You Are Loved

By SarahsSpace

85 1 2

A collection of my thoughts <3 More

Losing Friends

You Are Loved

69 1 1
By SarahsSpace

 ~~ think you are beautiful, that's all i have to say                                                                                                      Darling, please don't throw your life away

Stop wasting all your days , fixating over the silly words that they say

Wether it be from you or anybody else, don't take the hatefull yells~~



                             You think you're not beautiful, but how would you truly know? All you see is your reflection casted through a mirror in off-lighting or an altered photograph with not-so-great quality. These images that you see are not the real you. They don't capture the spark in your eye as you laugh at an inside joke and they don't show you how your face lights up when you are surrounded by the people who love you. And I assure you, that there are plenty who do. You may not realize it, but they do love you. And all these little flaws that you pick apart every single day, all these blemishes and insecurities that hang over you like your own person rain cloud, these people that love you do not care about those things.They see you as a whole, complete person. They do notice your flaws, but they love them because they love you. And without those '"flaws", then you wouldn't be you. Yes, you can waste your day picking apart your features. You can sit there and think about how each day your stomach is getting bigger and bigger; or you can acknowledge that and then focus on the little, amazing things. Every day you're hair has grown a bit longer, you have learned something you didn't know before, you have seen another sunset, and so many other smaly, yet wonderful, things. You will get to pet more puppies and cuddle with more cats and try new foods and go new places and do so many new things. So maybe you should try looking at yourself (and the world) as a whole picture, instead of just the pieces you don't like. 

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