The Mirror

By vamperious

29 0 0


The Mirror

29 0 0
By vamperious

I walk lightly across the grass.

Across tiny specks of shattered glass.

Across the sea and sun.

Across the dead and the done.

The world around is quiet and still.

As mercy is slowly losing its fill.

My lips quiver and quake,

Because of my predestined fate.

A scragly old hag lies at my feet.

Her mouth hangs open with a cruel gape.

Flies fly in and out to and fro.

As effortlessly as Monroes Crow.

Blood is floating in the air.

In fact it even drifts through my left ear...

I now approach the glass in the wall.

Crying as my heart takes its call.

I gaze into the mirror and cringe.

Afraid to even open my eyes and see,

See what is the mirror.

To see if it is all that is cracked up to be...

But as soon as I opened my eyes I knew it to be a mistake.

For in the place of my eyes and face.

Was a figure twisted and curdled up in the floor.

And something else was blurried and blarred across my vision.

But I abodoned that thought to return to my previous preccision.

A girl.

About yay tall.

With a small little rubber ball.

Still wrapped tightly in her hands.

Even though wrinkes discouraged that controbane...

Her limbs were sliced and sweet.

Tender as could be.

And the only reason I knew this.

Was when I looked down.

I finally realized what was in my teeth...

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