Loving an Aca-Boy ~ Donald Wa...

By Mimikins

58.6K 1K 442

Alexis Ambrose is a freshmen in college, and her step-mother forces her to go to Barden University. She goes... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Question for my WONDERFUL readers
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13

Chapter 12

2.2K 53 9
By Mimikins

I could feel someone poking me. It started as a soft poke on my cheek, then it progressed into harder pokes that ranged my whole body. I tried to swat at the hand, but I failed each time, earning a soft chuckle from whoever it was. "Stop playing with her already. She obviously isn't enjoying it."

"Yeah, what he said." I mumbled and turned over on my side. I felt an arm wrap itself around my waist and pull me into a hard wall. I was too tired to struggle and snuggled into its warmth instead. "Go away."

"Love, you need to get up. Everyone's waiting on you to get up so we can go to the beach." My eyes shot open. I couldn't go down to the beach. I couldn't face that kind of judgment again. People would stare and point, talk about me behind their hands. I can't let that happen.

"You guys go ahead. I'll stay here and sleep. I don't really care much for beaches." I masked a smile for the group that had congregated in our hotel room. Greg shook his head and frowned. I knew what he was going to say.

"I'd like to speak to my sister alone." Everyone slowly piled into the hallway. I sat up and hugged my knees, knowing what was about to come. "Alex, you can't let this control your life. You used to love swimming, but now you never go. It's because of that scar isn't it. You camt hide it forever. I bet is not even that big anymore."

"I don't know Greg. What is they all look at me differently? I don't think is be able to live knowing that the most important people in my life think of me differently." It's true. I was very insecure about myself after the crash, and I didn't think anything could help.

"You'll always have me, Alex. I'm pretty sure the Bellas wouldn't ditch you, and you've made up my mind that Donald practically loves you. Please, if not for me, then for Donald and your new found family." Total guilt trip, but sadly it worked.

I huffed and headed to the bathroom to change into my Union flag bikini. It took a lot of self convincing to finally get it on. I slid a blue sundress on over top and grabbed my Scooby-Doo beach towel, almost forgetting my aviators and flip-flops.

The walk to the beach wasn't as far as I'd have expected. I didn't realize that we were already on the beach front to begin with. We set up camp after finding the perfect spot, and everyone else ran for the water. The amount of people on the beach was surprising. It seemed like the whole island was there.

"Watch out!" I turned my head and saw a volleyball coming straight for me. Somehow managing to catch it, I waited for the owner to retrieve it. Of course it had to be an islander. I handed him his ball and went back to watching the Trebles and the Bellas play in the waves. "You're not from here."

"No, I'm not." I clearly didn't want to talk to him, but he just wouldn't leave. He threw the ball back to his friends and sat down beside me. "What do you want?"

"I just want to get to know you." He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear before I slapped his hand away. Donald was my one and only, I wasn't going to have any of this guy's obscene flirting.

"Then buzz off, because I don't want to get to know you!" He wrapped an arm around my waist and held me close to his chest. I tried to push him off, but he just had to be some macho man. "Get off of me! Can't you get the hint that I'm not into you! I already have a boyfriend!"

"Well, let's make you forget about him." He gripped my hands in one of his, leaning in for a kiss. I turned away, I couldn't let this man get what he wanted. I bit his hand and abruptly stood as he let me go.

"Back off! She's mine! And if I catch you near her again, I'll kill you!" That smooth, velvety voice could only belong to Donald. His arm slid around my waist and pulled me backwards into his chest. This is the only man I could ever want. "Got it?"

The boy scurried off, scared stiff. God, possessive Donald was a huge turn on. I turned around in his grip, looking up at him. "That was amazing, Donald, thank you. Please tell me you weren't going to kill him, though. I don't think I could stand to see you behind bars."

"Sure, kidding. He had no right to touch you. You're mine." His grip on my waist tightened. I giggled as he leaned down and lightly brushed his nose along my exposed neck. His kisses started out feather light until he found a spot that made my body weak. They became rougher and more feverish, focusing on that same spot.

"D-Donald. N-Not here. P-P-Please." I whimpered in his grasp, holding his shoulders to make sure I wouldn't collapse. He licked the mark and blew cold air on it, making me shiver.

"As you wish. Now come swim with us, it's getting kind of lonely without a partner for chicken." He pulled my sundress over my head and discarded it into a pile of his things. His hand grazed the scar that covered my back. My breath hitched in my throat, waiting for the rejection to come as he splayed his hand on my lower back. "Baby girl, what happened?"

"It happened when I was thrown from the car during the accident. I understand if you don't want me anymore. I can leave you alone fr-" He shut me up with a kiss. It was desperate and filled with pain.

"I could never reject you. You are my world. With out you the sun doesn't shine, the birds don't chirp, the wind doesn't blow, and the Earth doesn't turn. Please, don't say things like that to me. If I could take all your pain away, I would do it in a heartbeat. You did nothing to deserve this. Just let me love you without any doubt in your heart."

I hugged Donald. Tears fell from my eyes. Whimpers escaped my from mouth. Nothing could ever make me believe that he doesn't love me anymore. "I love you too, Donald Walsh."

We spent the rest of the day in the water without worry. The Trebles even put on a concert for us after we went out for dinner. We showed them up, of course. A few locals invited us to a club, we went of course, and we all saw Unicycle give Hat a very passionate kiss.

I never thought I would ever have that much fun after my mother died, but Donald and the gang showed me otherwise. A few of the rooms around us that night were very active. Donald decided that watching Red and Red 2 would drown out the noise. I fell asleep in his arms half way through Frozen.

It was dark. Why was it so dark? I can hear someone calling, but I can't tell who it is. What are they saying? Who's there? Show yourself! Who are you?

Why I'm you're worst nightmare!

What's happening? I'm falling. It seems so peaceful. I wish I could stay like this forever. No worries. No insecurities. No drama. No nightmares.

Not for long!

What's that? It looks like a mirror. Why would there be a mirror? I don't need to look at myself. There's someone standing in front of it. They look unhappy. I wish she would be happy. I don't want anyone to be unhappy.

Stupid self! Why do you have to be so ugly? Why can't you be like those other girls? They're so much prettier than you! Donald would love them more than you!

No. Don't say such harsh things.

It's true. He doesn't love you. He pixies you. How could anyone love someone as broke as you? Why do you think Greg lied to you?

No. This can't be true. I won't listen to you. These are all lies. Why won't you stop? Nothing you say is true. They can't be true. Donald would never lie to me. He has no reason to.

What's that? Who's calling my name? Do they wish to save me? Or hurt me once more? It sounds like Donald. But he's so far away. Almost like he's in another reality. I just want to go to him. I don't like this place. The people here don't like me. They're mean and they make me want to hate myself.

Huh? It's dark again. There's a light over there. It seems peaceful. But Donald's voice is coming from the opposite side. I like Donald's voice better. He makes me feel safe even in the dark. He doesn't need light.

You'll never escape us. We're you, not some version of a nightmare. You can't get rid of us. Ever.

"Alex, wake up! Baby girl, please, wake up!" I shot up in the bed, gasping for air. Donald sat next to me, worried beyond belief. "Shh, it was just a bad dream. There's no need to be so jumpy. You had me worried. I thought you were gonna hurt yourself thrashing around in your sleep like that."

I wrapped my arms around his neck and held him close. I never want him to be far away from him. He keeps me sane, and he keeps those demons away. Tears began to spill as he held me close. "Promise me you won't leave. Promise me I won't be alone again. Please, Donald."

"I promise, Alex."

The next chapter as promised after 4 votes ;D. I am going to try and get this next chapter written as soon as possible and post it for your enjoyment. As always I love reading the comments you guys post, so please, leave more. Let me know what you hinkle should happen next or what pairs you'd like to see in later chapters.

Luv ya Mimikins <3~

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