Transforming into a Griffin

By bradfordbadgirl404

181K 5.4K 462

Bella can change into a griffin. She decides to move in with Charlie so she doesn't have to hear Phil and Ren... More

chapter two
chapter three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two

Chapter One

11.5K 298 110
By bradfordbadgirl404

Bella's POV

I was sitting on my bed reading a book. Phil and Mum Renee had gone out for the night together and as usual I just snuggled under my duvet with my head in a book. I'm the type of girl who snuggles up with a book on a couch instead of going out and partying and getting drunk in the early hours of the morning.

I'm the sort of girl who is private and keeps to herself. The one that is a good girl in class listens and gets her homework in on time. I don't date anybody, mainly because all the boys at my school are idiots and I don't want to get too close to anyone. What would they think if I told them I was a griffin? A big gigantic bird that goes flying around behind her mothers and step-fathers back when they don't know.

Let me just introduce myself and say some things I really want to get out in the open so you're not confused anymore. My name is Isabella Marie Swan, I am seventeen my mother is Renee Dwyer who lives in Phoenix with me and my step-dad Phil Dwyer, my real dad is Charlie Swan who lives in Forks Washington. I live in Phoenix with Phil and Renee.

No-one knows that I am a griffin. A griffin is a bird. I can transform into a griffin anytime I want to. If I get really angry though and I mean REALLY angry, I change without a second thought. This wouldn't be good because no one knows that I can change into a bird.

I don't know how I can change into a griffin but one day I just suddenly changed. I didn't tell my mum because she would probably call me a freak. Since I transformed into a griffin, my looks improved. I looked plain before and now I look sort of pretty.

Renee thought that my looks improved because of puberty which hit when I was thirteen. I grew a few inches in height, so now I'm not really short anymore; my hair goes down to my mid back and is shinier and silky. My face doesn't have any pimples, my skin is clear, I'm still the same pale skin colour though like I always have being even though I live in the sunny Phoenix.

My eyes are chocolate brown just like Charlie's which I am proud of, I like brown. It's such a warm colour. My breasts had grown a bit since I was thirteen and they actually look like they could fill out into a shirt now and I have curves.

When I choose to be in my griffin form, I have wings that are up to 1 meter long each, I have really sharp golden claws and my feathers are brown, goldenish. My teeth are sharp and my beak is gold, brown like the rest of my body. I also have a tail and that is also golden.

So, enough about that right now, I am seventeen and I have been able to transform into a griffin for two years now. Ever since I turned fifteen. In my griffin form I am also really fast and when I am my usually self, I am maybe just faster than the fastest runner in the world. Maybe more.

I don't know, I haven't tried running my fastest for some reason. Also, I used to be clumsy but now I have a sense of balance, in the sky and on land. Renee said that I looked graceful. A little bit. At least she is being honest.

I respect people who are honest and don't lie. I don't like people who lie and are mean and bitchy. Like most people at my school. So I keep to myself. I don't want anyone finding out that I am a griffin. I'm not ashamed of it, I actually like being a griffin, it gives me a sense of freedom, I'll explain why soon, but I don't want them finding out because it is none of their business.

Being a griffin sometimes gives me the feeling of being free. Let me explain. Did I mention that Phil and Renee were newlyweds? No? Well yes, they are, they got married a month ago. So after they got back from their honeymoon, they still couldn't keep their hands off each other. So to respect me, they would go off for the weekends, leaving the house to me.

They said that they had stuff to do but I know better. So they left the house to me, and drove to a hotel. During that time, they went away a lot. I flew. I spent the whole weekend flying. Since I can fly really fast, and I mean really, really fast. I love going fast.

It relaxes me. Going through the air as fast as I can, the wind all through my feathers it relaxes me. One time I was so relaxed that I didn't even realise I was flying over a castle in Germany. Do you know how far Germany is from Phoenix?

It was nighttime, I had been flying since Friday night and it was now Saturday morning, sometime between 3-6am I think and the lights were on in the castle, trees, a luscious green were surrounding the castle stretching on for ages, the clouds were pink, some stars were still shining and the moon was showing a little bit.

I got back home on Monday, a day late, to find that Renee and Phil were still at the hotel so I didn't have to get in trouble about being late home. I came home late on Monday because I was admiring the castles in Germany. They were so pretty.

Anyway, enough about that, I might tell you some more of the places I have been later if you guys want to know. Right now, I am sitting in bed reading my book trying to block out the noises from next door. "Uhh" Phil moaned loudly. Gosh!

Maybe I should just go for another fly? I snuggled further into my blanket trying desperately to block out the noises of Phil and Renee next door. EW.

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