By Gentillefille

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An old Terrence Grandchester has a heartattack one night...An old Candy celebrating her birthday also has a h... More

Chapter 2, "If only..."
Chapter 3 , "I want to be in your arms..."
Chapter 4 , "New twists in New York"
Chapter 5 , "Back to the future"
Epilogue , "Back in time"

Chapter 1 "Heed my call"

650 8 3
By Gentillefille

Hey! For our dear Candy's birthday, I decided to go a little sci-fi! LOL! Enjoy! HAPPY BIRTHDAY CANDY!

Lovebirds, lovebirds,

look at you and me.

I see you and you see me.

Here we are, perched on a tree branch,

cuddling lovingly.

Hopefully, very soon we will build our nest

and start a family

I have heard that birds of a feather

flock together.

I hope that means we will always stay

side by side now and forever.

I give you a peck and you give one to me,

Kissing birds is what we are,

and it's as sweet as can be.

Lovebirds, Lovebirds, look at you and me.

We are as happy as two lovebirds can ever ever be.

Judith Pleasant

It was another evening coming to an end. The manager of the theatre, had just finished turning off the lights of his office. It was the same thing every single night and he thought it was so boring... He used to love the theatre, it was the only place where he could be whatever he wanted to be... but after reality usually came crashing down. In the long run, he became the manager of the theatre after Robert Hathaway retired. He had married his duty and he took his responsibility. He did what everybody expected him to do... including her....the love of his life, the only woman he had ever loved... She had left him so he could fulfill his duty and he had let her go... That was something he regretted every single day of his life. He went looking for her in Chicago and finally he went back to his duty, after seeing how she moved on with her life.... But since then, he had never cracked a smile on his face again. He did what was expected of him, but it was like the laugher and the smiles were suddenly taken away from him....It was years later... He was in his fifties. He had no children, and his wife was so in love with him, like the first day... He didn't care about that at all, that love was lethal to him, that love had separated him from the only woman he had ever loved... He regretted being alive, he wished she had let him take his chances with that spotlight, but things were what they were. His wife had been very happy, since the day he had chosen her. He had left her, but he had come back to her and she was on cloud nine ever since. Just to be close to him made her feel better, it even made the loss of her leg worth it...Because, had she had not lost it, Terrence Grandchester wouldn't had given her a second look, to say the least. It had been forty happy years for her. Even if he never smiled at her, he never smiled, period, she was happy to have him...

Terrence Grandchester was feeling pretty blue. He was still very attractive; his hair now had strokes of grey. He was sadder than usual. He had a book of poems and he had just read one on "lovebirds" and it reminded him of the love he had lost.

"Freckles... not a day goes by without me thinking about you even think about me? You had moved on with your life... you are so much stronger than me... it's been over 40 years... And I can still feel the pain like it was yesterday. I will never get over you...I was cursed to be monogamous like some are my wife in my heart. You'll always be the only one for me."

He went outside; there were a lot of people coming out of the theatre. He wanted to walk home, he was in no hurry to get there. He had become senseless. While he was in street, he thought he heard a laugh... her laugh!

No, it couldn't be... but it made his heart race. Could it be? Maybe she was there... Maybe she came to the theatre to see the play... why would she? She never came in more than forty years... he would look at every women's face to see if she were there, but she never was. But that laugh, it had to be her, he would recognise it anywhere! He looked around, and he saw a girl with long blond wavy hair... It was her!

- CANDY ! He yelled, CANDY ! WAIT ! CANDY !

He started to walk faster, even running to catch up with her, calling her name, but the girl wouldn't stop...


He started to run, but he felt a very sharp pain in his chest, he was out of breath, so he fell on the ground...

An ambulance was called he was taken to the hospital. The only thing he said was; Candy...


At the same time in Chicago, Candice White Andrew was celebrating her birthday at the manor. She still looked young, not like a woman in her fifties. She looked more matured but her blond hair was hiding her grey strokes. Her husband had invited a lot of people to celebrate with them. She was wearing a beautiful green dress which matched her yes. All her friends and families were there. Annie was also there.

- Happy Birthday Candy!

- Happy Birthday Annie! Said Candy smiling.

- I can't believe we're both here celebrating our birthday together still, after all these years...

- You've had a good life, said Candy, you married the man you loved, had children, and now you have grandchildren...

- You have lived a good life too... you adopted the children from the Pony Home, they brought you also have grandkids...

- Yes... and my latest conquest...

- Diana..., your protégée

- Yes... she's so sweet. She wants to be a nurse like me...

Diana arrived and hugged her mentor.

- Are you ok? She asked, you look sad...

- I'm fine honey, don't worry about me...

- Oh but I'm am worried...said Diana

Albert approached them.

- Honey? Are you ok?

- Yes, I am, said Candy smiling

The others approached her, Archie, Patty. And they started talking.

Candy was feeling weird. Something was going on, and it was not good. She heard his voice in her head calling her name; CANDY!

- TERRY ! She whispered

Her friends looked at her surprised. What was she saying? Was Terry there? But Candy's face turned into one of excruciating pain. She was holding her chest.

- Oh..., she said

- Candy? Said Diana approaching her, are you ok? What is it?

Candy was holding her chest in pain, she couldn't breathe. She fainted in Albert's arms.

- Let's take her to the hospital! Said Albert

They rushed to the hospital with Candy and they gave them a room in intensive care.

- What is it doctor? Asked Albert to attendant physician

- Well it's her heart, she just a massive heart attack

- WHAT? Said Albert, her heart is fine....

- Well, those things are quite unpredictable...we were able to stabilise her, but I'm afraid we're not equipped for that kind of care, so I suggest you take her to New York. They will be able good care of her. They have specialists doing research...

- I will make the arrangements right away, said Albert.

When you have power and money, you can get anything done in a jiffy... They had a private plane which took them immediately to New York, the same night. Annie went to the manor to tell the guests that the party was over. Everybody was sad for Candy, she was always nice with everybody...

Albert arrived in New York, with Candy and her friends and they went directly to the hospital, an ambulance was waiting for them at the airport.

Candy was taken care of immediately. Her husband and her friends were waiting in the hallway. A doctor came to see them.

- She's stable, but she's in critical condition...

- Can you help her? Asked Albert.

- Her heart is really weak; we have to get it stronger before we could do anything...

- How long would that take? Asked Albert, what if she doesn't make it?

- Let's not think about that now, said the doctor. She needs to rest. You can go home and come back tomorrow.

- I'm not leaving her..., said Albert.

Albert spent the night on a chair at his wife's bedside. Candy's friend went to the Andrew villa they had in New York. Diana was very upset by Candy's sudden illness. She was crying. They were all in the living room, all very upset. Diana couldn't take it anymore; she had to ask the question that was burning her ever since the incident happened to Candy at the party.

- Annie, asked Diana, who's Terry?

There was a sudden silence in the room. No one wanted to talk about it. It was like a taboo subject. No one wanted to remind Candy of her lost she needed them to remind her of the most upsetting event of her life!

- Nobody, said Archie, who was bitter

Hearing Candy saying his name, even after all these years, hurt him a lot. She still thought about him!

- Archie, said Annie

- He's nobody! Yelled Archie

- He's somebody, said Diana for Candy to collapse after saying his name...

- I said, he's nobody! Yelled Archie again

Annie looked at her husband. After all these years, he was still jealous of Terry...

- Archie, calm down she said, you don't want to have a heart attack like Candy, by saying Terry's name...

Archie looked at his wife with mean eyes. How could she say that to him?

- What? But...

- Apparently Terry's name as that effect on you too..., said Annie ironically, it's been years Archie, a lifetime; let it go!

Archie looked at his wife. Yes, it's been a lifetime and he still couldn't let go of the grudge he had against Terry, for being the one Candy loved, all those years ago...

Diana was surprised by Archie's reaction. Who the hell was Terry!

- Diana, said Annie, we all knew a Terry years ago...

- Annie, said Archie.

- What? Just because all of you decided never to say his name again, you thought that Candy had forgotten about him? Well I've got news for you honey, Candy didn't need you or anybody else to keep quiet, because she thought about Terry 24-7!

- She's married to Albert, said Archie.

- That doesn't mean she could just shut off her feelings for Terry....

- Who is Terry? Asked Diana one again.

- Terrence Grandchester, said Annie, he was an actor, he still is I think, he manages the theatre now and sometimes he goes on stage to play....

- The Terrence Grandchester? Said Diana surprised, you know him?

- We all do...we all met at school in England. He and Candy fell in love since school...

Annie told Diana the story of her mentor and Diana felt so bad. She wished she could do something for Candy.

- So Candy settled with Albert? Asked Diana

- No, I'm sure she loves Albert a lot, but Terry...

- Stop saying that! Said Archie, he hurt her really bad...

Diana's attention was caught by the morning paper a butler had just brought. The headlines were very clear;


- Oh my God! She said out loud.

- What? Asked Annie.

- Look at the paper...., said Diana.

- Oh my God, Terry had a heart attack too....?

- What are the odds...? Said Diana, it happened around 11pm...

- The same time Candy collapsed....said Annie

- Coincidence? Said Diana, I think not!

- You two are ridiculous, there's no way the two incidents are related! Said Archie.

- Why not? Said Diana, he suffers a heart attack, they even say that witnesses heard him call out a name; "Candy"....

- Not possible, said Annie, he still loves her

- And she still loves him, said Diana

- She loves Albert! Said Archie...

- Archie, said Annie, that's enough! You know they still love each other and denying it is not going to make it come true!

- It's so sad, said Diana, and yet it's very romantic at the same time... their hearts are intertwined...

- What? Said Annie

- Intertwined...they depend on each other to live, Terry's heart is sick so is Candy's...,said Diana

- They are connected, linked... said Annie

- Oh my God! Said Archie, you're not going to believe that!

- Well you've got another explanation? Said Diana, it's the only one that makes sense...

- Sense? You think what you're saying makes sense? Said Archie, you've all gone mad!

- Archie, said Annie, why don't you go and wait for me in our bedroom? I'll be there shortly

- But...

- Go! I want to talk to Diana alone...

Archie went upstairs, still fuming. He sounded like a jealous lover and he didn't care one bit!

Annie stayed in the living room with Diana.

- You really think the two incidents are linked? Asked Annie

- I just got this feeling, said Diana, Candy was healthy as a horse, she ate properly, a heart attack? I'm studying nursing and believe me, Candy is not a candidate for a heart attack!

- Well let's go to bed and pray she's still alive in the morning...

- She will be, said Diana, she has to!

Annie and Diana went to bed. Patty had already gone up earlier to cry and pray for her friend.

The next day, Susanna was at her husband's bedside. He was in a pretty bad shape. She was crying. They had told her that the last words he said were Candy, Candy ...

"He never forgot about her... he thinks about her all day long! Even after all these years!" she said to herself.

She had a book she was reading. All the papers of the city were talking about Terry's heart attack, and wondering who was Candy... She avoided their questions and got into the hospital to go stay with her husband. He was lying on the bed, unconscious. The only thing he would say was; "Candy"...

Susanna was frustrated! Candy had left them alone, but it was like she had never left in the first place! Terry came back after he left, he married her, he did the honourable thing, but she never saw his smile again... He just become so dark and polite. It was like the words "smile" and "laugh" were not in his vocabulary anymore. But she loved him... sending him back to Candy would've made her unhappy, and she only thought about herself... She'd rather have a cold and indifferent man, than to be alone...She was in denial, she tried to forget about Candy, but trying doesn't make it so...Candy was in Terry's head, she had never left in fact. Even if he wasn't saying her name, he thought about her and now he was dying and the only thing he was saying was "Candy". And that was killing her!

Not to far from there, Albert was at his wife's bedside waiting for her to come to... She was sleeping so peacefully and she kept whispering Terry's name. He was hurt of course, but he knew she never forgot about her lost love. She would cry every single day, even for a minute over what she lost. After they make love, she would also cry in silence, thinking he was asleep. But he loved her so much, he had hoped that in time she would forget about him, but... he knew it was useless. He had lived with her when he had amnesia and she would only talk about Terry, she would call out his name at night...

Diana arrived with Annie and Patty. Archie was talking to the doctors in the hallway.

- Albert, said Diana, good morning, how is she?

- Still the same, said Albert beat...

- I'm so sorry Albert, said Diana hugging him

- Thank you..., did you have a good night? Asked Albert

- No, said Annie, I could barely close my eyes...

- Yes, said Patty, I tried to sleep, but I couldn't...

- Me neither, said Diana

- I tried closing my eyes, said Albert, but...

Some doctors and nurses came in the room to see Candy.

- Could you leave the room, said a doctor, just for a few minutes

They all went in the hallway. Diana took Albert aside. She wanted to speak to him.

- Albert, she said, I know this is not the time, but Annie told me about Terry last night...

- Oh...

- Candy said his name before she got sick...

- And she kept saying his name all night long. That's all she said in fact...

- Oh... in that case, I have to tell you something.

- What? Asked Albert worried.

- It's about Terry...

"Terry" ! Was she having an affair with him!

- What about Terry? Asked Albert

- Well he's here in the hospital...

- What? How did he learn about Candy's illness? You didn't tell him, did you?

- No! He's here as a patient...

- A patient?

- Yes, he collapsed yesterday evening too, with a massive heart attack....

- Yesterday?

- Around 11 pm....

- 11...? Oh my God!

- Do you think the two incidents are related?

- I know they are... I bet you anything he said Candy's name before he got sick....

- As a matter of fact, said Diana surprised, you knew and you didn't care?

- I knew they loved each other, but I thought... it's been 40 years...I just wanted her to be happy...

- She is happy. She's just... not with the man she truly loves...

- What do you want me to do?

- I know I'm going to sound crazy, but why don't you take her to see Terry....?

- Why?

- She called out his name...

- All night long...

- I know this is hard, Albert, but think about Candy...he might be able to heal her

- Heal her? She's dying and him too...

- They stayed apart for 40 years, if they have to die, let them at least see each other...Come on Albert, if you love her, you'll do that for her...

Albert remained silent. The doctors came out of Candy's room and they were able to go back inside. She was frail and pale.

- Terry... she whispered

Archie was hurt. Albert thought about what Diana said... Candy woke up, she was still very weak.

- Albert, she said smiling

- I'm here for you my love..., everybody is here

- Oh... did I bother everybody again? I'm sorry..., said Candy

- Don't be silly, honey. We all love you, said Annie

- Annie...said Candy, Patty, Archie and Diana...Am I dying or something?

There was a silence.

- Oh, I I..., said Candy

- Don't talk like that Candy, said Diana

- I was a nurse, I know how to read faces...

- Honey, said Albert, you're going to be fine...

- Albert...I can feel my strengths leaving me..., said Candy

- Don't tire yourself...said Annie

- Oh, you won't hear me again, so I might as well take advantage and talk to you while I still can..., said Candy

- Oh Candy! Said Patty crying

Her friends stayed with her and then they went to eat something at the hospital's cafeteria. Albert went with them. Candy was asleep when they brought her her meal. The orderlies were talking.

- Terrence Grandchester is on the verge of dying said one, he was my idol, he still looks good..., said one them

- Yeah, a pity for his wife. She's the one who lost her leg, but he's the one with the fragile heart...

- Yeah, the heart...without it, we die! Oh Terrence, poor Terrence

Candy heard everything and he started feeling bad. A nurse passing by saw her distress and they called the doctor who came running.

- Mrs. have to calm down...said the doctor, your heart can't take it...what happened, he asked the nurse, did she have any visitors?

- No doctor, said the nurse, she was asleep...

- Something made her heart racing..., said the doctor, Mrs. Andrew, I beg you, calm down

- What's the ...use? Said Candy weakly, I'm going to die, I know it...

- With that attitude, you're not going to get better, said the doctor, now eat your meal, you'll feel better

- All right, said Candy closing her eyes

She sat up and tried to eat something, but she could only swallow a couple of spoon of her soup. Albert, who left the others, to go back to Candy faster, found her trying to eat.

- Honey, he said, are you ok?

- No...

- What...?

- Albert..., she said with tears in her eyes

Albert looked at her, he knew those eyes... they were the "sad for Terry eyes"...She must've heard about him

- It's Terry, said Candy, he had a heart attack too..., he's dying and he's here... I have to see him...

- Candy, you're way too weak...

- I can make it, if it's a heart attack, he's on this floor...please Albert, can you ask which room he's in? Please Albert, I have to see him...

- You still love him...

- I never stopped loving him and I think you already know that, said Candy, but I do love you Albert...

- Just not like you love him...said Albert

- You knew that from the beginning..., said Candy, you still wanted to marry me... and you've made me very happy. I couldn't have asked for a better husband...thank you for everything Albert...I don't have much time to live, so will you take me to Terry's room please?

Albert looked at his beloved and he went out of the room. He came back to take her out of bed.

- You want me to carry you?

- No, I can walk, said Candy weakly, let's go...

Albert took her slim and little body out of bed and they walked slowly towards Terrence Grandchester's private room. They arrived in front of the room and Candy felt a warmth going through her...

Susanna, was sitting by her husband's bed side and she was surprised to see Albert at the door...

- No visitors! She said

- Please, said Candy, Susanna, please, let me see him...

- No!

- I'm going to die soon, it's my last request, I beg you..., said Candy

- You can't refuse the request of a dying woman, said Albert, she left you her man all those years ago, be a little compassionate!

- You're her husband, and you condone this? Said Susanna

- This is bigger than all of us, said Albert

The others arrived from lunch and they heard the voices. They approached them.

- What is this? Said Archie...

- Candy wants to see Terry, said Albert

- What? Asked Archie, Albert, have you lost your mind...?

- That's what I want to know, said Susanna...

- It's her last request, her dying wish... I couldn't refuse it to her, said Albert...

- I'm here, said Candy softly, I'm not dead yet!

She was holding on to Albert's arm. They continued arguing and Candy just left Albert's arm and walked to Terry by herself. She saw his face she started crying. She took his hand, and put it on her cheek.

- Terry, she said, Terry, wake up, I came to see you, before I leave for good...I heard you're leaving too...would you mind sharing a cab to heaven?

- But, what the...? Said Susanna

But she couldn't continue. She was feeling the love those two being had for each other, and she couldn't say anything, she was speechless. The others had stopped talking too. They were watching the scene.

Terry opened his eyes when he heard her voice. She was there, so pretty, so he must be in heaven...

- Did I die? He asked weakly...

- No, she said, you're still alive...

- But you're here...he said

- I came to see you, to say goodbye...

- Oh, before I die? That's really nice of you...and very clever since you know I won't be able to tease you anymore...

- I'm dying too, said Candy, so you'll be able to tease me in Paradise...

Candy smiles weakly. Terry smiled.

- I feel better with you here, he said

- I feel better too, she said smiling

- Since I'm dying and after what happened the first time, can I have a kiss before dying, please?

- How could I say no to such a polite little boy, said Candy

She leaned and kissed him on the lips... They both felt like a thunderbolt penetrating them, followed by all the souvenirs of their past together, the meeting, St. Paul, Scotland, the separation...the heartbreak...

The others were looking at the scene stunned...The doctors and nurses arrived and they were also speechless in front the scene.

Candy lye down next to Terry without leaving his lips, he took her in his arms... they stopped kissing and she put her head on his chest and closed her eyes. He also closed his eyes...

- I love you Candy, he said

- I love you Terry, she said

Then there was a silence. It was calm, dead calm...Diana, Annie, Patty were crying. Albert approached the bed with Susanna and they almost didn't dare look at their spouses.

- They're gone, said Albert sadly...

- What? Said Susanna, but...

- Doctor? Said Albert

The doctor approached them and examined them and he said;

- I'm very sorry Mrs. Grandchester, Mr. Andrew, they've passed away...

- NO! Said Susanna, Terry!

Archie left to go outside. The women were crying.

- They died together, said Diana, how sad and beautiful...

- You were right Diana, said Annie, their hearts were intertwined...Oh Candy! I'm going to miss you so much!

- Candy, said Patty, oh Candy!

Albert approached them on the bed.

- Good bye little one..., he said, I love you

- Terry, how could you leave me to die with her! Said Susanna, damn you Candy! You couldn't let him die alone!

- Susanna, I know you're hurt, said Albert, but let it go...

- They were like those lovebirds, unable to live one without the other...or they die..., said Diana in tears, oh Candy, I'm going to miss you so much!

- Lovebirds? Said Patty, they were more like thorn birds! Bye Candy, I love're finally with Terry in the great beyond...

Archie came back and didn't say a word. He was crying in silence. The nurses came to prep them for the morgue...

- Doctor, said one, something is wrong...

- What? Said the doctor

- Well it's like they're stuck together, he won't let go of her...

- What? Said the doctor, let me see that

The doctor approached them and he tried to separate them, in vain...others came, Albert, Archie... nothing did it!

- Unbelievable! said Diana.

- Well I guess they spent enough time separated when they were alive, said Patty.

Susanna was crying, not saying anything. Candy and Terry's love was so strong... what had she done? She had made the man she pretended to love miserable his whole life! She felt so bad and selfish...

- Oh my God! What have I done? She said out loud.

- Susanna? Said Albert.

- All I ever wanted was to be with him... that's all she said sobbing, I didn't want to kill him!

- Well, said Diana, you kind of did... anyway, what's done is done. Nothing we can do now is going to change the current events...

Yes, nothing...

Funeral arrangements were made in private and Terry was buried with his beloved in his arms. If life had separated them, death had reunited them for eternity.

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