
By DizzieFrizzy

3.6K 493 262

Three best friends An amazing trip That's all it takes for life to be wonderful again. Except there's one q... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Don't Read This
A Letter
Bonus Chapter

Chapter 16

50 11 0
By DizzieFrizzy

'Oi, Lilz, get up we are gonna be late for the bonfire'.
Lily had dozed off, carefully curled up, hugging a pillow, after narrating Shane's tale.
'Awwwww.... I don't wanna get up, Chris. I'm feeling very very tired. Go on without me. Pretty please. '
Chris crossed his arms, a serious expression daunting his smart little face.
'You listen to me, young woman. We are not leaving you here, alone. You are coming down with us, right now. Do you understand?'
Lily raised two of her fingers to her head and said boldly, 'Yes sir!'
Chris laughed,'Oh god. Lily. You done with this. Now go and change'
He pulled her up and pushed her towards the bathroom.
She combed her hair and washed her face and changed into a black V-neck with jeans.
'Ta-da', she sang while emerging through the bathroom, flinging her arms in the air.
'Finally you have managed to look like a human',said Chris
'Oh shut up Rodgers. And tell me where Zara is.' she said hitting him playfully on the arm.
'She's in the balcony. Sipping coffee'
He gestured towards the door from where Lily could make out a figure leaning against the railing.
She opened the door and light wind brushed her face as she put an arm around Zara.
'What's happening?', Lily asked
Zara looked at her, tears had stained her face, she looked very disturbed.
Lily squeezed her shoulder.
'Listen, whatever it is, it's gonna be fine'.
Zara nodded in silence. She wiped her face took a deep breath and walked out.
'All set? Yay, let's go', Chris said with apparent joy.

The fire crackled emitting a warm glow of orange and red.
The sky was equally amazing, laden with constellations of stars.
People, mostly teenagers were sitting along the burning fire huddled in small groups, talking amongst themselves. Lily, Zara and Chris took to a small place away from the bustling crowd.
Lily spotted Shane with Jade and her friends. He was laughing, enjoying himself. He was so used to it wasn't he? Surrounded by a couple of girls, flirting with him, guys, admiring his knowledge of football.
Lily remembered, the ball was made for his feet. Every time he used to shoot, the crowd went wild, cheering his name, no matter how sore their throats were. He used to be hoisted on top of the shoulders, carrying that glistening trophy, shirtless...
'God, Lily stop it', she reminded herself.
Suddenly the chattering stopped. A silence fell over as a young women took hold of a mike.
'Evening, ladies and gentlemen. Hope you are enjoying you're stay at the hotel as well as at Hawaii. We have organised a band for you..'
Everybody started cheering, hands over their heads.
'Put your hands together for Rock It', she said.
'Wohoo', Chris shouted.
'I hope this one is gonna be good', said Lily.
The band arrived on stage and said a few words. They apologised for the fact that their lead was stuck in a jam but he won't be late.
They played good songs for rest of the evening, everybody's hands were up in the air, some were even dancing beside the band.
Lily spotted Shane, hand in hand, with one of Jade's friends, dancing to a romantic number. She had never noticed that he danced well.
Suddenly the lights went down, the song ended.
A guy came behind the mike, his face wasn't visible but his voice was kinda familiar to the three.
'Hey guys, sorry for being so so late. Are you enjoying it this evening??', he shouted and placed the mike in front of the crowd.
'Yeahhhh!!!!', they all screamed.
'Happy to hear that. So my next song is dedicated to one of my dearest friends from high school. I hope she's here to listen to it. Happy Birthday Lily Young', he said.
'He effing knows my name Zara. Who can that be? I know this guy, somehow. Why won't the lights go on??', Lily said.
He started singing, 'The sun goes down the stars come out
And all that counts is here and now
My universe will never be the same
I'm glad you came, I'm glad you came'
And the lights went on, spotlights shined on his face and Lily gasped.
'Sam Williams?!?!?'

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