Art Nook #2

By Loups_Rouges

15.6K 2.3K 997

•A portfolio, of sorts• I'm a student artist who paints and draws a lot of animals, but I do other stuff too... More

The weekend is here
It's too hot to do anything
Capt' murica
Hey guys!
Eye see you
Continutaion of photography
More photographs
Old art
I'm not sure who they are
Uggh weirdo creepy guy
Hello, dearest.
The adventures of Ranbowfut
Evergreen cover wip
Creepy girl
I got tagged with this 13 questions thing
Chalk drawing
Flower pot cat
Deer girl
Tribal tattoo
Lil' sneak peak
Another Astor
Ever green cover
Astor and Sego
Last 3 pictures on camera roll
More adventures of ranbowfut
What I can "C"
It's Christmas time 🎄
Oh dear, it's been a while
I sculpted these ugly things
Also for Gary
The adventure continues
I forgot to take a picture
Well i must love drawing birds
Ahhhhhh 2017
Oh look not birds
Im almost done
Just one more . . .
New sketch book!
I painted this forever ago
Wolf sketch
Artist tag
Hotel doodle
Mechanical hound
Ugggh dear . . .
One of those guys . . .
Tiny fox
12 facts
So here are trees
Prom 2k17
Work in progress
My sister's friend
Tiger cardboard painting
Chinese ladies
Russian Orthodox Church
The knotty pine
Dinosaur bird
Watercolor rock formation
Su su poo poo
Monster man
Watercolor tiger
The Little Mermaid
Elephant sanctuary
Russian Forest Princess
Su su super hero
Cat on windosill
Forest people
Wooo 100'th part
Moss in the forest
Ahhhh dear (warning: art dump)
Sharpie forest
Cheetah + new instagram account
The greatest showman fanart
Sleeping kitties
Our Desires
Roan & Heather
It's Like, Zootopia
The Koloa lady
Sous Le Pont Des Arts
And here are my doodles from the year
Korean kitty boi
Mr Nicholas Wilde
Ugh tag + life sketch + draw in your style
Saguaro + sadness
Chat Noir
Raffle Results!
Harry Potter-ness
The Piedra Tribe!
Reading deer
Slinky cat's raffle prize
Spirit tamer
Chief of the Tribe
Laika character design
King of Wolves
Psycology elk
Salt Water Room 2.0
Shpynxy kitty cat
Galway Wolf
Heather Mary Jones
Lady of the Corn + FanX
New sketch book
Roan & Heather (again)
Eyesefendee eyes
Pumpkin thing I painted
Digital graphics dump ;)
Sterling Scholar
Old stuff I forgot to post
Chinese lady and dragon
Aincient angst
Yeah, um, Christmas
Three eyed flying wolf deer
Spaghetti the Dog
Queen Alice of Wonderland
Monstah people
Jane of the Jungle
Wowza its astor again
Californa dreams / oranges
Stuff dump
Wowza its Astor again
My pieces for State art
Girl of the Moon
The ID / Mind
State art pieces
Sorry late valentines
Flash flood
Two more Eyeseffendee paintings
Claire Nunez + Puppy love
Slot Canyon
Eh heh artz
The Shifter
Yeah just a big art dump
My bouef friend + question
Lil Dipper
Eyefifteen cover
MaRGreT's WEalD COveR
*internally panicking*
Sam designs + sorry
Ummmm art dump?
Croc Contest
New Margrets weald cover
Draw this in your style (if you want to :))
Stupid thing i made
DTIyS results!
Jaye's oc contest
A bunch of requests, comissions and contests
So my secret is layer modes

Astor and Sego

201 20 6
By Loups_Rouges

Here is two characters from my book Eyeseffendee. I love how this turned out! This is pretty much how I imagine them, except Astor's a bit less bulky. Oops. And he has more of a mane.

I know coyotes don't look very different in real life, but I love giving each of my characters a unique personality and build and stuff.

And I want to give a little factoid thing about both of them real quick.

Full name: Astor
Nick name/commonly used name: don't call him anything but Astor.
Age: 15 months old (about 15 in human years)
Species: coyote
Gender: male

Physical description
Eyes: yellow green
Hair: Carmel with sandy-yellow underbelly and copper back
Features: protruding eyes, well-defined muzzle, large forehead and pointy, short, laid back ears
Scars/flaws: a scar that runs from his chin to his throat, but you can't see most of it because of his thick mane
Height: 2 feet (to shoulder)
Build: strong, muscular, but not bulky

Physical characteristics
Speed (sprinting): 20 mph
How long can s/he run?: as long as he feels like it
Strength: good
Lung capacity/respiratory: great
Strength endurance: great
Swimming speed: horrible (you can't swim much in a desert)
Stamina: great
Eyesight: good
Hearing: good
Smell: good
Feel: good
Is s/he a fast thinker?: nah, not really

Weapon of choice: teeth
Favorite tactic: smash them into the ground or something
Planner or dive into action?: planner
Strengths (ex: speed, multi tasking, etc.): speed, strength
Is s/he on the front lines, or in the back?: frontish-middleish
Likes to fight with allies, or alone?: whatever he's got
Best fighting partner: no one

Friends: Sego. And maybe Hawk or Delta.
Crush/love interest/mate/spouse- Sego.
Allies: his tribe (the Piedra tribe)
Enemies: the Fuego tribe and that dumb shifter
Siblings: he don't know, you don't know
Parents: he don't know, you don't know

Personality: quiet, reserved, shy. Can be violent and cold. When required or desired he comes out of his shell. He's a great leader but he doesn't know it.

Background: no one's sure. Hare found him under a juniper tree in the desert and raised him with her son Delta.

If s/he could be compared to 1 popular character, who would it be?: Brambleclaw

You can find this character in: Eyeseffendee

Full name: Sego of Kalurato
Nick name/commonly used name: Seggie, but she hates it
Age: 14 months (about 15 in human years)
Species: coyote
Gender: female

Physical description
Eyes: dandelion yellow
Hair: dry brown with a creamy underbelly and black back
Features: almond shaped eyes, a small nose and large ears
Scars/flaws: none; she's perfect
Height:1 foot 9 inches
Build: slender

Physical characteristics
Speed (sprinting): 16 mph
How long can s/he run?: pretty far
Strength: poor
Lung capacity/respiratory: good
Strength endurance: poor
Swimming speed: horrible (again, not much water in the desert to swim in)
Stamina: good
Eyesight: great
Hearing: great
Smell: great
Feel: great
Is s/he a fast thinker?: yeah

Weapon of choice: claws
Favorite tactic: attack wherever you can as fast as you can
Planner or dive into action?: planner
Strengths (ex: speed, multi tasking, etc.): speed, tracking
Is s/he on the front lines, or in the back?: front
Likes to fight with allies, or alone?: with allies
Best fighting partner: whoever's as fast as her

Friends: Astor, Horizon, Delta, Creek, Hare, Bat, Negrita, Hawk (pretty much everyone in the Piedra tribe)
Crush/love interest/mate/spouse- Astor
Allies: her tribe
Enemies: the Fuego tribe
Siblings: none
Parents: Creek and Astor (she looks almost exactly like Creek but with a warmer colored pelt)
Grandparents: I dunno. Haven't planned out everyone's family tree.
Aunts/uncles: Hare is her great aunt
Cousins: Delta, Horizon and bat are her first cousins once removed
Nieces/nephews: none

Personality: She's friendly and sweet, but she can be bitter and cold. She's friends with almost anyone she meets. But she has some inner demons and insecurities that keep her from really getting to know people or expressing who she truly is, so others think she's shallow.

Background: She was born in the Piedra tribe a while after Astor arrived. They were kind of like brother and sister. They played together but she was always annoyed by him. One day she found out he liked her and she hated him for a while. But then she realized she liked him as well so she opened up and they became friends.

If s/he could be compared to 1 popular character, who would it be?: Tai Lee from avatar, sort of kind of but not really.

You can find this character in: Eyeseffendee

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