Queen of The Rogues

By NeverSayGoodbye22

441 19 4

She was happy, loving, caring child. Then they came and took it all a way. The hunters killed her family, her... More

Queen of The Rogues

441 19 4
By NeverSayGoodbye22



One upon a time there was a young a girl, the Alphas daughter, a happy and bubbly child. She was already a leader even at her young age, the children had formed a pack within the pack and she was the Alpha, her best friend and beta's son was beta and so on. But one day it all changed. The day the Hunters attacked. There small pack wasn't so fake anymore. The children were the only known survivors. But they weren't happy anymore. They wanted revenge nothing, no one, was gonna get in there way. Overtime they formed a bigger pact but it was made of rogues. They did what they wanted, they were evil, vicious wolf's but they obeyed her. She had power, control and they knew it was best to follow her orders. The happy alpha's daughter, the one who controls them all, the one who became heartless the day she lost everything. They fear her, yet they respect her. They hate her, but would give there last breath for her.

The Queen of The Rogues


So, another story werewolf thus time I like this idea so let's see if I make it past chapter one without deleting it! Maybe, I hope so :(

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~ Jaden ♥

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