
By cheekyme123

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This is about a girl meeting a boy she never knew she would. Her name is Miranda and his name is Harry. What... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 -Skip about two months
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
There is a Sequel!

Chapter 21

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By cheekyme123

Sitting in this cell is something I can honestly say, I had nightmares about but I never thought that I would ever be in this situation. I am not surprised. Mariana hasn't visited me yet or even came to make bail for me, not that I expect her to, it's just that I want this to work so so well. "Harry Styles." I heard the warden come to my cell. "You have a visitor. Your lawyer is here." Lawyer. When did I acquire an attorney? I take this as a blessing and look up at the ceiling before I leave the cell and follow the warden. "You have thirty minutes. Use them wisely, young man." He says before going where I know there is a two-way glass. 

"Hello, Harry, I am Hannah, Mariana's lawyer, she asked me to help you with your case." She says and I shake her hand, hesitant at first and she smiles. "So have you known the supposed victim?" 

"Yes, she was a freshman in high school while I was a senior. Our school was small." I let her know and I watch her drink a bottle of water, probably her own. The prison won't allow the inmates any drinks while we are with visitors. "She and I had a past and it was a year ago. Why is she voicing it now? Why is she accusing me?" 

She smiles and writes something down. "I know what she was thinking. You are different and smarter. Did you know your friend, Mariana, met with Penelope Santiago?" I froze and looked at her like a deer looking at headlights. "I take that reaction as a no." She writes it down on her pad. "Did you talk to Penelope within the past three months?" 

"No, I cut ties with her when I moved to Chicago.... I moved back because Mariana..." I let her know and she nods sympathetically. "Harry court is in three days. Be on your best behavior and don't stoop to their level. We are going to win this. It is just you and the judge versus her. No jury. Plus, there is no evidence, just her word of mouth." She let me know. 

"Thank you for this. What do I owe you?" 

"You don't owe me anything, until everything is over." She lets me know. We sit in quiet for a minute or so. "Harry, you have another visitor. It is her turn now." She gets up and leaves without letting me at least be stubborn and request that I have a bill. 

"Harry.... Did you miss me?" I hear a familiar voice. The voice that makes me flutter. I love her and I cannot even touch her. 

"Mariana, why did you meet Penelope without me knowing?" I stood up and looked at her. Three policeman rushed to her rescue. I was just standing up. Nothing else. I would not hurt her, as a matter of fact, in my right mind, I would not hurt any woman that I know. 

"I wanted to hear her side of the story." She simply said and looked at me from across the way. I smile and look down. "Harry, you told me your truths and I thought she deserved to be heard. If I would have known that the next day she would have reported you, I wouldn't have done it. Babe I am counting down the three short days until your court date and I cannot wait for the verdict." She smirked and I know she is optimistic. 

"I just want to hug you, but I cannot even touch you." I let her know and I pout. "I will get through this. Just like I always do, I get through all the bumps in my life." She nods. 

"After all this is done, would you like to go somewhere on vacation? I closed the offices for a month. We could go to Greece.... or we could drive through most of Europe and see things we have never seen." 

"Please, love, don't get your hopes up... what if the judges see all the bad things I got charged with before?" When I say that her big smile was replaced with shock. "I will tell you that, as soon as I am out of here. If I ever do get out of her." I promise her and I stick my pinkie out. She knew she couldn't touch me so we air did a pinkie swear. I smile and she does too. 

"Harry, I love you and you know that. No judgement here." She smiles blows me a kiss. 

"Why can't I get a conjugal visit...?" I pout and ask and she is walking around and her heels make it to where her ass and her tits bounce. "I really miss your touch." I say and she smiles. 

"I will see you in three days and I know you are going to be innocent. Oh by the way, you are a god parent. My sister had a child. She named him Peter." She let me know. A baby... and I am a god parent. 

"Wait, you have a sister? How does she even know about me?" 

"Her name is Bethany. She knows about you because we talk every day and I told her about you. Your lawyer is her colleague. You are going to make it through this. Hannah is number one in her town and she will get you out of this." She keeps saying as if she wants to let herself become more confident for her own sake as opposed to mine. "I want to kiss you so bad. But when you get out, it is just going to be me and you.. all day." She smiles and the warden comes in to ruined the one moment that I was looking forward to and that I had cherished. 


"I hereby declare, Harry Styles, not guilty. I also believe that the plaintiff, Penelope Santiago is guilty of perjury. Court adjourned. Have a good night everybody." After a three hour court date, we are done and I am finally freed. My lawyer, Hannah, let me know that all the charges that were on me in the past are all cleared. So this is my clean slate. 

"I told you..." Mariana comes running to me. "I will wait outside the jail for you." She kisses me and lets me know before a police officer moves me so that I could go get my belongings. 

When I got changed and got released she was out there with someone who looks unfamiliar, maybe it is her sister, Bethany. "Hello, you must be Bethany... and this young gentleman must be Peter." She smiles. 

"Nice to finally put the face to the name." She tells me and gives me a hug. "Please take care of her..." She whispers in my ear as we hug. 

"So Bethany... want to join Harry and I for some lunch? I was thinking of taking him to T.G.I. Friday's."  How does she know that TGI Fridays is one of my favorite places to eat. "Maybe get to know Harry a bit more?" Mariana wanted to have a lunch with her sister and I sensed that. 

"Mariana, why don't you and your sister have lunch? I will go and see my mom and sister." I let her know and she seems so unsure about this. "We can always go for dinner..." I try to appease her and I know I shouldn't but her sister is clearly uncomfortable with me being at the lunch and I sense that they haven't had lunch in a long time.  She nods and I give her a kiss and I walk to where my car was parked. To my surprise, it was still in the same exact spot. Everything that was in the car before was there. 

*Anne's POV* 

" the judge going to release him?" My only daughter sat across from me at the table discussing what is going on with Harry. I can see the change in him and it is a healthy one. Hopefully the judge will see it.  "Mariana assured us that she has an amazing lawyer for him. So I sense that he is on his way here now." She moves to the couch so she could look out the window and and wait for him. 

"Gemma, even if he is coming, it will be two hours from now." I tell her and she nods. "Do you want to go to the bakery and get something for breakfast before we come back here and wait? It is only 11." I try to reason with her. Mariana let us know that his court time was 10. We just need to wait for him to be here... if he decides to come here and talk. 

"Yeah, I will go. It is just down the street. Be right back." 

*Harry's POV* 

Driving to my mother's house is one thing I didn't want to do after my prison time, but she needs to know that I am okay, and that I am deciding to move to Chicago. I am still paying the rent there anyway so I will just bring what money I have with me. While I look for a job and really get that brand new start.  I need to leave England. Officially. How am I going to tell Mariana? I arrive and I see Gemma returning with some baked goods and three cups of coffee. I park my car and exit. "Sis, would you want some help with all that?" I ask and she stops just before walking up to the door. 

"Harry!" She screams and runs to me. "Oh my gosh, I missed you..." She gave me a kiss on the cheek and we walked into the house together. "Mom, I am back and so is Harry." 

*Anne's POV* 

"Mom, I am back and so is Harry."Gemma's voice rang through the house and I came downstairs and I saw Harry. Alone with Gemma and holding the box of treats. As we give each other hugs I see that Harry has something on his mind but he didn't want to say the thought. 

"Harry, that was a quick drive...?" I say and almost ask at the same time. 

"Well it was a short court appeal. There wasn't any valid evidence... in fact, Penelope is sentenced to three months in jail or something just for perjury. " He stops there but I know my son, his mind is accelerating and going somewhere else. "I don't know how to say this... but I am thinking I should go back to Chicago." He says and bits the left side of his lower lip. 

"Then move to Chicago. I support it and you can bet that Gemma and I are going to visit as often as we can." He looks at me and smiles. 

"Mom, about Mariana, I cannot leave her though. She is all stressed and I help her as much as I can..." 

"Love, you know what you got to do." Gemma and I say together and we smile at Harry and he shuffles and I know that he knows that he has to talk to Mariana about it. "When are you planning on leaving anyway?" He thought about it and sighed and yelled a loud sigh. 

"I don't want to, but I am thinking in about a month's time. Just to get everything over there and such." 

*Harry's POV* 

What breaks my heart is that I am not doing what I am supposed to be doing, for the ones I care about. If I ever could go back in time and just be the good kid I was before high school, that would be great. However, reality is... that I am who I am. I can either change it or leave it be. Mariana is changing me for the better. Before I know it, Mariana is texting me: Baby, if you are still with your parents that is fine, I am just hungry and wondering when you want to go for a meal. I have a surprise for you. :) Love you bunches, my teddy bear <3 

She has never called me that but it is such a cute nick name and I can only think that she came up with it on her own when I was away.  I texted her back: I am leaving right now. See you soon! :) Love you honey bunches. I didn't know what to call her or how to end it since she was all cute and all in her text. I drove to our flat and I wondered what she was going to say and how she was going to react when I tell her of my plans to move to Chicago.

Seeing her house brought mixed emotions. I love this place, it's England... my birth country! Now I am going to have to give her the worst news I ever think I could. If I love her than this would be letting her go. And if fate will have it, we can make it work. I get my house keys and I enter the house and there is Mariana on the couch playing with Peter. I try not to make any noise closing the door and I head over to the couch. "Peter, you are so adorable..." I hear her say.  All her life, I know that she has dreamed of having children and when she got cancer, she didn't have that dream. She told me it was mainly because she didn't want to live with the fear of the what if. 

"Hi Mariana... Peter..." I say and sit next to them. 

"Harry, could you take your godson while I go to the bathroom. We are babysitting tonight." She says as if her sister told her of the plans last minute. Which I am guessing is the case. 

"Babe, if you want you could relax... I got him. Did your sister leave formula?" I asked as I was walking over to his diaper bag. 

"She breast feeds him. There are four bottles in the fridge. She also left a little formula incase she decides to pick him up tomorrow after noon." She smiles and comes over to me and gives me a kiss. "I love you Harry. No matter where we are." She looks at me and I smile back. She cannot see my face, I am sad at what I  will tell her tomorrow. 

"Okay, go enjoy and relax. I have him, love." I give her a kiss and I am full of guilt but I am hiding it as much as possible. 

*Mariana's POV* 

Hey Gemma...Anne.... Robin, I was thinking of doing a double family vacation. To surprise Harry for his birthday in February. We would leave 31 January and come home the 7th of February. I texted both Harry's sister and mother as well as his stepdad. I hope they would want to come because I want to purchase tickets early. My mother is starting to do better and both of my parents will be in Greece around that time. My mother wants to travel the world for two years because she feels as though this is her second chance to live life.  Gemma responded faster saying: I am in. Greece seems so pretty! Thanks Mariana. :) She texts and I am so excited. So I wrote down on a piece of paper: Harry, Myself, Gemma. Then shortly after Anne texted me: Count Robin and I in. Thank you for all this. She keeps her message short and simple. So I add her name onto the note pad. Next I need to see if we could rent a big house, big enough to hold: Gemma, Anne, Robin, Harry and me. So Five people on his family and us... then my parents said that they would want to stay with us. So final count is 7 people. I hide the paper in my briefcase and start to fill the tub for a bubble bath. 

"Peter... its alright, love..." I hear Harry walking around and I am assuming he is trying to find a bathroom so he could change him. I want to be a fly on the wall... "Isn't he lovely, isn't he wonderful, isn't he precious, Isn't he made from love..." His voice was so special. It is sort of like Ed Sheeran, when you hear it, you instantly recognize who is singing. I close my eyes and lean against the back of my tub, hitting the button that makes the jets go. My tub is so large and I am happy that Harry and I both bought it together. Even though he thinks I don't know, I have a feeling he is only here temporarily. As if all the change in his life doesn't amount to much. No matter where he goes, I want him to be happy. That is all that matters. Although, I am selfish and want him to stay. "Hush little baby don't say a word, Harry's going to buy you a mockingbird, if that mocking bird won't sing Harry;s gonna buy you a diamond ring, if that diamond ring turns brass, Harry's gonna buy you a looking glass..." I listen as he sings the songs. The water turns from lukewarm to cold, so I decide to get out and help Harry with Peter. 

When I walk down the stairs I record him dance and move around with Peter. Sending it to him with a caption: You are gonna make a cool dad some day <3. I continue down the stairs and I make a face. I found the one and I know it... just need to get through some major battles though.  "Harry, you are such a natural." I comment and he turns around. Smiling at the silk robe I have around me. 

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