Short Stories

By Percabeth5

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Short Stories
Charlie and Adam
Wow! That Was Random!
The Creature
Love at First Sight?
My Hatred for Nyquil only grows stronger
One Day in Language Arts This is What We Came Up With.....
"Santa Claus" and a cute boy
Books I Read In 2013
Our Song
Love Inside a Coffeehouse
Lets be rebels that go to the park after it closes
Where I'm From.....
Books I Read in 2014
The Dragon
"I Figured You'd Be Here"
A Different sort of Person, in a Normal sort of Place
Someone New in the House
Jelly Beans in Aisle Three

The Creature: Part Two (redo)

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By Percabeth5

A/N: okay so I redid this one, because it wasn't the best. So here is the redo of the second part.

It had been a year since she left him. She didn't want him to get hurt. Nor could she stay with him. So she left. She moved from abandoned house to abandoned house never staying at the same place for more than a week or two. He had been looking for her. Never giving up hope that maybe he could find her. Her skin was always two colors now. Never changing back to normal. She had stopped trying to prevent herself from changing.

She creeped through the old broken down house. She dragged her small bony feet and stumbled around, not able to see where she was going through her two beautiful cloudy blue eyes. Her eyes moved from left to right. Searching. Her orange tears dripped down her puffy cheeks and soaked into her torn Imagine Dragons T-shirt, that hung loosely on her shoulders. In her mind she pretended to be a normal human being but that's not what she is. She scared people. She scared him. Why else would she have left him alone in the woods?

Her once beautiful shiny brown hair was now dull and reached her hips. It was  tied back in a loose ponytail with a frayed blue ribbon. Her soft skin was green but morphed into paler green color. Freckles sprinkled her face. Her lips were small and red. She was alone but that was the only way it could be. She terrified people. He hadn't been scared maybe that's why she had stayed for so long. Or maybe he had been scared. Knowing that at any minute she could turn on him. Hurt him or worse kill him. It had taken all her will power to leave him behind. Maybe it was because he had said he loved her. Monster and all. But she had decided to leave and be alone. She had been on her own for longer than anyone should be alone.

Her body was frail and sickly. Her arms reached mid-thigh. Her hands were dark green and spindly. On her middle finger of her left hand she had a thick silver ring on it. Her legs were long and pale green. She wore torn denim shorts, that had faded almost to the color white. On her feet she wore dark orange Converse that were surprisingly not falling apart. She always kept a different book with her. Just in case. This time the book was 'The Fault In Our Stars' By John Green. She kept away from people and hid when somebody came close to her hiding spot. She was alone and maybe she liked it. Away from the happiness, depression, love and hate. Maybe she would never go back. Maybe she didn't have a choice but to keep hiding away from the one she had once loved.

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