Your mine

By JINXisgaming

6.4K 86 29

Trapped in a world with of a mad man, Vanessa has to survive the cruel world full of monsters and nightmarish... More

Intro vanessa
Waking up chp 1
Crazy place chp 2
No way out chpt 3
Mad man chpt 4
If you have tumblr be warned
Chapter 5 Monster
Follow me
Cant think
Chapter 6 your mine
found this on tumblr
chapter 7 insane
chapter 8 change
chapter 10 he's dead
chapter 11 safe
chapter 12 he wants you
just a thought
chapter 13 broken city
chapter 14 try me
chapter 15 begining of the end part 1
character 16 begining of the end part 2
new story chapter is up

chapter 9 crazed house

237 4 0
By JINXisgaming

The photo is my drawing of lisa and yami and the Fēngkuáng demon is made up by me

Vanessa's pov

I was standing there with my hand placed on ruvik cheek captivated by his sharp eyes "r-ruvik I... I know your a good person inside and that what ever your intentions might be it could be reasonable" i said and he smiled at me "so you finally understand how I feel" he said and pressed his forehead against mine 'maybe I'm getting through to him, he might actually be a good person' i thought and smiled at him " and that you are mine and only mine and if anyone trys to take you away from me I will kill them with my own bare hands" he said with a little madness sparkling in his eyes 'or not' i thought and quickly pushed him away from me and backed away from him while he followed me with his cold eyes and stalked towards me "hhiisssss" a big black Red eyed snake crashed through the door and attacked ruvik wrapping around him and a little black eyed, red irises seven year old came through the broken door "lisa!?" i shouted happy to see the little girl safe and sound "hay Vanessa, happy to see your ok" she said but yami came back without ruvik in his coils "crap, come on let's get going" she said "hold on I need to find my dress, boots and gun holster" i said and went through the wardrobe and found my dress and boots with my guns and holster beside them.

I have put on my dress along with my gun holster and boots and was running through the hallways with lisa with her eyes turned back in to her normal blues eyes trying to find a way out of this building trying to avoid ruvik "so we're have you been all this time? Emys been worried about you" i said and lisa looked at me "well i remembered walking with Emy in a broken down hospital but then ruben or in this case ruvik ambushed us and teleported me to this house and been trying to find a way out" she said "wait, how do you know his name?" I asked and she stopped and looked at me, but before she could explain the area turn to a shade of blue with ripples coming through "can't talk right now we have to hide" she said and ran into a bedroom with me following her and we hid under a bed and then the door suddenly burst open with ruvik coming into the room looking a little pissed off and started to walk around the room looking for us starting with the wardrobe and then looking around in other spaces we could of hid in until he turned towards the bed and I held my breath as he started stalking towards the bed we hid under until he stopped then dissappeared and the environment turned back to the normal colour and we came out from under the bed and I walked out of the room to see if the coast was clear and thankfully it was but for how long?

We were walking down the hallway trying to see if there was an escape until I heard a loud bang of two heavy doors closing, so me and lisa ran to were the sound came from and we came to upper staircase and looked down to see "Sebastian!!" I shouted and ran down to him and he looked up at me "Vanessa?" he before I glomped him which almost made me and him fall over but thankfully he kept his ballance "v-vanessa, are you OK?" he ask blushing a bit "haha yes I'm fine and what's with the blush hansom" i teased which made him blush more and then lisa stood by me look at me then seb "is this your boyfriend?" she ask and then it was my turn to blush "what- no!" i shouted with a bright red blush and Seb chuckled " well look whos the one that's blushing now" he said "s-shut up!" i said annoyed which made Seb chuckle and lisa was laughing.

Sebs pov

I chuckle at her now red face which kind of made her look cute but I soon stopped chuckling 'come on Seb this is not the time or place to be thinking about this' I thought "alright we need to find a way out of here and get that door open" i said with a serious tone and pointed towards the big iron doors with three containers on it with pipes going in different directions, one going up stairs, one going through another set of iron doors and another one through a single wooden door "ok but i think it'll be safe to go together though because ruvik could get one of us" Vanessa said and I nodded and we followed the wire leading towards the wooden door.

As we were following the wire I looked over to the little raven haired girl "so whats the little girls name?" I asked looking at Vanessa "lisa" she said "and is she like you.. You know with powers" I ask again "I'm a Fēngkuáng (fen-gwang) demon" she said and vanessa signed "she's a type of species that are know in Japanese and Chinese folklor but mostly in English folklore and they can summon the black snakes of the devil out of their hair, the more snakes they possess the more powerful they are and there are different types of Fēngkuáng demons out their" she explained to me and I look at the little girl or lisa with curiosity and what her powers looked like because I've already seen some of vanessa's powers some of her mother's As well.

We went through a door into a storage room and found a Head with its brain showing "what do we have here?" i asked myself and went up to the head and saw a pen like device with a needle probe and once I got hold of it the tape automatically played "subject number 58, test 92A" said ruviks voice with a panic person in the background and I turned and saw Vanessa tense up in hearing his voice again "electrode placement in m-33 pain region, ineffective. Anticipate greater results with stimulation of section F-7, the consent region of the neocortex" ruvik voice said and then the person in the background screamed following with a grotesque sound "subject imprint only partially successful. Individual personality traits linger." and then the audio tape stopped and I moved the pen around and also looking at the picture of the brain to see were the part of the brain that ruvik mentioned was and found it and placed the probed inside the brain and then the blood in the container on top of the machine pumped the blood out into what I presumed the pipe.

Vanessa's pov

I looked at the head with dicuss and turned to see a ghostly figure of a young boy with Marcelo "is this... What you call it? Your "inner sanctum? A research lab of your own? I am most impressed" Marcelo said "why are you back? I didn't give you permission" the young boy said looking a little annoyed at Marcelo "come now, we're both men if science, me of science are dedicated to pursuit of knowledge; you can show me your experiment. I can show you things..." Marcelo said leaning down to the boys hight and smiling at him while the boy had a nervous look "you wouldn't like them, You'd think they're gross" the boy said with displeasure on his face and I looked over to the head agreeing to his facts that he was indeed correct "in science one must do any number of things a lay person may find..."disgusting", I've done many things others would consider... Distasteful". Marcelo said turning away from the boy with his face riddled with annoyance "you think I'm some kind of monster?" the boy asked and Marcelo turned back to him with curiosity "you concern yourself so much with your appearance, but that mind of yours.. That's all it matters." Marcelo said before the two ghostly apparitions dissappeared "thats Marcelo... Is that ruvik with him?" Seb ask and turned to me and lisa and I shrugged while lisa was fixated on the spot of were the apparitions once stood until I snapped her out of it "lisa are you OK" I asked a little concerned "y-yeah.. I'm fine" she said turning to me smiling but I didn't seem to believe that smile of hers as I think she might have some connection with ruvik.

After we killed a zombie that barged through one of the doors, We walked through the wooden door to see the same red liquid being pumped in to another container on the big iron door "that looks like the same red liquid" Seb said then looked at me "ok let's head up stairs because that's were the next pipe is going" he said pointing to the piped that was heading upstairs and I nodded and we proceeded up stairs but not before the wave came through and everything went to a slight blue colour "what the?" Seb said a little confused but concerned at the same time and i looked down the stairs seeing ruvik looking up smirking at me with a predatory gaze but then looking at Seb with displeasure and anger "we need to run... NOW!" I shouted and we started to run upstairs and through the door and we found another bed room with a king size bed and Seb pulled me under and Seb was on top of me with his hand over my mouth and i blushed a little and he put his finger to his lips signaling me to be quite and I saw lisa get under the be with us looking at me and Seb smirking, but the smirk faded when the bedroom door slammed open with ruvik stroading in to the bed room once again looking for us again starting with the wardrobe and he smiled and slowly turned his head towards the bed smiling and stalked towards us and I thought we were done for if not for lisa climbing out from under the bed and running out from the bedroom and ruvik teleported out of the room chasing after her and I was scared for the little girls life.

Lisas pov

I know I was a stupid idea but I sensed that he knew we were under the bed so I had to distract him long enough for Vanessa and Seb to get to the other head. I ran through the door and jumped down from the ledge to the bottom floor looking up seeing ruben or for the new name he liked ruvik taking his swear time coming down the stairs "lisa, how nice it is to see my old patient and subject before you escaped and all trace of you dissappearing" ruvik said with a stern voice and I look at him with a smirk "hehe so you remember me after all these years, I'm surprised" I said and ruvik dissappeared only to teleport in front of me and heald me by my throat and lifted me up in the air looking at me annoyed "since your in my world you are mine to do with as I please, so that means I can continue my experiments on you again" he said to me with a manic smile and then a bullet went through ruviks arm that was holding me up by me throat thankfully letting go and he looked up with anger but it changed to shock when he saw Vanessa pointing a smoking gun at him "get away from her now" she said with anger looking at ruvik with a death glare that could kill you but ruvik look at her with a soft facial expression "oh Vanessa you are what I love about you, fearless and confident and never backing down from a fight" ruvik said with a rare warm smile and vanessa signed "ruvik if you really love me you would let her go as she is part of my family and if you take her away you'll make me sad and you don't want me to be sad do you?" she asked ruvik and he looked at her for a while and then dissappeared and the area turned back to its natural colour and vanessa
Ran down the stairs with Seb following close behind.

Vanessa pov

I ran down the stairs with Seb close behind and once I got to the bottom I held lisa in a tight hug "lisa you idiot you could have been killed and who know what Emy would of been like if that ever happened" I said still hugging the little girl tightly "Vanessa" lisa said "what?" i ask "I- I can't b- breath" she said and I quickly let her go and she let in a big breath of air "I'm sorry I sensed that he knew that we was under the bed so I had to distract him for you and Seb to escape but obviously you wouldn't alow me ti get hurt" lisa said "of course I'm not going to let you get your self hurt or even killed and If that ever happened Emy would kill me so come on we need to get going to the other thing that will open this door" i said and lisa nodded and we proceeded to the next location of the mansion.

We went through a door that lead into another long corridor with two iron doors on the left of us and we proceeded down the corridor "wonder what other horrid thing we need to use to open that door?" Seb said "don't know but we need to head to it quickly" i said and walked ahead wanting to get out of this house but before I could go through the archway at the end my foot snapped a wire and something wrapped around my ankle pulling me down and dragging me towards the tow iron doors which opened to show two rotating saw blade and I started to panic "Vanessa!!" Seb shouted to me and ran towards me and lisa eyes went black with her read irises and yami came out from her hair and he quickly came to me and coiling around me and tried to pull me away from the rotating saw blades and Seb aimed his gun at the Red light and shot at it and when it broke the machine stopped and Seb cut the rope around my ankles and yami gently put me down and Seb came and knelt in front of me putting his hand on my cheak and looking at me with worry "I'm ok, I'm ok don't worry I'm fine thank you both for saving me" I said and leaned into Sebs hand, smiling at him and we gaze into each others eyes for a few minutes until we realise what type of position were in and we pull away blush "i-uh um- s-sorry about that" Seb stuttered with a blushing face "i-its ok" i also stuttered and looked at Sebs blushing face 'heh he looks kinda cute when he's blushing' I thought but got the thought out of my head and stood up "w-well let's get going to the next area shall we" I said and looked at Seb and he smiled and stood up "yeah let's get going" he said and we turned to see a mischievous smile plastered on lisas face looking at us "lisa... What are you thinking about?" i ask automatically suspicious of what she is thinking "noothinggg" she said and walked away from us.

Lisa pov

Hehehe I'm so writing a story about them two when we get back home.

Vanessa's pov

After we found the next head which we found through the fire place and was my turn to put the probe into the half cut open head that shouldn't be blinking and then finding out from another ghostly apparition that ruvik had killed his perents and then we found two dials with paintings above them with riddles besides them and then we followed the final pipe to the last head. We got to a painting with a safe on it with the bottom and top dial missing so we put the dials we found and they fitted perfectly on the safe but the only problem was that we didn't know the combination to open it "well this sucks how are we supposed to know the combination to get this thing open" Seb said with annoyance and I looked at the dials again and then the riddle came to me and I looked to my left to see the same painting but intact this time and I looked at the top and then the bottom "hay Seb try 11 top and 2 bottom" i said and Seb turned the dials to the said numbers and it work, spitting blood out onced it opened but it work and we walked inside to find another head "my turned!" said lisa with excitement and Seb looked at me with concern but I just shrugged being use to her fascination with gory things.

After lisa got the blood pumped through the pipe leading to the door we were walking out only to hear the piano playing and Seb got his gun out readying for another attack if there was one, we got out through the door to see another ghost apportion of ruvik and Marcelo "the hospital has not received the family's usual dona this year"Marcelo said with confusion "and why would they? Has the hospital been doing anything worthy of donation?" ruvik ask Marcelo and then Marcelo looked around looking a little concerned "the victoriano family has alway been a generous contributer, where are your parents?" Marcelo ask "they have gone away" ruvik said "when do you expect them..?" Marcelo once again ask before ruvik slammed his hands on to the piano keys making a loud sound which made me flinch a little and ruvik looked up with a unreadable expression "is there something you wish to discuss.. Doctor?" ruvik ask in somewhat of a calm and annoyed voice and Marcelo turned away from ruvik rubbing his chin "I came to inform you that the hospital will no longer be able to provide you with assistance... Materials, your research will very quickly disintegrate." Marcelo said with little concern "how dare you come into my home and threaten me." ruvik said with anger and then the figures dissappeared and walked over to the iron door to see it finally opening "about time this thing opened, now we can get out of here" lisa said with a smile on her face and we all walked through the iron doors for it to lead in to an endless hallway and then the doors closed behind us which made us all jump but we proceeded down the hallway only to see something teleporting towards us to realise it was ruvik "get behind me" Seb said but it was to late as ruvik teleported in front of us and i flinch away and closed my eyes and waited for something to happen but nothing did "you can open your eyes now, its ok well sort of" I heard Seb say and I opened them and looked around to see we were in a room with young ruvik in a chair saying something "weres lisa?" Seb asked with worry and I looked around and it was my turn to worry "oh no ruvik must of teleported her somewhere else" i said panicked for her life and then Seb got hold of my shoulders "its ok we will find her and plus she has that big snake to protect her" he said and I nodded and we continued through this crazed house.


Hay guys sorry for the long wait for the next chapter but it's finally here yay!!

I just want to know do you guy like this story?

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