Banish Me

Από SCCourtney

386K 7.8K 252

There’s something different about Cass. Everyone in her hometown knew about it because they were like her too... Περισσότερα

Welcome To Reality, pt. 1
Welcome To Reality, pt. 2
Ghosts Of Lifetimes Past
The Woman Known As Alma
Tell Me The History Of Your Family
I Put A Spell On You
The Circle Is Cast
No Pomp But All Circumstance
Something Lost, Something Found
What Happened That Night
Face The Music
Lights Go Out
Shoot Across The Sky
Hot 'N Cold
Ice, Ice Baby
Run-in With The New Kid
To Blame or Not To Blame
A House Is Not A Home
The Name of the Game Is...Snapdragon
The Smell of Love is Coffee
There's Bad News And Then There's Really Bad News
Don't Take The Necklace Off
Number Nine
Rhymes With Bliss
Girls Always Do It First
Like Die
Where We Are
Bren's Story: Make Me Bad
Beauty With Brains
The Truth You Thought You Knew
Burn, Baby, Burn
Beep, Beep, Beeeeeeeeeeeep
Still A Little Bit Of Your Ghost
Epilogue: Perfect
Banish Me Playlist

Different Languages

9.4K 203 13
Από SCCourtney

A/N: Ok, so I would just like to say, thanks for reading. It means a lot to me. I'm sure all of you have read that on this site before but I mean it. I'm not saying the other authors didn't but you can bet your pay check that I do. Anyways, I just wanted to mention that I don't know Russian. The only forgein language I even remotely know is French and even that isn't extensive. The Russain I do have in this story and it's sequel (yes, there is a sequel) comes from google translate. It may be wrong, if it is, I'm sorry. Blame them, not me. If anyone wishes to go check it out for me, by all means, I'll send you what they're supposed to say and you can give me the proper translation. Oh and this chapter is dedicated to a good friend of mine. He was gracious enough to follow me over from Miss Literati and I give him a thousand thanks for doing it. 


~ * ~

Gwen tried to get me to go out on the field but I decided not to. Peter would be just fine without me sitting on the sidelines. I’d had enough American football to last me a lifetime so I headed back to my room. I called my father when I was halfway there. I’d scanned the bleachers for him but I didn’t see him, or Steven, anywhere.

The phone rang twice and then shot me straight to voicemail.

“Hey Dad. It’s me…I’m going back to my room in case you were wondering. I couldn’t find you so…I hope you won’t be too mad. I don’t even know if you’re still here or not…so…yeah. Call me back if you want.”

I ended the call and started for the staircase at the back of the building.

“Where are you going?”

I stopped on the bottom stair and looked back. Darken strolled out of the dark and smiled.

“I’m going to my room. Where are you going?”

“I’m following you.”

“That’s creepy.” I folded my arms over my chest. “You know that right?”

“Oh I’m aware.” He mounted the stairs. “Shall we?”

“Where’s your hot date?” I followed after him.

“I told her I was going to get something to eat and I’d be back.” He unlocked the door. “I just neglected to tell her when I’d be back.”

I snorted and walked through the door he was holding open. “Are you going to avoid her forever?”


“You do realize I don’t speak Russian.”

He grinned and leaned against the wall next to my door.

“Well that’s good to know. That means I can say… Мой брат любит Вас. And you have no idea what I’m saying.” I unlocked my door and turned to look at him.

“Just as long as you’re not talking dirty, I don’t care.”

He shook his head and looked at his feet. “Я хочу Вас, потому что мой брат хочет Вас. Вы очень красивы, и я не думал, что я хотел бы Вас это очень. Но я делаю. Это расстраивает меня много.”

“Yeah. Now I’m sure you’re doing that just to annoy me.”

“Shall we?” He motioned towards my room. “I’m sure you have other things planned this evening.”

“Yeah because my social agenda is booked.”

“You’ve adapted to American sarcasm better than I have.”

“It’s all in the tone of voice.” I closed and locked the door. “The longer you’re here, the easier it will be. Alright…how do you want to do this?”

“Is he even here?”

“Study,” my ghost called. “I am in the study. You have a very nice collection of books by the way.”

I rolled my eyes and indicated my other room. “He’s in there. Look for the floating book.”

Darken snorted. Without saying anything else to me, he strolled into my study and started rattling off in Russian. The ghost, of course, started answering in Russian. The only problem was I didn’t speak Russian so I couldn’t relay the message.

I rolled my eyes and leaned against the wall, staring at the ceiling. Here I was, listening to two brothers yell at each other in a foreign language. I had so many other problems to deal with besides their drama. I tried my father again but it went straight to voicemail, no ringing this time.

Steven didn’t have a cell so I couldn’t call him. This was just great.

I rounded and wall and stood there with my arms crossed over my chest.

“If I start yelling at you two in Gaelic, will you shut up?”

They both stopped talking and looked at me.

“I don’t know Russian in case you were wondering. So, unless what you have to communicate is in English, I’m afraid both of you can go.”

They both stared at me for a moment.

“I’m sorry,” they both said at the same time.

“Now. Let’s try this again. Who wants to go first?”

I eyed my ghost and he just raised an eyebrow. “He’s the one who wants to talk to me.”

“Yes, well, I think he did talk to you. Or didn’t you get that tirade in Russian?”

He rolled his eyes and looked at his brother. “Tell him Drake is a liar.”

“Are you sure that’s it?”

“Earth Girl…” he said in warning.

I rolled my eyes and looked at Darken. “He said Drake is a liar.”

Darken’s eyes became livid. He started spouting off more Russian, which I didn’t really care. It was my ghost’s response that needed to be in English.

“You know he’s using very naughty language, right?”

My ghost looked at me but I didn’t respond. We both sort of just waited for Darken to finish so my ice ghost could say something.

“Do you think if I said one word in Russian you could repeat it? Well, two actually.”

“Um…I could try.”

“Repeat after me: наивный идиот.”

“That sounds nasty. I don’t want to say anything nasty.”

“Oh you’ve said worse.” He glanced at his brother and then back at me. “Do you want me to say it one more time?” I nodded. “наивный идиот.”

I mulled it over in my brain and then repeated it. Darken glared at the chair where my ghost was sitting.

“Really? Me? I’m the naïve idiot? You’re the one that’s dead.”

My ghost chuckled. “That is not the least bit insulting.”

“I am not saying that.”

He rolled his eyes. “Then tell him if he wants someone to blame for my death, blame our uncle.”

I repeated it and Darken stood there fuming.

“Have you even told her how you died?” He pointed at me. “Have you told her why you’re really haunting her instead of me?”

Oh here we go. I rubbed my forehead and closed my eyes. I had a massive headache and at this point I really didn’t care why he was haunting me. All their arguing was going to give me a brain bleed.

“Вы – наивный идиот.”

Darken literally spit out the sentence, or at least I thought it was a sentence and marched out of the room, slamming the Magical Door closed.

“Well,” I said softly, “that went splendidly.”

The ghost sighed and stood up. “My brother is just upset. I’m sure he’ll apologize to you tomorrow.”

“That’s not what I meant. You didn’t have to goad him, you know. I may not have any siblings but…”

“Earth Girl, let it go.”

I stopped talking and stared at him. He didn’t look happy now that I looked at him longer than five seconds.

“I don’t want to know how you died,” I blurted.

He laughed. “Yes you do. What my brother said has sparked your interest.”

“Not that much. It’s your death truth, not mine. Since it’s already happened then it’s not my problem. What I’m worried about is the fact you two can’t seem to coexist. And then of course throwing me in the middle. I don’t know why you keep doing it and I don’t know why he’s letting you but please—stop. I have enough problems of my own…”

“Like your father not answering his phone and leaving you alone at the football game?”

I sighed. “Do you know anything? Should I be worried?”

“Your father’s a big boy. I’m sure he can take care of himself.”

“So he is in trouble?”

“I wouldn’t say that. All I know is he doesn’t want you involved. You are perfectly safe right here. Your uncle won’t lay one nasty finger on you as long as you keep that necklace on and you stay here tonight.”

“Why here?”

“Because I’m here and your boyfriend will be too…soon. I think you still have a few hours for the game to end so you’re going to have to find something else to do.”

I huffed and sat down at the end of my bed.

“I don’t like being bored.”

“Then why don’t you do something witchy? Mix some herbs or pray over a candle or something.”

I frowned at him. “You know absolutely nothing about Daughters of the Earth, do you?”

“Oh I know plenty. I just know you’re going to have a hard time sitting around here for the next hour or so.”

I was going to prove him wrong. I smiled. “Wanna bet?”

“No. Just stay here. Twiddle your thumbs if it makes you happy.”

He disappeared and I glared at the spot he’d just vacated. I was really starting to regret leaving the football game.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

To fill my time, I put on some Adele, showered, cleaned, changed my sheets because my mother would’ve kill me if I didn’t change them at least once a week, and then sat down to start watching a late night movie that the cable channel chose to cut up like crazy. I hated watching movies like that, mostly because they took out all the good parts and edited the language.

But I had to do something to pass the time.

After fifteen minutes of watching Max Payne, I heard cars start and pull out of the parking lot. Then my phone started ringing.



“Where are you? You disappeared.”

“I’m in my room. I got bored.”

“Aw. You missed a good second half.”

“Did we win?” I turned down the volume on the TV.

“Yes!” she squealed in my ear. “It was insane! The team is planning a party tomorrow night to celebrate. You have to come.”

Ew. My Saturday was just booking up left, right, and center.

“I think that all depends on what happens tomorrow.”

“Why? You know what, come down to the parking lot. We’re all hanging out until the team is done with the after game review.”

“Wow,” I got up and searched for a pair of jeans, “football here is hard core.”

“You know it. I think we’re going to have a winning season this year.”

“We didn’t have one last year?”

“God no. The quarterback was awful but the coach wouldn’t bench him because it was his senior year.”

“Oh. I’ll be down in a second.”

“Hurry! And can you bring me a jacket? I left mine at home.”


We ended the call and I grabbed a spare jacket out of the closet. It was one of the ones she picked out for me so I knew she’d like it. For me, I just threw on a light sweater since I was better adjusted to the colder weather. Ireland was notorious for freezing temps.

When I got outside, I spotted the little cluster of girls at the far end of the parking lot. I headed in their direction, head bowed slightly because of the wind.

“…your brother?”

“He’s smitten. There’s no way anyone is breaking those two apart.”

Besides a chill, the wind was also bringing me their conversation.

“You really think so? There are no curves on that girl. Are you sure she’s going to be enough? I’ve seen your brother blow through…”

“This is different,” Gwen said. “I don’t think you guys get it.”

“What’s there to get? She’s the new girl. It’ll be over by the end of the month just like the last one.” I recognized that voice as Ashley’s. “I think you’re the one that doesn’t get it.”

“I would bet you on it but then I’d be taking advantage of you. Cass is it for my brother. End of story. Get used to it or don’t. I don’t care. Just don’t be surprised when they…”

“So are they doing it yet?”

I nearly tripped over my feet on that one. Why did it matter so much? What Peter and I did behind closed doors was no one else’s business but our own. God, I hated high school girls.

I was close enough to see Gwen open her mouth to answer. Instead I called out her name and the whole group turned in my direction.

“Cass!” Gwen said cheerfully.


She grinned and took it from me when I offered it. Everyone went very quiet and I couldn’t help but laugh on the inside. These girls knew absolutely nothing about anything.

“Where’s your coat?” Ashley finally asked. “It’s freezing out here.”

“She’s from Ireland,” one girl said.

“That makes her a literal ice sickle.”

A few girls giggled. That’s when I noticed a cruel glint in a strawberry blonde’s eye. She was one of the girls from earlier that looked at me in jealousy.

“I don’t know,” she said, pouting her perfectly made up lip glossed lips. “She didn’t seem so cold earlier.”

That wasn’t so bad.

“You know what that means,” another girl said. “All show in public but no touch in private.”

“Lauren,” Gwen hissed.

“What?” the girl said. “I see it all the time. Tommy even confirms it. Guys talk too.”

I buried my hands in my pockets.

“If you have something to say, just say it,” I said.

She smiled a cruel smile. “You know he’s just trying to get you in bed. Everyone knows the virgins like to be wined and dined first. You’re no different.”

“My brother isn’t like that,” Gwen snapped. “Shut up.”

“Yes he is. Do you remember Amber Frost? She had to transfer after what your brother did to her.”

My cheeks flamed red. This wasn’t going to end well. I knew the second she said it, I was going to find out what happened to Amber Frost without having to ask.

“Yeah,” a short brunette said. “I remember that. He like…charmed her for three months and when she finally gave up the goods he dumped her. She was completely humiliated after the rumors started to spread.”

I could literally feel Gwen’s temper rise next to me. She was putting off heat waves like crazy. I put a hand on her arm and she looked at me. I gave a slight shake of my head.

“Don’t,” I whispered.

I wanted to tell her that all these girls were was a giant pool of jealousy and hormones. They wanted to get under both Gwen’s skin and mine. Gwen because she defended me and me just because. I was surprised they were doing it to Gwen but then I realized I wasn’t the only one some of them were jealous about.

“You know what,” Ashley said, “let’s change the subject. Talking about this is pointless.”

“Cass has a right to be informed about the guy she’s dating. It would be wrong of us not to tell her.”

“I know who he is,” I said. “I don’t need you to tell me.”

A laugh bubbled out of her mouth and she looked almost sympathetic when she looked at me.

“Do you? You know most likely everything he’s told you is a lie. He’s just trying to butter you up so you’ll sleep with him.”

I rolled my eyes. “You’re just saying that.”

“Am I?” She crossed her arms over her chest. “You really think so?”

“Oh I know so. Just like I know you’ve slept with him, along with the guy you’re dating. I also know that you like to drive drunk and every time you wake up in the morning, hung over and drooling, you’re praying you didn’t kill anyone.” Her face paled considerably.

“How do you know that?”

“Believe it or not, guys talk too.”

Gwen elbowed me. She knew Peter didn’t tell me any of that.

“Oh my god. I can’t believe he would tell you something like that.”

“Everyone tells everyone something like that. All of your secrets are spread around school. It’s called the rumor mill. Peter didn’t have to tell me anything. Everyone knows everything about each and every one of you. Probably including me.”

“Cass,” Gwen hissed. “Stop.”

“You think you’re so informed?” Lauren moved so she was right in my face. “Guess again. You don’t know anything about anyone because you’re new. Do you know what Gwen said about you after she met you?”

“Lauren!” Gwen said. “Don’t…”

“She said you were an ugly, ignorant immigrant that wouldn’t last a week. The only reason she’s your friend is because she took pity on you and you’re dating her brother. But guess what? The second your relationship with Peter goes down the toilet, she’ll dump you too.”

I blinked and took a step back like she’d slapped me.

“I never said that,” Gwen shrieked.

Lauren looked at her and smiled. “You did it to Whitney and you’ve done it to every one of Peter’s ex girlfriends.” She looked back at me. “You’re not special, Cassandra. You’re just another cherry Peter Marks is going to pop.”

It wasn’t me who smacked Lauren, instead it was Gwen. I stumbled back in surprise as did Lauren. Her hand was raised to her face and her perfectly done up lips were poised in an “o”.

“OoOo, cat fight,” a boy’s voice said from the direction of the field.

Every one of the girls, except Gwen and I, turned in the direction of the voice. Instead Gwen and I just stared at each other. I still looked surprised, I knew, and she looked scared and overly sympathetic.

I looked away from her and down at my feet. I really didn’t know how to feel about all of that. I knew Peter was a player but I also knew how he felt about me. At least I thought I knew. Wasn’t it obvious how he felt about me? According to Gwen, it was…

“What’s going on girls?” the same boy asked.

“She slapped me!” Lauren said.

I looked up and she was oddly enough pointing at me. I gaped at her in complete surprise as was Gwen and several of the other girls. Several of the guys looked at her in disbelief.

“Really? Her? You sure about that?”

Lauren looked where she was pointing and made a frustrated noise.

“Her,” she moved to pointing at Gwen, “she slapped me.”

The guy chuckled and slung an arm around her neck.

“Now that I expect. Gwen’s got all bite in her.” He kissed her on her cheek. “What did I tell you about rattling cages?”

“But Tommy…”

Some of the other guys filtered into the circle, including Bren. He gave Gwen a kiss and then looked at me, bumping my elbow.

“You ok?”

“Splendid.” I gave him a fake smile. “You?”

He grinned and wrapped his arms around Gwen’s waist.

“I am great. I am fine. I ran for more yardage than I ever have before.”

That started a whole new conversation and replay about the game. I knew what he did and I was thankful. He successfully diverted attention away from me and to a meaningless topic. Gwen also looked completely grateful, that was until she started sucking face.

Personally I didn’t need to see that since I saw it every day at lunch but hey, I couldn’t judge.

But before they got too far into it, Bren disengaged Gwen’s lips long enough to tell me Peter would be there in a second. The coach wanted to talk to him in private. So there I stood, feeling completely awkward as some couples pursued the make out route and other’s continued to talk about the game. The girlfriends who were cheerleaders enthusiastically put in their input.

When my phone rang, no one noticed as I stepped away to answer it.



“Dad?” There was a bunch of static on the other end. “Where are you?”

“…go home with Peter and Gwen. Don’t…stay at the…school.”


“Do it, Cassie. No questions.”

“Ohkay…but won’t Mrs. Marks…”

“I love you. I have to go.”

The connection ended with a click and I pulled the phone away to look at the screen. “Call Ended” blinked at me, along with “Unknown Number.”

That was odd. Why didn’t he just call me from his cell phone?

Warm arms wrapped round my waist, followed by a warm front pressing against my back. The smell of pineapple shampoo and Axe body spray filled my senses.

“Everything ok?”

“I’m going to go with no.” I frowned down at my phone. “My dad just called to tell me to go home with you.”

He rested his chin on my shoulder as I closed my phone.

“Something’s really wrong.”

I turned around and looked at Peter. “I’m sure he’s fine.”

“No. He told me to go home with you. He knows I’m not allowed to stay at your house. And Steven’s with him so I have no idea what’s going on. They disappeared at halftime and I haven’t been able…”

“Ok, ok. Everything is going to be fine.”

“Are you sure?”

“If your Dad said to come home with us, then that’s where you’ll go.” He cupped my face. “Ok?”

“Peter…” I was about to tell him again that it probably wasn’t a good idea. Then I remembered that this was supposed to be his night. It wasn’t all about me. My drama could wait. I sighed. “Ok.”

“Ok.” He smiled. “Did he tell you when to go home with us?”

“Uh…no. He just said not to stay at the school.”

Apparently that was one sentence too much. His smile dropped completely off his face and a frown replaced it. I shouldn’t have mentioned that. Damn.

“Cass…what aren’t you telling me.”

Instead of answering, I went up on tip toes and kissed him, hoping to take his mind off my problems and back onto the fact he won the first game of the season.

But of course he saw right through it, or just read my mind, and ended the kiss.

“That’s not going to work.”

“Damn,” the corner of my mouth turned up, “I was really hoping to…”


“Oh come on, Peter. You just won the first game of the season. Let’s just enjoy this moment before we have to go back to everything else.”

He thought it over quickly, his brown eyes darting back and forth between my hazel ones. Finally he smiled again.

“It was a good game.”

I grinned. “I have no idea what was going on but yeah, it was.”

“I saw you up there, looking completely confused.”

“I like soccer better.”

He gaped at me. “What?” He stumbled back like I’d smacked him, his hand touching his chest. “I think you’ve hurt my feelings.”

I continued to grin at him and stepped after him. I thought he’d just remain still but instead he continued to stumble back.

“Peter!” He grinned. “Stop it.”

We proceeded to fall into a game of cat-and-mouse, where he ran and I did my best to follow after him. But just as I thought I caught up to him, he was two car lengths ahead of me again.

He finally let me catch him after we made a loop around the parking lot. I was completely out of breath but he wasn’t even winded.

“You’re a jerk.” I smacked him lightly on the arm.

He slowly walked me backwards to the gathered group of people.

“I know but I’m your jerk.”

“Damn straight.”

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