unsaid things ⇝ dan howell [b...

By RachieRocks

347K 11.2K 9.6K

IN THE PROCESS OF EDITING [Book One] "i never thought it would be you who saved me." More

In The Very Beginning...
I'm Sorry
Meeting Everyone
Getting Ready And Dinner
You & I
Going Home
Kissing Casualty
Back To Square One
Going Out
Thinking Back
Just Doesn't Feel Right
24 Days
Christmas Tree
Underneath the Mistletoe?
It's Christmas!
Dinner (23)
A Wish Come True (25)
Filling Out A Form (26)
Starting A New (27)
It's like a fairytale (28)
Take a Chance (29)
Plans For A Future (30)
Drama Llamas (31)
Meeting the Parents (32)
Movie Night (33)
Love You (34)
The Trail (35)
I Will Always Love You (36)
Suspicions (37)
Pregnant (38)
Not So Perfect (39)
It's Better Off This Way (40)
Boy or Girl? (41)
A Good Talk (42)
Leather is Better? (43)
Funeral (44)
Muse (45)
Even More Arguments (46)
Shock, Horror. (47)
Over Again (48)
Waking Up (49)
Emotional Moments (51)
Mistake. Big Big Mistake. (52)
Confused! (53)
Deciding on a name (54)
~Finale~ (55)

Finally Getting Somewhere (50)

4K 156 130
By RachieRocks

Summer's POV

Dan, Phil and I were spending all of our time by Scarlett's side in the hospital for a week now. She was due, and the other night her water broke. We didn't want to disturb her, so me, Chris, PJ and Phil were waiting in the waiting room for Dan to come out holding their child above his head with a grin. That probably wouldn't happen.

"So, do you want children. Maybe? Now?" Phil asked me all of a sudden.

"You're kidding me, right?" I scoffed and he knotted his eyebrows together.

"Well, no. We're in a building full of empty rooms. Why can't we just make babies here?!" He questioned me. Before I could answer Chris butted in with one of his infamous, cocky, comments.

"Wouldn't that be awfully unhygienic?" Chris said and PJ laughed.

"Phil, I don't want children with you! I'm far to young and we aren't even married!"

"Who says we need to be married?" Phil asked me, "I love you so so much. Don't you love me in the way I love you?"

"Of course I do, Phil."

"So give me children!" He grinned and I pulled a face.

"Ugh no! For the last time now. If you want kids and I don't then I'm not sure how this relationship is gonna work out." I sigh, looking down at my knees.

"What do you mean?" Phil stammered.

"Oh dear" Peej said quietly.

"I'm not willing to give you something that you want. So I don't know, maybe we should just call things off." I gulped, oh my god. What the hell was I doing? He looked at me, bit did not speak. Just tears formed in his eyes. "Uhm, I just want the best for you. Maybe you might find someone who wants to give you children."

"But I don't love anyone else. I only love you!" Phil cried.

"I know but-"

"And it's not like I cheat! I'm not Dan." He said and I heard Chris chuckle. 

"I just think-"

"But this isn't fair!" Phil cried and ran off. So did this mean we wern't dating anymore? I felt like Phil had just stomped on my heart, when in fact it was me who broke up with him. I can't even imagine how he felt.

"That was deep." Chris said finally, breaking the awkward silence.

"Chris, right now I don't need your sarcastic, dumb comments. Okay?" I scoffed and turned my head away. Just then Dan came running out of the room, sweating. "What's wrong?" I jumped up. "Is everything alright?"

"Scarlett's had the baby!" He yelled. My eyes widened and Chris and PJ looked at each other with a grin.

"Really?" I smiled.

"No." Dan sighed, "Sorry I said that. Ugh, I'm just so damn bored. We've been waiting for her for like a day now, why can't she hurry up!?" Dan said slowly and pushed me out of the way so he could sit down in my seat. "Where's Phil?"

"How would I know?" I replied."

"Cause you're his girlfriend." Dan said.

"Actually no, we kinda broke up and he ran off somewhere." I informed Dan and he let out an even bigger sigh. 

"You know, when someone breaks up with Phil he tends to do something ridiculous." Dan said.

"Yeah I don't think so." I replied to Dan, "Now go and see Scarlett."

Dan's POV

"Uhhhhhh." Scarlett moaned, her eyes shut.

"Summer and Phil broke up." I told her rather casually as I walked in the hospital room.

"What!?" She asked, jolting up. Her monitor began to beep; she must have knocked on a wire or something. I fixed it and sat on the edge of her bed.

"How many centimeters dilated now, are you?" I asked her.

"Nine." She replied and I huffed.

"You've been dilated nine for like three hours." 

"I know, this sucks." She murmured and there was a knock on the door. 

I stood up and opened it. "Mum?" I asked, shocked. "What are you doing here?" I shut the door and leaned my back against it. 

"Oh, how is she doing?" My mum asked me, ignoring my question.


"I can remember, when I was pregnant with you, we thought you were going to be a girl! Yes, your father wanted to call you Danielle. We got such a shock when you came out because, well, you had a -"

"Yeah mum I get it. I have a penis." I replied. "You still never told me why you're here."

"Well, please just listen to me. Your dad and I have been talking, and we think you should marry Scarlett."

"What? No. No mum, I'm not marrying her." I refused.

"Just hear me out! I want you to take your grand-mothers ring." My mum handed me a golden ring with three diamonds on, the one in the middle was the biggest. It twinkled.

"Mum I can't." I sighed, turning away but the ring was already in my hand.

"Please!" My mum begged.

"No, well, I'll think about it, okay? But I'm not promising anything." I told her and going back in Scarlett's room. 

"Who was that?"

"Just erm- Summer. She wanted to know if you brought the PSP." I lied and Scarlett nodded.


I carefully slipped the ring into my jacket pocket so Scarlett wouldn't see and put it on the chair next to a box of tissues and some slippers.

This was really bad and I'm sorry. I had to write it on the iPad so yeaaa. Hope it was okay... :p

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