How Did We Get Into This

By SmolBeanAnix

49.6K 939 504

Newt and Thomas, the main ship in this story, have gone through lots of things together. Well. When they f... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 10

1.4K 29 6
By SmolBeanAnix

An so if you skipped the last chapter I sugjest you go and read it because if not this is a spoiler........ In the last chapter Liam died. And now they have to tell his boyfriend Brett. Long story short.

it deleted my chapter and this is what was left so I'm starting over.

Newts POV

I feel really terrible. All I can smell in this room is people grieving. I just can't keep my mind off Brett. Him and Liam were mates.

They say when you lose a mate it feels like half of you is missing and most of the time that ends in suicide. But I know that Liam wouldn't like that so I am gonna do everything I can for him. I know just how am I going to do it.

We were giving the news about an hour ago. Everyone either fell asleep crying or is still crying and cuddle at the loss of the dead boy up stairs. I'm cuddling with my sleeping baby and Tommy. I look at Tommy and ask him to take the baby so I can talk to Scott. He nods and I hand him Izzy.

"Scott I need to talk to you in private." He nods and we go into the woods.

"Scott i'm going to tell Brett but first I need you to do somethings for me. I need you to clean Liam. I know it will be hard but I will need you to do it so Brett can at least see him." He nods and I continue. "I also need you to take people home so it's only me, Izzy, Tommy, Brett and you when you finish. Again I also need you to block the scent of Liam cause if not Brett will go crazy I want to tell him slowly and I don't want to get anyone else hurt. Last but not least can you please get rid of all the dangerous weapons or objects from the first floor."

"Yeah Newt. I can see you care for them. But when will this take place?" He says with a small smile. "It will take place once we get back and finish what we need and of course I care, I don't want him to die to that's not what Liam would want. He would want Brett to be happy. So I am going to take him in ad my pup. He may act strong but he's just a cub on the inside." I smile at him.

Once all the things are done and my people are in our room I call Brett.

(Brett) (Newt)

Hey Brett sweet heart can you come to my house we need to talk.
Yea sure I'll be there I'm a few minutes.
Okay good bye love
Bye Newt

After I hung up I waited. Once he came in I walked into the living room and sat down.

"Brett baby I need you to calm down and I need you to stay calm and human and let me finish. Okay can you do that?" He nods and I grabbed his hands and looked him in the eyes as I kneel in front of him. "Brett there was a rouge attack and we lost a pack member." He looked at me in shock and tears in his eyes. He started to whimper. "Shh Shh I know I know but let me finish okay." He nodes and calmed him self "who was it?" He asked. He got close to everyone so I know how he feels at this moment to not know who it was, but that's my fault.

"Before I tell you who I need you to know that this person died saving the pack. I mean everyone was attacking the others, but this person took the most damage and saved them all." He nods. I can see the tears in his eyes like he knows that who every it was,was someone important to him..

"Bloody hell this is hard to tell you." I pause and let out a sigh when I notice I am crying. "It was Liam, Brett....." I looked at Brett and he started sobbing, i pull him into my chest as he curls into himself. "I know I know I know" I said over and over. "He loved you and he would want you to live on and be happy eventually. Okay we will get through this together. Okay?" I say hugging him as we both sob together.

After a good 10 minutes of sobbing and encouraging words. He says very faintly "can I see him" I nod and he follows me. In the light I can see him with red puffy eyes and tear stains on cheeks. I probably look exactly that... I lead him up stairs and right when I open the door he gasps and runs to Liam's side and holds his hand.

"My poor baby boy I'm so sorry I should have been there. It should have been me. You wouldn't be like this. You didn't deserve this. I love you so much. So so so much. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me I should have never left. I'm so sorry." He said as he sobbed into Liam's cold life less hand. He repeated I'm sorry over and over again. I can see how broken this boy is. Of course that happens when you lose someone you love like a mate. 

I left him alone for a few hours until he came down. "Newt can we cuddle I can't watch him lay there completely life less forever." He asked looking down. "yea honey but Izzy and Tommy are up stairs I will tell them I'm gonna stay here then we can cuddle and watch movies." He nods and I go and talk to Tommy.

"Tommy I'm going to stay with Brett tonight ok love?" "Yea sure net go ahead he needs someone to be with him. I will talk care of Izzy." Tommy says as he kisses me. I say my goodnight and walk down stairs to Brett.

"Hey Brett tomorrow we are going to bury Liam and if you don't want to be there I will stay with you okay?" He looked up at me and hugged me. "I want to go but can you stay with me?" He asked hopefully. I nod. The rest of the night was spent cuddling, eating, and watching t.v. until we both fell into a peaceful steep.

Okay so that happens stay tuned for the funeral and stuff. I feel bad for Brett. Oh and just to let you know I ship Briam do yeah this hurt to write. But I gtg later llamas

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