The Spaniard's Bride

By JessSanders1213

312K 10.8K 234

Third Book in the Bride Series Roseanne never believed in fairy tales. They just didn't seem quite as realist... More



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By JessSanders1213

Alvaro twirled the single red rose in his dark hands, watching the dew sparkle in the morning light. He leaned against a tall oak tree, which provided the shade he needed.

He knew, in exactly two minutes and thirty-six seconds, that the Queen would make her way right past this point.

He had a simple mission- to get on the Queen's good side. That's the only thing he wished to accomplish today. And if things went well, in a months time he planed to be sailing back to Spain with the Princess.

"I did not expect to encounter someone on my walk, señor." He heard an elegant voice say.

Alvaro turned on his heel and bowed deeply, "Your highness, I was simple admiring your beautiful garden." 

Queen Annalisa smiled, "I am glad you appreciate it. It was dedicated to the late King Edward. He was the one who sparked my true passion for gardens. My husband does not appreciate it, though. He believes it to be a waste of my time."

Alvaro inwardly grinned for this was exactly the card he needed. With a frown, he replied, "What a shame. I wish our gardens look like this in Spain."

The Queen studied him for a second and then waved her hand, "Walk with me."

She took his arm and together they strolled slowly.

"This King Edward, he was a friend of yours, no?" Alvaro asked, brushing his hand over the tops of a bush.

The Queen nodded and got a far away look in her eyes, "You could say that. We started out as friends but we ended up married. He was such a lovely, caring man. He was my first love. Oh, if only you had met him! He was such an easy man to please. We would have so many more alliances and less wars."

Alvaro shrugged, "Not every man is to be the one perfect man. The current King seems kind enough."

"Yes, he is. Our marriage was a marriage of convenience after my husband's death. He helped raise my children and I was his Queen. As you well know, King's shall not be unmarried during their reign. It has not been an easy journey but we made it. Do you have a wife?"

Alvaro shook his head and spit the lie out, "No. My last wife died of the fever years ago."

The Queen shook her head, "I am sorry. It truly is a hard thing to happen. Do you have children?"

Alvaro felt uncomfortable about talking about his son. It wasn't something he could expand upon due to the lack of the father-son bond. His son spent most of his day with his nurse, unless it was a mealtime and Alvaro liked it that way.

"Just a son." He simply said, dismissing the idea of his son.

The Queen stopped n her tracks at the edge of the stone walkway, "Well, this is the end of my tour, señor. Perhaps another day I can show you more of my garden another day."

Alvaro bowed and started to turn away when he noticed the small little gated area the Queen was drifting towards and the single red rose held in the Queen's trembling hand.

"Give my respects to your husband, no?" He said and then disappeared into the forest.


Roseanne seemed to sit up straighter than she normally did at night. Her parents were putting her on edge the whole night, with her father constant sprouting ideas about her engagement and her mother shooting it down.

And of course, Henry, being his drunken self, added his commentary to the mix.

No one dared to ask her opinion on her own fate. They just kept arguing.

"How old were you, Annalisa, when you married?" Her father snarled, banging his wine glass against the table.

Roseanne shoulders tightened as her mother curled her hands around the knife on the table, "Older than our daughter, Drake. She is far to young to take on this responsibility and handle it like she should! She still has things to learn."

Henry propped his feet up on the table, "Women are only used in the bedroom. What does she have to learn?"

Roseanne knew it was true. It was rare to see the wife preform any other duties but it was also known that the Queen, her mother, despised any ideas of such things.

Annalisa glared at Henry, "You watch your tongue, young man. Haven't you done enough?" She sighed and released her grip on the knife, "Besides, have you even a choice for her? A suitable one."

Her father straightened up, "Of course I am. The King of Spain has proposed a marriage between the two of them to unify our Kingdoms."

Her mother's chair flew back as she stood abruptly, "Absolutely not! That man is an absolute piece of street filth! I will have none of this!"

Her father then stood, "I am your husband and your King. You will do as I say."

The candles flickered under the cold, thin air between the King and Queen.

"I," The Queen said in an anger filled, shaky voice, "will never be your wife. You may be my King but I will always belong to him. And may I remind you, Drake, that my King is of Germany, not you."

The King grabbed his knife from the table. A few maids squeaked in fear and scrambled out but the Queen stood tall and proud, awaiting her fate whatever it may be.

The King stormed over to the large painting in the corner of his room, bring the knife into the middle of King Edward's chest and dragging it down.

"One day, I swear, I shall have your head." The King swore.

The knife fell against the floor and the doors slammed shut behind the King, the sound reverberating against the walls.

Roseanne stood, crossing her arms over her chest, "Just so you know, mother, I agree with father."

Roseanne started on her way out, feeling quite proud that she stood up for herself but also feeling that she could not walk fast enough to escape. She glanced behind her, seeing her mother still standing still, staring at the ruined painting.

And with that, Roseanne left her mother.

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