
By BrittReid

183 6 2



the beginning

62 3 0
By BrittReid


"Just five more minutes." I said  trying to hit the snooze button on my alarm clock.


 This time I realized it wasn't my alarm clock.

So I turned onto my side only to find my sister Rose standing there with two pot lids in her hands.

"Wake up call." she said in a bright sunny voice.

"What?" I asked  half asleep.

"Mom told me to wake you up." She said.

"But its Saturday." I said going back to sleep.

"SKY MOORE!!!!!!" She  screamed into my ear. 

"I'm up, I'm up." I said  falling onto the floor.

"Good." She said.

"You know just because your awake, doesn't mean I have to be awake." I said pulling myself up.

"You have to. We are going to Florida for winter vacation." She said.

"Fine." I said .

"Alright, chop chop." she said clapping the pot lids  together, and skipped out of my room.

I quickly packed everything I  needed and change quickly into my fave rolling stone shirt and slide into a pair of pants I wore two weeks ago.

( what don't judge. They smelled fine, sort of.) Pulled on my high tops.

I ran down stairs quickly to see everyone waiting for me. After a quick breakfast, we all got into the car and headed to the airport in Phoenix.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 hours and 25 minutes later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Our plane landed in Miami Florida. After we got to our hotel we went and grab something to eat. Than headed to sea world. After a long fun-filled day we went back to the hotel and got some rest.

The entire vacation went by in a blur before I knew it we were pulling up into our drive way. I was kind of sad the our vacation was over and really happy to be home, So glad that school starts up again soon so I can show off my new tan to bff Tabitha and, Jocelyn.  The last three days went by fast. I found it hard to go to sleep the night before the first day back to school.

I woke up 15 minutes before my alarm went off. So I took a warm shower, and put on the cutest outfit for the day. I made my way to the kitchen and grabbed me a bowl of cereal. As soon as I finished I quickly rinsed out my bowl and ran out the door to the bus stop. The bus was on time for the first time since the beginning of school year. The bus ride was shorter than before. Before I was able to make it into the main hall.

"SKY!" Tabitha came running towards me, nearly breaking me half.

"Hey whats up, Sky." Jocelyn said walking up to me and playfully punching me.

"Nothing." I said nonchalantly

"Ohh nice tan." said Tabitha.

"Yeah you look hawt  ." Jocelyn said in agreement, as we head towards the gym.

As soon as we enter the gym it seem liked time stopped.

…………………5 minutes later ………………

"Hello." Tabitha said waving her hand in front of my face ,trying to get my attention.

"Who is he?" I asked starstruck 

"Oh that's Lane Thomas." Jocelyn said. " He's the  new student cane in from London."

"Mmm British dudes." I said now clearly drooling "Did I say that out loud."

"Yeah" Tabitha and Jocelyn said together. Twenty minutes later the bell rings.

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