Ruby Fire

By Silverleaf1

3.2K 332 1.1K

A certain darkness is needed to see the stars. Across the Cheris Sea, the evil kingdom of Zale grows more pow... More

Faction Allegiances
Chapter 1 - The Power Awakens
Chapter Two - Unexpected Allies
Chapter 3 - Perilous Cliffhangers!!! :D
Chapter 4 - Welcome to Lucaria
Chapter 5 - I Hate Security
Chapter 6 - The Beginning of My New Life in This New Place Full of New People
Chapter 7 - The Test
Chapter 8 - I Hate Darwinism
Chapter 9 - Daggers R Us
Chapter 10 - Fire and Darkness
Chapter 11 - Seven Star Formation
Chapter 12 - Death of a Murderer
Chapter 13 - Earth Meets Fire
Chapter 14 - Prince Jared's P.O.V
Chapter 15 - The Journey Begins
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

The Factions In Depth

107 10 3
By Silverleaf1

This is the official catalog of information in the book Ruby Fire. It will be periodically updated with new information that the readers may like to know. It's like a Pokedex or something like that...

The largest and richest faction, with close to 80 members and housing the current Master of the Elements, Sakurai Akira. Not very orderly, but has unorthodox tactics that enemies would not expect. Male dominated. *More information enclosed later*

Training: 2 years

Tortoise Formation (Warriors)

Shields locked in front, shields held above heads in second and third ranks. Defensive.

Seven Star Formation

Extremely well known, almost unbreakable defensive-offensive formation. More information will be enclosed later.

Four Divine Suns

Summoning the divine power of the four Suns... enough said.

Fire Tornado
Phoenix of Flames

None Documented Yet

The faction of camaraderie and brother/sisterhood, they don't have many well thought out battle strategies and formations, but the versatility of the Earth makes up for their loss of strategy.
  The poorest faction, one that holds a deep grudge against the rich factions: Fire and Air. Strength is the greatest virtue in this faction, vastly male-dominated. A tight-knit faction with only around 45 members, the Earth Faction is still a great contender in Faction Wars due to one member... information enclosed later.

Training: 1 1/2 years.

Pithole Formation

A Ring around a pithole, where enemies are trapped... self explanatory.

Maze of Spires (Defensive Trapping Formation)

A maze of spires

Earthquake Advance

Uhm... an earthquake followed by soldiers killing everyone

Spire Rise (To summon spires




Rock Avalanche

Ivy of Regrowth

Oh, the Air Faction. My personal favorite. Extremely clever, master of battle tactics, most organized, with ranks and jobs and an institute where the prized members of the Air Faction are trained. Proudest and haughtiest faction, very secretive about their location and battle tactics. The best of the best that graduate from the Institute gain the title of Peerless Winged, and can move on to become powerful individuals in the society. If one is not a Peerless Winged, the highest rank they can gain is Commander.

However, with ranks and organization comes politics and corruption, but also comes power and friendship. For people who have read Percy Jackson, the Air Faction closely resembles the Roman Legion. Equal sexes.*More information enclosed later*

Ave maria, paksyon sa reytra!

Training: 3 years

King/Queen (Peerless Winged)

Prince/Princess (Peerless Winged)

 Praetors (Peerless Winged)

 Generals (Peerless Winged)


 Congress/Senate members



Soldier α 


Air striker 

Assassin Forces 



Intimidation Forces 


None enclosed

Blow the enemy away...

Mass Tornado Production

Nothing else enclosed

None enclosed

The most peaceful faction, yet deadly when angered. Very Chinese style culture and castle, tai chi is practiced often and there is a secret that the Water Faction harbors close to their hearts - a power that no other Faction has achieved. Often the faction that deals with trade and commerce, since they can send boats very quickly across the sea to Tranquilon, and sometimes Zale. Female-dominated.

Training: 2 1/2 years.

Water Illusions

 Mud Traps

 Ying Yang Formation 

Northern Moon Formation

*More information will be enclosed later*

Wall of water 


Ground of Ice 

Icicle Spears

 Frozen Arrows

 Mist (oh, yes. Very powerful.) No sarcasm intended.

*More enclosed later*

Water of Life

*More enclosed later*

There you have it, an indepth overview of the Factions. It will updated at the end of almost every chapter. Enjoy! ~Silverleaf1

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