Daryl Dixon X Reader

By moosegirl1983

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This is going to be going off of my original series from archiveofourown.com by sammy_the_moose_1983 my name... More

Chapter One
Author's Note
Chapter Two

Chapter Three

29 2 2
By moosegirl1983

"Daryl, I'm fine to use the crutches. Hershel said so, as long as I don't walk on the foot." You complained as he lifted you from the bed, he refused to let you walk on your own though. Hershel had told you that you would need to stay in bed for at least six weeks so you had made a little calendar and marked the six weeks from that sat forward. Daryl took care of your every need, helped you shower, carried you to the are to way every meal and then stated with you until he knew for sure you were okay. He even slept in the cell block with you, no matter how many times you had told him to go outside because you knew it was getting to him.

"Stop complainin'. Imma carry you until I can't no more." He said and you sighed loudly, one are wrapped around his neck as he sat you gently in your seat. While he was gone, you could overhear a couple of the girls talking a few rows down.

"She's just acting like she's hurt to get attention. " One girl said to the other.

"So she doesn't have to work, probably. She's just a little bitch." The other agreed and you could feel the tears beginning to well up in your eyes, about ready to fall over when you decided you were tired of everyone talking about you and that you would do what you wanted, whether or not Daryl liked it. You turned and stood on your good foot first, everyone had already started work when you joined them so you began to walk, determined to get something done if you had to limp you way down to the fence. Hershel tried to stop you though but you pushed past him and out of the cell block, him following as he protested the whole while. Your ankle was really hurting by the time you had made it outside, favoring your right foot even more than before. You had nearly made it to the first gate when you stepped and fell to the ground, you could hear Hershel telling out for Daryl, who was running towards you. By the time he made it to your side, your foot was hurting so badly you were whimpering loudly. He lifted you into his arms and carried you back to your bed, laying you down and taking your sock off, rolling your jeans up so Hershel could look at your ankle--swollan and most like re-injured is what he finally said. Daryl turned to face me and I saw it coming before he ever even spoke.

"What were ya thinkin'? You could's got yourself hurt!" He said and you looked away from his questioning eyes,you weren't planning on telling him why either.

"I'm fine, I would'a been fine if you had left me alone too." You said and turned so you back was to them, Maggie had come to make sure you were okay.

"No, you ain't fine. Now you're gone be stuck here longer, what did ya go and do that for?" He question but you didnt answer him, only lay there as the tears flowed freely.

"Will ya answer me?" He asked and you could tell he was getting annoyed, you whiped at your face and he seemed to realized why you were so silent. He sat next to you and touched your arm, he never was good with crying women--he had told you that but even a touch so simple made you want to open up and tell him everything.

"I heard them talking and it just made me so mad, they--"

"You heard who talkin'?" He asked and you sighed.

"Two girls, the ones that came in from Atlanta a couple days ago. They were saying that I was faking the injury so I didn't have to work, I wanted to show them I wasn't faking. That I'm not some weak little child that needs to be taken care of, I'm not weak Daryl!" You had begun to sob by them and he let out an angry sound, standing before you grabbed his hand.

"No, p-please. Don't." You begged and he looked down into your eyes, nodding before he sat back down. You leaned into his chest and he held you until you went to sleep.


Daryl stood from the bed and walked from the cell, down the hall and was just about to reach where the two of the worked when Maggie grabbed his arm.

"Daryl, you don't need to start anything. Please, just go back to the cell and relax. She'll be pissed of she finds out you did this." She told him and he looked down into her eyes and then to her hand.

"Let me go." He said and she moved her hand, following after him as he walked. When he spotted the two of them, he walked strait up and told them he needed to talk to them. That is was important.

"Of course." The blonde one said and Maggie stood back a ways but watched just to make sure nothing had happened, he led them away a bit and then took their arms once he was sure no one was looking but then again no one would sat anything to one of the leaders.

"I want you to listen to me and listen good. If I ever hear you say anything it even look (y/n)'s direction a wrong way again, I will personally break my number one rule of never hurting a girl and I will beat the shit out of you. Do I make myself clear?" He asked them and they both nodded, obviously afraid but it didn't keep the brunette from making a comment as they walked off about her being a whore.

"Apparently, I didn't make myself clear enough. You wanna say that again?" He asked and balled up his fist by his side, she shook her head and he gripped tighter to her arm so that it would leave bruises.

"You've made the wrong enemy, sister. Go back to work." He said and shoved her toward where she had been before, they both walked away and he nodded at Maggie as he passed her back on his way to the cell block. Before he got there though, he stopped at the area where they uaually kept the food and smiled at Beth.

"You got any extra of breakfast?" He asked and she nodded, handing him a bowl before he made his way back to the room they were sharing.


You woke up to Daryl shaking you, you almost forgot about your ankle but the pissed look on his face reminded you as he handed you the food he had gotten. You let a soft sigh leave your lips before he sat on the bed and watched as you ate.

"You're mad at me." You observed and he shook his head like it's been a question.

"No, I'm not mad. Disappointed maybe but not mad, I told you i would take care of you. You don't have to prove yourself to anyone." He said and you looked away from him, eating the rest silently before turning back to him.

"Why are you taking care of me? I know it's a burdon. You want to be doing something, outside hunting or--" He stopped you with a sigh.

"You are not a burdon! I don't ever want to hear you say that again, what I want is for you to get better. But you can't to that if you won't do what Hershel tells you." He said and you looked away from his eyes.

"I don't want you to have to sit around watching after me when all you wanna do is go out there and get something done. You're going crazy in here, just as I am." You said and he sighed.

"Come on, let's go get you cleaned up. You're covered in dirt." He said and carried you down the hall to the shower room and sat you on your good foot so he could undress you, lately he would just help you shower and then carry you back to the cell but you were determined today he was going to please the both of you. You needed it, he needed it. He has arranged you a little place to sit so he sat you there as he undressed and you seemed to realize he had the same thing in mind. He tugged the little curtain thing closed and lifted you up so he could sit where you were, turning the water on. He had you straddle his waist as he kissed you, the water running down over your bodies. He only ran it long enough to clean is off and then he was more worried about your mouth, his tongue tracing your bottom lip so you would open up and let him in. He slipped two fingers into your entrance and began to move them, pumping in and out quickly until he knew you was ready for him. Even them, though, he went as slow as he could--until you informed him that soon everyone would be getting showers and that if he didn't hurry, you would be stuck there trying to finish as quietly as possible so the others didn't know. His lips met your neck and began to suck at your sweet spot, making soft little moans leave your throat as you began to move over his cock. He grunted a sound deep in his throat and placed His hands against you hips, forcing you to quicken until the slap of skin-on-skin contact began to echo slightly through the space. He moaned as he slid his right hand up your back, twisting his fingers into your long hair. He moved so that he was sucking at you breasts, nipples hardening into little pebbles as you began to tease your clit. His name left your mouth as he began to hit that spot inside of you, the one that had your tied curling and fingernails digging into his back so deep they left scars. His moans began to join you as his hands found the closest place and began to squeeze, you kissed him with every ounce of love you had for the man and he met you with his own. Your tongues tangled together, his sweet breath flooding over you face as you caught your breath and then dove in for more. He had to break the kiss though to place his hand over your mouth, your moans growing a little too lpid as you sat just at the edge of your orgasm. The feeling was almost too much ay first but then you circled your clit once and you were flung over the edge, convulsing on his dick like a mad man. He pulled his hand away to kiss you, his own orgasm ripping through him as he pulled away and squeezed his eyes closed, placing his forehead against your chest as he fucked up into you. He rode out his orgasm and looked up into your eyes, a smirk playing across his lips as he kissed you sleepily.

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