she put her hand to her heart and smiled to herself.

Jungkook felt proud as he pushed Taehyung out of the doorway. Taehyung was astonished at the comment that Jungkook just said. He's used to his sister saying it but not Jungkook.

Jungkook and Sana went down the stairs together confident about there decision about getting an apartment. Taehyung just followed quietly after them.

"Mom, Dad we want to talk to you." Said Sana, grasping onto Jungkooks hand for assurance." What is it dear? We already said it was alright to go two nights at Jungkooks house." Said her mother turning off the TV.

"Jungkook and I want to move in apartment together. The reason why is because we've been best friends for ever, have sleep overs for weeks at a time. And were both old enough. I mean I'm only 17 but Jungkook is 18 he can technically take care of me. But were both old enough for jobs so can we?" Asked Sana nervously.

"Well you two are old enough and you have all your facts straight, but if you get Jungkooks parents agree and you two geta standing job for at least a week, we will considerate it." Said Sana's father who was sitting was next to Sana's mother. Taehyung just had his jaw dropped. They were going to let them just move in. 'Unbelievable ' thought Taehyung.

"Yay thank you dad! Well were going to leave now see you in two days guys." Sana said as she kissed her parents cheeks and walked to her brother and hugged him." Don't be late for school tomorrow or the next day please." Said her mother getting up and making herself some tea.

"We wont Mrs.Kim. I promise." Jungkook said as he scratched he head. 'Well that was easy. Now we just need jobs and my parents ok. thats going to be hard they aren't even here. Yay me ...'


Sorry I haven't been on I had to go somewhere but we are good now. But I wont be on every single day I have school in a few days so I wont be on for a little bit but I will try!!! <3

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