By AnnGraf

362 14 17


Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven


175 2 1
By AnnGraf

This book is unique. Contained within are QR codes. Simply scan them with your barcode scanner app on your smartphone. Any barcode scanner app can be used on your phone. If you do not have a smartphone or scanner app, when you see the website address next to the QR code, enter it into your computer’s internet browser.

*** Sadly, Wattpad does not allow me to put the QR codes on the actual website, but if you click the link provided within the chapters that follow you will be taken to the site that the QR code would have directed you to. ***

With that said, here is what the book is about:

Antonio...a huge celebrity...                             

& Maggie...a common girl...

Can love exist?

Or just the Illusion?

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