My Twin Sister {On Hold}

By Anime_Rulz751

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I'm a 15 year old girl who has an amazingly beautiful sister who has and get's EVERYTHING! She has the body a... More

Chapter 1: Get a Room!

Chapter 2: Nothing will Make me as Pretty as You

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By Anime_Rulz751

Chapter 2:

Nothing will Make me as Pretty as You

The next morning was Sunday and I was pretty stoked after yesterday’s uproar with that weirdo who pinned me against a wall. But I must admit, that was the first time a boy’s ever held my arms, even if it was for a bad reason.

My sister was eating her breakfast slowly at the dining table. She looked drowsy like she didn’t get enough sleep.

“Hi, you awake yet?” I asked her smiling. I patted her shoulder and she glared at me.

“Nope... keep the noise down.” She murmured wistfully. The bags under her eyes were quiet big. She looked sort of zombie-ish. 

I finally realized why she felt like crap, “Oh that was the first ever time a boy’s walked out on you. Ever! Isn’t it?” I said sliding into the chair next to her. I poured my cereal of Coco Pops into a bowl and added some milk.

Irma looked at me with a sad expression. “Yes... I hope he still likes me...” She whispered with a shaky voice. How the hell could she say something like that? That boy pinned me up against the wall and threw her to the floor and she still has feelings for him? What’s going on in her head? Wait! Never mind! I don’t wanna know after all!

“What are you saying?” I gasped getting a metal spoon out of the draw. “He threw you onto the floor, pinned me up against the door and stomped out without a word, and you STILL like him?” I gave her the death stare and she did the same back to me.

“You don’t get it, Iruka! I really thought we had the chemistry! I really thought we were right for each other.” She said smacking her hands onto the table. She looked angry but I looked furious.

“That’s what you say about every boy! You just want it to be true!” I yelled shoving Coco Pops into my mouth. Irma stared at me. Her eyes filled with anger and hatred.

“You don’t know! You’ve never been in this situation!” She added trying to calm down. She placed her hands on her face and sobbed quietly.

“No, you’re right. I haven’t been in this situation before. I’ve never had a boyfriend and I’ll probably never will get one in my life. I’ll have no friends and die lonely. Keep complaining Irma cause I believe that you’re life’s gonna be shit and mines gonna be the dream of a lifetime!” I swallowed, picking up my bowl and spoon and taking it up to my bedroom to eat it in peace. I couldn’t bear to watch her grief over a boy and I watching thinking; this will never happen to me; I’m too ugly and have no friends. I will never be as popular as her and she, right now, is complaining about how her life sucks and it’s horrible! Think of me? She doesn’t think about my life though.

I sat at my desk and realized I forgot to shut my bedroom door. I couldn’t be bothered to get up and shut it cause I just basically woke up and my joints are still half asleep.

I munched and chewed my Coco Pops and thought about how thirsty I was. I Wanted a Diet Coke right then and there but as I said, I couldn’t be bothered to get up.

“Knock knock.” Whispered a familiar voice from outside my bedroom. Oh god, have mercy on my soul; I thought as Irma walked into my room with two Diet Coke’s.

“What do you want?” I asked not turning around to look at her. I was busy reading my emails from school. They sent me emails so I can catch up on work and they also send me study notes for upcoming tests. I noticed an email from Irma. I sighed and clicked on it. “Invisible Sandwich!” It said and a cat was pretending to hold one.

“Oh yeah! I sent you that not that long ago! Funny, huh?” She said laughing.

I turned to glare at her. “I don’t have any care for cats.” I said deleting the email.

“But everyone loves ‘LOL Cats’!” She gasped covering her mouth.

“Well not me.” I shook my head with disappointment. My sister signed me up with an email for homework only; not to look at random cats holding up invisible sandwiches.

I looked at my sisters email address; ‘’.

I shook my head. My sister wanted to make my email account; ‘’ but I turned the option down and called my email; ‘’ which I thought was the real ‘Me’.

“Here,” My sister said handing me a Diet Coke. “I thought you might want it, and I was thinking... for awhile now... well me and Mum have been thinking actually...”

“Yeah why are you taking it so long to spill it out of your mouth?” I said impatiently. What did she want to tell me? Why is she shuddering so?

“You know how I got laser eye surgery at a very young age?” She said fiddling with her thumbs. “Yeah, why?” I asked. My sister also had huge ugly glasses like me but she hated them. My mum then took us to get laser eye surgery but I chickened out and couldn’t do it. My sister now has perfect eyes and I still have to wear these ugly Harry Potter glasses. They were even thicker than Harry Potter’s I believe.

“Well me and Mum have decided that you can get laser eye surgery. You must be a lot braver than you were ages and ages ago... right?” She said placing her hand on my shoulder.

I opened my Diet Coke and took a huge sip. “That was ten years ago when we were five. Remember?” I asked her. She gave me a quizzical look.

“Whatever... I’m no good at maths... Anyway, Will you be okay if I take you up to the mall to get your eyes, well lasered on?” She asked smiling at me.

I gave her a puzzled look and blinked. “First of all, lasered is not a word. Second, I guess I can give it another try... But I don’t know...” I sighed and looked at my diary which was sitting on my desk right next to Irma. Oh god! I hope she doesn’t pick it up and read it! I wrote in it last night! About Michael and technically, she still likes him!

“That’s great then.” She smiled and placed her elbow on my Diary. “Hello, what’s this?” She said lifting it up. Its pink fuzzy cover with the words Diary on it were quiet obvious when it comes to discovery and what things are in this world. I could tell be my sisters face that she knew what it was.

“Yoink!” I cried ribbing it out of her grasp.

“Things you don’t want me to read are in there then?” She asked rubbing her chin weirdly.

“Things I don’t want anyone to read you mean!” I gasped standing up. “I shouldn’t leave it lying about like this!”

“What’s in it?” She asked with curiosity in her tone of voice. “Is it like a book? Like a story, all about your life?” She wanted to know badly.

“That would be a very boring story.” I said laughing. I smiled at her. My sister wasn’t a bad person, she was just annoying. But what I really want her to do now is leave me room.

“Hey you wanna leave now cause I have to get changed.” I said getting up and moving over toward my bed. I sat down and relaxed on it, my Dairy still firm in my grasp.

“Sure! Make sure you get dressed into something comfortable cause we’re leaving to go to the mall soon.” She said walking toward my door.

“What?! What are you talking about? We’re not going out today?” I reminded her. It was a Sunday. We did nothing on a Sunday’s except for relaxing.

“We’re going to get the laser eye surgery done today. I asked Mum. Right after you had your fit and marched up here I asked her and she said yes!” Irma then cheered and ran downstairs.

“IRMA!” I called and I ran to my door. “Come back here! I don’t want it done anymore!” I cried throwing my Diary onto my bed.

“Too late now!” She called back and ran through the house laughing. That little brat! I thought stomping toward my mirror in my room.

I looked at my ugly face. I slowly stook off my glasses and looked at the girl hiding underneath them. It was fairly blurry and I couldn’t see properly but I saw I had the face of my beautiful sister. I had the eyes and the nose. We were identical except for our hair colour. I looked like my sister. I didn’t have the chest nor the height to be her but I had the face. I felt happy actually. I liked how I was pretty without glasses, but with them on, I looked hideous.

“Maybe I can get this laser eye surgery done. Maybe boys will notice me for once.” I said to myself and I heard footsteps outside my room. I glanced over to my door and saw my sisters’ eyes peering into my room. When she noticed I was looking she bolted down the hall.

“Damn it! She heard that!” I cried whacking myself in the face with my hand.


Once I got ready, brushed my hair and teeth and finished everything else; I was ready to go.

Me and Irma jumped into my step-Dad’s red Ferrari. It looked like it had never been used before. It was bright red and had not dirt on it. Not even a speck. I looked like a nerd in the back seat of some random’s car hoping that one day I’ll be able to afford something like this too.

Irma slowly pushed her black sunglasses up her nose and over her eyes. She glanced at me with a smile. “How ya doin’?” She asked in a male’s voice. I couldn’t help but laugh. That was another thing that my sister has that I don’t, a sense of humour. I’m never funny buy Irma can be a comedian if she wanted to.

“Nothin’ what ‘bout you?” I asked her pushing my glasses up my nose in a sexy manner.

Irma laughed happily. “Nothin’ as well pretty girl.” She replied pulling a slut face.

I gave her a look. “Give me a break.” I said leaning back in my chair as my step-Dad started the car and we began to move.

“Don’t you mean ‘Gimme a break’?” She asked laughing along with the jokes we were pulling.

I looked at her again, “Enough with the games, I’m not pretty and you know it.” I said.

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