
By Gray18

542K 17.8K 1K

A horse ranch. That's where I lived at least. I know, not very exciting to those of you who don't care for th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 (Part one)
Chapter 9 (Part two)
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 (Adam's P.O.V.)
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22 (Part 1)
Chapter 23
Chapter 24 (Adam's P.O.V.)
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28: (Adam's P.O.V.)
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31: (Adam's P.O.V.)
Chapter 32: (Lia's P.O.V.)
Chapter 33: (Adam's P.O.V.)
Chapter 34: (Adam's P.O.V.)
Chapter 35
Chapter 36: (Adam's P.O.V.)
Chapter 37: (Part 1)
Chapter 37: (Part 2 - Adam's P.O.V.)
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 50: (Part 2 Mature)
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Cover Contest!
It's Out!

Chapter 22 (Part 2)

7.3K 260 22
By Gray18

I glared at Adam and crossed my arms, waiting for him to answer why he had to kidnap me in the first place and lock me up. I definitely was not happy with him.

"Okay, well, this might sound crazy, but it is true."

I rolled my eyes, "I already think you're crazy. Kidnapping me, locking me up, and then erasing my memory to think of becoming the perfect boyfriend that I always wanted. What? Did you do that to my parents too? Is that why they are okay with everything?"

He rubbed the back of his neck with a sigh and looked at he ground before he replied, "let's not talk about that now. Okay? Let me explain."

I gasped, "so it is true! Well, I think you're crazy already, how much more crazy can you get?"

Adam rolled his eyes and replied, "fine. How about, I'm a werewolf and you're my mate?"

"Yeah right," I scoffed, "you're no werewolf. There's no such things as werewolves. They don't exist. Only in the books and movies do they exist." He was definitely crazy. There was no way werewolves existed, right?

"Sorry to break it to you sweetheart, but werewolves do exist."

"Yeah right," she repeated, "you really are crazy. I can't believe I was just starting to fall for you and low and be hold! The person I'm dating is a crazy person who thinks they're a werewolf! Now, if you let me go, I won't tell anybody how crazy you are."

Adam growled and I saw his eyes turn black. I gulped. Was I hallucinating? But it was gone before I could figure out what it was and his eyes were back to normal.

"You know werewolves exist. You've seen one. And to be more specific, you've seen me."

I rolled my eyes once again, "yeah right. I doubt that. If you think you're such a werewolf, then prove it to me. I want to see you try turning into one."

"Alright." He shrugged and took off his shirt and his pants followed. Even though I was not of fan of his, he was still hot as hell and I couldn't take my eyes off of him. When his hands reached the waist line of his underwear, I shrieked and covered my eyes, my senses coming back to me. "What are you doing? Put your clothes back on!"

"Nope! You wanted me to prove it, I'm going to prove now look up and don't take your eyes off of me." I peeled my hands away from my eyes and gulped as I saw him before me. He was completely... naked. My face must be as red as a tomato as I looked at his thing. Besides babies, this was my first experience seeing a man's thing and I was not expecting what I saw. The thing was huge! It must be at least ten inches. How can something like that be so big? I shuddered at the thought and was embarrassed to look at it but I couldn't turn my eyes away until he cleared his throat and said, "eyes up here princess."

I tore my eyes away and made sure to only look into his eyes and not down. But it was before I looked up at him was when I saw it become bigger under my gaze. How could something be so large? I stopped my thoughts right there and looked only at his eyes. So he was now going to embarrass himself to prove he could turn into a wolf? Not that there was anything to be embarrassed about....

I shook my head to clear and he said,, "now, watch me and don't take your eyes off of me or you might miss it." I raised my eyebrow, suspisious. So he was actually going through with this? This should be interesting. Just then I heard the crack of bones and his body shape start to deform. My eyes widened. What was happening? Was he hurt? It was when the hair started sprouting from his body I jump up and away from him. Was I the one going crazy now? Because what stood before me now wasn't Adam, it was a golden wolf!

The wolf, or Adam, walked over to me slowly, as if making sure I wouldn't run away. I was kind of frozen in my spot now so I couldn't exactly go anywhere. When I didn't move, it nudged his head against my leg, wanting to be pet and it let out a whine. I, being a person you loved animals, couldn't resist the call and bent down to the wolf's level and started petting it. I ran my fingers through his furn and I scratched behind his ears. Once the wolf noticed I became more comfortable with him, he pushed my down and laid on my lap, wagging his tail. I laughed at his silliness and continued to pet behind his ears.

Soon though, instead of the wolf I was petting, I was petting Adam on the head. I didn't even realize it until he spoke because I had been lost in thoughts. I jumped when I heard his voice and looked down at him again, making sure it was only his face I was looking at.

"Do you believe me now?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

It was all crazy but I had seen him change before my very own eyes so there was no way that I could not believe it. Slowly, I nodded, "yeah, I do."

"Good, now I can explain the rest of this to you."

I was surprised there was more but then again, I shouldn't be because him kidnapping me only because he was a werewolf didn't make any sense. I motioned for him to continue and covered my eyes as he got up and got dressed.

"As I said," he continued and I knew I could open my eyes again. "I'm a werewolf and you are my mate."

"You mentioned that before. Many times actually," because she was also remembering the past when he would yell at her saying she couldn't leave because she was his mate. "What do you mean by that?"

"It means, every werewolf has a mate, or soul-mate as you humans like to call it. We only ever get one unless your mate dies before you meet them or you were given a second chance because it had been a mistake before. Anyways, your mate is like your second half, the second half of your soul and you don't realize how empty you are until you have your mate beside you. That's a little off topic but do you get what I'm saying?"

I slowly nodded, "yeah, I think I do. So what you're saying is that I'm your soul mate, the other half of you, and this is because you're a werewolf so you get this chance to have this, right?"

Adam nodded eagerly. "Exactly!"

"You do realize what your saying is crazy, right?" He was about to cut in until I continued, "but I do believe you."

"Really?" his whole face lit up, "that's great!"

"But this still doesn't explain why you kidnapped me though. You could've done what you did the second time first and I would have been better with you and we wouldn't have to have all of this conversation."

"Well you see..." he said and rubbed his neck again, "I thought you would've rejected me and left me and that's not a good thing for a wolf. Most wolves die if their mate rejects them and I wanted to find you for so long and when I finally found you, I wasn't going to let you go."

In a weird kind of way, that last sentence was kind of romantic and I could feel myself slowly start to fall for him again. But I sopped myself. He was going to have to work for it if he wanted me trust him again and act like a girlfriend or mate to him. I was willing to give him another shot but if he did anything like this again, I was done with him.

"Alright, I'll give you another shot to make this work. But you're going to have to show me how good you can be and don't ever do anything like this again or I'm done with you. Got it? And we won't be like we were before, you're going to have to slowly earn your way back into my warm graces."

Adam nodded eagerly, anything to be able to be with her. "Yes, I got it. I'll be the best mate to you from now on. I won't ever do anything like that again. I promise."

I felt like I might be letting him off the hook a little to early, but what was life without a few risk? I had to give him another shot or else we wouldn't get anywhere at all. I know it was a huge risk, but it was one I was willing to take.


Yay! Update! I was in New Orleans for the past week and then dance started up again and now I'm sick so I haven't really been in the mood for writing but I really wanted to update this for you since it's been awhile. What do you think of the chapter? It's longer. Yay again! Did Mia forgive him a little to soon?

Also, who would want me to write a chapter in Adam's point of view soon? And it can be over anything that has happened already or what is to come next. You can choose!




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