From geek to chick

By ironmanxxxx

310K 5.9K 1.1K

What extent would you go to just to fit in like the rest of your school instead of being looked at like you w... More

From geek to chick
Being geek
Heart broken
Grooming the high heels
Girly time
Beauty queen
Love,hatred and mixed feelings
Harsh moments and sweet memories
Lies, love and confusion
Love triangle
Busy busy busy
Broken , pain and tears
What? We just kissed and i liked it
Breaking up !
Happiness, sadness ?
Tears of joy
Home sweet home
Hello to a beautiful life
The end
Authors note

Mending hearts

6.5K 158 14
By ironmanxxxx

Hey guys the next chapter enjoy;)


Chapter 19

"What?"i asked him as tears flew down my cheeks.

I stood there like i was lifeless. My best friend was breaking up with me. The hallway was empty. It was just me and Austin and the painful silence between us both.

"Look abby you and Zac are perfect for each other. And I'm just coming in between the two of you. I know im just a friend of yours but Zac ..well he thinks different and i don't blame him. He saw us kiss Abby. And i don't want to be the reason of your quarrel. I think its best for all of us if we just know break up, you and Zac have a perfect thing going on don't let it go Abs" said Austin. He was stood infront of me with pain and regret written all over his face. And tears in his eyes.

"I cant believe it Austin...i cant believe your breaking up with me. I mean so
What? So what if me and Zac fight, we make up. It happens!" i yelled at him angrily. "No your not understanding Abby, Zac doesn't like me. Im the reason for your fight. I don't want to see you hurt"he said softly.

He thinks being soft on me was going to make everything okay! Im just going to feel insanely bad for him and just give up on our friendship! No way!"Austin...but what makes you feel like he hates you?"i asked him. Anger swam through my blood as my fingers curled into a fist to disguise my anger.

"I don't know. But he hates me and i know it. Besides he's right a friend cannot be a friend after a kiss"he mumbled.I looked directly at him when he said that. I stood there with my eyes squinted at his words and my mouth open with shock.

What did he mean by that?

Curiosity took over. But my Anger was more dominant. My anger burst! Why was Austin breaking up with me over such a thing. We can work things out.

"Fine ...whatever..if thats what you want then ok......... Bye !"i said acting unbothered putting on a egoistic act that display that i was unbothered. Without any action or word i walked away from him. Leaving him stood there. He was unbelievable.As i flew open the doors of the school I couldn't control my tears as i burst out crying. I never felt so heartbroken and empty.

Pride took over all my emotions. The rigid stubbornness swam to its peak.

I cannot believe he broke up with me just because me and Zac were fighting. How immature could he get! My anger burst into flames rapidly taking control over my body. I felt more like a massacre killer than a lonely broken hearted girl.


Austins pov

I couldnt see them fight like that anymore. I know why he hated me. After he witnessed the kiss he seemed so weird towards me. I know he couldn't stand the sight of abby with me and because of that Abby was gettin hurt. And i couldnt stand here and let that happen.

Being a friend is all about sacrifice. Its like a pledge of allegiance. You have to stay loyal. And obviously with loyalty comes sacrifice. And if iI had to break up with her and sacrifice our friendship for her happiness then i would gladly face it. Even take in her wrath.

I know she would still be in pain after this but atleast her and Zac could be a happy couple. I mean i know how excited she was when Zac asked her out. And i know that he will make her the happiest girl.Hes the kinda guy that will buy her things. Take her out shopping in his fancy car. I mean thats what girls dream off from the perfect one.

I cant really do all that for her.

It was really hard and painful breaking up with her. The pain in her eyes had my heart instantly melt. The craving of running over to her and engulfing her whole body into my arms was itching its way to my arms. It had become a obsession. Her love had become my obsession. I loved her so much.

Yet still there was nothing i could do.But her and Zac were perfect for each other. And my confession of my love would take and ugly turn which I'm trying to avoid.


Abbys pov

I sat in bed. Recapping over the incident earlier. Flashbacks took over my mind. The more i re encountered them the more pain i received. Suddenly i broke from my thought and jumped to the knock on the door.

"Come in"i spoke softly.

My mum walked in. As she looked at me with the most heartwarming smile. "Hey sweety"she said as she came and sat down next to me placing her body inside the warm duvet.

"Abby what wrong? I feel like there is something thats troubling you since you've came from school"she asked "you skipped dinner and you haven't been down since school"

"Oh its nothing"i replied.

"Abby look..:im your mum tell me "she said making direct eye contact. Which made my heart melt. Suddenly the pain i had bottled up inside me just spilled like water out of a glass.

Tears filled in my eyes as i rested my head on her shoulder as she put her arm around me .

"Austin broke up with me "i cried trying to hide my tears.

"Oh Abby... What happened?"she asked worried as she wrapped her both arms around me i felt the comfort under her touch so i snuggled in making myself more comfortable. As i rested my head on her shoulder. This kind of comfort is what i needed right now.

"No nothing really happened mom he just feels like he should stay away from me because he thinks that he's causing problems between me and Zac. Which is not true." I said sniffling. Looking down at my hands as i played with my fingers.

"Oh sweety"she awed as she wrapped her arms me and cuddling me. Tears filled my eyes again as i shut them tight and cried. It even hurt talking about it. I never imagined my life without Austin. Ive always had him with me.

"Your such a lucky girl Abby. Do you have any idea how lucky you are to have a friend like Austin. I mean whatever reason Zac has i don't know but whatever reason Austin has broken up with you its only because he wants to protect you. Don't you see it, Austin will give up anything that will hurt you. "She carried on talking gently. Making my heart at ease. It felt good listening to her words. I felt what you call hope arise inside my body alarmingly. A sudden feeling that everything was going to be okay. I listened carefully to her words with my head on her shoulder.

"Austin is a lovely boy. We have known him for a long time and i doubt that he would ever do anything to hurt you my love. I believe in him "she smiled as i chuckled. "Dont you remember that one time there was a spider in your room and what Austin did to try and get rid of that thing and the whole time he was scared out of his life himself" she giggled. I giggled and smiled.

Yeah how i could i forget that day.

I smiled.

Austin was amazing.

"But you dont give up Abby. I know my daughter is a fighter. You know Austin very well and we know that he gave up only because he cares for you. So dont you give up too and fight for him. He's worth fighting for trust me i know a good one when i see it"she smiled and chuckled.

I looked up at her and smiled. "Fight for him Abby"she said kissing my forehead as she slipped out slowly from under my body. As she stood up to walk out "Mark my words"she said as i watched her walk "Thanks mom"i smiled as she returned a smile and walked out gently shutting the door behind her.

Whatever my mom said was true.Austin was great i didn't want to lose him. I guess my anger took over me. Austin has done enough of his own choice. But im not letting him do it this time. Before any other relationship i had mine and Austins friendship was the only thing that mattered and letting that go would only prove me to be a fool.

The next day i walked into school and noticed Zac running towards me. He ran happily towards me and engulfed me into his big arms and squeezed me in them and then lifted me up from the ground. I chuckled. Zac was the so caring and loving he made my heart burst.

Soon he put my down onto the ground but his big grin never left his face. I smiled.

"How are you feeling?"he asked as he rested his forehead against mine as our foreheads connected. I smiled and blushed as i felt eyes on us from either side and faint whispers coming from the students around us.

"Im fine why?"i asked chuckling trying to hide the hint of sadness. "Oh you didn't even ring or text me, i was worried" he responded with a facial expression that revealed the worry on his face. He narrowed his eyes at me.

After a sigh i spoke. I tried to sound very realistic as possible.

"Oh sorry i was really busy"i soon spoke after i cleared my thoughts. Yes! i was thinking of Austin. He was all i could think about. Nothing could distract me from his thoughts. I mean after everything that happened i just couldn't put my mind at rest.

"Im so sorry about yesterday i hate it when we fight. And i admit it was all my fault. I promised you I wouldn't have a problem with you and Austin and the truth is i don't but it will take time for me to adapt to having him around us. But i get it he's your friend and i wont stop you from talking to him"he said as he kissed me on my cheek. This made me melt. Zac was a really good human being and really caring. He was really worried about me.

I bit my lip. His words hit my heart. "Its ok Zac. Honestly it happens but hopefully it wont happen again""i assured him and slid my arm around his arm as we started to walk off towards the door of the classroom.

"Good! And yes i promise you it wont happen again and i will try my best to control my anger. I know i tend to go far of the edge but trust me love i don't mean a single word in my anger"he said as he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me against his hard chest. I smiled as my eyes moved up to meet a certain face. Austin stood there glancing at us. Pain was written all over his face and loss in his beautiful green eyes.

My heart melted for him. The need of running into his arms and having his arms around my body and his lips on my lips and our eyes in contact was so I felt so useless because i couldn't do anything. I didn't know what to do.

I was torn between him and Zac. I mean what decision had i really made?

We walked into class as Austin came and sat next to me. I gasped. But of course his place was always next to mine. How could i forget. But i guess i never felt his presence. But today i did. I knew he was here sat with me the whole time.

"Hey "he spoke. I gulped. What do i say? Why couldn't i speak. I didn't loose my voice did i? Soon later i spoke. "Hey"i replied slowly our conversation didn't carry on because the teacher walked in and our eyes moved to her.

"Right kids today were going to be practicing drama. And the way Actors deliver a new character so i chose a act to study and its non other than William Shakespeare's classic love story Romeo and Juliet"she said smiling clapping her hands in excitement. I heard a bunch of teenagers burst with enthusiasm and some groan.

"Okay the first act ive chosen is the ball scene where Rome and Juliet had there dance and fell in love. Were going to be acting out the classical dance form so please stand up with your partner beside you and get in position, i will play the scene on the whiteboard and you guys follow along"she smiled.

My heart raced fast against my chest. Dance? With Austin? I don't know what direction this was heading to. But i guess it was a signal that i had to fix things up between us both. And this time was it. We stood up slowly as we walked up close to each other as we looked at each other as our eyes met with intensity as Austin slowly walked closer colliding our chests together as his hands slowly wrapped around my waist. I felt my heart skip a beat. He was so close his breath fanned my face. He smelt so good as always.  I felt myself shudder.

My arms slowly made there way onto his shoulders. I felt my breath hitch. I haven't been this close to him in such a long time it felt good. My conscious was yelling me to speak up but I couldn't. Our bodies moved in sync beautifully and perfectly.

I opened my mouth slowly to speak but the teacher ordered us to sit back down. We parted slowly. I mentally slapped myself. First of all i lost my confidence to speak to him. And i felt so weird around him. Before i didn't have a care in the world how i acted around him. I could be myself.

Your feelings are too strong than your friendship.

My mind mentally told me.

As if. Austin will always be a good friend to me.

But did i want that?

Did i want him as a friend or something more.


After school i walked it home. I felt good walking. The fresh breeze hitting my face gently. And my hair gently flying back with the wind with every step i take. The smell of the natural fresh air made me smile. The beauty of nature made my thoughts wash away like a leaf getting washed up in a ocean.

As soon as i walked in I jogged upstairs as i heard my mum yell my name and i popped my head behind the wall."Hey Abby listen I'm just going out for a moment and jake is at grandmas so are you ok to be alone?"she asked

"Yeah I'll be fine mom"I answered.

I walked downstairs after to shut the door after her. Sometimes it felt really good being alone. You have the house to yourself and you feel nothing but peace.

I slumped on my sofa after i made hot chocolate for myself and watched a movie that was on tv. My mind wondered back to Austin. How it felt so good to be in his arms. Then the image of our kiss and my mind kept wondering i hadn't realised i was making up scenarios in my head.

A sudden knock broke me from my thought as i rolled my eyes and groaned. Who was this trying to disturb my peace. I walked out of the living room toward the door and reached for the handle.

I opened the door

Suddenly a hand clasped on my mouth in a attempt so i don't scream and pushed me back into the house.

I muffled a scream.

Hey guys im soo sorry for the late update because of my exams.

Soory if its short too and anyways my exmas are overr so yey!!

I told you that i would be updating on monday but i thought let me update it on saturday for you guys.

Hope you liked it...


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