Guyfriends ~ Luke Hemmings

By RealityEscaperx1999

2.1K 87 94

Kimberly had made a lot of friends in her life. She loved them all and she always felt loved when she was wit... More

Description A/N
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 18

47 2 0
By RealityEscaperx1999

(A/N: I love this quote sooo much. Especially in that Muke video of Charlotte Clemmings. Muke is my life honestly, no doubt in my mind. Without Muke... *sigh*)

*Luke's P.O.V.*

I was feeling so bad. I can't believe myself. I told Kimberly I like her, twice and both times I try to cover it up with our friendship. I'm not sure she likes me back, but both times I could so clearly see the disappointed look on her face, telling me a whole different story.

It's been about a week or something since she brought her friends over here and the whole 'thing' with Mike and Natasha. Natasha is a sweet girl though and I now get why she did what she did. She and Kimberly were in my room for half an hour at least. Afterwards I asked Kim about it and she explained some things, but didn't wanted to tell me the whole story, since she had basically nothing to do with it.

Sadly, that was basically all the talking me and Kim did this week. We had hardly spoken, because I may or may not have avoided her a bit. I just wanted to get my feelings straight and think about what I'm going to do about it. It wasn't like I wasn't talking at her at all, just not all the time. With texting as example, I just answered with those short, basic answers.

After almost having a pit in my room from all my pacing, I made up my mind and grabbed my phone. I scrolled through my phone and pressed the call button at the person I ended up at. After only three rings I heard a voice.

"Luke? Why are you calling me?"

"Hey Melissa. I kind of need your help." I answered her. If I knew one person who could help me best in this situation, it was definitely her.

"Hell yeah you do! Why have you barely spoken to Kimberly? She thinks she did something wrong and that it's her fault!"

"That wasn't my intention. In contrast, I need to talk to her. Can you give me her address?" Yes, it was very sad. For all the months she and I had been friends, I had never been to her house, nor did I know where it was.

"What would you need her address for? More important, why do you think I would just give it to you?"

"Damn, are you always this edgy? I need to tell Ash that..." I chuckled, because I might not see her face, but she sounded like a typical bitch to me.

"When it's about Kimberly, than yes, I'm the worst bitch there could ever be." She said and now I suddenly understood. "That girl always cares for others and is always busy looking after other people, it's about time someone does the same for her."

(A/N: If my friends are reading this, which they are, Idc if it's not true, it just adds to the story. I know you'll love me either way lol :P)

"Now I get it..." I said softly in the phone. Melissa mumbled a small 'Mhm?', probably not having understood me well enough. "No, you're right. If you're doing this to protect her, than be my guest. I don't care, you can be the creepiest bitch there is, but I just need to do this. Please, for Kimberly?"

"I'm not sure..." She said slowly. "I don't even know why you're doing this. I kind of need to know why you're doing this if I'm going to help you with it." Oh, she is a smart one.

"Fine," I sighed, while she cheered softly. "but you need to let me do this on my own. You can't call her as soon as I hang up, because I want her to hear it from me personally." She promised me to not tell anything and after some persuading from me she even swore it on her phone, what is a pretty big promise, since she is basically married to her phone.

"Okay..." I sighed into the phone. "I need to know her address, so I can go to her house and tell her personally that I like her. A lot." I heard Melissa's breath hitch in the phone and I could just imagine her face right now; smiling like an idiot, dimples and all, those green eyes big and sparkly from excitement...

"I hope for you that you're talking about dating-like, as in you want her to be your girlfriend?" She rushed out.

"No, I fucking need her to be my girlfriend." I told her honestly.

After I said that. I needed to remove my phone from my ear, for more than at least half a minute, because Melissa was squealing so loudly and chanting things like 'I so ship it!', 'I knew it!', 'You're gonna be so happy together!' and 'This is true love!' even though I wasn't even sure if my feelings for Kimberly were that big.

Melissa gave me Kimberly's address – fucking finally – and starting rambling again. "Okay, okay, okay! This is Kimberly's address, use it wisely, use protection and don't get her pregnant, even though I wouldn't mind being a godmother already, because who doesn't love children?! Seriously, all children are cute, even those little assholes. Anyway – oh!! You're gonna meet her mother too, you're gonna love her! She's queen! Okay, now good luck and don't break my girl's heart and if you do, I'll make sure you break your dick. Now go and good luck! BYE!"

And then it went quiet. She had hung up.

Okay, wow. Uhm, I don't know what that was, but at least I now have Kim's address, so I'll be getting to work... I guess? After hearing that rant of Melissa I suddenly didn't know anything anymore. It was like she gave me amnesia just by talking like that. How does Ashton follow that girl while talking? I can't even understand 1/10 of what she's saying if I'm honest.

But she's a lovely girl and Kimberly's best friend, so I didn't really care right now. I just wanted to get to Kim's house.


I rang the doorbell and waited impatiently until the door opened. It finally did and behind the door stood a woman who looked to be around 30 years old and was like an exact replica of Kimberly. "Hallo." She said and – holy shit. She even sounded the same as Kimberly. At least I know I'm at the right house.

"Kan ik je helpen?" Shit, I forgot they're Dutch. How am I going to do this? Just speak English?

"Hi, I'm Luke, I'm a friend of Kimberly's. You can speak English, right?" I asked her unsure. She nodded and told me to come inside. I slowly did so and went to sit on the couch. She sat down next to me and smiled sweetly at me.

"So, you're Luke? From this amazing band Melissa always talks about? Kimberly talks more about you than the band itself to be honest." She started and chuckled slightly.

I nodded at her and told her "Yeah, I heard Melissa was a pretty big fan."

She laughed a bit before talking again. "You know, Melissa is over here quite often and one of the first times she told me something so funny! I just have to tell you, I don't care if it's awkward. Okay, so she was over here and since we were with two girls and one woman, being me, you get it, we started talking about girl problems and such. We all agreed that we sometimes have a troubles with bras and such, because – let's be honest here, we don't have the smallest – so, she told us about this one thing her dad told her a few years back. She was like this little not-so-innocent girl and she just wanted to have boobs. So, her dad told her that she had to rub them with butter – don't ask me. So she told us that she really tried it and I asked her something like 'Well, that worked well. What did you use? Special creamy one or something?'. And now, because I can't remember Kimberly's friends all that well when she's talking about them, she always adds 'butter' when she's talking about her. So, whenever she says she's hanging with Melissa, I just give her a look and she adds 'yes, butter-Melissa, that Melissa'. I just think it's so hilarious!"

I blinked.

Kimberly's mom started laughing loudly and I couldn't help but laugh along. Not only was the story funny, but her laugh was really contagious, just like Kimberly's.

I really love Kimberly's laugh.

"Wow, that was a really long story." I tried to say when we our laughing calmed down a bit.

"Yeah, but worth listening to, right?" She asked me and I nodded my head. "Kimberly wasn't much different as a child though." I gave her a look so she continued, making me smirk on the inside. "She even claimed her uncle, saying how they were going to get married. It wasn't that weird though, since they're only 3 years apart, almost 4, so they grew up as brother and sister. They were always so cute."

"Your family is so complicated... Kim tells me some things sometimes, but I will never understand the whole story." I chuckled and her mom patted me on my knee.

"Don't worry son, you don't have to. If you really want to know everything, we might as well write a book about it, because even only that book will have least a thousand or what pages." She suddenly stuck out her hand and said "My name is Ilse by the way, I don't think I have introduced myself properly." I shook her hand and she smiled warmly at me. "So, why are you actually here? I didn't even know you knew where we lived?"

"I didn't. I convinced Melissa to give me your address." I told her.

"Well, why didn't you just ask Kimberly then?" She looked a little confused.

"Because she doesn't know I'm here. I wanted to surprise her I guess." She nodded her head slowly, but still looked a little hesitant. "I wanted to tell her something, maybe ask her something too..." I rub my hands together slowly, showing my nerves.

"Oh my, you mean you are going to pop the big question?" She asked with a gleam in her eyes. "Well, not that big, I like you, but I wouldn't want you two to get married so soon. I haven't even met your mother yet! Does she live in Australia too? Because then I will have a good excuse to go over there." She winked sneakily at me and I chuckled at her behaviour.

"Do you think she'll like me back?" I ask her unsure, maybe even with a little voice.

"What? Are you crazy? Why wouldn't she? Of all the stories I've heard, she's been waiting for this moment ever since you two met! Of course she likes you!" She threw her arms around me in a hug and stood us up after.

"Now, off you go. Her room is the attic, so just walk all the way up there. Oh, and don't mind the used-looking condom if it's still laying there. Her sister had 'the talk' at school this week and has been running throughout the house with it and threw it on her flour. I don't think she was feeling like throwing it away, since she didn't want to touch it. Her sister can be very weird sometimes and who knows where that condom has been, right? Now, good luck! I'll pray for you! You're gonna be okay, the both of you are. If you don't get her pregnant that is." She pushed me up the stairs and put her thumbs up.

I have no idea in what situation I threw myself in, with these friends and family of Kimberly, but I couldn't find it in me to care. In some way I felt very welcomed, even though most people I met can take it a little bit too far. But, as I said, I didn't really care.

In some way Ilse reminded me of my own mom. I mean, my mom is very cool, don't get me wrong, but maybe I'd rather have Ilse as my mom. I mean, even though she's Christian, she's a very open person and very accepting too. My mom is too, but my mom would steal my beer if I was drinking it, I don't see Ilse doing that.

I slowly walked up the stairs and I began to hear music. I was halfway there and I could hear it was Kimberly who was singing and playing her guitar. I immediately recognized the song, it was The Light Behind Your Eyes, from My Chemical Romance. It was a beautiful song and somehow it only sounded better when Kim was singing it. But that could just be because I like her damn much.

I walked the last few steps and as soon as I step into her room it gets silent and she looks up at me. "Hey, what are you doing here?" She asks with a small smile on her face.

"Yeah..." I start. "About that. I need to tell you something." I walk over and sit next to her on her bed.

I hope Ilse's prayers have been heard.

(A/N: word count: 2260 words)

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