Jackie Lynn

By smurfsunicornskp

14 0 0

a 1950s story about a runnaway star. More

Jackie Lynn

14 0 0
By smurfsunicornskp


"If you dont do your homework one more time, honey you'll get the radio taken away and youll be grounded for three days." Said Mrs. Buckheart. "I cant help it i dont like school and i dont want to do work at home!" Replied Joy. "Darling dont fight with me." "Joy dont bother your mother." Said Mr. Buckheart. "I have had enough of you two! Always telling me what to do, im leaving and dont think youll ever tell me what to do again!"

Just like that Joy walked out the door, a very stubbern child at just 10 years old, she walked out slammed the door and never looked back. She'll come back tonight Paul BUckheart thought. Why go out in the cold, she'll come running home and realize what she did was wrong thought Kate Buckheart.

Chapter 1-

That was 1942 when Joy Buckheart stormed out of her house at only 10 years old and never returned. It was a cold December day and it was snowing. The Buckhearts started searching for their only daughter, but couldnt find her anywhere round the ural suberb of Chicago. "We waited to long, i thought she would for sure come back by now." Said Kate. "What if someone took her!" Said Paul. They called the police, and a search began.

1 month later-

Joy had took a bus to the city where she where she met David Brownsfeild the owner of a theater in Chicago. Joy had gorgous hair and brigt blue eyes, waht MR. Brownsfeild saw in her was her amazing stage presents. She introduced herself as Jackie Lynn Donald the first names that came in her head and she had a job as an actress and dancer for all of the Chicago Brownsfeild Theater productions.

The search continued and had gone all the way to the radio and newspapers, but the Buckheats had not released any pictures of Joy who was know known as Jackie Lynn. But there was no finding her in the ural area of Chicago

14 monthes later:

The theater closed and Fernwood productions picked Jackie up to work at their theater she was almost 12 years old. It was hard for Jackie to leave her first theater and saw good bye to teh man who had discovered her, but she knew across the city people were waiting to see her.

The news that the search would be ending in 4 monthes made the Buckhearts really sad. They started to let it all sink in that Joy was somewhere that they just couldnt get to.

Chapter 2-

The Fernwood and Blach Theater is still in working condition today, Jackie  hadnt been there in 7 years though. After just one year and two monthes with the theater Broadway picked upthe 12 year old background dancer. She went to New York and Broadway had paid for her own suite in central New York City.

Not a day went by when the Buckhearts didnt think about their daughter. Everyday Kate thought of how things would have been different if she hadnt yelled at Joy for not doing her school work.


Jackie was offered an acting career through Warner Brothers Pictures. Starred in eight motion pictures by the time she was nineteen. She stiill starred on Broadway where people lined up to see her star in plays.

The Buckhearts mourned every so often, tried to move on but couldnt, sometimes they thought about Joy more then others but they needed to find the daughter they havent seen in nine years. They made a phone call to New Yorks Detective Department, the best in the U.S.


Jackies 20th Birthday was celebrated with all of her friends from Broadway and New York, something she couldnt get off of her head was marring her fiance without having her parents come to the wedding. Thats when she made a decision.

The loss of sucsess with New York Teh Buckhearts gave up, and started praying for a sign, that would maybe never come.

Chapter 3-

The Buckhearts went to Chicago with their friends the Rollends and there Jane Rollend convinced then to buy the lastest and greatest thing a television. They bought and set it up that day. It had three channels, there favorite was channel 2, which had world news and theater and movie gossip.


Jaackie wanted to make a guest appearence at a theater gossip show airing at 6pm. She called her manager and 6 weeks later she was getting her hair and make-up done for the show.

Chapter 4-

"Paul, this girl she kind of looks like Joy" Said Kate. Then tears rused to her eyes. "I'm seeing my baby everywhere!". Tempted to turn the T.V. off Paul didnt he kept it on. The newscaster started talking "Im talking to the famous Jackie Lynn Donald, Broadway star and well known actress!" "So Jackie, the engagment to Robert Flynn any date for the wedding?' "Well part of the reason i wanted to come down here was to say a messege" The newscaster was startled. "Um ok." "Hello mom, Hi Daddy, it's........................

"Kate was is this wacko doing?" Said Paul. "Haha dont know" Kate replied.

"Its Joy Buckheart..................

"Paul did you just hear that!" "I think i did!"

"I want to tell you that I'm living in shame of what i did and on May 18th i want you to come to my wedding ill pay for you to come to New York, I love you guys and not a day goes by that i dont think of you and how awful what i did was, pease forgive me." Then Jackie left the set crying.


The church bells were ringing as Mr. and Mrs. Flynn walked down the aisle together. Seated in the front row was Mr. and Mrs. Buckheart who that day celebrated 20 years of marriage.

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