lost cause ϟ george weasley

Autorstwa hufflespuff

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"i'm not giving up on you. you are not a lost cause." Więcej



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Autorstwa hufflespuff


POTIONS class for George Weasley was always a bore. Professor Snape had always been his least favourite— he was everyone who wasn't in Slytherin's least favourite.

That day, the Gryffindors and Slytherins were brewing the powerful love potion, Amortentia, just as Arden and Cedric did a week prior. George was excited to learn about the dangerous potion in hopes of gaining extra information despite the fact he already memorised the articles and paragraphs on the potion from the books in the library.

The Weasley twins were seated together with Lee and Katie at the desk in front of them. Though they weren't on the best terms, the friend group tolerated each other. It was clear to the twins that their friends were unfortunately close minded when it came to Arden Gosse.

Professor Snape's dislike for Gryffindor was clear as he abducted points left and right for the brave house for things such as whispering, speaking without permission, and sarcastic comments. The greasy haired man attempted to take a jab at the Weasleys by asking them questions about the potion, assuming they were ignorant on the subject. However, the both of them answered precisely and correctly each time.

Finally, the brewing came. George and Fred had obviously brewed it the best out of the class, gaining a snarl and venom filled congratulations from the professor. It seemed he was still upset about their prank on him from last year.

"Weasley, tell me what you smell." Snape ordered. When the twins raised their eyebrows, the professor rolled his eyes. "Fred first."

Fred leaned over and obnoxiously inhaled, making George (and Lee) snicker. "Hm, I smell mum's cooking, mint, uh and I think that's blueberry muffins." His ears turned a slight red in realisation and he shot a threatening glare to his twin, silencing him from any snickers.

Next, George leaned over. As soon as the scent hit his nose, he knew exactly who it belonged to. Predictably, he smelled Arden Gosse.

"Parchment, ink, butterbeer, green tea, and lemons."

The description was a mystery to everyone around him because none of them were around Arden to identify the scents with her.

"Very well," Snape muttered. "5 points to Gryffindor." He rewarded

But the five points did nothing to the twenty-five that were deducted earlier that class.

For the rest of the class, Fred and George planned some more details for Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. When the class ended, George was out the door. Immediately he went up to the girls lavatory which Arden took him to the day he beat up Harvey.

It was empty, just as Arden said it always was. Wanting to be fast, because it was weird to be in a girls bathroom, George loosened his tie and turned a faucet on. It was peculiarly hard to breathe for him. He shrugged his robes off and ran his hands under the cool water, wetting his face too.

Laboured breaths escaped his lips. It was at that moment that he realised he was falling in love with Arden Gosse. The Amortentia had given him the clue, but he didn't think it meant he was falling for her. He just thought it was mere infatuation that he would get over.

That proved not to be the case, unfortunately. George Weasley developed actual feelings for Arden Gosse, knowing that she would never be able to return those feelings unless he thought of something to break it.

"Bloody hell," he murmured, looking at himself in the mirrors. With a scowl, George flicked water at his reflection and turned the tap off, gathering his bag and robes. He discreetly exited the bathroom and made his way to the Gryffindor tower. Exhausted was an understatement and all the redhead wanted to do was sleep and to stop thinking too much. So he skipped his last classes of the day and changed into his pajamas before crawling underneath his duvet.

For a bit, he couldn't close his eyes long enough to fall asleep. His mind was racing far too fast for him to process or nap. He couldn't stop thinking of Arden's laugh or her little perks and flaws. He was in way too deep.

With a grunt, George pulled the blanket over his head and rolled onto his side, forcing his eyes closed. He tried his best to slow his breathing and to stop imagining what kissing Arden would feel like. After an hour, he was asleep. Uncomfortable, but asleep.

When the boy awoke three hours later, Fred was sitting on his own bed, parchment paper and quill in hand. He barely looked up from his essay when he greeted his twin with a, "Mornin' Sleeping Beauty."

George replied with a scoff and muttered "wanker" under his breath.

"I've come up with something," Fred announced. "I'll be happy to share my ideas concerning Arden's current situation if you agree to two things. The first is to never repeat what I smelt in Potions to a living soul. And the second is that you tell me, dear brother, what bothered you enough for you to leave me alone in two of three classes?"

The older twin was always known to be the more dramatic one, so in response, George laughed. He agreed to the first and lied on the second, saying he was just tired and felt sick.

Fred seemed to believe it, however, because he shared his idea with his brother. "So, the moon clearly has some type of affect on humans and creatures alike. The moon is just a powerful thing, you know? I believe that if theres a factor that's keeping Arden from loving, then the moon has to be the biggest.

"Because I'm the best and smartest, science always has been my thing, I propose the SAMPLE plan. Smooching-Arden-mid-Moon-Phase-Love-Effect. I know it makes no sense, but I came up with it just now. And it's still better than ALPACA so, honestly, I'm unfazed.

"Now all you gotta do is kiss Arden during different moon phases. It's gotta be a clear night because breaking all spells calls for a clear night instead of a foggy one. I assume breaking a love spell is the same. So you take her out, make her happy, kiss her, and pray that she doesn't slap you for doing so. I have no idea if there's anymore factors needed like a hair from both her parents or some creepy shit like that, but it's worth a try. Experimenting is vital to scientific research and I, Fred Weasley, am about to discover a world-changing breakthrough through Plan SAMPLE."

For a moment, nothing was said before George plopped back in his bed. "You're such a fucking twit." He muttered, rolling his eyes and pulling his blanket up to his chin.



hi guys!
first off, i want to thank each of you for your support. i appreciate all of the votes and comments (especially you rickgrimy .) all of your comments make me so happy and i love reading them! so not only do i thank you for your constant support, but i thank you for continuing to read and all of your kind words.

secondly, i wanted to dedicate this chapter to nicotinenicole because it's her birthday today! liz, thank you so much for proof reading many of these chapters and inspiring me to continue writing. i hope your day was filled with happiness, i love you!

for the umpteenth time, thank you to every single one of you who follows arden's journey.

#protectardengosse squad, amirite?

much love,
- m xx

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