In our world : The 1975

By Madness_weirdo

97.3K 1.7K 196

Lucy is a music loving girl from Manchester, she gets caught in the rain on her way home from college , she w... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10. Part 1
Chapter 10. Part 2
Chapter 11. Part 1
Chapter 11. Part 2
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Needed to let this out

Chapter 1

15.6K 151 23
By Madness_weirdo


Walking along a grubby old Manchester road , the rain pouring down like any other day.

I just came out of college and found myself walking towards a pub , so I wouldn't get soaked while walking towards the train station to go home.

I walked into the closest pub smelling ash from cigarettes and strong liquor.

It was only 3pm so there wasn't many people inside nor many drunk people so I thought it would be best to stay inside until the rain stopped or at least calmed down.

I sat down on a stool near the bar and asked for a bottle of water I hadn't had a drink all day so this was like heaven to me. To my right was an elderly man drinking a pint of beer by himself. To my left was a mini stage set up ready for a performance , I had never been in here before so I didn't know what type of live music they did. I'm a big fan of music I study it in college and hoping to become a producer or maybe a singer/songwriter.

The man behind the bar saw that I was staring at the set a lot.

"Are you alright darling ?" The man had asked me, I looked up and nodded as in yes, I quickly drew my attention to the miniature set again.

"Big fan of music are ya?" The man had said obviously trying to start a conversation because everyone else was with people or fell asleep while trying to finish their 'last' pint.

"I guess so , I'm studying it so.." I had said wishing the rain would slow down or stop so I could get out of there.

"Oh, so will you be staying to hear this band then?" he said pointing over at the set.

"Maybe , what are they like ? What sort of genre?"

"Some sort of rock/indie band apparently, they quite good though I'm not a huge fan of rock." He looked very pleased with himself , all of a sudden the door slammed behind me, I turned around to see who or what it was.

4 boys who all looked a little bit older than myself walked in with bags and guitar cases, this must be the band I thought to myself.

One of the boys lent over me to talk to the man behind the bar.

"Uh hi Garry right ?" the boy had said in a low quiet voice.

"Yeah , hi matt , if you want to start getting set up your more than welcome to now"

"Thanks" he walked away leaving he's smell lingering around me , the smell was like rain ,mint, beer and a hint of cigarettes.

I watched them as they set up the one that seemed to be the main one was Matt the boy who spoke to the man behind the bar , he had a slim figure wearing skinny black jeans and a baggy jumper , he had longish black hair with both sides shaved so the only bit of hair was in the middle it looked quite strange but he seemed to pull it off. He was setting up the guitar, he seemed like a shy boy who didn't speak much but the other boys were like that as well.

I watched them the whole time while they were setting everything up, I think the boy Matt noticed as he walked over and stood beside me while he asked the man for 4 pints of beer. I looked away from him not making any contact at all, I didn't want him thinking I was weird or a stalker.

"I've been watching you, watching us" he said to me in a low soothing voice.

"Uh sorry I was just .. Uh .. Waiting to hear what your band is like" I said stuttering.

"What you don't know who we are ?" He said surprised. "I thought you would seeing as your the only young person in here" he said looking around the room.

"Um sorry I don't , but if your band is good I'm sure I'll start listening and following your band... Uh I didn't mean it like that I mean, I'm sure your band is good and I uh" why am I always like this when a hot boy talks to me I turn into a rude, arrogant piece of shit.

He laughed looking at me, not like judging me but it was hard to explain, he was nice.

"Here you go Matt" the barman said putting 4 pints down in front of him, Matt pulled out £20 and gave it to the barman saying "keep the change".

"Do you have a name?" Matt said laughing.

"Of course I do" I said laughing.

"Can you tell me your name?" He said with his gorgeous half smile.

"Lucy, my name is Lucy." I said smiling back at him.

"Well Lucy, I'm Matt but you can call me Matty , if your still here after we finish , unless you've left cause our music ain't good enough for you, I'd like to get to know you , you seem interesting" he said smiling

I nodded saying "we'll see" I could feel myself blushing as he walked away.

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