STUCK WITH HIM, jake fit...

By hexgirIs

232K 10.3K 4K

o. STUCK WITH HIM. ❛ guess who's stuck with ol' jakey? it's you! ❜ ❛ oh god please no lord... More

[00] introduction
[01] kik
[02] kik
[03] kik
[04] instagram
[05] instagram dm
[06] kik
[07] instagram
[08] instagram dm
[09] kik
[10] instagram dm
[11] twitter
[12] twitter
[13] twitter dms
[14] kik
[15] instagram
[16] kik
[17] kik
[18] twitter
[19] instagram
[20] instagram
[21] instagram
[22] kik
[23] facetime
[24] kik
[25] kik
[26] kik
[28] kik
[29] instagram
[30] kik
[31] reality
[32] instagram
[33] instagram
[34] reality
[35] instagram
[36] kik
[37] instagram
[38] kik + instagram
[39] reality
[40] instagram
[41] kik + facetime
[42] instagram
[43] kik
[44] instagram
[45] instagram dm
[46] kik
[47] instagram dm + kik
[48] instagram
[49] kik
[50] kik
[51] kik
[52] kik
[53] instagram
[54] kik
[55] kik
[56] instagram
[57] kik
[58] instagram
[59] kik
[60] phone call
[61] instagram + kik
[62] reality
[63] kik
[64] reality
[65] epilogue
[66] note
[67] voting
[68] the final chapter

[27] reality or dream? who knows? not u!

3.5K 167 141
By hexgirIs

"Why the hell are you calling me so early?" Ryan whined into his phone with a frown. He laid in the starfish position on his bed. "It's like three in the morning," he said as his bedroom door opened and a boy walked in before laying on the bed next to Ryan, looking at him. Ryan smiled at him. "So, you gonna talk or just sit there in silence?" The boy next to Ryan raised an eyebrow at him. "Dude, come on, I'm in the mi—"

"I'm in Florida."

Ryan sat up, "Say what now?" Ryan's eyes were wide, "I'm not sure I heard you correctly. Mind repeating that?" Ryan heard a deep sigh on the other end of the phone.

"I'm. In. Florida."

"So I did hear correctly. Can I ask why?"

"I wanna see Rosie."

"Listen here, shit head, this better be a joke, because I don't think I'll be able to handle this if it's real," Ryan's voice was nothing, but serious as he stood up from the bed. "Are you being serious?"

"I'm being serious." There was another sigh. "I didn't plan to come down here, you know. It just happened." Ryan heard a laugh, "Florida's a lot nicer than Louisiana. I've always wanted to come down here. Never really thought I would."

"Where are you right now?"

"Sitting in front of her house."

"Creepy," Ryan muttered as he walked over to his window and moved the curtains. Sure enough, there was a truck sitting in front of Rosie's house. "Nice truck."


"I live next door to Rosie, dumbass. Look out the back of your truck and up."

"Oh shit, hey." Ryan heard another laugh, "Who's that behind you? You find you a man? If so, why didn't you tell the group chat. Slightly offended." Ryan rolled his eyes.

"We just met earlier," he chuckled. He turned to the boy, who stood behind him, "I'll be right back, babe." He turned around and jogged out of the room. "Meet me outside, dumbass." Ryan heard his phone ding and looked to see a text message from Rosie. He began laughing.


"Rosie texted me and said I needed to get my ass over to her house, because there's a random car outside. Don't get out yet. She might see you. At least we know she's awake right now." Ryan walked out of his house and immediately cursed, "Fucking hell. It's cold out here. Why couldn't you come at like three in the afternoon. This is bullshit. Fuck why didn't I put any pants on."

"You came out without pants out?"

"Wouldn't be the first time these people have seen my body."

"You do you and the Jake will do the Jake."

Ryan stopped in front of his truck and nodded at him. "Let me text Rosie real quick." He pulled his and Rosie's texts up and told her to come outside. She replied back telling him she wasn't coming out until the truck was gone and Ryan being Ryan replied back with 'bitch get ur small ass out before i drag u out by ur septum'. "She's coming," he spoke into the phone as he continued to look at Rosie's house.

"Why are we still on the phone when we're literally five feet away from each other?"

"I dont," Ryan paused as he whipped his head back to Jake, "noah. But we should hang up. She'll be out any second now." They hung up the phone and moments later, Rosalie's front door opened. She stuck her head out. "You gonna stand there with your head out of the door all night or are you gonna come down here?"

"I'm good here," she hollered. "There might be a murderer in that truck, so I'm stay here. You probably shouldnt stand so close either. They might kill you."

"It's not a killer, Rosie."

"It might be."

"I can one hundred percent assure you that it is not a killer. Come down here." Rosie let out a groan as she walked out of the door. "This bitch, oh my god," Ryan muttered as he mentally facepalmed himself. "Are you really bringing a bat? Even after I assured you it's not a killer?"

Rosie nodded her head. She was holding the bat up until she looked in the truck and saw no one. She dropped the bat down, "No one's in the truck. Did you really have me come outside to see that?"

"What?" Ryan stated confused as he spun around to see no one in the truck. "What the fuck," Ryan muttered right before he heard someone scream boo and then Rosie scream. When Ryan turned around, Rosie was swinging the bat. "Oh shit," he held a hand to his mouth as he watched the bat come in contact with Jake's stomach.

"Jake?" Rosie let out a confused screeched as he dropped to the ground. Her eyes widened, "I just fucking hit Jake with a bat. Oh shit," she dropped down to the ground. "Are you alright, Jake?"

Jake looked up, holding his stomach as he let out a forced laugh, "Oh, yeah. I'm great. I love being hit in the gut with a bat."

"I'm so sorry."

"From now on, I should probably stay about twenty feet away from you whenever you have a bat."

"Wait, what the fuck are you doing in Florida?"

"Well, I came to see you and I'm not gonna lie, but right now, I'm regretting coming so late at night."

"Probably should," Ryan stated, still standing awkwardly on the sidewalk. "If I'm not needed anymore or anything, I'm just gonna go back to my house with Oliver and ya know, tell the whole group chat about how Rosie just hit Jake with a bat and how Noah is no longer the useless cunt, because I didn't get a video of it."

Once Ryan was gone, Rosie looked back to Jake, "I really am sorry, but you know, maybe you shouldn't creepily sit outside of someone's house for twenty minutes straight before you decide to get out and you probably shouldn't sneak up on someone with a baseball bat."

"My bad," Jake spoke sarcastically as they both stood up. He let out a sigh, "That hurt like a bitch." He laughed as he looked at Rosie, who was sending him an apologetic look. "Nice shirt, by the way," He sent her a grin as he looked back down to her Oscar the grouch shirt. Her face went red as she tried to cover herself, dropping her bat in the process.

"Shut up." Rosie raised an eyebrow at Jake, "What exactly are you doing here?" She bent down to grab the bat before walking back towards her house, Jake following behind her.

"You know, your ass looks great in those shorts."

Rosie stopped at the top of her porch steps, turning around to punch Jake, but stopped when realizing he was on the step below her. He smirked at her, "and your boobs look great in that shirt." She punched his chest before turning away and walking to her front door. Jake laughed from behind her before he grabbed her waist and turned her around. He pushed her against her front door, "You know, you're a lot prettier in person than you are in pictures." Rosie attempted to turn away to hide her blush from him, but he lightly gripped her chin and made her look up at him. He smiled down at the girl, still holding her chin. Rosie laughed, a smile forming on her face as she laid her head back on the door. "What's got you laughing, cutie?"

"You," She lifted her head to look at Jake, "because you're an idiot."

"Why am I an idiot?"

"Because you came to my house at like three in the morning. Who does that?" She laughed again. "You never told me why you're here." Jake couldn't stop himself from smiling non-stop. She was the cutest thing Jake had ever seen. "You gonna tell me or just stand there and look at me all night?"

"I like the second idea." She rolled her eyes as Jake moved his hand away from her chin to her cheek. He rubbed his thumb against her cheek. "I wanted to see you."

"You're here at three in the morning, because you wanted to see me?" Jake nodded and Rosie raised an eyebrow. "Hold on. Jake, you drove twelve hours and over 800 miles just because you wanted to see me?"

"That's exactly what I did."

"And you didn't even bring Brooke with you?"

"Broosie, bitches!" Jake and Rosie both looked next door to see Ryan with his head out the window. They both laughed.

"What are you doing, Ryan?"

"Totally not watching you and Jake finally get together." He hollered back, wiggling his eyebrows. "Oh shit, I gotta find my camera. I gotta get this on video." Ryan spoke, widening his eyes. "I'll be right back, don't continue until I get back."

"He's such an idiot." Jake moved his hand away from Rosie's cheek as he let out a chuckle. Rosie looked back up to Jake, who was already looking at her. He looked down at her with a look that Rosie wasn't able to identify, because no one had ever looked at her like that. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"'Cause your so damn cute." Once again, Rosie's cheeks turned red. "You look pretty damn adorable when you blush too." Rosie attempted to hide her blush, but as always Jake knew and he loved it. He loved to see her blush. Every time they facetimed he would make sure to compliment her on anything and everything, because he just loved to see her blush. He couldn't help it, she just looked so adorable when she blushed.

"Alright! Alright! I'm back! Let's get this Jasalie show on the road!" Ryan yelled as he ran across the yard to Rosie's porch. He ran up, stood on the opposite side of the porch, and held a camera up. "Now, let's go. I got the camera. We're videoing. Let's make Jasalie happen." Rosie rolled her eyes at Ryan. Ryan let out a gasp as he pointed to Jake, "You know what? Jake, just kiss Rosie. Don't even talk. The Jasalions don't need talk. We need kissing. So kiss Rosie."

"I can do that," Jake stated as he turned back to rosie, a grin on his face. Rosie shook her head and held her hand up to point a finger up at her.

"You're not kissing me."

"Oh, I'm gonna kiss you." Rosie attempted to back away, but wasn't able to considering she was still against the door. Jake laughed as he squeezed her hip with one hand and moved the other to Rosie's neck. "You ready? 'Cause I'm about to blow you away."

"You're not kissing me!"

"I'm sorry, what was that? I can't hear you. I should probably just kiss you and find out what it is."

"You did not just use my line against me! You can't do that and you are not goi—" Rosie was cut off as Jake pressed his lips against hers. Rosie was taken by surprise not expecting him to actually kiss her. Ryan was also taken by surprise as he let out an gasp and almost dropped the camera. He didn't think Jake would actually kiss her either. Another gasp left Ryan as he noticed Rosie actually begin to kiss Jake back.  That was certainly something he thought he'd only ever see in his dreams.

"Holy hell." Ryan muttered to himself as he made sure he got every second of the kiss on camera. "Jasalie is happening," Neither Jake or Rosalie paid any attention to Ryan's words as they kissed. Ryan's eyes widened as they deepened the kiss, "Hey, I said kiss her not fuck her on the porch." They pulled away and looked back to Ryan.

"Fine, we'll just take it to the bathroom."

"We are not fucking on a bathroom sink, oh my god." Rosie facepalmed as she lightly pushed Jake away. "Now, if you'll excuse me. I'm going to bed." She quickly walked into her house in order to hide the fact that she was not only blushing, but grinning like an idiot.

Jake turned to Ryan, "She fucking kissed me back." Ryan laughed, nodding his head at the boy, who looked like a kid on Christmas.

"I noticed."

"That means she can no longer deny she doesn't love the Jake. I told her she would be mine and I was right."

Ryan laughed, "You going to a hotel or staying here with Rosie?"

"I'd rather not get murdered by her parents, so I'll probably stay at a hotel."

"Her dads on a business trip, dude, you're good to go."

"What about her mom?"

"Ran off after she was born."


Rosie opened the front door, "Hey, idiot, you coming in or staying out here with Ryan all night?" Rosie raised an eybeorw as she leaned against the door and Jake grinned at the girl.

"Later, Ryan," he waved as he walked up to Rosie. She stayed in her spot against the door and Jake placed a hand on her waist, "You gonna let me in or stand there and look up at me all right?" He chuckled at Rosie. She moved away from the door, allowing Jake to enter the house. She waved by to Ryan, who wiggled his eyebrows at Rosie.

"Wear protection," he called out loudly after Rosie shut the door. She opened it back up, flipped Ryan off, then shut the door again. She turned around to Jake, who was standing there looking at Rosie in admiration. She smiled at him before pulling him into the living room. She plopped down onto the couch, laying down on it. Jake chuckled before he picked her legs up, sat down, and then placed her legs down.

"I'm tired," she muttered as she let out a yawn and looked at the ceiling. Jake rubbed her legs as he laid his head onto the back of the couch.

"Go to sleep then," he chuckled.

"Don't wanna," she stated. She sat up, a confused look on her face, "Was Ryan wearing pants when he was outside? Like both times he was out there?"


"Let's be glad everyone's asleep then. If they weren't, we'd have to go pick Ryan up out of jail for being a pervert. Wouldn't be the first time."


"Seriously. It'd be the fifth time, I believe."

"Why am I not surprised?" Jake chuckled as Rosie shrugged. She laid her head on the side of the couch and smiled at Jake, who returned the smile with no hesitation. She let out another yawn, closing her eyes for a moment before opening them and looking at Jake. "Go to sleep, Rosie," he spoke softly with a smile.

"You still gonna be here when I wake up?"

"I'm still gonna be here when you wake up."



Another yawn escaped her lips as she nodded her head. "Come on, I'll show you to the guest room. You can sleep there." She stood up and grabbed his hand. He intertwined their fingers and he followed her up the steps.

"I'd much rather sleep in your room."

Rosie stopped in front of a room and opened the door with her free hand, "I'm pretty sure if you sleep in my room, I won't be getting any sleep." Jake laughed.

"You know me so well, babe." Rosie giggled before letting go of Jake's hand and turning to head to her room. "Uh, where do you think you're going?" Jake questioned as he turned the girl around. "You're forgetting something."

"What am I forgetting?"

"My goodnight kiss, obviously."

was this real or was this a dream? tune in next week to find out!

i kinda wanna upload this and make everyone wait until tomorrow to find out if its a dream or not but knowing my ass ill probably put the next chapter up in like five hours smh

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