Our Year (Completed)


1.7M 47.6K 2.5K

*Being Edited, will also upload edited chapter once they're all edited* I wrote the first part of the book wh... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thriteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty (FINALE CHAPTER)
Bonus Chapter (Thank you for 400K)
Never The One
New Book!
Frozen - Vampire Romance Book
Little Update!! 1.59 M Reads!

Chapter Six

42.3K 1.1K 98

As I walked home I noticed the trees started changing into beautiful fall colours. Leaves started falling. Fall was my favourite, it was end of October now. Three months in school already. I hated being in school. I had no friends. Only one.

I never took the bus home because I hated everyone on the bus. They weren't nice to me. But that's okay. I'd rather walk home. It only took about twenty to twenty five minutes. I turned and walked down my street until I hit my house. It was a cute little two story blue house. It was old but didn't look old. I walked up the stairs and pulled out my key and unlocked the door. I walked in and heard my father yelling. I let out a sigh and put my bag down.

I walked into the kitchen and he was yelling at someone on the phone. "Listen up, Kevin! No fuck you! Shut the fuck up and listen! You know what? Fine! Fuck you too, Kevin!" He hit end angrily.

"Hi, dad." I said. I didn't want him to get pissed at me so that's all I said.

"Serena. How was school?" He sat down and looked at me. My dad didn't know anything about my school life. He didn't know I walked home. He didn't know I was some what smart. He probably didn't care.

"It was okay. Are you hungry?" I did a lot of cooking. I had to. I mean my dad was my dad and he worried about other things.

"No. I have to leave soon. You eat." He got up and left the kitchen. I didn't want to cook, I didn't want to live here anymore. I didn't want him to be mad at me. I knew he secretly hated me. It was all my fault. He lost my mother because of me. I don't blame her for leaving or dad for hating me.

I grabbed a box of cereal and sat at the table and ate it from the box. I heard my father's loud footsteps coming down the stairs. "See you tomorrow, Serena. Do your homework and get to be early." He said before leaving.

"I love you, Daddy." I whispered and a tear fell down my face. I got up and locked the doors. I went to my room and locked my door. I sat on my bed and looked around my room. It was a pretty purple color. It was small but it was my room since birth. It was my safe place. My drawings were around my room.

I got up and opened my closet and grabbed a pair of sweat pants and a sweater and put them on. I grabbed my stash of paper hidden in my closet. I sat on my bed and started drawing.

At about nine I put my drawings in my little binder and hid them. I turned out the light and fell asleep.

Six is when it all started. Six is when I hears them. Six is when my life turned to even more crap. Six is when I finally lost everything.

I got up to knocking downstairs. I ran down the stairs and opened the door. A tall man and a woman stood there. One in a suit the other in dress pants, blouse and dress jacket. Detectives.

"Are you Serena? I'm detective Joel and this is my partner Lana." The tall man told me.

"Yeah, I'm Serena." I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and looked at them.

"Your father was murdered," Lana tod me. "We're doing everything we can to find the person who murdered him."

Tears fell down my face. "Murdered?!" I screamed. I had no one. I had no mother...No father...No family...I was alone...

"Please calm down, we will find them and make sure he are locked up for along time."

"I-I need to go to school. I have to get ready." I told them.

"Someone with me here waiting for you after school to take you to your foster home for the night."

"Okay." Once they left I ran to my room and packed my clothes and put my binder of drawings in my bag. I grabbed all my school stuff and put it in my bag. I went around the house and grabbed everything I could sell easy and all the money that was in the house and the money in my dad's safe. I took it and ran.

I got on a bus, I didn't even know to where. I just left. I sold what I could and found the cheapest apartment I could. $350 a month. It was extremely small and didn't have a bedroom. That's where I lived until I graduated from high school. Than I found a super cheap one bedroom apartment.

I woke up in a sweat. That was a horrible dream. Horrible reliving the last. I grabbed a hair tie and put my hair up and got out of bed. I went downstairs to the kitchen. I hope Jason wouldn't wake up and come downstairs considering what I happened to be wearing.

(Serena's nightwear)

I grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and sighed. I jumped when I someone turned on the kitchen light. I turned and saw Jason. "God. You scared me." I breathed. "Sorry if I woke you up."

"Did you have a bad dream?" Jason asked half asleep. He was wearing black boxers that fit him perfect. He had no shirt on which exposed his amazing body, amazing abs.

I nodded. "I'm fine though." I opened the water bottle and drank from it. "I'm going back to bed." I started walking out of the kitchen when Jason grabbed my arm gently. "Let go."

"You want to talk about the dream?"

"Just stop. You're paying me to be your wife. You don't need to even worry about me. So just stop." I snapped. I ripped my arm put of his grasp and went upstairs back to my room. I flopped on the bed and put my water on the nightstand.

I laid there until I fell asleep.


Monday. I let out a sigh as I saw that on my phone screen. I got up and went downstairs. I went downstairs, thinking Jason wouldn't be home, but he was. And I was still in what I wore last night.

"Don't you have to be at work?" I looked at him and asked. I didn't want to see him. I didn't want to look at him. I didn't want to talk to him.

"Took the day off. Thought I would help wedding plan with you." He set two plates on the table with food on them and sat down. "Sit."

I rolled my eyes. He didn't own me, actually he kind of did. For a year. I sat down and look at the crepes that were on my plate. I had strawberries in them and had whipped cream and chocolate drizzled over it, with fruit on the side. "Did you make this?"

Jason nodded. "You need to eat. You're way to thin. Eat. Now."

God. Why did he have to be so bossy? I started eating. Once I was finished i put my dishes in the dish washer. Jason got up and did the same and turned it on.

"Why are you helping with planning the wedding?" I asked bluntly.

"Well I'm supposed to be in love with you and for this to work I need to help with the wedding. Make public appearances with my wife to be." Jason told me as he put stuff away that he used to make breakfast. "To make the public believe we're in love I have to do that kind of stuff."

"While you fuck other women."

"Serena, what the fuck did I tell you?" He came up to me and pushed my body against the counter. He put both hands on the counter, on each side of me, to block me from leaving. "What I do is none of your business. You're being paid to be my fucking wife. I am aloud to do whatever the fuck I want. You know why?"

I rolled my eyes. "Because you're paying me to be your wife." I said in a mocking voice.

"That's right. So stop. I do as I please." He told me once more.

"What if you get one of those sluts pregnant?"

"Oh I won't. I don't want kids. Not from them, not from you, and not from anyone."

God. I knew no one wanted kids from me. It hurt to hear it though. "I know that," My voice was small and weak. "Please let go of me." I pushed his arm out of the way and went upstairs. I shut my door and laid down. A couple tears fell down my face. Why did people have to be like that to me? I mean I already knew no one wanted me or wanted kids with me.

I pulled the blankets over my head and tried to go to sleep, and I did.

Knocking came from the other side of my door at about twelve. "What?" I groaned.

Jason opened the door and leaned against the door way. "Are you ready?"

"No. I was fucking sleeping." I got up and slammed the door in his face. Fuck him. He didn't even care that he hurt me. I went over to my closet and stepped inside and looked around the large closet. I found a cute blue lace dress that would go a bit above my knee and also had a thin light brown belt.

I put on a black strapless bra on than a black thong, and than slipped the dress on. I grabbed a pair of blue Jimmy Choo high heels and slipped them on. I put my hair in a messy bun and let stands hang down. I only put on eyeliner, mascara, and a light pink lipstick.

I opened my bedroom door to see Jason still standing there. "Don't-"

"Yeah yeah." I cut him off. "Can we just hurry up?"

Jason took me out to the car and we got it the back. He put up the window to separate us from the driver. I felt Jason's hand on my leg. He pulled me to him and one of my legs were over both of his. He had a hand on my waist. "What are you doing?"

Jason started kissing me. I put my arms around his neck and my hands in his hair and started kissing him back. We made up, I ended up on his lap, his hands on my ass. Than I heard flashing noises. I looked over to the opened fucking window and seen paparazzi. This was all for the fucking papers. "You fucking asswhole. This was all for show." I whispered in Jason's ear and got off his lap.

The driver opened the door and I got out than Jason. Jason took my hand, as much as I didn't want to hold his hand, I did. I smiled like I was happy. Jason took me inside. I didn't even know where we were.

Jason took me up to the front desk. It was actually really nice in here. No surprise though. Jason is fucking loaded and wouldn't really go to anywhere that wasn't expensive.

"Jason!" The girl at the desk greeted him. "Rita should be out in a minute."

"Thank you, Lia." Jason smiled and sat down with me.

"Who's Rita?" I wondered.

"Our wedding planner. She is one of the best. When we were together I seen her planning weddings. They turned out amazing." Did he just say when they were together?!

"When you were together?"

"Rita is my ex girlfriend but she is an amazing wedding planner." He tried to convince me.

"Jason, I really really don't want your ex to plan our wedding. I get she's good and all but I'm nothing compared to your exes and the media will notice that. I don't want rumors spread that you're cheating on me. I mean I don't want to ruin anything for you." I whispered the last part.

Jason looked at me. "You're actually right. People would think it's weird. I know another wedding planner."

I crossed my arms. "Another ex?"

"No, Serena." He got up and took my hand. He told the front desk girl to cancel our appointment.

Jason took me to another place. I had a better feel of this place. The woman at the front desk eyes widen. "You're Jason Manning! And you're his bride to me Serena! Oh god. I'm so sorry."

I laughed. "It's alright."

"Is Cathy in?" Jason asked.

"Yes." The girl pressed a button. "Cathy, Jason Manning and his bride to be is here to see you."

"Send them in," I heard a voice say.

"After opening that door turn right and go down that hall. Cathy's office is the only door on the right and if you turn left after the first door there's the bathrooms." She told us.

Jason thanked her and lead me to Cathy's office. We walked in and Cathy was smiling and happy to see us.

"Serena, this is Cathy. She's a family friend. Cathy, this is Serena."

"I know who she is. I've seen you and her all over the place." Cathy told us as she sat down. We sat in the two chairs in front of her desk.

"Cathy, do you have time to help us with our wedding?"

"Of course, Jason! So do you guys have a theme or a color theme?" Cathy asked.


~So you guys got to see a bit of Serena's past. And Jason was being sorta caring than back to be a sexy asswhole. Serena's past isn't over either. And like Jason brought Serena is see his ex?! Like what?!

Two questions! Please answer!

1. Do you guys want Jason POV?

2. Do you think Rita is gonna be in more of the book? And is she gonna cause some problems?

Comment your answer.

I want you guys to know I love writing this book. I do. And it would be so helpful if you guys commented and voted. It helps me a lot to know if you enjoy the book or not.

Thank you so much for reading! COMMENT, VOTE, and SHARE!

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