Treat You Better

By WolfieDagger22

152K 5.4K 1K

(Lauren/You) Lauren is a "Working Girl" she has sex with men for money although she doesn't enjoy what she do... More

About Me
A New Begining
A Beautiful Lie
No Judgements Just Truth
As The Days Go By
Something Unexpected
The Dinner Invitation
All Debts Paid Pt 1
All Debts Paid Pt 2
All Debts Paid Pt 3
A New Begining
Meeting The parents
Off To A Good Start.
An Unexpected Tragedy
In The Blink Of An Eye
Old Flame
A Heart Can Be Broken
Makeup/ The Promise

Dinner Disaster

8.2K 278 195
By WolfieDagger22


Lauren walked in at around 10:45 she appeared tired and I kinda figured that she would be after being "Boss for the day" it's pretty hard work.

I prepared dinner for her because I knew that she would be hungry.

Lauren gently placed the car keys on the night stand and sat down next to me.

"Long day?" I asked smiling

"Yeah, but fun I had such a great time thank you for letting me be the boss today" she giggled

"Hey no problem at all I knew you could do it, oh! I made dinner for you I've already eaten but I've got you a covered  plate in the microwave if your hungry."

"Oh gosh food sounds amazing right now food,shower, then bed" she said her eyes showing signs of fatigue.

Lauren and I walked into the kitchen as I set her food on 2 minutes and pressed the button I suddenly remember the Dinner tomorrow night.

"Oh umm gosh I know this is short notice but my mom called and reminded me of this annual dinner with friends thing we do every year that's completley stupid and pointless I have to bring a date and I was wondering if you-"

"I'd love to be your date y/n" Lauren smiled bashfuly at me our eyes suddenly locked in an unbreakable stare as her eyes twinkled with delight there was a comfortable silence between us until the Ding of the microwave tore my eyes away from hers.

"Foods done" I said taking the plate from the microwave and setting it in front of her along with a chilled glass of wine.

I sat with lauren in the kitchen as she ate and we discussed the dinner situation

"So tell me about your parents" she asked as she took a small sip of her wine.

"Where should I start? Well first my mom she's something else I must say.." I glanced up at Lauren only to find that her eyes were already glued to me.

"What about her? She seems like a nice woman from the pictures" Lauren smiled as she stabbed her steamed veggies with a fork and brought them to her lips.

I sighed before continuing.

"My mom is... my mom's a close minded individual and that's putting things lightly, she claims that she only want the best for me yet she pushes heterosexuality on me when she knows that I am gay, I used to try so hard to make her accept me for who I was but I know that she never will, she's in denial about who I am and constantly tries to fix me up with guys she's spoiled rotten by my dad who can't seem to see that's she's basically using him for his money, I mean she doesn't love him in fact she stopped loving him a long time ago now she only loves his money my mom is the kinda woman where she wants things to go her way she has no filter on her mouth and she belive that most people are beneath her."

"Wow, you'd never guess that by looking at her...  what about your dad how's he?" Lauren asked

A smile quickly crossed my face as I thought about what a great man my father was.

" My dad.. what can I say about him he's a good guy you know.. he's a very sweet man and u like my mother he has always accepted me for who I was n loved me he's a good guy I don't see how he puts up with my mom's shit but he does he loves her but she can't see dad believes in  giving to those in need he'd give the shirt off his back for someone who didn't have one my dad he's he's cool he taught me that I should never be ashamed of who I am because there was nothing  shameful about me.."  I stared down at the marble counterparts as a few thoughts crossed my mind.

I felt Lauren lightly touch my hand snapping me out of my daze

"Hey are you alright?" She asked Lauren's green eyes were beautiful and they showed concern genuine concern

"Yeah, no yeah I'm fine.. well hey its getting late we should get ready for bed tomorrow night's going to be something" I said smiling at her.

Lauren yawned and covered her mouth  the fatigue was now resonating in her eyes.


"Hey Lauren we've gotta get going before my mom flips out are you ready?  I yelled from downstairs.

"Coming!!" She shouted

Lauren walked down stairs and as she reached the last step I was completley taken aback by her beauty. (Pic below is what she is wearing)

I stood frozen staring at her unaware of the shocked expression on my face.

Lauren furrowed her brows at me
"What is it too much I could change if you-"

"No ,no.. Lauren you- you look beautiful" I said my eyes locked on hers Lauren quickly blushed turning beet red

"Well, I am your date I have to look good right?" She said shyly

We pulled up to my parents mansion at 7:45 perfectly early compared to my parents friends standards of arriving at 8pm on the dot and not a minute later or earlier. Lauren and I exited the car and walked up to the front steps

"Are you ready for this?" I asked smiling warmly at her.

"Yeah, I'm just a little nervous" she said shooting me a nervous smile. I gently took her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze

"Relax it'll be okay well have fun "

The door opened revealing my parents maid Constantine  she greeted us with a warm smile and made it a point not to neglect how big I had gotten.

"Well, well, well, look at what the car drug in huh" my dad said as he smiled at me before giving me a tight yet gentle hug

"Hey honey I'm so glad you could make it, oh and who is this beautiful young lady?" My dad asked looking at Lauren his smile grew wider.

Lauren blushed

"Dad this is my friend Lauren ,Lauren this is my dad john " I introduced as he hugged her

"Wow you are stunning sweetie and on the arms of my baby girl you two are gorgeous" he added making me blush a  bit

"Dad" I whispered my way of telling him not to over do it.

" Yes well Lauren welcome to our home please join us in the dining room your mother and our friends are waiting" he sais eating us to the dining room.

As we entered the room, I noted my mother pestering the cook

"And make sure it's medium rare alfonso medium ra-

"Oh well well sweetie  so nice to see you and gain honey and who is this exquisite young lady?" My mom asked staring Lauren up and down.

"Hello Mrs, y/l/n it's very nice to meet you I'm Lauren" Lauren said with with a smile as she stretched her hand to shale my mother's

"Ohh you've got a polite one nice honey" my mom said I glared at her and her facial expression changes quickly

"Well come,come, sit let's chat while the food arrives" my mom urged leading us to the table
We were greeted by my parents friends all of which stared at Lauren as if she were an exhibit in a zoo.

Our first course was soup, then salad and finally our main entree

Braised prime rib cooked to perfection, roasted vegetables, fancy looking mashed potatoes and an odd flower which was ediable

After we were served we all sat around eating my mother cutting her prime rib delicately forking small cuts of beef into her mouth.

"So Lauren is it?" My mom started Lauren wiped her mouth and nodded in response as she smiled.

"Tell us about you, what do you do?

Lauren began to answer  but I immediatley  cut her off

"She works in the coffee shop with me mom"

"Ohh yes the coffee shop, she can't possibly me a decent living with the pay and all can she? I mean she has to be struggling?" My mom replied

"Actually mom, she makes great money I pay her well for her work" 

"Well, what about your parents what do they do?" She continued

"Umm, my parents died in a car crash when I was  16 I've been on my own since then" Lauren responded

"Oh how unfortunate, so how did you survive since then we're you on the streets or .. you didn't have to sell you body did you? God knows a woman who would go that low has absolutley no class" my mom said with a chuckle.

I glanced at Lauren there was a look of embarassment on her face.

"Mom can we please not talk about this at the table" I shot back at her

"Excuse me do you have a restroom?" Lauren asked

"Yes I'll show you where it is" my mom said as they both got up my mom led Lauren up the stairs. I sat taking with my dad while they were away.

*no one's p.o.v.*

"So, here's the restroom Oh Lauren before you go, tell me did my daughter pay you to escort her to this dinner party?

"Excuse me? I don't know what you're  speaking about"

"Oh lay off the good girl act honey I sniffed you out a mile away you're one of those who res who hang around Hillcrest how my daughter ever found a slut like you is beyond me., so tell me did she pay you to fuck her or are you here out of pitty?"

*Lauren jerks away from her grasp as tears begin falling from her eyes"

"Yeah that's right I know who you are and I want you to stay the hell away from my daughter if it's money you want name your price"

"I don't want your money Mrs. Y/l/n and I do not appreciate being disrespected-"

" Oh honey you lost respect long ago for yourself and whoever you sleep around with you're a disgrace and I don't want you around my daughter corrupting her mind she sad and pathetic I know but she can do a hell of alot better than you so why don't you drip the act ,along these horrid clothes and go back to the streets where you came from"

*at that point Lauren ran down stairs crying y/n noticed that something was off as Lauren took her seat. She refused to look at y/n but y/n could tell that she had been crying. Y/N glanced at her mother and knew that something was wrong.

"Can we please go y/n" Lauren asked her voice shaky as she attempted to hold back her tears.

"Lauren what happened what's wrong?" I asked a concerned look on my face

"Excuse me the dinner was lovely but I've got to be going now" Lauren excused herself and left thw room Constantine walked her out. I turned to my mom

"And good riddance to that embarassment" my mom then glanced at me with a smile

I suddenly felt my face turn red hot.

"Mom what the hell did you do!" I yelled my dad attempted to calm me but I snatched away from him as I stood up demanding an answer from her.

"Honey she's a whore did you not think that I wouldn't notice the way she dresses the way she carries herself she's a disgrace she belongs on the streets not with my daughter"

I then took my wine glass and smashed it on thw floor.

"No you know what mom YOU are the fucking disgrace! How dare you talk to Lauren in that way who the hell do you think you are!! You a where not perfect when my father met you! You were a where nobody and he made you somebody by loving you a where'd accepting you for who you were you have no fucking right to be so mean to Lauren what has she done to you huh!!?! You are a complete bitch mom and I hate the fact that my father married you you are  the disgrace all you care about is my dad's money you don't gimgive a shit about him you're fucking pathetic and I hate you so much for this I swear I'll never forgive you how can you bash such a beautiful person mom!! How could you!! You know what I'm done disown me if you'd like but from now on iam on my own! I don't need you or your fucking money loose my number and don't ever contact me again!"  I yelled as I gathered my things everyone stared at me in complete shock

My dad attempted to console me but I was inconsolable.

"Honey please your mother us at bit drunk she doesn't know what she is saying"

"No dad! No not this time she knows exactly what she is doing but I'm done I wish you never married her I love you so much dad but as long as she is your wife I am no longer your child" tears were streaming from my face as I  made my way for the door I could hear my dad begging for me to come back but I only ignored his please ask walked out slamming the door behind me  I got into my car and sped off my tires kicking up gravel . I had to find lauren


I drove for an hour until I spotted Lauren walking down a dimly lit street.

"Lauren!" I yelled as I stopped the car and got out I quickly ran to her side and held her she pushed me away

"No! get away from me! I'm not good I'll never be good enough for anyone I'll always be a fucking whore just like your mom said right!" She hauled off and slapped me in the face before buckling down and filing to her knees crying .

"Lauren no! I don't think that I never have please come back with me I'm not leaving you out here I won't let you go back to this life it's not you!" I shouted

"What do you care? Huh just let me go leave me alone!" She screamed as she ran off I tried following her but I wasn't fast enough..

"Lauren!! Please wait!! Don't do this!!!

I caught sight of her crossing the street just then I hear the sound of tires screeching and she is on the ground.

And older guy got out of the SUV and ran over to Lauren as she lay lifeless on the ground I ran up to her pushing him out of the way

"Lauren!! Lauren wake up please!!" I screamed and I checked her pulse I felt a faint beating

"I'm sorry I didn't see her she just ran out in front oft me I couldn't stop"  the older guy shouted.



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