Baby Soul

By Fallen_Hope1997

14.7K 545 94

Peter is a small little 3 year old who is the last child SHEILD orphanage. Because of his extreme tininess fo... More

New Home
No Touchy
I want to see you.
Keep Me Craving
Spidy Knows
I'm sorry.
Family Reunion
Going Home
Unknown Women
Not a chapter
Meet Your Sisters

Meet The Family

1.8K 85 19
By Fallen_Hope1997

Third person POV

After about two hours of filling out paperwork Steve and Tony were finally able to take Peter home. They had some fun along the way. Steve got to laugh as Tony TRIED to put Peter in his car seat, Tony had his fun by making Steve blush with dirty comment knowing that Peter didn't know of, and Peter was just enjoying the moment watching his new parents ramble about different things. Yes even at such a young age he thought it was a little funny having two daddies. But he loved it all the same because somewhere deep inside his little body he knew that these two will love him deeply. And for that he has already begun to love them. 

The drive home was a little longer than planned because of the afternoon New York traffic. Peter had fallen asleep and Tony was growing a bit annoyed. "Told you we should have taken the jet." Tony mumbles.

"Tony. We can't keep taking the jet because you want to avoid traffic." Steve stated quietly, so as to not wake Peter up. 

"Can too." Tony pouted, causing his lover to chuckle.

After about three hours they were finally home and was heading up to their home by elevator floor with a groggy Peter in Tony's arms. The super couple chuckling as they watched their new son try to stay awake. But his battle against slumber was moved to later when the elevator doors slid open and he was quickly surrounded by many new people.

"Is this him?!" asked a man with dirty bold hair and an arrow in his hand.

"He's so cute!!" stated a red haired woman.

"So this is the new span of the man of Iron and the American Captain?" questioned asked a blond haired male dressed like a Viking.

"Guys I think we are scaring the poor thing." pointed out a tall brown haired male, as he sees Peter shake a bit in fear.

"Back you animals!" shouted Tony as he playfully swats at them then turns to look at his new son. "It's okay Peter. Their just a bit excited."

"Where's wolverine? I thought he was coming too?" Asked Steve.

"He said he had to go pick up something and left in the X-man jet. Should be back soon." stated the dirty blond.

And as if on cue, there was the sound of an air jet landing on the landing pad next to the Aven Jet. Everyone walked out to see a man in dirty blue jeans, white shirt, black boots, brown leather jacket and a extreme need to shave. Came walking out. "Where did you go Logan?" Asked Tony.

"Needed to pick someone up. Babysitter couldn't handle him anymore." said Logan.

"Wait...... Babysitter?" asked the tall brunette.

"Yeah." Logan replied and turned to the entrance of the jet, catching Peter's attention. "HEY!!! COME OUT AND SAY HI KIDDO!!"

Peter watched silently as the other gasp when a boy about four years old came walking out with his hands in his red and black hoodie, tattered jeans, black sketchers, a black back pack sliding off his shoulders, and a bored look on his face with some of his saggy brown hair in his face. "YOU HAVE A KID?!" shouted the dirty blond.

"Yeah. I adopted him about a year ago after I found him starving on the streets after Wildebeest ran off with me hot on his tail." explained Logan as he roughly rubbed the boy's head.

"Well my name is Tony Stark, and this is my team the Avengers. Natasha, Steve, Thor, Clint, and Bruce." Tony introduced everyone as Steve took Peter so his lover could speak.

"What about the pipsqueak?" the boy pointed to Peter.

"Well, this is mine and Tony's son. His name is Peter." Steve spoke. The boy walked up to Steve and snatched Peter from his arms, then walked into the living room in the building.

Steve stood there stupefied and Tony was about to stomp angrily after the son thief when Logan stopped him. "Chill Tony. He's not gonna hurt the kid." Logan said.

"How could you be so calm when he RIPPED MY SON FROM HIS FATHER'S ARMS?!?!" Tony flipped.

"Because he does random shit all the time and he is actually pretty good the younger kids." Logan shrugged.

As the two bickered, Steve watched as the boy put Peter on the couch then climbed up with him. Peter didn't kick up a fuss, all he did was watch the boy's every move as he shrugged off his pack only to dig around looking for something. Peter's face was fall of interest at what the older boy was looking for. When he did, he quickly hid it behind his back and randomly the pack behind him only for it to hit Tony in the back of the head. "THE FUCK?!" he shouted as Clint and Logan busted out laughing.

"Hey Peter." said the boy, "My name is Wade. Wade Wilson."

"Hewo Wade." Peter greeted giving Wade a  sweet smile.

Wade then pulls out what he was hiding and held it out to Peter. It was a stuffed Teddy bear with a blur ribbon tied around it's neck. "This is for you. The old man let me pick it out on our way over here." Wade said as Peter gently took the stuffed animal into his small arms and hugging to his chest. "Dank wu." he thanked. After that Wade grabbed the remote from the coffee table and changed it to Disney Channel as the movie "Nightmare Before Christmas" just began to play, then kicked off his shoes and positioned him and Peter until the small two year old was sitting in the older boy's lap and Wade rested his head on top of Peter's as they sat and watched. Unknowing of the small smile that formed on the good Captain's face.

"Well would you look at that." He mumbled.

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