Only you - complete

By Gentillefille

793 6 3

Candy and Terry meet by chance at the airport during a snow storm, will the time they spend together be enoug... More

Only you - chapter 2 (complete)

547 6 3
By Gentillefille

Only you...

Part 2

The trip down memory lane was done, and they both came back to reality.

- So much things happened... said Candy, you think that the snow is going to stop falling today?

- I don't know, but if it allowed me to meet you here, I hope it falls for a long time...

- You take that as a sign from heaven?

- During all our years of separation, it's the first time we see each other...You can't know how much I missed you...

- You can't talk like that, have a lady companion...

- And you've got Albert?

- Albert has been very good and very patient with me... I love him very much...

He felt hurt. Albert replaced him in her heart? She was so nice with him on the phone earlier...

- You're going to marry him?

- I don't know, I was thinking not to make him wait anymore when he's going to propose to me for the thousandth time...

- You were saying "no" before?

- Yes... he adopted me...

- So technically, he's your father?

- Kind of, yes...

- It doesn't sound weird in your head?

- He's not old, Terry... he loves me... I need to be loved. I've been running away enough as it is...

- Don't you think it's weird that when you finally make the decision to say "yes" to Albert, you meet me?

- Don't tell me you wanted to raise the grade of your lady companion?

She looked at Terry who raised his eyebrows. Him too? That was not possible!

- You finally decided to marry her? Said Candy hurt, you love her?

- I've been living with her for years...I got used to her...

- You didn't answer my question... do you love her?

- What do you think?

- That you wouldn't stay for so long with a woman you didn't love...

- For duty and obligation...yes...

- Duty and obligation? Oh...

- She's a good friend...

- A good friend? Are you...lovers?

- Yes...

Candy felt like she got a knife stuck into her heart. It hurt her; it was one thing to "know" it, but it was something else to hear it from Terry's mouth.

- Was that part of your duty and obligations too? She asked hurt

- Candy...

She was hurt; he was happy inside. Candy was a little ashamed.

- I'm sorry, I have no rights to say that... after all you've been living together for years...And I left you so you could be with her... after all you want to marry her...

- For me it's the logical conclusion...

- The logical conclusion? Oh...first you're engaged to the woman you get saved by a colleague very in love with you who loses her leg in the process, you break up with your fiancée, become the lover of your crippled colleague for years and now you want to marry her! I'm sure it's the logical conclusion for every body! She said ironically, I'm sorry; I have a phone call to make!

She stood up and she went to the payphone and she picked up the phone she called Patty this time...

- Candy! How are you? You're not too bored?

- No, not at all...I'm fine, I have a lot of magazines to read and I do window-shopping...

- Good, said Patty, I miss you so much

- Me too. How are Stear and the kids?

- He's fine, he took a day off for Valentine's Day and now I'm glad, otherwise he could've been stuck somewhere in Europe like you...

- Yes, being a pilot can have its disadvantages said Candy

Stear was a pilot from Andrew Enterprises planes he made himself.

- The kids are fine; they can't wait to see you...

- Me too...

- So, have you decided for Albert?

- I'm not so sure anymore, Patty

- Candy, don't start...

- Patty, it's my life. I just want to be sure I'm making the right decision...

- You're still thinking about Terry...he's living with another woman, Candy

- But I still love him so much, Patricia...

- Well you've got all day in Zaventem to decide...

Patty didn't know of course, that just the fact that she saw Terry had made her rethink her decision to marry Albert... this last one took the storm as a sign from heaven...

- Albert thinks that the storms is a sign...said Candy

- Positive of negative?

- Well giving that it's stopping me from getting to him..... I would say negative...

- that why your hesitating?

- More or less...well I'm going to call you back later when I charge my cell phone...kiss the kids for me...

- Ciao, Candy...

She hung up the phone and she looked for Terry with her eyes. He was still there where she had left him. He was talking on the phone, so Candy went for a little walk before going back to him. Terry was talking to his mother who had just called him.

- Terry? You're not too bored?

- I'm fine mum...

- Your voice sounds happy...are you having fun?

- What are you talking about? It's not in my nature...

- The body is weak...

- Mum!

- I know it's not in your nature...but tell me what made you so happy...

- How could you sense just by hearing my voice, that I'm happy?

- I'm your mother baby, I know you... I'm waiting...

- Mum... you'll never guess who I met here...

- Someone that makes you so happy? That's a no brainier; Candy!

- You'll always surprise me...

- She's stuck at Zaventem too....?

- Yes...

- You wanted another sign...there it is!

- Mum...

- Terry, I've seen you live with Susanna during all those years, not one time, aside from when you won the Oscar, have I heard you so happy... you've got the whole day to spend with her, then, you'll decide...

- Thanks to you later....

- Say "hi" to her for me...

- Ok...

Candy was taking a walk and she saw that Terry was done talking on the phone. She went back to sit next to him...

- Did you cool down? He asked

- I'm feeling a little better...

- My mother says hi...

- Oh... Thanks. How is she?

- She's fine...she's going to do a new movie soon...

- Good, I'm happy for her...said Candy sincerely

- You can use my cell phone, you know? I charged my battery...You can give the number to your friends so they could call you...

- Thanks Terry she said softly, Albert too?

- Albert too...he said a little against his will...

He took a pen from his pocket and a piece of paper from his bag, and wrote his cell phone number.

- You won't have problems with Susanna?

- Susanna doesn't control my life, Candy...

- I followed your career... congratulations for everything especially for the Oscar...and thank you, you didn't have to do it...

- Mary Angel Sunshine, it was the peek of my career, I couldn't not included you...

- You said you loved me... but you didn't say it to Susanna...

- That's because I don't love her... I ... tolerate her... we're intimate...but she will never have my heart...

- Oh... said Candy softly... by the way, I got the "Mary Sunshine" but not "Angel"

- Oh...that...well...You must've learned that I had drinking problems after our separation?

- Yes, you were missing in action for a while...

She was talking with caution, because she knew what he was talking about...

- Well...I don't remember very well what happened, I was certainly in a fight...because I woke up with wounds and contusions everywhere...But while I was unconscious, I had a dream... you appeared to me wearing a white dress, like an angel... You told be to get back on my feet that I was killing myself, killing us, to take my responsibilities and that you will always be in my heart... you gave me my signet ring back...I don't know how long I was unconscious, but when I woke up I had my ring on my finger... a ring I knew you had... my angel... you gave me courage... My mother told me she looked for me and got me into rehab, but...

- You don't believe her?

- If the ring wasn't there, I would've believed her, but I know it was you, Candy

Candy looked down. He knew it was her, and he stayed with Susanna, anyway... but they were broken up. And she did tell him to take his responsibilities...

- Thank you Candy...thanks for looking for me and for putting me back on track ...

- You're welcome Terry; I couldn't stay without doing anything...

- It's not in your nature. I'm sorry if I disappointed you... you must have been ashamed of me...

- No Terry. I was not ashamed. Our separation made you that way... I had my friends to support me... you don't have to be ashamed for your break down, Terry...

- Thanks. I was stunned to be called Mr. Brown, Mr. Anthony Brown...

- I'm sorry about that, Stear made the arrangements...

- But you got me back on track; I can forgive you for that...

They looked at each other with so much love. All those years of separation didn't have any impact on their love; it was still so strong and so pure. Terry wanted to say something, but his cell phone rang. The ring tone was "Kolé Seré" music. Candy felt happy when she heard the melody of the song they first danced together...

- Hello?

- Hello? Susanna?

- Terry? So...?

- There's no change Susanna, otherwise I would've called you...

- You won't make it on time for Valentine's Day, won't you?

- There will be other Valentine's Day...

- I know you don't love me, but I love you, I wanted tonight to be perfect...

- I know Susanna...

Candy stood up so she won't hear him talk to Susanna anymore. It was making her sick. After all those years, she thought she was used to it, but it still hurt her so much. She looked at Terry, and went back near him when she saw that he wasn't talking on the phone anymore.

- Hi, she said when she arrived

- Hi...

- She didn't seem very happy...

- She was expecting my wedding proposal...

- I bet she arranged for a diner for two with candles and a very nice silk night gown... I'm sorry...

- No, continue, I'm imagining you in my head with a silk night gown...

- Terry! She said blushing

- What? You started it!

- I was talking about Susanna...

- I'm sorry, Freckles, but when I'm in front of you, it's not Susanna that comes into my mind...

- I can call Annie to give her your cell phone she said to change the subject

- Of course, said Terry giving her the phone

She took the phone and she called Annie.

- Hello? Annie?

- Candy! How are you ok?

- I'm have a pen?

- Just a second....ok go ahead!

Candy gave her Terry's cell phone number, without telling her, who's phone it was.

- Ok, I got it...

- You can call me at this number...

- Oh...ok...You found a guy nice enough to let use his cell phone?

- Who said it was a guy? It could be a woman...

- Candy, women are not nice to other women unless they're in love with you somehow... and you haven't changed camp, have you?

- Annie, you're not possible....!

- It's a guy you charmed with your beautiful green eyes?

- Something like that...said Candy smiling, give the number to the other too...

- Ok, talk to you later...

Terry had left her so she could talk in peace. A few minutes later, Terry's cell phone started to ring, she looked around, she didn't see Terry, and so she answered.

- Hello? She said

- Candy?

- Cassandra? Hi! I wanted to call you...

- You could've called me collect too, you know...

- I know...Thanks Cassie

- Are you ok?

- I'm fine, why? Said Candy sceptical

- You still doubt about my clairvoyant abilities?

- I'm coming back from Africa, Cassie...

- So you believe me now?

- Yes...

- Thank God, finally! You had to go to Africa to believe me!

- How are you Cassandra?

- Candy, I have my cards in front of me, now...

- Cassie!

- You should be happy to have a free reading, others have to pay for it, you know...

- What are the cards saying?

- To follow your heart...the past is the's time for a change...

- Well I have the intention to put my past behind me...with Albert

- Are you telling me that I'm not telling you anything you already know...?

- Cassandra, you're a very good friend... thanks a lot for the phone call...kiss the kids for me, how are they by the way?

- They're fine, thank you. I'm going to call you later, ok? Have fun! But not too much...

- Cassie...did you see something?...never mind...Talk to you later...

- Bye Candy, said Cassie laughing

She hung up. She smiled thinking about her friend; Cassandra was a little eccentric, but she was a very good friend. Terry came back to sit next to her.

- Are you ok? He asked

- Yes, that was Cassandra...

- Oh... how is she?

- Still the same, with her cards...

- Her name suits her right... what did she say?

- To follow my heart, that the past was the past and that it was time for a change...

- So you're going to accept Albert's proposal...

- She didn't tell me anything I didn't already know...

- Are you sure? Because I read it differently...

- Differently?

- Yes... "follow your heart, the past is the past"..."the past", it's me isn't it?


- "Follow your heart", if you still love me...

- Terry, have you gone mad!

- Does it seem so unbelievable? The" time for a change" could mean, us, Candy... we could finally be together and forget about the rest of the world and be happy...

- You're very arrogant to think that I'm just going to fall into your arms so easily...! She said getting away from him

She gave him his cell phone; she went to powder her nose. She got into the ladies room. She did her thing and she put water on her face. They was a lady, very old, a senior, who was crying quietly.

- Are you ok? Said Candy in French

Candy now spoke French very well, having working in the French part of Africa for so long.

- I'm fine, said the lady, it's nice of you to worry about me...

- Can I do something for you? Do you need anything? Asked Candy

- No, I just want to die...

- My God, why?

- I just lost the man I love...

- Oh...I'm sorry....said Candy honestly

- He spent all his life waiting for his mother's approval, and she refused to give it to him...and I was patiently waiting.... But his mother lived for a very long time and he didn't want to break her heart by disobeying her...when his mother finally die, we were able to get married...but since we were seniors as you see...our life together was short lived, he regretted all those years when he was waiting for his mother's approval...because we didn't live together for long...

- Oh... I'm sorry, but you had time together, didn't you?

- Not enough, we could've had 60 years of're still young, if you're not married yet, because I don't see a ring on your finger, and you have a man you love or if you find the one you love some day...don't hesitate...there is only one life to live and this is it. You have to live before it's too late. I learn it the hard way. Bye Miss and good luck

- Bye said Candy...and thank you

Candy looked at the little old lady leave. She thought about Cassie and her cards, and Terry's interpretation and the little old lady's words. There's only one life to live, there's no rough copy...

Mean while, Terry's cell phone rang and he answered.

- Hello? He said

- Hello...yes...can I speak with Candy please?

- Who is this? Annie?

- Yes, but how do you ... wait a minute, I know this voice and the accent...oh my God! Terry!

- Yes, Annie. How are you?

- I'm fine what about you? What are you doing there?

- You called my phone...

- Your phone? Oh... you met Candy at Zaventem?

- Yes, I'm stuck because of the storm...

- What a coincidence... said Annie laughing, Candy must be pleased...poor Candy... Where is she?

- She went to powder her nose...

- Oh...ok. I can't believe it! Well...tell her I'm going to call her back later...

- Ok, Annie, I'll tell her

- Bye Terry

- Bye Annie

Annie hung up the pone and turned around smiling. Her husband was looking at her like she had just fallen from the sky.

- Terry? Terrence Grandchester? Said Archie

- Yes...

- Why did you call him?

- I called the number Candy gave me...

- And it was Terry's?

- Yes, they're stuck together at Zaventem...

- Wow! You look pleased... What about Albert in all that?

- Honey, Candy is still in love with Terry...

- And he's still living with Susanna Marlowe...nothing can happen between them...

- Not if they decide to send the rest of the world to hell and stay together...

- That's what you want?

- I just want her to be happy, even if it's with Terry...

- Poor Albert then, said Archie

Meanwhile, in Zaventem, Candy came to sit where Terry was.

- You just missed Annie...

- Oh... she called?

- Yes...

- You answered?

- It is my cell phone...

- I know...she's going to call me and she'll have Patty and Cassie in conference...

- The bombshell of my news?

- What do you think?

- I'm going to go stretch my feet a little. Take the phone in case Annie calls...

- Thanks Terry

He stood up and walked away. Candy looked at him go. She loved him so much. Should she tell him? The situation was complicated, but they were together in Brussels, far away from every thing... to follow her heart... her heart was...Terry's cell phone started to ring. She answered.

- Annie? She said

- Who are you and what are you doing with my fiancé's cell phone?

- Susanna, said Candy

Reality came crashing down!

- Who's this? Do you know he has a fiancée?

- Terry is not available...

There was a silence.

- Candy? Finally said Susanna

- Yes, it's me Susanna

- You're with Terry?

- Stranded in Zaventem you mean? Yes...

- Oh....

Susanna wasn't too sure of herself all of a sudden. Terry was on the other side of the world, with the love of his life. It was only a matter of time...

- How are you Candy? Are you married?

She wanted to know whether Candy was available

- No Susanna, I'm single...

- Don't get any ideas about Terry, he's mine!

Candy wanted to explode...Susanna was getting on her nerves...

- He's not your fiancé yet... said Candy

- He's going to propose to me as soon as he gets back... he loves me...

- Then you don't have anything to worry about said Candy ironically. I'll tell Terry you called. Now, excuse me, I would love to continue this lovely conversation with you, but I'm expecting an important call. Bye Susanna!

She hung up before Susanna could say anything! Susanna was completely devastated. Her mother was there and she heard her daughter talking to Candy.

- Candy? As in Terry's ex-fiancée ?

- The one and only...said Susanna sulking

- They're together?

- They're stuck together...

- Oh... you better start packing...

- Mom...

- He's not coming back...

- How could you say that?

- He's with the woman he loves, Susanna

- He's not going to abandon me

- Susanna, I saw their tearful and touching separation... I even felt bad for one second, their love was powerful...

- Mom...

- But I was happy for you; you had the man you loved...

- He didn't go after her, or to look for her...if he loved her that much...

- That's where you're wrong, Susanna... when he disappeared, he went to Chicago and she put him in that rehab centre...

- It wasn't his mother?

- No...

- Oh... but she send him back to me... she left him again...she's going to leave him too this time

- From your mouth to God's ears!

- How do you know all that?

- I make it my duty to know everything and remind him of his duty...

- You're still pressuring him at every occasion you get; no wonder he despises me...

- Susanna, if I had done nothing, he would be with his dear Candy at the moment...

- He is with Candy mom at the moment...everything you did was for nothing...destiny reunited them, but he's going to come back to me

- You're contradicting yourself; if destiny reunited them, he's not coming back to you...

- Yes he will... you'll see...

- He didn't call you to reassure you...

- What do you mean?

- Candy probably told him you called; a concerned man would call his fiancée right away to reassure her...

- Maybe Candy didn't tell him...

- Hello! Candy who sacrificed her love for you, a perfect stranger? She's a saint...

- Mom! Or she's still on the phone with her friends

- Susanna said her mother with an exasperated sigh, just be ready...

Susanna didn't reply. Her mother was right and she knew it. She tried calling back but she got the voice mail. She waited patiently for Terry to call back, but the call was not coming...

In Zaventem, the cell phone rang again, when Candy had just hanged up with Susanna and this time, it was Annie and like Candy expected it, with Patty and Cassie.

- Hello? Said Candy

- Candy! Said Patty

- You little secretive! Said Cassie

- What Cassie, your cards didn't show you that I was stuck with Terry at the airport?

- Very funny Candy! Said Cassie

- So, said Annie, what are you going to do?

- Am I suppose to do something? Said Candy

- Candy, said Patty, you've got a window of opportunity that has just open for you... don't let it close...

- Patty, he's living with Susanna...

- He hasn't married her, said Annie

- He's going to propose to her, said Candy

- Like you were going to accept Albert's proposal? Said Patty

- A coincidence, said Candy

- Coincidence? Said Cassie, Candy you're coming back from Africa, you know that they believe that there's no coincidence in life, everything is planned in advance...

- Susanna is not there now, said Annie

- She just called, said Candy

- And you answered, said Cassie, she must've been glad...

- That's the least we could say.... Said Candy

- Candy, said Patty, think about you and Terry, not about the others.... Follow your heart...

- You still love him, said Cassie, maybe it's the change the cards were talking about...

- Do you think so Cassie? Asked Candy

- It's a strong possibility, said Cassie; the cards have a lot of interpretations...

- What does Terry have to say about all this Candy? We could be assuming..., said Annie

- Oh, he's on board, said Candy, if I'm sure of one thing, I'm sure about that!

- So, don't lose any time, said Patty, grab your chance!

- Patty is right Candy, you have to be happy and apparently Terry is the one who makes you happy..., said Cassie

- But... started Candy

- Candy, your voice is betraying you... you're in seventh heaven, said Annie, like when you were together

- Annie...

- Listen Candy, said Cassie, keep an open mind and follow your heart like I told you... and call us to tell us your decision, ok?

- Ok. Thanks girls, said Candy

- Bye Candy, good luck said Annie

- Don't forget, Candy, be selfish! Said Patty

- Follow your heart said Cassie

Candy hung up and Terry came back to sit next to her.

- Thanks Terry she said giving him his cell phone back

- You're very welcome. Your friends called you?

- Yes, in conference like I was expecting... Susanna called too...

- Oh...

- I thought it was Annie calling me... I'm sorry

- Don't apologize Candy, it's not your fault... I'll call her later. You want to go eat?

- You're not calling Susanna back now?

- No, I'm hungry....

- Don't you want to reassure her?

- It's not like I'm in love with her...I'll call her later. So, you're coming to grab a bite?

- Yes, I'm starting to get hungry, said Candy smiling

- Let's go then said Terry with a smile, we have the choice between the "Milestone" and the "Sea foods"...

- The Milestone then, we could eat sea food later if we're still here... said Candy

- We'll still be here, the way things are going; we'll still be here tomorrow...

They went to the restaurant to eat. There were a lot of people, but a little less, because the travellers that came to take their planes, went back home. Candy was very happy to be with Terry, as happy as the time in St. Paul. When Terry left, St. Paul, every thing changed for her, she couldn't stay without him... Now, she was with Terry for the first time since their separation years ago, and she was very happy, very very happy... she had felt a little happy on Oscar night, because he dedicated the Oscar to her, he told her he loved her...Terry still loved her. He was more mature and more attractive than ever... she still loved him so much... They talked about their lives, she told him about Africa, the stories, legends and beliefs. He told her about his days on the sets of movies, when sometimes they had to restart a scene a lot of time because of one small detail. Terry never felt that good... It had been years since he felt that good. He was with Candy, the woman he loved more than anything in the world and he felt in his element and he didn't want the good feeling to stop...When they finished eating, they heard a message on the voice-over that was asking all the passengers in transit to go to the information desk. The message was in French, Dutch, German, Italian, and Spanish...Everybody was sitting and waiting for the airport employee.

- Ladies and gentlemen, we're sorry to inform you that all the flights are cancelled for the day...We're offering the passengers in transit, a room at the Sheraton hotel in front of the airport, but you'll have to share your rooms... there's not enough for everybody

The passengers started to mumble with anger and exasperation. They were already bored to death, they missed their trip... Candy and Terry, were happy, this storm had allowed them to spend time together, something they never thought would ever happen

- Well this storm is a blessing in disguise said Terry, it allowed me to see you and spend some time with you Candy...

He looked at her; she smiled, she was so happy to be stuck with him by chance in Belgium!

- Well, let's go to the Sheraton, said Candy and get a room...

- You're ready to share a room with me...?

- Better my ex-fiancé than a stranger...

- I'm a gentleman, and I am perfectly capable of spending the night with a lady...platonically...

- I didn't expect any less from a gentleman said Candy smiling

People were looking at Terry, was he the actor from the "Lovers of Verona"? The Oscar winner? No, what would he be doing at Zaventem stuck because of a snow storm? It's probably someone that looks a lot like him... so they didn't bother... asking him. But there were two African teens talking to each other in French.

- It's him, I'm telling you....said one

- What is he doing with another woman, what about Susanna Marlowe?

- It was only for the movie said the first one

- No, I read they're really an item... said the other girl

- Why don't we ask him?

- You speak English?

- I can try, for Terrence Grandchester...

Candy and Terry were listening amused. They smiled and Candy turned to the two girls and said in French;

- We speak French...

The two girls were a little surprise at first, then they smiled.

- You speak French? Said the first girl smiling, oh wow! You too? Terrence Grandchester?

- Yes said Terry...

- It is you! Oh my God! And we have an autograph? Said the first one

- Can I take your picture? Said the other girl

- Yes of course said Terry

He signed autograph and posed for pictures with the two African girls and Candy. The girls thanked them and left there on a cloud...they were talking in their African language and laughing...

- That was fun! Said Candy

- Once in a while, yes, said Terry...

- But all the time it becomes annoying...?

- You have no idea, how some fans become crazy and start stalking's dangerous...

- The downside of being a celebrity, hein?

- Among other thing...You now speak French... Your accent in better than mine now...he said smiling

- It kind of help when you have to speak it everyday...Living in Africa has its advantages...

- Did you learn the local language?

- I learn one of the languages... you have no idea how many languages and dialects they have in Africa...

- Really?

- Like those two girls, they were speaking Lingala...

- You understood? Said Terry surprised

- Yes, since we spoke French, they were talking in their language so we wouldn't understand them...

- But they didn't know you just came back from their country and could understand them...said Terry with a smile

- Would you? Said Candy with a smile

- What did they say about us?

- That we were the nicest people and they were glad they had pictures to prove they saw you or no one would've believed them...

- Wow! You've become more interesting than ever Mary Sunshine...African languages? You'll tell me all about it tonight...let's go to the hotel now...

- Ok, said Candy laughing

Candy and Terry went to the Sheraton hotel just across Zaventem airport. They had to go outside for a few minutes outside to get to the hotel. The snow and the wind were blowing hard and were freezing, but for Candy and Terry, it was a breeze... Inside the hotel, they found the passengers trying to get a room for the night.

- Looks like it's full...

- There's at least 300 rooms in this hotel

- 294. I read it on the brochure said Candy with a smile

Terry looked at her with a smile; that was a picture he wanted to see everyday from now on...

- Give me your passport, Mary Sunshine

- Ok, here it is. She said getting it out of her purse and giving it to him

- Thank you...

He took her passport, winked at her smiling and went to the reception desk of the hotel to get a room. There were a lot of papers to fill out, because the airlines companies had to pay for the rooms. But Terry paid with his credit card, for a room for two. So he got the room faster, because he paid himself. He went back to Candy who was reading a paper.

- Freckles, we have a room... but we'll need pyjamas for the night

"I hope to God we won't need them, he said in his head"

- So we go back to the airport to shop? I don't see any boutiques here...

- Let's go back to the airport then, said Terry

They went back to the airport to shop for the night. Since most of their personnel effects were in their suitcases, they went to the boutiques to buy a night gown, pyjamas, tooth brush, perfume, deodorants... they went back to the Sheraton in the room Terry had booked for them. There was a double bed, a television set, a desk, a chair a lamp, two sitting chairs and a little table near the window, a little fridge and a bar with glasses. There was also a bathroom. Candy was able to take her shoes off and walk barefoot on the thick and soft carpet.

- Finally, my feet are breathing! She said smiling; can I use the bathroom first?

- Of course, Mary Sunshine, go ahead...

- Thanks...

Candy went to the bathroom and closed the door. Terry took advantage of his time alone to call Susanna.

- Terry! Finally! I've been trying to call you for a while!

- I shut down my phone to save on the battery

- Your "sweet" didn't tell you I called?

- Candy told me you called; I told her I will call you back...

- Three hours later?

- I had to eat and get some news about the flights...

- Eat? With Candy?

- She's the only person I know here...

- She's also the woman of your dreams, isn't she?

- Whatever! No planes are leaving today anyway...

- Oh... said Susanna, so I shouldn't wait for you then...

- Even if a plane were to leave today, at this time, I won't be there before tomorrow... the airline company gave hotel rooms to the passengers in transit...until the storm stops...

- Terry I've had enough...I'm going to bed... I'm tired. I'll call you tomorrow morning...

- Bye Susanna... good night

- Good night Terry, I love you.

Terry hung up the phone and he had an exasperated sigh. Susanna supposed that each passenger had its own room...the bathroom door opened and Candy came out wearing a robe, she had a towel on her head. She was very beautiful, all fresh. She saw him with the cell phone in his hands.

- Susanna?

- Yes...

- Oh you remind me, I have to charge my cell phone, Albert have to call me and I don't think Annie is going to give him your cell phone number

"Especially since she wants me to reconcile with you" she said in her head.

She went to get her cell phone in her bag and plugged it with the charger.

- You can call Albert with mine you know...

- That wouldn't bother you?

- Of course not...

- Thanks Terry...

He had taken his shoes off, his blazer, and undid the button of his shirt. Candy saw his muscled chest and she felt all weird. He replaced her in the bathroom. Candy sat on the bed and took a hair dryer she bought earlier and she started to dry her hair. When she was done, she took Terry's cell phone to call Albert.

- Hello, Albert?

- Candy, said Albert, how are you?

- I'm fine. I'm spending the night in a hotel...

- Oh...

- The storm is still going strong

There was a silence. After a while, he talked.

- Candy, I'm going to wait for you here...

- Whatever my decision?

- Whatever your decision... I want you to be happy...that's all...

- Thanks Albert. I'm going to let you sleep and order diner...

- Ok...good night Candy

- Good night Albert.

She hung up the phone and started to think. Whatever she decides tomorrow ... for the moment, she wanted to spend her time, the time that was given to her, the time she never thought she'll have, with the man she loved more than anything in the world...

"Follow your heart, the past is the past, it's time for a change..." said Cassandra

She decided to call Annie to tell her that no planes were leaving the ground. Annie conference Patty who conference Cassie...

- Girls, I'm spending the night here... said Candy

- the airport? Asked Annie

- There's a Sheraton hotel in front of the airport...

- Oh... an hotel, you're going to share the same room as Terry, said Cassie

- Is that what your cards are telling you...?

- Candy stop making fun of my cards, said Cassie

- I'm teasing you... I'm already there...said Candy

- In the room? With him? said Patty, Oh my God...!

- It's not what you think...nothing happened... there were not enough rooms in the hotel, so we had to share...

- But something is, going to happen, right Candy? Said Annie

- I don't know...said Candy

- Candy please, said Patty, don't be foolish

- By foolish, we mean don't let Terry go, said Cassie

- Where is he? Can he hear us? Said Patty

- He's taking a shower... said Candy

- Oh... said Annie, Terrence Grandchester, with wet hair and shirtless... even I couldn't resist that...

- Annie! Said Candy

- Candy said Patty, you're leaving every one's dream...a poll showed that if given the opportunity, with no consequence, most people will look for that one that got away and rekindle their relationship...

- Really? So I should consider myself lucky, to have a hot man in the same room as me?

- Not any hot man, said Cassie, Terrence Grandchester, and he wants you Candy! Annie is right, I don't think I would resist him either

- You too? Asked Candy laughing

- Me three! Said Patty joking

They burst out laughing.

- We're going to leave you, said Cassie, have fun!

- Talk to you later...said Annie

- Good luck said Patty

- Ciao girls, said Candy, call my cell, it will be recharged...

- Ok, said Annie

Candy hung up the phone, thinking... Albert...she liked him, but she will never love him completely like she loved Terry. The bathroom door opened, and Terry got out with a robe on. His hair was wet and he was so handsome. Candy couldn't take her eyes off him.

- Candy, are you ok? Did you call Albert?

- Yes...

- So.... Are you ok?

- I don't know...

- You don't know...?

- He said he wants me to be happy...

- And he wants to be the one who makes you happy?

- I don't know. Maybe...but it was like he was telling me if I'm not sure, he would understand...

- He's very understanding then

- He's been very patient; he's been too patient with me...

She stood up and she went to sit on the armchair near the window. Terry sat on the bed with a towel in his hand, to dry his hair. They were still long...

- You want me to dry your hair? I have a dryer said Candy

- Ok, he said too happy to have Candy touching his hair.

She approached him with the dryer, turn it on and started to dry his hair. She was touching Terry, and the sensation was delicious on her hands. He closed his eyes and enjoyed Candy's fingers in his hair with the heat of the hair dryer... when she was done; she turned the dryer off with regrets...

- Thanks Candy, said Terry tenderly

- It was a pleasure said Candy laughing

She turned on the TV and a song was playing, the clip from the song "Kolé Seré"; the song they danced on the boat the day they met.

« Moi je n'aurais pas imaginé

Que je te reverrais

Tant d'années ont passé

Je vois que tu n'as pas changé... »

( I would've never imagined

That I would see you again

All those years have passed,

I see you haven't changed...)

- Do you remember this song? You have it as your ringer...of course! I didn't want to talk about it... before, said Candy

- The song we danced on the boat, I never forgot it... hence the ringer. I was waiting for you to make a comment...

- At that time we danced, I didn't understand French ...

- Now you understand...

- Now, I understand this song; it's perfect for us... for our reunion... I never thought I would see you again, alone...

- Me neither... and I don't think it's by chance, Candy... that when we finally decide to get engaged to other people, we found each other, stuck in a airport because of a snow storm in Belgium of all places !

- Far from our world... I feel good Terry, maybe you were right? Maybe Cassie's cards were talking about us...?

Terry was looking at her, he was still on the bed and she was still on her armchair, near the window. Terry's cell phone rang, dragging them out of their trance.

- Hello?

- Terry?

- Susanna

- Terry, I can't sleep... you're with her, aren't you?

- I told you...

- In the same room?

- We had to share a room...there was not enough for everybody

- How convenient... there were no other passengers?

- You wished I was with a stranger...

- Yes! Terry...

- Susanna, you didn't expect me to ignore her?

- Why not? A girl can dream can she? You're reconciling with her?

- Good night Susanna

He hung up the phone. Candy was still looking at him, he was with Susanna, but she could feel he didn't love her. Terry was there in front of her... he was her dream come true...

- You were a little harsh with her... said Candy

- She's used to it...

- And she doesn't care?

- She's in love with me...

- She saved your life...

- You saved her life too...

Strangely enough, the guilt over Susanna's accident had gone away...

"Be a little selfish" she heard in her head, there's a reason for everything..."

- Terry, let's say hypothetically, something was to happen between us...where do we go? We go back to our lives like nothing happened?

- If, hypothetically, something was to happen between us... Candy, I will never let you go're ready to have me for good?

- Terry...

- I don't want to have you for one night and never have you again, I'd rather not have you at all...I want you forever...follow your heart... the past is the past...

- It's time for a change... finished Candy, Cassandra and her cards were talking about us from the beginning...

- It's Valentine's Day, the lovers' day, the anniversary of our first kiss... and it's right on cue, because I've been in love with you since the first time I saw you on that boat... I never stopped loving you, and I will never stop...

Candy was looking at him with tears in her eyes. She was thinking about what the little old lady in the ladies room of the airport, who had lost so many years with the man she loved;

" ... if you're not married yet, because I don't see a ring on your finger, and you have a man you love or if you find the one you love some day...don't hesitate...there is only one life to live and this is it. You have to live before it's too late...." Said the little old lady

- I'm in love with you Terry, I never stopped loving you and I will never stop, she said with tears in her eyes. Yes, it's yes, Terry, I want to be with you, tonight and for the rest of my life...

They both stood up and met half way. Terry finally put his lips on Candy's in a fiery kiss and she tied her hands around Terry's neck and kissed him back with the same passion. They were dying for it ever since they first saw each other again... destiny had finally reunited them after all those years and all the pain and the grief... when they wanted once again take a road that was going to lead them to unhappiness, like the first time, the universe and Mother Nature had stepped in to help them realise that they had to be together to be happy. They took their robes off and they found themselves on the bed in Adam and Eve's suit. He kissed her neck without cessing caressing her, every kiss, every caress, was like an electric shock that was going through them and rising their pleasure and their desire to make that sensation last. He was caressing her breast with his hands, with his tongue and she was moaning. She was caressing his body and she had tears in her eyes. Her body had been deprived of that pleasure for far too long, all those years... He, had been like an automaton during all those years with a partner they had practically forced on him...there was a difference between having sexual relations and making that moment, Terry was able to feel the difference... to be with the one you love, your soul mate was an incredible experience, a tipsy sensation and very powerful that made them scream their passion and pleasure moaning and gasping...

- Terry, oh my love, said Candy, curling up against him, oh I missed you so much

- Candy, my Candy, I love you so much, Oh Candy! I missed you too

- Wait I have something for you, she said

She got out of the bed and went to get her purse, and got an envelope. She gave it to Terry... he took it and opened it; it was a Valentine's Day card.

- Happy Valentine's Day! And happy anniversary of our first kiss...said Candy

- Thanks my love, said Terry smiling

He got out of bed to get something in his bag, he gave it to Candy

- Happy Valentine's Day and happy anniversary of our first kiss...

- Thank you Terry, said Candy

It was a card and box of chocolate shaped like a heart.

- It's like we knew we were going to end up together...said Terry

- I had my little idea...

- Really?

- Yes, not you?

- Oh but yes... I didn't even doubt it for a second, because I was going to spend the whole night trying to convince you that we belong together...I couldn't let you go for a second time...

- And I wouldn't have left unless I at least tried to convince you to give us another chance...said Candy

- It's funny we had the same ideas...why didn't we think like that all those years ago? What's different this time?

- We're more mature and more selfish? She joked

- As oppose to that time, we were young and were caring for other?

- I didn't know it would be so hard to be separated from you...

- Me neither, I didn't want to live anymore...Candy I was killing myself with alcohol and you came to save me

- If you had died, you would've killed me too... I was unable to live, that's why I wanted to accept Albert's're the one I wanted, only you...

- Like I told you, it was the logical conclusion with're the one I wanted Candy, only you...Susanna was telling often that you let me go because you didn't love me...

- How could she say that? After I left the man I loved with all my heart so he could take care of her...?

- She doesn't know what real love is...

- It killed me to leave you, I was sick for days... and to leave you a second time in that rehab centre...

- Susanna doesn't understand real love, other wise she would've understand that you left me twice because you loved me...Love doesn't seek its own...You left me twice for love so I could take my responsibilities for Susanna, but Candy, what about my responsibilities to you? I loved you, I wanted to marry you. Being with Susanna was empty and without passion...I'm sorry my love for Susanna...

- I forgive you...but we weren't together, you were free to do whatever you wanted...

- But I wasn't doing what I wanted...what I wanted was you...and you had Albert...

- Nothing happened with Albert... aside from a few kisses... I couldn't get over you...

- Oh Candy!

- I'm happy the universe gave us a chance to think by putting us together... by getting us stuck here at Zaventem...

- At the same table... Candy will you marry me?

- Yes, yes, a hundred times yes! Oh Terry!

She jumped to his neck and they burst out laughing. Candy's cell started to ring... the Romeo and Juliet theme...

- Romeo and Juliet from Tchaikovsky, said Terry

- It reminded me that once upon a time, I had my Romeo...

- I'm happy to know that you were thinking about me...

Candy smiled and looked at him the eyes full of love.

- It must be Annie who wants to know where we are... said Candy

- Shouldn't she be in bed?

- Hello? Said Candy against Terry's chest

Terry was caressing her hair with his hand, softly and he kissed it gently.

- Candy! Said Annie

- We're here too, said Patty and Cassie

- Shouldn't you guys be with your husbands? It's Valentine's Day said Candy

- Yes, but we're curious... said Patty, so?

- So what? Said Candy

- Candy! Said Annie, stop torturing us!

- Ok said Candy laughing, it's yes...

- "Yes"? Said Cassie

- I'm against Terry's chest... in bed...

- AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH! Screamed her friends at the same time

Candy burst out laughing with Terry.

- Awesome said Annie, I'm happy. Congratulations...

- My cards were right, said Cassie

- Yes, Cassandra, I'm the one who assumed what they meant, thanks Cassie

- Oh you're very welcome! said Cassie laughing

- Ok, we're going to leave you and go back to our men before they have an APB out on us...

- Well have a good night said Candy, for us the evening is just starting...

- Have fun said Annie laughing, bye!

- Bye said the others

Candy closed her cell phone. She didn't want to be interrupted anymore.

- Your friends congratulated you? Asked Terry

- They're happy for us

- Not happier than us...I have a friend who owns a Greek Island...

- And you want to go there?

- I would like to go there by yacht ...

- You like being on the water

- It's on the water, I met the woman I love, it's on the water I felt happy for the first time in my life, just by seeing you...Little Mary Sunshine, I don't call you that for nothing or to bother you, that evening, you were a real ray of sunshine for me in my life and forever...

- And you were arrogant and full of yourself...

- But you still danced with me...

- Because despite everything, I thought you were irresistible, with your long hair and you very blue eyes...My Sun King...

He held her tight and kissed her hair.

- We could take the boat at Calais, in France, my father has a luxury yacht there... we could go an a cruise around the world

- Ok, but can we go on the warm side of the world?

- The storm is bothering you?

- It's the most romantic thing for me at the moment, because it allowed me to see you again, but I still prefer the heat...

- No problem. We'll go on the warm side of the world, the pacific islands... But we're going to get married first...I will ask the captain of the yacht to marry us... and I promised you a ring from Tiffany's years ago, but in the mean time we'll go to the jewellery shop at the airport buy an engagement ring and our wedding bands...

- You didn't have a ring for Susanna?

- Yes, but...

- Candy I see it?

He went in his stuff and got a little red box, he gave to Candy. She opened it and she saw a beautiful engagement ring, not to flashy.

- It's beautiful... said Candy moved

- Candy, apparently, it wasn't meant for me to ask Susanna to marry me, because there's only one woman I want to marry, and that's you Candy... only you, you and only you...

He took the ring and put it back in his bag.

- I'll take it to the airport's jewellery store to exchange it with a new one...

- Ok, she said smiling

They went back to bed.

- You want to eat something? Asked Terry

- Not at the moment, later said Candy

- They're open 24-7...

- Well that's good, because I will need my strengths...

- I'm so happy; I found my heart, it left that night with you...

- And mine stayed with you that night...

- It's a wonder how we were alive?

They burst out laughing. They were happy, they spent the evening having fun, and making plans for the future. He called Susanna to tell her he was not coming back.

- I expected it, she said sadly, you're staying with her

- I love her and I don't ever want to let go, I'm sorry Susanna, good luck, said Terry, you can keep the house...

She didn't respond and hung up the phone. Susanna had guessed that Terry wouldn't come back to her the second she heard Candy on Terry's cell phone...she was the woman he loved. She knew Terry was with her for duty and that his heart was with Candy...she had hoped that he would marry her or that he will really fall in love with her... she went to the bedroom and cried her eyes out. She wasn't seeing it yet, but life goes on...she'll get back on her feet...

Terry also called his mother.

- Terry? So...?

- Just a second mum....

He gave the phone to Candy.

- Miss Baker...

- Candy! You're together! Thank God!

Candy burst out laughing.

- It's about time! You were both dedicated to a cause that didn't really deserve it... I'm grateful to Susanna for saving my son, but, he was not happy... I knew he found you the second I heard his voice...Congratulations! I'm very happy for you...Don't ever let him go again...

- This time, I'm keeping him for good. Thanks Miss Baker... here's Terry

- Mum? I'm going to take a sabbatical and go on a cruise around the world on the yacht that's in France...The captain is going to marry us...

- Oh... have fun then! I'll see a year?

- I'll call you and you'll call us, ok?

- Ok, bye...

He hung up. He had to call Taylor to tell her that he won't be back for a while...

- Taylor?

- Boss...

- I'm taking a sabbatical and go on a cruise with the woman I love...

- Oh... "Mary Angel Sunshine"?

- You're very perceptive Taylor... You can continue working and take messages for me. You can contact me on my cell phone or the one on my father's yacht and by e-mail. Susanna is keeping the house, but, you continue to pay the bills... and I will contact you when I'm ready to come home so you can arrange the apartment....and go get my belongings at Susanna's...

- Very well boss...I suppose you're getting married?

- Not a word to the press for now...

- Mum's the word... Good luck boss and congratulations...

- Thanks Taylor, bye...

The next day they went to cancel their flights for America. They went to the airport's jewellery store and they had no problem exchanging Susanna's engagement ring for another one and they also bought wedding bands. Terry paid the balance. Then they took the train to Calais to take the Grandchester's luxury yacht it was called the LB...

- "LB" ? Eleonor Baker I presume, pun intended? Said Candy

- This yacht is not in France for nothing...

- Your stepmummy didn't find the joke funny? She said with the British accent

- What do you think?

- Could your father be more subtle? Said Candy laughing, but this yacht is great!

Terry burst out laughing. The yacht had 6 bedrooms, a bathroom for every one of them, 3 washrooms, 3 living rooms, 2 dining rooms, 2 bars, 2 kitchens, a Jacuzzi, a satellite dish, computers with internet, GSM cellular phones, sound system stereo, television, VCRs a CD and DVD library; everything necessary so they won't miss anything... the master bedroom was very beautiful, decorated with white furniture, a big mirror was suspended on the ceiling on top of the bed.

- Wow! said Candy laying on the bed... you father has...erotic taste! We're going to have fun on this bed!

- I wonder who he bought here... said Terry laughing

The captain of the boat married them and Mr. and Mrs. Grandchester went on a cruise around the world.

Albert knew when Candy didn't arrive the next day that he won't have anymore chances with her. They weren't meant to live together, her heart was with Terry forever. Archie told him that Candy had met Terry at Zaventem airport and that they had reconciled... he started to think about taking some women out. The one he wanted belonged to another man.

Candy and Terry were travelling through the Greek Islands. They went to his friend's island and they lived there for a few days, while the captain was stocking up on fuel and food for the yacht. They went to visit those small Pacific islands and they had great pleasure bathing in the blue water...

- It's blue like in the brochures and post cards said Candy, Wow! I thought it was just on pictures...

- Me too, said Terry, We're going to discover the world together, Freckles...all this is just the beginning...

Candy got pregnant on the yacht. Terry was crazed with joy, he hugged her.

- That's wonderful, Freckles... he said with tears in his eyes... you want to go back to America?

- To America?

- For the baby?

- And abandoned our cruise around the world? I'm fine Terry; we'll see doctors at every stop we're going to make... women have been giving birth since the dawn of time without being in America...

- Are you sure, Freckles?

- Positive. In America, I wouldn't have all those tropical fruits I crave and the nice sun all year long...

- Ok...but I'm going to hire a doctor to be with us on board with us...

- Ok, Sun King... it's good to have a doctor on board...I'm going to eat my fruits...

Terry understood Candy's diet better, the baby!

- Your savage fruits? What's the name of the one with a red shell that's white inside with black seeds...?

- Tondolo... said Candy laughing

- have to say, with you current diet, it's going to be difficult to satisfy it in America, green mangoes, mangoes with nails, matonges, mangoustas...what's the name of those sour vegetables you love so much?

- Ngayi ngayi... it means "sour sour" with smoked fish and melon seed... fufu with semolina...but I prefer it with corn flour and cassava flour...

- Your exotic cravings made me discover food and fruits I didn't know existed!

- Well we learn something new everyday! Said Candy laughing, I had African colleagues who thought me, their language, well one of them, African cooking, their culture, their dances...

- Dances? I now understand how you've become more of a... dancer...

- I didn't hear you complain...

- Because it's great...Africa made you more... mature, more cultivated...more... exciting...

- We could go there together and visit... said Candy smiling

- Sure. How do you say "I love you" in the African language you know...what is it called?

- Lingala..."Na lingi yo"...

- Na lingi yo, said Terry with his English accent

- Your accent is cute in Lingala...Na lingi yo pe ( I love you too)... she said smiling

- Now, let's go eat our savage fruits...

So they had a doctor on board and Mrs. Grandchester had an idyllic pregnancy on the sea. That baby conceived on the water, didn't seem to make its mommy seasick. When the time came, Terry didn't leave her for a second.

- We should've been in a hospital said Terry

- We met on a boat, we got married on a boat, we conceived this baby on a boat, and we're going to have it on a boat! She yelled wincing with pain

He was taking everything, she was holding his hand really tight, a little too tight, but he said he needed to feel some pain too...

- Freckles, you can do it... hang in there... I love you... everything will be fine he was saying to support her

- Terry! Shut up! Yelled Candy in pain

- Sorry baby, said Terry who didn't know what to say

After hours that seemed endless, the baby Grandchester finally came into this world, on the boat.

- It's a girl, Candy! Said Terry crying of joy, oh... she's wonderful!

The doctor gave them the baby after wiping her and wrapping her in a blanket. Terry kissed her and then gave the baby to Candy. She was crying with joy. Terry kissed her on the lips for a long time.

- Thank you Candy for this happiness you had just give me again

- Thank you Terry, for this beautiful baby...

- You're welcome Freckles... I thought of a name... to stay in the boat atmosphere...

- No, you wouldn't dare!

- Little Mary Sunshine...

- Little Mary Sunshine... what if she gets teased for it at school?

- Well, if she takes after you, she could say her name is "Mary" and she will be so cheerful that they will nickname her

- "Little Mary Sunshine" they both say laughing

Candy and Terry went back to America almost a year later with a baby in their hands; a beautiful little girl who answered to the name Little Mary Sunshine... the joke was irresistible! She was blonde like her mother and had her father's deep blue eyes. Candy had another baby on the way... her friends were happy to finally see her happy and they had a big party for the occasion.

- Little Mary Sunshine, said Annie taking the baby, you guys are really not possible! And the next one what is it going to be? The Sun King?

- Well..., said Candy smiling

- It's not a bad idea; Sunny..., said Terry smiling

- And you're capable of doing it, said Cassie

- Annie is right, you guys are not possible! Said Stear

Everybody burst out laughing. Albert was married and he has started a family too. He took Candy aside to talk.

- Albert, I'm sorry, she said

- Candy, you're happy, that's all that is important. I'm not mad at you...

- Thank you Albert she said smiling and hugging him, I'm very happy...

- Candy, called Terry; we have to open the dance floor...

- I'm coming honey, said Candy letting go of Albert

She went in her husband's arms, to dance for the reception in the honour of their marriage that took place more than a year before.

The press had learned a year ago that Terrence Grandchester had broke up with Susanna Marlowe and he took a sabbatical cruising around the world...they also learned of his return with a wife and a baby and one more on the way...Terrence Grandchester said that he will now make only one movie a year so he could spend more time with his family.

Candy and Terry were finally together and happy with their baby and the one to come. They had tried to do what was right, to separate for the good of another woman who needed him. But they didn't anticipate the pain, the misery, the tears that would follow, would be so difficult to live with and that it was going to last as long as they were not together... Mother Nature decided to help destiny and the universe and she had them stuck together at Zaventem airport in Belgium. They had found each other and they finally understood that they belonged together, and they never wanted to be apart again. Every year, at Valentine's Day, Candy and Terry went back to Zaventem, at the Sheraton hotel and asked for the same room to celebrate the anniversary of their first kiss and their reunion. We talk about miracles during the holidays; Christmas, New Year... Valentine's Day, the day for people in love, also had its miracles, it was reuniting lost soul mates... Candice White Andrew and Terrence Grandchester were the perfect candidates.


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