Unplanned (Teen Wolf/ Stiles...

By rayquanda

908K 15.2K 5K

Maebh Clery is excited for a fresh new start in Beacon Hills. She wants to meet new people, do new things, an... More

Chapter 1- Saying Goodbye
Chapter 2- PA to CA
Chapter 3- #laxbro420
Chapter 4- Wtf?!
Chapter 5- Fiesta o Siesta
Chapter 6- Not Anymore
Chapter 7- Jealousy's the Enemy
Chapter 8- Don't Hate the Player, Hate the Game
Chapter 9- Bloody Hell
Chapter 10- Family Tree
Chapter 11- Succumbing to Your Wounds
Chapter 12- Everybody and Their Sister
Chapter 13- Surprise, Surprise
Chapter 14- Our History is the Mystery
Chapter 15- The Hunter and the Hunted
Chapter 16- What the hell is a Stiles?
Chapter 17- Sweet Nothing
Chapter 18- Too Much of a Good Thing
Chapter 19- Playing Hookie
Chapter 20- Bad Vibes
Chapter 21 - Even If I Beg
Chapter 22- The Morning After
Chapter 23- Girls in the Sea
Chapter 24- Sloth
Chapter 25- Errands
Chapter 26- Answers and Questions
Chapter 27- Drifting
Chapter 28- Not Your Sister
Chapter 29- Grace is Gone
Chapter 30- Power Trip
Chapter 31- Formally Known As...
Chapter 32- Dance, Dance
Chapter 33- Full Circle
Chapter 35- No More Losing The War
Chapter 36- Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost
Epilogue- Across the Pond

Chapter 34- The House in The Woods

15.5K 323 76
By rayquanda



Oh my God. What happened to her?

I found her unconscious on the lacrosse field. Luckily, she hadn’t been attacked 

What do you mean ‘luckily’?

We found Lydia….

Oh no.

I was too tired to really make sense of the voices I was hearing. Slowly, I could feel myself coming back into my own body. I was aware that I was being carried, and whoever it was was moving. I could feel the heat of their body radiating off of them in contrast with the cold air that was assaulting the rest of my skin. I frowned and tried to curl myself closer to the warmth with a sigh.

“I think she’s waking up.” Chase said, and I could hear my mother breathe out a sigh of relief.

“Put her on the couch.” My mother said quickly, and I could hear and feel their footsteps as Chase carried me through my house. 

I felt the blessed surface of my couch meeting my back as Chase set me down. A few seconds later I felt a blanket being draped over top of me, and curled into it, getting comfortable. I took a deep breath and slowly peeled my eyes open. Chase knelt down until he was eye level with me and gave me a wary smile. 

"Hey, how are you feeling?" he asked gently. 

"Like a ray of sunshine." I grumbled as my head pounded. I was exhausted, but I knew I couldn't lay around any longer. I had to find Stiles and Scott. 

"Mom? What's going on?" I heard Shea saying from the other room. As his footsteps came closer, I waited for the inevitable screaming match and/or interregation. 

"What's wrong with May?" he questioned. "Chase, what the fuck did you do to my babysister?" he said angrily, shoving Chase out of the way and kneeling in front of me. "Hey, don't worry," he told me reassuringly, "I'll break every bone in his body, starting with one in particular." 

I couldn't help the small smile that formed on my face. "Chase didn't do anything wrong, Shea. I just fainted." I told him quietly. 

"Well, I don't think that's all-" Chase started, but I shut him up with a glare that could probably kill someone. I wasn't ready to try and explain all of this just yet. Thankfully, my mom came back to save the day. 

"Chase, thank you co much for bringing her home, but I think you should go now. She clearly needs to rest. I'll have Shea keep you updated on her." she said politely, as she lead him from the room. 

"If you need anything, let me know Mrs. Clery." he said, and I could hear him sigh before he left the house. I felt bad for ruining the dance for him and for lying to him all night, but I couldn't help it. It was for his own good. 

I sat up slowly and cringed at my aching muscles. Shea gave me a disapproving look as I forced myself to stand. 

"Maebh, what is going on?" he asked, crossig his arms over his chest. 

"I'm going to take a shower." I mumbled, attempting to get away, but failing, as I felt like I was dragging dead children behind me whenever I tried to walk. 

"Maebh, cut the bullshit. You're hurt, and I want to know what's going on right now." Shea said forcefully as he followed behind me. 

"I fainted, it's really no big deal. I was just tired from the dance and it took over me. Now, I'm going to shower, please just let me have some space." I told him, letting some annoyance leak into my voice so that he woudl get the message. If I thoguht lying to Chase was hard, lying to my brother was worse. It was imposssible, because he had been acting more and more like his old, compassionate self lately, and I was being such a bitch about it. All he seemed to do recently was worry about me, and I wish I could at least be honest with him, but it wouldn't make him worry any less. 

I could tell Shea was stilled pissed off and knew very well that my story was false, but he just stomped off towards the kitchen as I dragged myself upstairs. I shuffled down the hall to my bedroom, and if I had any energy left in me, I would have screamed. 

"Don't scream." Scott warned me. He was siting on my bed, still in his suit from the dance, his eyes and hands shifted into his werewolf form. There was a bead of sweating falling down his forehead, so I could tell that he had just sprinted here. "We have a problem." he sighed. I looked both ways down the hall before closing the door behind me and walking over to him. 

"What's up?" I asked as I threw my heels into my closet forcefully. Chase had, thankfully, thought to grab the purse I had brought with me, so I set my phone up to charge on my nightstand. 

"The Argents came after me at the school. Allison saw me shift." he said defeatedly. "And they took Stiles." 

"I know." I said angrily. I felt tears prick my eyes, but I held them back. I was not going to be some weak and weeping little girl just because he was gone. I had protected him for the time being, and I would find him, whatever it took. "We need to find Derek." I told Scott, walking back over to my closet and pulling out some dark jeans and black shirt. If there was one true thing to all of those cheesy spy movies, it was wearing black. It would conceal me somewhat for the mission I was about to make. 

"I know, but do you really think he can help us? And where would we even start looking?" He asked. 

"Yes and I have an idea, but first, let me take a shower." I said. I figured that the water would help me regain my strength, since it came from a well and would probably work like the stream had that day. "Meet me back here in 10 and we'll go from there." I told him, and he nodded before slipping out my window. 

I was right about the shower. I stood under the warm water and I could feel my muscels relaxing and healing as well as energy flowing into me. By the time I got out, I didn't feel exhausted anymore. I felt...


I checked the clock and realized that I still had a few minutes unti Scott ame back. I slipped on my jeans and shirt, along with my black boots and leather jacket. They were not only the sturdiest clothes I owned, but they also made me feel kick ass. Plus, I notice that it was the werewolf staple to wear a leather jacket, and I just wanted to fit in, you know? 

I slid my phone into my pocket and pulled my hair into a ponytail as I went downstairs. I went into the kitchen and grabbed an apple. I was really hungry, and I was pretty sure this would give me even more energy. I bit into it without really looking around, but I was stopped when I hear Shea's voice. 

"I don't know what's going on." he said defeatedly. I looked over to see him sitting at one of the bar stools at the island with his head hung low. He stared at his hands as if they could explain what was going on, but we both knew they couldn't. "I won't even pretend to know. I told you that before. I can't even express to you how utterly stupid I feel all of the time." he lifted his head, but instead of looking at me, he looked out one of the windows in the other room. "Maybe you think you're protecting me, or mom, or Tyler... I don't know. But it's my job to protect you." he continued, finally looking at me. "You're going somewhere tonight, somewhere dangerous and don't even try to deny it. I can tell by what you're wearing and what you're doing. You're leaving again, but now I'm really scred that you won't come back." he said with a crack in his voice, and I could see how afraid he was in his eyes. I felt my throat constrict and my eyes started to water. I never wanted to do this to him. 

"Shea, I-" I tried to say, but he cut me off. 

"No, don't even try to give me some excuse. I know you're lying." he said angrily,  but then his face softened and he walked over to me. He wrapped me in a hug, and I felt myself relax against him. There was so much I wish I could say, but I couldn't. At least, not now. "May, please don't leave. Just please.... don't go." he choked out. 

"Hey," I said comfortingly. "I'll be okay, I promise. I want to tell you more than anything, but now isn't the time." I said, and I heard a knock at the front door. I stepped away from my brother and looked up at him. "You always protect me, Shea. You're an amazing older brother. But now it's time for me to protect you, okay?" I said. He seemed puzzled, but before he could overthink my statement, I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and walked out the door. Scott stood on the steps in some jeans and a hoodie, and gave me a wicked smile. 

"Ready to kick ass?" he asked. I smiled back. 



 "You really think this will work?" Scott asks as he looks out over Beacon Hills from the cliff we're standing on.

"It worked at the school, didn't it?" I replied, and stepped back. He gave me a nervous look, and I nodded to him. "Go ahead, you'll do fine."

He gave me a wary look before tunring back around, he cleared his throat a couple of times before letting out a bone chilling sound. It was the same howl he made at the school only a few weeks ago, but this time there was no speaker to amplify it. It was pure power.

He looked back at me sheepishly. "Do you think anyone heard that?" he asked.

"Holy SHIT." I shouted. "I think they probably felt it! Their grandkids or going to feel it. That was amazing!" I shouted. I opened my mouth to say somthign else equally stupid, when I heard a different howl in the distance. I looked at Scott, who had his head tilted to the side, listening and concentrating.

"Is that him?" I asked hopefully. Scott responded by shooting me a grin before sprinting off into the woods. I took off after him, and using the speed that my ancestors so graciously gave me, I was able to keep up. After a few minutes of running, we came to a familiar place.

"Are you kidding me?" I shouted, irritated. "He was here the whole time?" I asked as we walked up to the Hale property. This section was a ways from the main house, but I had walked by it enough to know that it was part of the estate. I had never ventured inside, but I could only imagine what was down there. 

"I don't think he's here by choice." Scott said. He walked over to a small door leading down into the earth, and brushed awak some vines cluttering it. "Are you ready for this?" he asked me seriously. I nodded and he opened the door and we slipped inside. 

The hallways were dark, and damp, and made of stone. It looked like something out of a movie. I couuld smell the must seeping out of the walls and into the air, and our footsteps echoed off of the walls. 

We came to a large door in the wall, like something you would see in a warehouse. We paused outside and listened in. 

"Are you ready for another round, werewolf?" A man's voice asked. "I was just resting my arm, I worked up quite a sweat the other day." 

"What's wrong?" Derek's distinctly monotone voice replied. "Didn't have anyone to help you finish the job?" 

"That's rich of you to say, you're a lone wolf." The man replied, and there was a grunt as Derek seemed to stop whatever it was he was about to do. 

"See, that's where you're wrong." he said, and Scott and I both rolled our eyes as we took Derek's theatrical cue to enter the room. I gasped at what I saw. 

Derek was tied up in the back of the room, with wires attaches to his body, and dried blood in splotches over his face and chest. The other man, who was presumably there to torture him, had tried to hit Derek, but he had caught the bat in his hand. Scott walked over and grabbed the man, throwing him into the nearest wall. The man slumped to the ground, unconcious. 

"Jesus," I muttered. "Are you alright?" I asked out of instinct. Derek gave me a flat look, and I sighed at him. "You know what I mean." I said, coming towards him and staring to undo some of his restraints. 

"Here's the deal," Scott said from behind me, "we're going to help you get the alpha."

"But?" Derek questioned as I finished untying one of his ankles, and he stepped down with a wince. 

"We're not going to kill Jackson, and I get to take care of the alpha." Scott said confidently. "You said that was how to be human again, and that's what I want." 

Derek was silent for a long time as I finished undoing his other ankle, and then his wrist. "Fine." he said finally. "But we need to get out of here, she isn't far behind."

"Who?" Scott questioned, but I had a good feeling that I already knew the answer. 



We were sprinting towards the house, and we had almost made it. I really thought we were going to pull this off. 

"This seems too-" Scott started to say, but Derek cut him off. 

"Don't say 'easy'. Whenever someone says something is 'easy', something bad happens." Derek said, glancing around the woods as he caught his breath.

"Easy." Scott finished. As soon as he finished saying the word, an arrow flew right by my face and sunk into the tree behind me. 

"Cover your eyes!" Derek shouted, but of course Scott didn't. I covered mine just in time for it to explode. 

"Run!" Derek shouted, but because Scott didn't close his eyes, he couldn't do more than stumble away. I found myself frozen as I looked back at Derek. I could see two forms in the distance, one was Kate's and one was... Allison's. 

I should have been surprised, but I wasn't. Kate whispered into her ear, coaching her on what to do. I should have run, or tried to help Scott or Derek, but everything happened so quickly. All of the sudden, Allison had shot two arrows into Derek's leg, affectively taking him down, and turned mercilessly towards me. 

"But why? She's not a werewolf." I could hear her mutter to Kate, but I couldn't move away fast enough as she let the arrow fly anyway. I bit my lip to hold by my scream as the arrow ripped into the skin of my forearm and pinned me to the tree. 

"You're right." Kate said, walking over to Derek and I. "She's even worse. She protects them." Kate said, giving me one of her icy smiles. "Take care of him." Kate said to Allison, nodding towards Derek. 

"What?" Allison said nervously. She walked over to Kate, glancing at me. I could see the indecision and regret in her eyes as she saw me, but it quickly disappeared as she looked down at Derek. "You said we were just capturing them." 

"We did that." Kate said with a smirk. "And now we kill them. Like this," she said, and pulled a hand gun out, shooting Derek in the chest. His eyes went wide and he went down instantly. "It's easy." 

On the inside, I was screaming. My vision was seeping red as I stared at Kate. I bit my lip, because I didn't want her to have the satisfaction of knowing that she hurt me. 

"Kate!" Allison scolded shakily. Kate just gave Allison a glance and laughed menaically, before walking over to me. She gripped my chin in her hand, and my vision went completely red. 

"Now you are a special case, aren't you?" Kate said to me. "An ignorant bitch since the moment I met you. But, I do know what you are," she said, clucking her tongue in a calculating manner as she looke dme up and down. "You're promising. I'm willing ot put the past behind us, if you'll agree. I think you would make a great hunter. So much potential." she said praisingly, but her words sounded like nails on a chalkboard. "So much power. What do you say?" she asked. 

I couldn't have helped it if I tried. I was so mad that I felt no pain as I yanked my arm from the arrow and slapped her clean accross the face. 

"Go fuck yourself." I growled, and pushed her off of me. 

I ran over to Derek, shooting a shocked Allison a glare. I didn't think she would hurt Scott, and right now he was the most likely to live out of all of us, so I took a chance with Derek. As per the usual, there was blood seeping from the gun wound on his chest. 

"Derek, wake up. Please?" I pleaded. I heard Kate moving behind me, and looked back in time to see her spit out blood. 

"Well," she said with a laugh that held no ammusement. "At least I know where your allegiances lie." she said, and lifted a her gun to point it right at my face. "Say hi to your aunt and uncle for me, will you?" she said with a grin. I saw her finger flex on the trigger, but she never got the chance to pull it. 

"Kate, put the gun down!"


weofoiefjowoeifowei update! Hopefully you guys read the ending of the last chapter again, but who knows. What do you think? I'm already writing the next chapter because I'm really feeling it tonight, so I might update tomorrow. 

Also, it has come to my attention that I'm at over 45,000 reads. WTF??!!? I know I say this all the time, but I'm seriously amazed. I truly did not think that anyone would read this, and the fact that you guys fo makes my day. I love you all so so much!!!

On a litte las t side note, i got asked ot homecoming ((screams)), so wish me luck! Also, if you guys had any neat or trendy ideas for book titles or covers for the sequel, just message me and let me know!

xoxo, gossip girl 

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