Can't Be Changed [on hold]

Από Wonderlandx3

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Based Off The Song: Rumor Has It by Adele. ~*~ When a snarky playboy who is used to g... Περισσότερα

Can't Be Changed
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four

Chapter Three

1K 41 13
Από Wonderlandx3

             Hey folks! Long chapter. Comment and vote for me? Click the external link. That banner is made by xstaygold. Thanks so much! It's gorg. On the side, is Aaron & Jesse. Or at least, how I picture them. Jesse's photo is slightly bigger, which makes him look stronger. But he's not. Aaron is. ;3 xo.            

             I couldn't believe this. It was a bright, sunny Tuesday; and another dreadful day of school loomed ahead. Felix and I had just gotten out of my car, when we were swarmed by girls. They all held out print-outs of my rumor. I didn't want anyone to know about this, yet the entire female population already did? Well, damn! This W chick, whoever she was, worked fast.

            "Are you and Jesse really going out? He's like super freaking hot! Oh my gosh, like this is so cool!" Said a junior, who I'm sure was one of those homo fan girls. Ugh, those girls were the worse! Sanders had emailed me this morning, with a list of do's and don’ts on our list. Apparently, a month from yesterday, Jesse was supposed to meet him. They were going to talk about me, and explain everything then.

            What I was really worried about, is how I was going to get this freak to fall for me. I hadn't seen or heard from him at all this morning. This was a good sign. As Felix and I made our way to the school's courtyard, the girls all followed alongside us.

            "Will you and Jesse become a couple?" One asked.

            Another sighed dreamily, "I want to be a bridesmaid. Your wedding colors should be pink and green! Ooh, those are a cute color combination. Don't you think, Aaron?"

            I narrowed my eyes into slits. These girls were tap dancing on my very last nerve. "Listen, and listen well. Jesse is not in love with me, nor am I in love with him either. I don't even know him! So, drop your little gay fantasies about us, and scoot!"

            The girls gasped in unison, the one who made the comment about the wedding, stepped up and slapped me. With that, she and the rest of the girl army strutted away. Letting out a huff of relief, I turned my attention back to a smirking Felix.

            "What?" I snapped.

            His smirk only got more prominent, "Why so jumpy and defensive? Feeling a little bit overwhelmed?" Okay, I wanted to slap this mofo upside the face, and call Yo Momma on him.

            "Naw shit Sherlock. In fact, I'm just peachy!" I said, my voice rising up another octave. Of course I was stressed! The entire school probably thought of me as some weak ass fag or something. This is all stupid Sanders fault. If I hadn't agreed to the deal, I wouldn't be in this mess.

"Look, I think we need to search the journalism classes today." I decided finally.

            Felix arched an eyebrow. "Why?"

            "Because, this W chick has to use a computer right? And Sam texted me saying, the girl blogged that she would update her status at school. Where else would you have such free Internet access? In the library, you're watched like a hawk. You'd think we were plotting world domination or something with the way those librarians eye us. Obviously, she's a smarty. Meaning, she's in journalism." I explained thoroughly, as we made our way through the packs of students.

            Felix gawked at me. "You seem to have given this some careful thought."

            I nodded in agreement, knowing Felix could read me like an open book. "I did, dude. I know I'm not some homo so why not prove it? Whoever this girl is, I'm going to tear her down when I find her."

            We made our way to the back, and on the way, we bumped into a familiar looking guy. Suddenly, realization dawned on me, and I noticed who it was. That emo kid from the skate park. Uh-Oh. A bitch fight is going to go down tonight! Just kidding.

            "Hey, hold up there." He said. He stepped in front of Felix and me, blocking our only way to the courtyard. Shit, now I was going to have to tell Felix I went to the skate park.

            "What do you want?" Felix asked with a strong look of distaste on his face. Wow. I never knew how cruel we treated the emos around here. Damn, we looked like Edward Cullen's fighting face. And that was mad scary!

            "Look, Aaron. I warned you about hurting Parrish. I doubt you noticed but yesterday, you flat out embarrassed him. When you thought you were being all macho and superman, you really just made him feel like scum. He can handle himself in fights. He does underground training! Besides, you shouldn't defend him. You've not spoken one word to him since forever." He hissed.

            "Uh, wrong there buddy. I've called him a fag, homo, gay, fairy, mental-tard, and much more. So I have spoken to him." I said cockily. Wrong move, Aaron. Before I could blink, I was clutching my right cheek in pain, and a stinging sensation was consuming my thoughts. Did this bitch just slap me? Oh, hell no! Did he want to go?

            "What the fuck?" Felix shouted, shoving the emo kid.

            Emo kid sneered at me with disgust. "He deserved it! He just keeps insulting my best friend! If he thinks he'll get away with it again, you're sadly mistaken. Steer clear from Parrish, me, and our lives. I don't know what little twisted game you're trying to start, but we are not playing. Got it?"

            With that, he walked away. Felix looked at me suspiciously, moving me into the men's bathroom. Once we were safe from the public eye, he made sure the bathroom was empty before blowing up on me. "Dude, what the hell? First you were rumored to be some fag's lover, and know another fag whooped your ass? Aaron, man, what the hell is going on? I don't even know anything anymore."

            I winced at his harsh words. "Look, nothing is going on! I was looking for Jesse at the park, and he wasn't there. So I chatted with that dude from outside, and he threatened me. No biggie."

            "No flipping biggie? Aaron, a homo punched you." He said slowly, through gritted teeth. Okay, he obviously was getting upset with me.

            "Felix, I doubt that the kid is a fairy. I think he's dating that Daphne chick." I noted. Wrong words again! Shit, why couldn't I get it right? Dang!

            "Oh so you know their names too? What is up with you, dude? Since when did you . . . since when did you hang out with them?" He whispered sadly.

            Craaap. He wasn't only mad, he was sad too! Oh mother of all that's holy. "Felix, I'm sorry! I don't like hanging out with them. They're bipolar and shit. Listen, you won't understand, but I need Jesse's attention. I have to-" I immediately stopped before I spilled my secret mission. Gee, was it me or did that sound unbelievably cheesy?

            "You have to what?" He repeated my sentence.

            Quick, Aaron think! What should I say? "Ehm, I have to ask Jesse on a date sometime soon." I gulped. Oh no. Why in the hell would I say that? Was I freaking dense or something? Words just seemed to slip out of my mouth without my consent or acknowledgement.

            "What?" Felix roared. Oh God!

            "Uh, wait no! Not like that. "A date has multiple meanings! I'm talking about a date meaning a specific day of the week in the month of a certain year. I have to get him to meet me somewhere on a specific date." I improvised.

            Felix seemed to relax a bit more. Score one for Moore! "Oh. Alright then. Let's go. We won't have much time to meet up with the group. We've only got ten minutes now." He frowned.

            I shook my head, chuckling with relief as I followed him out of the men's bathroom. Shit, I almost screwed everything up in there! Thank God for my quick mind! We soon entered the courtyard, and I made my way to Sam's side. Sitting down next to her, I leaned my good cheek on her shoulder. Hopefully, no one would question me as to why we were late meeting them.

            "So, why were you guys late?" Tyler Benson, my friend from football, asked. Why did he have to go and ask that stupid question! I bet Felix was going to blurt out what happened.

            "Oh, nothing. I just had to grab something on the way here." I lied. Sam glanced at me from the corner of her eye, before shrugging. She knew I was lying, but thankfully didn't say anything.

            When the bell rang, we all said our goodbyes, and Sam walked with me to homeroom. So far, nothing was out of the ordinary. Well disregarding those crazy girls from the morning, and that punch from that emo. When we entered homeroom, as usual, Mrs. Woodland was late. All the girls ran up to me, but this time they were clutching my rumor story. Oh God . . .

            "Aaron! Oh my gosh, is it true? You and Jesse Parrish are lovers? Ah, can't wait for the wedding!" One squealed, right into my ear.

            Another one thrust her copy of my rumor story into her face. "Ah! Can you sign this? I want to be part of the whole Jaron fan club!" Jaron fan club? Is she fucking kidding me? Did they already come up with some shitty couple name?

            "Aaron, what will the student body say now that they know your sexual orientation has changed?" One asked, playing the perfect part for some wild paparazzo.

            "People, listen! I'm Aaron Moore. I'm not dating Jesse, and I'm still me. I'm a player for fuck's sake! I can't be changed. I'm me, you're you, and Sam is Sam. Now leave me alone before I go insane!" I snarled. I had finally blown up. I had enough with all this bull about me being gay! I hadn't even made my move on Jesse yet, and it was all over school? Damn.

            "Well, you don't have to be such a . . . bitch." Someone grumbled. Spinning around, I saw the girl from the skate park staring at me. Did this girl just call me a bitch? Is her mom Ms. Swan or something?

            "Uh, who are you to tell me to stop defending myself. These girls are outrageous!" I snapped angrily. This girl was playing with my nerves. As soon as she rolled my eyes, I knew then that she wasn't backing off.

            The girl, Daphne I think her name was, sneered with disgust. "Look, I don't know what's going on, but back off. You're hurting my friend already! Just this morning some jock came up to him and punched him for God knows what! I'm so sick of people like you in our lives."

            "People like me? You mean Womanizers?" I arched a brow. Remembering that emo kid, Brent's, label.

            "Hah. That too, but I meant homophobes." Hearing her say that made both Sam and I gasp. How dare she just waltz up to me and assume stuff. That little . . . Ugh! I couldn't even come up with a word in the dictionary that could suit her.

            "You're a hob knocker." I spat. Hah! In your face mamacita! I loved gloating, this chick looked speechless. She lifted her hand and slapped me before I could dodge her.

            Okay, that was the final straw. Before anyone could say anything, I stormed out of the room. Running down the hall, I headed for my only sanctuary. The Janitors Lounge. My friend I had made from my wild days, worked here as a custodian. Knocking rapidly on their door, it was soon yanked open.

            "Aaron?" I looked at Marley's face. She was an old music junky, and I had met her at a Breaking Benjamin concert a few years back. Turns out she's a single Mom, and has this job to put food on the table. A plus side is she's really nice.

            "M-Marley, I need your help." I trembled. She frowned and pulled me inside the warm lounge. Huge brown couches were spread around the room. Pulling me onto the loveseat, she stroked my hair tenderly.

            "What's wrong, hun?" She murmured.

            I began to blabber on about my problems. She was always a great listener. "It's my whole life! I have to talk with this guy, and ask him out, but I'm scared. It's pretty bad, the school knows about it already!" I wailed.

            She sighed, running her hand through my coal black hair. "Oh, Aaron! Honey, who cares what the school will think? If you just have to ask this guy out, then you must like him. Right?"

            I shook my head sadly. "That's just the problem! I don't like him . . . or I don't even speak to him. So I don't know! And all his friends are practically attacking me because I'm hurting him. Yet when my friends even dare think I'm gay, they flip!"

            A look of realization crossed Marley's face. "So, you're jealous?"

            Jealous? Hah. What could I possibly be jealous of when I was myself. "Uh, no. Why would I be jealous?" I responded.

            She smiled softly, and sighed. "You're envious of his supportive friends. You, being yourself of course, would think he'd be a loner. No friends, all enemies. Upon finding out he has friends, you want friends like his. Ones that support you in any decision you make."

            I oogled at her for a couple of seconds, before I came back to reality. Was Marley some sort of mind reader? Seriously, this girl had some skills! "Why aren't you a counselor or something? You'd totally rock a job like that."

            She smiled warmly at me, before replying. "Yeah, well. I don't have enough education. I will forever regret not finishing college, since I had CJ. It's always bothering me." CJ, was Marley's son. Christian-Joe, as she had legally named him, was definitely a handful. The last time I was forced to baby-sit him, he almost set my kitchen on fire. Ugh.

            Marley Simmons, was a definite bookworm. She studied like there was no tomorrow, and was a fantastic Mom towards CJ. I always considered her the sister I never had. Even my family loved her. I remember when Marley's house went up for foreclosure, and we let her and CJ live with us for a while. And that's when I found her the cleaning job at Everwood.

            "Marls, I think I know what to do. I'm going to have to take a few tips from Cupid, and ace them. I just have to get this guy to like me." I muttered.

            Marley flashed me a knowing smile. "Ah, hah! So when are you going to tell everyone you swing the gay way?" I laughed at her term, and shook my head. This chick was sadly mistaken. Aaron Zachary Moore was not a homosexual. I couldn't even say that word without shaking with disgust. But I couldn't deny enjoying the idea of chasing after Jesse Parrish.

            Not because I liked him, just because I loved challenges. "Marley, I am not gay. I need you to believe me on this. When the month ends, you'll understand everything. I promise. But for now, I need you to believe me. Despite what the rumors say, I am not a fag. Alright?"

            She nodded wordlessly. I smiled and got up. The bell had just rung for first period to start, and as usual, I was late. "Alright, lover boy. See ya later?"

            I nodded and headed for the door. Once I merged in with the other tardy stragglers, I headed for English. Our teacher, Ms. Lindun, was taking attendance when I strolled inside. She eyed me from the top rim of her eye-glasses before scowling.

            "Mr. Moore, is there a reason why you're constantly late? What is so important you have to be frequently late to my class?" She fumed. The class stared at me, interest clear in all of their minds. What hoes. They just wanted a scene to keep the period from becoming tedious, like it always does.

            I decided to retort, even though her questions were obviously rhetorical. "Look, Mrs. L, I'm late. It's just one of the tiny flaws in being a Moore. No need to be a hater. I'll take whatever you have to offer. Cafeteria Clean-Up? Detention, perhaps? Suspension? What'll it be?"

            Lindun stared at me with hatred in her eyes, and embarrassment. "Just sit down!"

            Smirking, I swaggered to my chair in between Eric and Tyler. At least I had a good seat. I felt someone's harsh glare burning a hole in my back. Glancing behind me, I saw that emo kid, Brent Morrigan, staring at me. Uh, if looks could kill . . .

            What was this guy's problem? I hadn't even spoken to Jesse yet, and he was flipping his lid. Wait until he finds out I'm going to ask Jesse out. He'd definitely want to have me dead. I grinned at my thoughts, and turned my attention to the front. Mrs. Lindun had just moved topics to Macbeth, and that's when I zoned out.

            By lunch time, every student on campus was hooked to W's website. RumorHasIt was the talk of the school. I groaned as I passed another group of girls giggling about the website. I had to check the journalism room before lunch was over. As I headed past the library, I saw Daphne and someone that looked like Jesse Parrish heading inside. My breath caught in my throat, before I discreetly followed them inside. 

             Looking around the large library, I spotted Daphne and Jesse heading for the studying section. They got a round table, and set their belongings down. Daphne whispered something to Jesse, and skipped out the back exit of the library. From the translucent window, I saw her figure heading for the cafeteria. Jesse headed for the Mystery section, totally focused on finding a novel to read. 

             I took a deep breath, before venturing further inside the library. Tip-toeing towards him, nerves overtook my body. What would he say? Did he know about our rumor from the site? Was he mad from yesterday? When I had stopped the fight, and practically announced to the world I stopped it to save Spencer from getting benched? 

             Once I reached the row he was looking in, I quietly walked up to his side. "Hey!" 

             He jumped looking like a dear caught in the headlights, and whipped his head to the left. As soon as he saw it was me, his eyes narrowed, and his body became tense. "W-What do you w-want?" He whispered, gulping. 

             His Adam's Apple bobbed up and down nervously, as he ran a hand through his hair. Oh wow, his hair was almost better than mine! So jealous. Well, was I? Aaron Moore was never really jealous of others. Because, to be honest, I had it all. 

             I chuckled softly as I picked up the book he had dropped. "Here. And nothing really. I just stopped by to say hello." He eyed me suspiciously, before moving on in the long row. Not paying me any mind, I decided to continue. "So, what's going on?" 

             He didn't respond. After a couple of torturous minutes of him pulling out book after book, ignoring me, I couldn't take it anymore. "Uh, Jesse? Are you alright? You look a little pale, and a bit squeamish." 

             He turned to face me, his expression showing he was furious. "Look, I do not know what game you are starting. However, I am not interested in finding out the rules nor am I interested in playing this game. So whatever reason you are suddenly talking to me, you can drop it. I know you hate me. Don't worry, the feeling is mutual." 

             Wow. This kid had some spunk, I had to give it to him! He didn't look like one to stand up to the big, bad jocks. "I'm not playing you. I actually just wanted to chat. I feel like we could really be friends if we tried." 

             "Put forth an effort." He immediately responded. What in Saint Nick's name did he mean by that? Arching an eyebrow, he sighed. "You said we could really be friends, if we tried. Putting forth an effort sounds much more proper than if we tried." He wrinkled his noise in disgust. 

             I laughed out loud, slapping a palm over my mouth when I remembered where we were. "Oh. You're hilarious. Don't try and correct me, I hate being corrected." 

             He snorted, and shook his head. "Then I can tell we won't be good friends then. Ask anyone. Well not anyone. Ask my two friends, Daphne and Brent. I love correcting people. It's in my nature. My Mom is an English Professor, and my Dad is a critique for stories, and he works as a Literary Agent. So, being grammatically accurate is in my nature." 

             I stared at him in shock. Was his family that proper? Hot damn! My Parents didn't even care when I used the wrong words in a certain fragment of a sentence. Sheesh, this kid's got me thinking about grammar now. Blech. His face suddenly turned beet red, and he turned away from me. 

             "Why are you so red?" I asked, stating the obvious. I was known for being blunt, it was in my nature. Just like being a grammar police was in Jesse's. Now when I'm around him, he'll be like my punctuation po-po or something. 

             He rolled his eyes and walked on a bit. "I'm blushing because I realized what I'm doing. Brent is so right. God. I just can't do it. I try to ignore people like you, and pay you jocks no mind, but I can't. I'm too damn nice. I should hate you, hate you a lot. Yet here I am, babbling on like a fool. Ugh. What is wrong with me?" This kid didn't need to beat himself up for speaking to me! I was a very sociable person, it wasn't his fault. 

             "Nothing! Nothing is wrong with you." I said too quickly. I adverted my eyes from his, and glanced down to my Jordan's.  "Uh . . . what I meant, was I uh . . ." Crap. I was fucking this conversation all up. His eyes softened when he saw how flustered I was. 

             "So, what uh books do you like?" He asked, changing the topic. Sending a mental thank you to God for letting him be so understandable, I smiled. 

             "Ehm, I'm not much of a reader. But when I do read, I like a bit of Thriller. If I do say so myself." I grinned. Okay, so talking to this guy wasn't so bad after all. He definitely didn't speak like a stereotype gay would. 

             "Awesome! I love James Patterson. You'll have to check out my collection sometime. I love his work." Jesse gushed. I nodded happy that he was even talking to me. Maybe this guy wasn't as weird and creepy as I thought. Just as I was about to respond, I was shoved roughly to the side. 

             Staggering for a couple seconds, I soon regained myself. "What the fuck?" Spinning around, I saw a furious Brent Morrigan glaring at me. 

             "I told you to leave him alone." He growled, shoving me to the ground. That prick! He was so fucking lucky he caught me off guard or else I would seriously bust a cap on his ass.

             "Brent! Oh my God, are you alright?" Jesse panicked, helping me to my feet. I was surprised at such a kind gesture from him. Maybe he didn't hate me as much as I had once hated him. This challenge wouldn't be so hard.

             "I'm fine. Your little friend here as been harassing me for two days now. I can talk to whoever the fuck I want, Brent." I hissed, stepping towards him. He made a guttural rumble in his mouth and stepped towards me. Was he really going to try and fight me in the library?

             Jesse's eyes widened when he realized we were about to start arguing. "Whoa! Guys, calm down! This is a library! Don't forget their regulations and the no fighting rules." He stepped in between the two of us, pressing his back against my chest, and shoving Brent away from me.

             "Why are you siding with this homophobe?" Brent spat.

             Jesse sighed exhaustedly and shrugged. "I'm not Brent. He hasn't done anything to me, per say. He's just a person who was misjudged. At least, from what he said to me today. I don't see a problem with him. Sure he's cocky, but he hasn't physically or verbally done anything to us."

             "What? This guy is a stupid, little jerk. He does nothing but tear people down. Let's go, Parrish. Don't you want to get lunch off campus, like we planned?" 

             They were going for lunch off campus? I knew seniors had that privilege, but I didn't like the idea of them going together. Jesse was supposed to be falling in love with me, not getting all cozy with Brent. Ugh, I hate competition. 

             "Uh, yeah. Okay, let me just grab my stuff." He mumbled, heading for the table where he had set his stuff alongside Daphne's. She was back now, and fixing her make-up.

             I felt out of place now that Brent and Daphne arrived. Once she saw me she smirked and made googly eyes at Jesse. What the . . .

             "Oh, so you finally spoke to him? About damn time! Moore, you have no idea. This idiot right here never shuts up about you. Aaron is looking my way! Aaron's shirt really brings out his eyes. Aaron's hair is so dark and ominous. Aaron blah blah blah." She joked. Ruffling Jesse hair I noticed he was blushing really badly, and slightly shaking. Probably from having so much attention on him.

             "Daph! Can it! You aren't supposed to tell him. Remember our promise?" He hissed. Promise? They made a promise when they were talking about me? Jesse talks about me? Sweet! Maybe this wouldn't be so hard after all. 

             "Ha-ha, you guys are all hilarious. Now, Moore. Please exit the way you entered. I think your little conversation with Jesse is over." He gritted his teeth angrily. 

             I looked at Jesse and he was frowning at Brent. "Alright. I have to go find Felix anyway. Ehm, can I email you?" I asked, looking at Jesse for confirmation.

             He looked at me astounded. "Uh, yeah sure. Don't you need my email address?" 

             I shook my head grinning. "Nah. Daphne gave it to me yesterday. I'll email you tonight, alright?" 

             He nodded slowly, as if thinking he was dreaming. "O-Okay." 

             "See ya, Jesse." I said, winking. And with that, I was off. I left him looking like a hot mess in the library, and went to search for my friends. My heart was pounding in my chest as I thought about what just happened. Did I really feel as if the conversation I had with Jesse was real? And not forced? Well, it was kind of interesting, despite Brent ruining it. 

             Looking at Jesse's red face when I winked at him made me grin like an idiot. Maybe after this plan was over, I could actually be friends with Jesse. Making my way to the cafeteria, I saw Felix and the rest of them sitting around our usual table. 

             Striding up to them, I knew I couldn't tell anyone where I had been.

             "Aaron! Dude, where were you? You disappeared after the lunch bell rang. Or at least that's what Rebecca told me." Sam said.

             Okay, hearing Sam say that was beyond creepy. Especially since I hadn't seen Rebecca all day. What a freaky stalker Flynn was. "Uh, I had to stop by the janitor's lounge. I had to speak with Marley." That wasn't a complete lie. I just had done that earlier in the day, and not now.

              I glanced at Felix and saw him frowning down at his cell-phone. It looked like his iPhone was on the internet. Uh-Oh. I hope it isn't something bad. Suddenly, he thrust his phone into my face and I quickly scanned what it was showing. 

              Rumor Has It, Aaron Moore, God of Everwood, spent lunch with the emo crowd. A scuffle was about to occur in the central library this afternoon. Supposedly, Brent Morrigan caught Moore and Jesse Parrish [alleged homosexual] flirting. Is it me, or do I smell love? 

              Sorry for such a short rumor story, but I'm a bit tired. Check out my latest blog called, 'I Set Fire To The Rain.' That's all for now. 

              Love Always, W. 

              "Okay, what the fuck! How does she do that? Is she like, some cyber stalker or something?" I shouted, shoving Felix's iPhone into his waiting hands. I was furious! How dare this chick post my private whereabouts all over her stupid website.

              "Where were you? Honestly." Felix said through tight lips. Shit, he was mad at me for ditching the group for Jesse? It wasn't like what he was probably assuming.

              "I was . . . with Jesse in the library." I muttered quietly. 

              "Oh God. You and the fag? It's true? Shit." Eric groaned, burying his face in his hands. I immediately got defensive. Just because I was with Jesse, doesn't mean we were doing anything wrong! 

              "We weren't d-doing anything. He was talking about how James Patterson is a good thriller novelist and how-"

              "Oh shut the hell up. We don't want to hear about your conversation with the homo. Sheesh. Why are you doing this? You barely go into the library." Tyler noted. 

              "I know, but I had to get something for Marley. You know how she regrets not finishing college. So she wanted me to check out a Physics text-book for her." I fibbed.

              "Where is it?" Felix demanded. "Where is the text-book?"

              "Uh . . . in my locker." I scratched my neck uncomfortably. 

              "Let's go see it. And maybe we can stop by and give it to her." Felix said, standing up. Oh shit! He knew I was lying. He just wanted me to fess up. 

              "Okay, Okay. I don't have it. I was lying. I just ran into Jesse and we got talking. What's the problem?" I snapped. Sheesh. I felt like I was in an episode gone bad of NCIS or something. This whole interrogation was ridiculous. 

              "Uh-Huh. Look, stop talking to Parrish. It's ruining our image we built." Felix ordered. I cannot believe this. Was he really this pissed for me talking to someone?

              "Uh, whatever. You can't tell me what to do Felix. I'll see you all later." I exclaimed, and stalked off. I was sick and tired of my unsupportive friends. Marley had been right. I wanted understanding friends like Daphne. And protective ones like Brent. But you know what they all say. You can't always get what you wish for. 

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