
By ViciousHipster

3.2K 102 29

Kadence was a normal girl, she loved music, had good grades, and a warm loving family. Not to mention the per... More

Chapter | 1 |
Chapter | 2 |
Chapter | 3 |
Chapter | 4 |
Chapter | 6 |
Chapter | 7 |
Chapter | 8 |
Chapter | 9 |
Chapter | 10 |
Chapter | 11 |
Chapter | 12 |
Chapter | 13 |
Chapter | 14 |
Chapter | 15 |
Chapter | 16 |
Chapter | 17 |
Chapter | 18 |

Chapter | 5 |

183 8 2
By ViciousHipster

I quickly explained to Lillian my night. I didn't hold back explaining the boy-Deuce-and what Liam did it him. I also put in my drunken state and how the boy who was dancing with me lay unconscious after Liam knocked him down. What shocked them the most was my jumping out of the car on the freeway and almost getting run over. Liam saving me wasn't that much of a shock but him paying for the hospital bill seemed to be the biggest surprise to them in the world.

When I ended Lillian scoffed and leaned back. "He's toying with you," she stated, looking so sure of herself. "That's what he does, tug at your heart strings and turn your brain to much then he strikes. After that your never the same again he's a jerk. "

"Then again they all are." The girl who's name I'd learned was Macy said. She shook her head and looked at me, "If you hang out with them then your playing with fire and there is no doubt that you'll get burned."

The boy-Isaac-rubbed his chin and nodded in agreement. "But I'm still wondering why he went out of his way to keep you safe from all those drunks."

"I know, I was wondering that myself." I told him waiting for him to give me some amazing explanation. They seemed like the type to think things over and come up with flawless answers, and really right now I need one of those.

"Afterwards, why would he be rude to you?" He was now chewing on his eraser, his face creased with concentration. I could almost see the gear in his head turning as he developed a well rounded explanation.

But before he can utter a single word, Lillian opened her mouth. "It's his plan, he's obviously trying to confuse you. In the books this always works, the guy confuses the girl and she's left thinking about him and then wham she's his lost puppy. It's simple really, a stupid but simple idea," She turned and studied me, leaning forward ever so slightly. "Are you thinking of him?"

Liam's face popped into my head at that exact moment, he was sitting on that table strumming his guitar. I remember that moment so vividly even though it was a week ago, I find myself noticing things. Next to him on the table there was a book, a notebook that he was scribbling in after he played. Maybe he was writing a song of some kind? Was he some sort of musician?

Then he looked up and met my eyes, I watched them open wider before coming back to their normal bored expression. I felt my stomach clench, it was like he was here. Hands gripped my shoulders, shaking me violently basically shoving me back to earth. I blinked twice and Lillian's face appeared before me, she looked worried. "Are you thinking about him?" She asked.

I flushed, opening my mouth to deny that I was but it was to late. She saw my cheeks turn red, so she knows that I was. "Oh god, it's working. Soon he'll have wrapped around his finger and you'll lose everything." She said and shook her head. "Kade, you have to be smart about this. This is college, it's about building your life here not hot punk boys and parties."

"I know, I know... But he's just so mysterious, I can't help but wonder." I say sighing.

"Studies show that the human brain loves a good mystery, hence our unnatural love of Nancy Drew and Sherlock Homes." Isaac replied smiling.

"Studies..." I muttered, thoughts of Max bombarded me so bad that I felt like I couldn't breath. I found myself wondering what he was doing right now, he was probably studying in his room drinking his favorite Gatorade; grape.

I remember the days we should study together, my hair wound be tied in a ponytail and I'd be dressed in sweats. He would wear a plain t-shirt and shorts, we'd sit on the floor in my living room each with a bottle of Gatorade and a snack bowl. I would shout words out and see if he got them right, if he did then I could chuck a snack and him and he'd have to catch it in his mouth-he always did. Then, we would watch a movie, snuggling on the couch until it was nine. He would kiss me before he left and I'd watch him, until his car was out of my view.

The tears spilled over my cheeks at this memory, pain gripping my heart it made it hard to breathe. Just a few weeks ago, Max and I been happy, watching a movie the day before he broke up with me. We'd snuggled and talked about our futures, laughing and teasing each other and then the next day; we were done just like that. I guess that's what hurt the most; the fact that I never saw it coming. Max was always affectionate and calm, even when he knew our relationship was damned. Come to think of it, he lead me on that night abut that just makes the pain grow.

"Are you okay?" Lillian asks wrapping her arms around me, a soothing gesture that helped a little bit.

"Did I say something wrong?" I heard Isaac whisper, his voice gripped with concern.

"Obviously Einstein, but I can't figure out what." Macy replied.

I sniffled and wiped my eyes with the back of my hands. "No, I'm okay. It's just my ex-boyfriend Max used to talk about studies, it was like his catchphrase." I said and let out a forced laugh. "He loved learning new things, I guess that's why he was always up to date on studies, always remembering his entire textbooks." A new set of tears pour down my cheeks, falling onto my shirt and Lillian's arms.

Lillian and I haven't known each other for long but it feels good to know that she's here for me. Even with her rude introduction, I feel as if I'm growing on her and she and I are starting to become close friends.

An hour passed and I was enjoying their company a whole lot. I was still shaken from the remembrance of Max but not as much as I was earlier. Actually, I found myself laughing a whole lot during the conversation. Macy and Lillian teased each other a whole lot, I guess their best friends. A few minutes into Isaac's story about the explosion in his science class, a knock sounded on the door interrupting him. Lillian got up to answer it, pulling down her soccer shorts when she reached the door.

When she opened it, she gasped at who it was. I stretched my neck to see, only catching a few glimpses of tattoos. I could feel the lump form in my throat, as Lillian stepped aside to let the people in. Jasmine, Niall, and Harry stepped into the room smirks covering all their faces at the shocked expressions of Macy and Isaac.

"Hey Kade," Harry said smiling widely. "We were gonna head to the pond and wanted to see if you wanted to come."

I opened my mouth to speak but Lillian beat me to it, "Why would she want to go anywhere with you after what Liam did to her?"

Jasmine's eyes darkened. "What did he do exactly?" She asked glaring at Lillian.

"Kidnapping her and then putting her in the hospital." Macy squeaked, looking uncomfortable.

I was starting to feel uncomfortable too, I didn't like the way they were looking at my new friends. It felt like they were trying to think of ways they could hurt them, and it bothered me. A knife couldn't cut the tension that hung in the air, there wasn't even a chance that a knife could put a dent in it. How was this even happening right now, why did Isaac and Macy look so afraid and why was Lillian looking at them with such hatred. None of this made sense, I feel like I'm missing something big but I had no idea what that could possibly be.

They looked at me, surprised expressions filling their faces as they noticed the bandage on my forehead. Then they looked angry and turned to face Lillian, the tension getting even thicker.

"Are you accusing Liam of hitting this girl?" Niall growled, he looked completely lethal. I could tell he was the type that would go to the ends to protect his friend, and I likes that about him.

"Yes I am, I'm accusing your friend of battery and aggravated assault!" She shouted making me jump.

The air in the room was almost suffocating, my second week here and there was a scream match going on in my room. Behind the anger, I could see fear in Lillian's eyes; she knew exactly what they could do to her yet she kept fighting them. Macy cowered in her seat, her entire body shaking, she was like some sort of hairless cat but worse. Isaac just sat, his body rigid. He looked like he was ready to act, if they attacked Lillian he was ready to throw himself between them to be her shield.

"I didn't hit her," A voice said cooly and my breath stuck in my throat. Liam walked into the room, he wore a white shirt that clung to him and a black vest over it. He had black jeans on with chains in the side and his biker boots. He took his lip ring between his teeth for a second and then spoke, "She threw herself out of my car when I tried to bring her here, but you already knew that."

Lillian's face flushed red. She obviously hadn't expect eft he guy she was lying on to step into the room while she was in the act. I felt bad for her but I didn't understand why she was lying on him, I know she hates him but those accusations could get him locked up for a long time. Even I wouldn't do that to my worst enemy, if I did I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing I got away with a lie that has them rotting in prison. The thought of Liam behind bars makes my stomach churn for no apparent reason.

"You lying piece of.." Jasmine started but I jumped to cut her off.

"Hey-Hey, guys calm down. We can all get along right?"

Liam looked at me, his eyes filled with something I couldn't reach. His beautiful face was neutral but it seemed his eyes didn't get the memo. They seemed to be doing their own thing tonight. Second later, he tore his gaze off of me and wrapped his arm around Jasmine, she smiled and gripped his waist. I felt a strange fire erupt inside of my stomach but I ignored it.

"Whatever, are you coming?" Harry asked, a hopeful look on his face.

I shook my head. "I still feel a little queasy so I think I'll sit this one out, but another time-maybe."

Liam snorted and I shot him a glare. "What?" I snapped.

He shrugged and pulled Jasmine out of the door with him. Niall followed them out after he rolled his eyes at me in an all too dramatic way. I felt like to them I'd said the wrong thing, but to Lillian, Isaac, and Macy I'd said exactly the right thing. Harry was the only one who hung back, he watched his friends leave before looking at me.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Didn't she say she didn't want..." Lillian started but one glare from Harry shut her up.

I nodded. "I'm sure, thanks for the invite though."

A look of disappointment flashed onto his features but he turned and walked out closing the door behind me. All four of us released breaths that we'd been holding, I watched Lillian lock the door and take her place next to Macy. Macy still looked shaken, so Lillian wrapped her arm around Macy and Macy gladly leaned into her. I was starting to get the vibe that there was more than just a best friend relationship going on between them, but I'll just wait it out. I don't want to ask an offensive question.

"I thought they would never leave," Isaac mumbled playing with a loose string on Lillian's blanket.

"Me too, that girl was covered in tattoos. My mother would flip if I even came home with a small heart on my pinky." Macy freaked, her eyes wide at what she'd just seem. "My gosh, that was insane, she looked like trash."

"She's expressing herself." I said defending Jasmine for a reason completely unknown to me. I barely knew the girl, why the hell was I defending her for?

Macy shook her head. "That's not expressing yourself, that should be illegal. That is disgusting."

"I agree." Lillian replied smiling down at Macy. She looked at me, "You can't say that's okay because it isn't. Her skin is blue, she would have been so pretty if she hadn't ruined herself."

I scowled. "She is pretty, in her own way." I defended her again, feeling myself get angry by their trashing her.

Isaac looked at me and then them. "We shouldn't judge her friends for what they look like." He said and looked at the two adoringly. "If people judged you two, would you be like this right now?" He gestured to them.

Macy looked up at Lillian and smiled at her, her eyes shining with love. "I guess not." She said and sighed. "Your right, were in no position to judge anyone."

"True that." Lillian said, leaning down and kissing Macy's cheek. Just like that my thoughts were confirmed. I smiled at them, they made a cute couple.

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