Artificial Intelligence (Cami...

By almightyshipper

1.6K 70 17

The robotic girl Lauren Jauregui is adopted by Alejandro and Sinu Cabello to help them start getting throug... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3

Chapter 2

419 23 5
By almightyshipper

Y/n Pov

I walked out of class in a hurry. Lauren was ahead of me and I didn't want to lose her. I looked around the hallway confused as to where she could have gone.

"So are you single?" I heard Brad the school douche chatting it up with some girl.

"Um yeah." I hear a her voice and I sigh in relief but also distress because getting her away from Brad wouldn't be an easy task.

"So you think maybe sometime we cou-" Brad started but I quickly interrupted.

"There you are." I say as I put my hand on the locker behind Lauren. I turn to Brad "Simpson" I say bluntly.

"L/n." He says back "She your friend?" He asked looking at Lauren up and down.

"Yes she is." I respond simply.

"Well I'm a bit shy and I was wondering if you could ask your friend Lauren out for me." He said.

I rolled my eyes but Lauren blushed a bit. "Sure. Hey Lauren want to go out with a douche bag?" Lauren gave me a confused look. "Look like its a no, better luck next time Simpson." I grabbed Lauren's hand and pulled her away to the cafeteria.

"What was that about?" Lauren asked.

I scoffed "You don't want to go out with that guy."

I bought some food for the both of us quickly and made my way over to a table. "Incorrect, you don't want me to go out with that guy." Lauren said. I pushed the tray of food towards her trying to cut this conversation off. She raised her eyebrow. "Why don't you want me to?" She asked.

"He's a horrible guy Lauren." I told her.

She shrugged her shoulders "I thought he was charming." She said and mentally I gaged.

"Sup dawg." Dinah said as she and Shawn sat down with us.

"I know you." Lauren said and I looked at Dinah but she just shrugged her shoulders. "Are you a mecha!" Lauren said a bit loud.

Dinah laughed "You saw my mecha version!" She said. "My dad made it as a display for his work. But how did you see that?" She asked.

"Lauren's into that stuff but anyways you cannot believe who Lauren thinks is charming." I said to her.

Dinah clapped "Finally someone to talk about boys with." She said excitedly.

"You had Camila before, wouldn't you guys talk about them at your sleep overs?" I asked.

"Are you kidding! Camila didn't like anyone before high school. Then the first crush she has becomes her boyfriend for years." She said and pointed at me. "I was so ready for Camila to start talking about guys and you took that away from me!" She said playful scolding me. "Anyways who's the guy!"

"Brad Simpson." Lauren said with a smile. Shawn choked on his sandwich a little and Dinah gaged. "What's wrong with him?" Lauren asked once again confused.

"He's the worst of the worst." Shawn said.

"And whose the best?" Lauren asked.

"Taken by sleeping beauty." Shawn pointed to me.

"What makes him the best?" Lauren asked.

"Two things, one, his face and body. I mean Y/n is fine as hell. Two, he's got an amazing personality, athletic, smart, funny...he's the whole package and he's got a big package." Dinah says and my eyes widen.

"You wouldn't know." I say

"Oh but I do." She says "remember that one party you got really drunk." I nodded. "Camila and I were trying to help you get into bed and you whipped it out." She says laughing.

"Not funny!" You guys said nothing happened when I woke up in just my underwear!" I whined.

"Camila didn't want me to tell you. It was no surprise to her but to" She said and I slightly shoved her shoulder.


I dropped Lauren off home and drove over to the hospital. "I'm here to see Karla Camila Cabello." I say and the usual man at the front desk looks up.

"Son you've got to stop coming." He says he wasn't my father I guess son was just something he called people when they're younger than him.

I shook my head "I can't she's my everything, I'm going to be right here by her side when she wakes up." I said.

"If she wakes up." I shook my head trying to shake his words off as I signed in. "You just turned 18 you should be out and about. Exploring the world around you, not in here most of your days." He said

"It's no fun exploring the world if you have no one to do it with." I said and walked away.

I walked into Camila's room and there she was in the same place she has been for 9 months.

I pulled a chair next to her hospital bed and sat down. "Hey baby... Your mom and dad, they bought a mecha. She's not bad at all. Her names Lauren and she seems to be really nice so far. They just needed some comfort..." I was hoping she would do something. "Anyways Brad tried hitting on her. Remember when the douche tried to hit on you and I gave him a nice fist in the face." I chuckled and then sighed. "Anyways lets get on with our book shall we. We're almost done." I said and smiled taking the book out of my backpack.


After finishing the book I walked out of the hospital. I was starting to loose hope. Her favorite book didn't do anything. I didn't know what else I could have done. "Hey." I look up to see Lauren standing by my car.

"Hey what are you doing here?" I asked. Seeing her was a pleasant surprise.

"Sinu said you always come down here and I had nothing to do so I thought why not come to see you." She said smiling.

"Well since your here what should we do?" I asked as I opened the passenger door for her. She hopped in and I ran to the drivers seat dropping my bag in the back.

"I've never been to the beach." She said.

"To the beach?" I asked and she nodded.


Lauren and I just sat in the sand quietly watching the ocean. Lauren suddenly got up and started to take off her clothes. "What are you doing?" I asked.

"Let's go in." Lauren said now only in her underwear.

"Lauren one problem, you're a robot." I said.

"Y/n all of the robots from A.I are made to look and act like humans, outside and inside." She said and I laughed.

I got up and took off my shirt and pants laying them by Lauren's clothes. Lauren ran in the water and I followed behind her. "It's freezing!" I said putting my hands on my arms.

"Stop being a baby!" Lauren laughed and splashed me.

"Oh you're gonna pay for that!" I said no longer caring about how cold the water was. I ran up to Lauren and took her deep into the water.

"Y/n! Put me down!" Lauren laughed.

"Are you sure?" I asked and she nodded. I dropped her and she fell into the water.

She came back up and lightly punched me on the arm. "You knew what I meant." She said.

After about an hour of playing in the water I was starting to get tired. "Race you back to our stuff!" I said and ran ahead.

"That's no fair you had a head start!" Lauren screamed towards me.

I turned around to face her and started to run backwards. I smirked watching her try to catch up. She wasn't that far if I kept my pace she wouldn't catch up to me but me being my clumsy self I tripped. I fell, my back hitting the sand and a second later Lauren fell on top of me. I groaned and closed my eyes but also laughed at myself. "I am so sorry!" Lauren said.

"No it's fine, I'm okay." I assured her. I lifted my head and opened my eyes to Lauren's green ones looking right back at me.

Lauren's hard breathing from running finally steadied and I could feel her heart beating against my chest.

I stared at her for a while admiring her features until she snapped me back to reality. "Um sorry." Is all she said before she got off of me.

I stood up and was face to face with her again. "No it's totally fine." I said.

There was a moment of awkward silence and staring at each other. "We should get home." Lauren said and went over to her clothes. I followed behind her and put on my clothes.


I parked outside of the Cabello residence and looked towards Lauren. "Here you are." I said.

She smiled "Thanks for taking me to the beach for the very first time Y/n." She said and kissed my cheek.

"Uh yeah no problem Laur." I said the nickname just slipping from my mouth. She smiled again and walked out the car into the house.


The next day was the same morning routine. I picked Lauren up from her house and we drove to school.

"He's not cute!" Lauren squealed and laughed as Dinah pointed out Cody Simpson. I was currently somewhat eavesdropping on their boy conversation in the middle of history class.

"You don't think so?" Dinah said as she stared at him. "He's talented though and he's a nice guy." Dinah commented.

"Doesn't mean he's cute." Lauren said and shook her head. As soon as I was getting bore and was going to stop Lauren said something interesting. "Plus stop trying to hook me up with a guy I already told you who I was interested in." I raised my eyebrows and listened closely.

"Yeah but he's such a douche." Dinah said and I furrowed my eyebrows because I knew who she was talking about. I can't believe she likes Brad Simpson.

"He's sweet to me and he's the one guy I actually like." Lauren said. How would she even know if she liked him she's only programmed to love Sinu.  "He asked me out during lunch and I said yes." Lauren said. My eyes widened. No way in hell am I letting Lauren go out with him.

"God Lauren don't get yourself hurt." Dinah said and Lauren put her hand on top of Dinah's.

"I promise I won't. I'll be fine." She said but I wasn't letting her off the hook with that.


After school I learned that Lauren and Brad were going to the restaurant that I work at. I thank God for that miracle.

"Just let me work a few hours." I said to my boss.

"It's your day off!" He said confused as to why I want to work.

"I'll do it for free!" I pleaded "As long as I get to go in and out when I want." I say.

"Fine whatever I guess we can have some extra help." He said and I had a little celebration before I hung up.


I have been at work for two hours and they haven't even shown up yet. I started to get worried thinking he might have changed his mind and taken her to another place.

"Y/n? Are you okay?" I heard Becky say. She was a co-worker that I've worked with for almost a year.

I look away from the door down to her. "Yeah I'm good just a lot of thinking going on." I said pointing to my head.

She laughed "Well I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime? Maybe watch a movie?" She asked.

"I'm sorry Becky but I'm not ready to move on just yet, I don't think I'm even trying to move on I'm just waiting for Camila and aren't you dating Austin Mahone?" I asked.

"No not anymore." She shook her head looking down to the floor.

"Hey it's okay, you were too good for him anyways." I said.

"Thanks Y/n." She said picking up her head.

"Becky we need you at table three!" A co-worker says. I look towards table three to see Lauren and Brad.

"I'll take it!" I say frantically to Becky.  I took two menus and went over to the table. "Welcome to Carmine's my names Y/n I will be your server today." I looked at Lauren and acted surprised. "Oh hey there." I said.

"Y/n what are you doing here?" She asked and Brad glared at me.

"I work here." I said simply "I'll give you a few minutes." I said and walked back to Becky.

"That guy looks like he wants to kill you." Becky said nodding towards Brad.

"He probably does." I said as I watched them. Brad reached over the table to hold Lauren's hand and I cringed. "Can you help me?" I asked turning towards Becky.

"Depends on what it is." Becky said biting her bottom lip.

"I need to sabotage their date." I said and Becky looked at me confused. "He's a big asshole." I explained.

Becky thought for a while. "Sure why not." She said shrugging. "Assholes need to be taken down a few pegs and put into their place."

I gave her a high five before walking back over to the table. "Can I get you any drinks?" I asked.

"Two waters will be fine." Brad said quickly waving me off. I rolled my eyes and went to get their waters.

I was about to deliver them until Becky stopped me. "Let me do it." Becky said taking the drinks from my hands.

I watched from a far waiting for Becky to do something. She put the waters down and it seemed like she was flirting with Brad. I stifled a laugh as Lauren glared at Becky and Brad gave Becky a confused look. She then put Brads water at the edge of the table. She left and as he went to grab his cup it spilled all over him. Lauren ran over and gave him napkins but he told her it was fine.

After a minute or so I went to go get there orders. I had the perfect plan to ruin this. It was inspired by Becky's water spill. I was going to walk up to Brad and "accidentally" spill his pasta. Yeah it may have a negative impact on my job if anyone finds out it wasn't an accident but hopefully nobody does.

I rushed towards the table but another waiter was rushing across the room with drinks and the whole thing spilled on Brad, water, alcohol and food. My mouth was agape and no words were forming. I didn't mean to cause this big of a mess.

"Alright what the fuck! You did that on purpose!" Brad said standing up.

"I swear I didn't. Even if I were to plan something against you it wouldn't be this big." I said pointing at all the food.

"Whatever fuck this place." He said going to his car and driving off leaving Lauren alone.

"Take it out of my next check. I'm gonna take her home." I told the waiter who bumped into me and he nodded. I looked towards Lauren and she still looked pretty shocked at what had just happened. "Come on I'm going to take you home." I said grabbing her arm.

I opened the car door for her and she hopped in. I went to my side of the car a started to drive. "What just happened?" Lauren said. I laughed until it felt like I couldn't breath. "That's not funny Y/n." She said.

"Yes it is." I said and my laughter died down. "Plus I saved you from the worst mistake of your life." I said.

Lauren snapped her head towards me and glared. "You did this?" She asked.

"Well yes and no. The whole waitress thing with Becky was me with the help of her. I wanted to spill some pasta on Brad to piss him off but boy I did not think it would be that much." I said and laughed again.

"I still don't see why this is funny." Lauren said.

"Lauren you'll thank me later when you realize what a douche Brad is." I said.

"No I won't!" She said angrily. "You ruined any chance I had with him!" She said. "And he's not a douche. Just don't talk to me right now." She said.

I let Lauren have her space and kept looking ahead at the road.


"We're here." I said and smiled at Lauren. The whole car ride was nothing but silence.

"Great now I can get away from you." She said opening the car door and leaving.

I followed after her and locked my car. "Lauren wait!" I said I stepped in front of her stopping her from walking. "What's the matter?" I asked confused as to why she was so mad. It was just a date. Plus I saved her from a broken heart.

"You still don't get it do you?" I looked at her even more confused. "Y/n that was my first date and it was totally ruined by you!" She said.

I finally realized what I had done. This was Lauren's first time having feelings for a guy and the minute he showed her some attention I ruined it. But then again the guy who showed her attention was Brad. He would show any girl attention as long as she was pretty. "Lauren I'm sorry. But he's a bad guy and I just didn't want you to get played." I said.

"How do you know he's so bad? He told me he's only been with one girl. That he's only been on three dates ever." She said her voice laced with anger.

I thought about it for a second. Yeah Brad would always flirt with girls but I've never really seen him on a date or really making out with any. "I just- it's complicated." I said shaking my head.

"Well if it's not Brad then what is it? Why would you got through all of this just to stop me from seeing a guy?" She asked and crossed her arms.

"Lauren it is about Brad! He flirts with every girl and he won't treat you like you deserve to be treated! I just didn't want to see you get your heart broken." I said.

"Well you should feel worse now because I am heart broken and you're the person who caused it." She said and walked passed me into her house.

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